Top 8 Apps Similar to Call and SMS Announcer

call announcer in any language 1.1
This Caller name announcer helps youtomakeyour phone speak out the caller's name in yourdesiredlanguageswith different voices.To Set Custom Caller announcer in your desired language -Clickonthe set language button - choose custom - type your desiredtext-click set button.Features :no need to look at the phone to know the callers nameIt announces contacts name for both calls and sms.Different voices to choose from.
Call And SMS Announcer 1.4
Call and SMS announcer is a app forandroiduserwhich helps the user to find out who is calling yournumberwithoutlooking at their phone. This caller name speakerconvertsyour smartphone into a speaking assistant which helps userto findout who iscalling by announcing names of callers. Call andSMSannouncer alsoannounces when someone send user a message.Itspeaks the sender’sinfo along with the message content.Call and SMS announcer app is very helpful invarioussituationswhere you can’t look at the screen, like drivingacar/bike or busyin household work. App will announceincomingcaller name and thesender of messageIt also reminds and notify user regarding their upcomingeventsandalert user about drained battery. User canpersonalizevolume,pitch and pace of call speaker accordingly.Why use Call and SMS announcer: It announces Caller's Name if exist in contacts. It speaks the caller name over your existing ringtone. Speaks out message content with Sender Name. User can easily filter contacts for announcing messages ortobeignored. Automatic disable call and SMS alert feature if Phone isinsilentmode. It stops speaking on shaking the phone ,if thisfeatureisenabled. User can set speed of announcing contact and SMS. User can set the Speech rate and pitch (quality) as well. Speaks out UPCOMING EVENTS with Title and Content. Announces Important BATTERY ALERTS which user can setforvariousbattery levels. Easy user interface. It is completely FREE to download.With this android app, user must have text-to-speechlibrary.Calland SMS Announcer uses the built-in text-to-speechengine ifyoudon’t have it (or have previous version), pleasedownload (orupdate)it from Google Play.
Caller Name Announcer 1.0
Liberio Apps
Caller Name Announcer speaks everythingwhilesome one is calling you or send you a message, youwillidentify itwith out looking to your smart phone.Caller Name Announcer even speaks when your battery is low.You can set minimum battery level from settings menu.Caller Name Announcer uses the built-in Androidtext-to-speechengineto speaks the incoming caller name or SMSsender name andcontents ofthe SMS.Speaks out the caller name clearly in between theringtonereducingits volume.Caller Name Announcer is highly applicable in a situation likeifyouare driving and the phone is in your pocket or some onesendsyou anSMS while your smart phone is in other room.Caller Name Speaker - Transform your android device intoapersonalassistant telling you who is calling.Caller Name Announcer will not work if your smart phone doesnothavetext-to-speech library but this is not a problem youcaneasilydownload it from Google play store.Caller Name Speaker is a Phone number or CallerNameTalkerapplication. Caller Name Speaker announces the name orthenumberof incoming call or SMS. Caller Name Speaker can alsoreadthecontent of SMS.Caller Name Announcer announces✍ Calling person name if exists in your contacts.✍ SMS sender name ( if exists in contacts ) and SMS contents.✍ If does not exist in contacts, call that unknown.Features:✔ Highly Customize your Caller Name Announcer.✔ Enable/disable speaking caller name.✔ Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name only.✔ Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name.✔ Set your Message before and after caller name manually.✔ Speaks message sender name.✔ Choosing delay time between announcements.✔ Turn off Announce while silent option is available.✔ Custom Volume Settings.✔ Caller Name Announcer is completely free download.✔ Notify on all incoming calls. By speaking caller name.✔ Battery Alarm : Notify you ondifferent-differentbatterylevels.✔ You can change volume, pitch and speech rate of audio.✔ Enable or Disable announcing caller name
Caller Name Announcer "profe" 1.1.4
The caller's name stated very true inapositionas if you are driving and the phone in your pocketoranyone whosends you a message when your phone is to be inanotherroomCaller Name Announcer speaks everything, and also uses thenameofthe caller Broadcaster engine built in Androidtext-to-speechtotalk to the caller or SMSFeatures:Customize your very own name calling advertisedEnable / Disable utter the caller's nameEnable / disable incoming sender name onlyAdvertisements change snoozeZbt size measurement ......Thank you
Voice Call Speaker 1.0
Voice Call Speaker is an entertainingappwhichtells you the caller number or Name(If caller numaberissaved ).You can easily know who is calling you. Voice CallSpeakeriscompletely FREE applicaton for you just download VoiceCallSpeakerand enjoy........
Caller Name Speaker 1.0
Want to find out who is calling youortextingyou without looking at your phone? Caller namespeakerspeakscaller name each time you get a call and speakstextmessage’ssender name, contents when someone sends you a SMS.Callernamespeaker just announces the caller name.
Caller Name Ringtone Free 1.1
Caller Name Ringtone will speak out acallername while incoming call which is a great tool to identifywho iscalling you without looking at your mobile screen.As its name Caller Name Ringtone, you can activate this app sothatit will automatically read out the incoming caller name whenyouget any incoming call from your contacts. If you get any callfromunknown numbers then it will say that you’re getting a callfromUnknown number.Caller Name Ringtone will also read out all incoming SMSuponreceiving.Caller Name Ringtone has great features like Caller nameannouncerand SMS reader because of these features user can decidewhether ornot attending incoming call or not.Caller Name Ringtone is easy to use and free to download.
Caller Name - Who is caller? 1.0
Caller name Announcer is talkingappwhichspeaks the name of the person who is calling / SMS oremailingyou.Everyone is busy schedule specially the businessman youcan’tcheckevery notification or receive every call.Call SMS Email name Announcer is helpful in the situationslikeifyou are driving and the cell phone is in your pocketetc.orsomeone sends you an SMS while you are away from your cellphoneoryou don’t want to check every call/SMS or email.Caller name announcer has some cool Features:____________________________________________* Call SMS Email name Announcer is Highly Customizable.* Speaks caller name* Speaks SMS sender name* Speaks Email sender name* Enable/disable Call, SMS, Email sender name* Customize calling tone for each sender* Call SMS Email Sender Name Announcer is free download.