Top 21 Apps Similar to Russia Hits!(Free)

С помощью приложения можно слушать онлайнэфирРадио Русский Хит, читать новости и общаться! Для вастолькорусская музыка - начиная с 90-х годов и заканчиваясегодняшнимиднями.Радиостанция начала вещание в Интернете 19 января 2012года.Ежемесячное количество онлайн слушателей составляет порядка 2000000 по всему миру, а одновременно эфир включают более 28 000.Этосамое популярное русское радио в Рунете! В основном станциюслушаютв таких городах как Москва, Санкт-Петербург,Екатеринбург,Краснодар, Новосибирск, Челябинск, Киев и Минск.Официальный сайт - www.ruhit.proWith the application,youcan listen to online radio broadcast Russian Heath, read newsandchat! For you only Russian music - from the 90s and endingwithtoday's day.The radio station began broadcasting on the Internet January19,2012. The monthly number of online students is about 2millionworldwide and simultaneously broadcast include more than 28000.This is the most popular Russian radio in RuNet! Basicallystationlistening in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg,Ekaterinburg,Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Kiev andMinsk.Official Site -
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Средикоторых:Roxette,Dan Balan,John Newman,Джон Ньюман,ЭллиГолдинг,EdSheeran,Imany,Smokie,theCranberries,Валиум,гуф,ДианаАрбенина,Дидюля,Король и Шут,Коррозияметалла,Мачете,ВалерийМеладзе,группа Любэ,МишаМаваши,Ноггано,Нюша,Пелагея,СережаМестный,Тимати,Чайф,ЮрийШатунов,Крематорий,ЕленаВаенга,Бутырка,Лепс,СергейТрофимов,ДДТ,Наутилус Помпилиус,Мумийтролль,Земфира,Дима Билан,МаксКорж,Иван Дорн,Noize MC,ОкеанЕльзи,Бьянка, ГруппаФабрика,Сплин,Сергей Жуков,АлександрРозенбаум,Стас Михайлов,МихаилКруг,Иван Кучин,ГригорийЛепс,Жека,БИ-2,Потап и Настя,НочныеСнайперы,ИгорьСаруханов,Фактор-2,Агата Кристи,АркадийСеверный,ИринаКруг,Кукрыниксы,Гарик Сукачев,Ундервуд,ЛяписТрубецкой,АлександрИванов,Петлюра,Сергей Наговицын,АлександрМаршал,ВиллиТокарев,АлександрНовиков,Мафик,Кравц,Триагрутрика,Anacondaz,барбарики,пикник,краснаяплесень,игорьтальков,князь,7б,louna,луна,хелависа,калиновмост,аквариум,пилот,александрпушной,секрет,борисгребенщиков,тараканы,юрий шевчук,ногусвело,гуф,ноггано,ассаи,CENTR,Триагрутрика,BahhTee,Зануда,Johnyboy,KREC,Смоки Мо,Чаян Фамали,Krec, Schokk,House,имногие-многие другие.Ienjoylistening to music?Wherever you are, the best music is always with you.Excellent sound quality, the ability to create your ownplaylistsfrom millions of songs, new music, music online, theability todownload music, as well as many other useful features -in AnnexTrava.ruWith us you can listen to music and download music to yourphonewithout excruciating long search: hits, exclusive premieresand newmusic right on the start screen of the application.For musical gourmets - early songs, reissue, remaster,little-knownartists and labels in more than 30 genresLike radio online?Music mixer mix a random playlist of any selected genres andeverymood, and you can listen to your radio online and alsodownloadmusic to your phone.FREE:- The ability to listen to music stored on your smartphoneortablet,- Extensive catalog of music in which the best songs- Create your playlists, synchronization of, creating playlists for individual genre or mood(onlineradio)- The ability to assess the quality of the sound tracks when in30secondsBy subscription:- The ability to listen to music in full,- The ability to download music (albums, tracks or playlists) onthedevice to listen to offline, anywhere at any timeTerms of subscription:- The monthly subscription fee is 199 rubles per month (firstmonthfree)- The cost of an annual subscription in 1990 rubles (2monthsfree)By default, the monthly subscription is renewedautomatically.Turn off auto-renewal may be in GooglePlay.For subscribers of MegaFon are additional benefits: freewebtraffic and the ability to set your favorite songs for theservice"Change Whistle" directly from the application.Our music catalog compiled the best music of differentgenres:Rock music, Russian rap, Metal, Pop, Rock, Punk Rock,Lounge,House, Dance Music, Russian rock, New age, Comedyperformers, WorldMusic, 80's hits, hits 2014You can listen to music and songs, as well as download musicpopularforeign (and Russian artists). Among them: Roxette, DanBalan, JohnNewman, John Newman, Ellie Goulding, Ed Sheeran, Imany,Smokie, theCranberries, Valium, Guf, Diana Arbenina, Didyulya,King and theClown, Corrosion, Machete, Meladze group Lube MishaMawashi,Noggano, Nyusha, Pelagia, Serge Local, Timati, CHajf YuriShatunov,Crematorium, Elena Vaenga, Butyrka, Leps, SergeyTrofimov, DDT,Nautilus Pompilius, Mummy Troll, Zemfira, DimaBilan, Max Crust,Ivan Dorn , Noize MC, Okean Elzy, Bianca, GroupFactory, Spleen,Sergey Zhukov, Alexander Rosenbaum, StasMikhailov, Mikhail Krug,Ivan Kuchin, Grigory Leps, Jeka, BI-2,Potap and Nastya, NightSnipers, Igor Saruhanov, quotient 2, AgathaChristie, ArkadySeverny, Irina Krug, Kukryniksy, Garik Sukachev,Underwood, LapisTroubetzkoy, Alexander Ivanov, Petliura, SergeyNagovitcin,Alexander Marshall, Willie Tokarev, Alexander Novikov,Mafik,Kravtsov, Triagrutrika, Anacondaz, Barbariki, picnic, redmold, Igortalc, Prince, 7b, louna, moon, Helavisa Kalina bridge,an aquarium,a pilot, alexander fur, secret, Boris Grebenshikov,cockroaches,Yuri Shevchuk, leg cramped, Guf Noggano ACCA, CENTR,Triagrutrika,Bahh Tee, I am a geek, Johnyboy, KREC, Smoky Mo,Chayan Fama, Krec,Schokk, House, and many others.
Russia Hits! 1.06
★Russia Hits! is an app that brings you the latest Russianmusiccharts information.★Full of videos from popular Russian music artists suchasGraducy, Yolka, Yulia Savicheva, Vika Daineko, Dima Bilan,SEREBRO,Potap and Nastya, Mitya Fomin, Vera Brezhneva, Nyusha,Vintazh,Valery Meladze, Verka Serduchka, Grigory Leps, Maksim,ZhannaFriske!★Watch, listen, and enjoy the latest Russian musicupdates,anywhere, anytime.※1★Charts are updated every day. Fresh out of the oven!※2●Features・Watch and listen to videos of favorite artists※3・Song and artist names displayed in Japanese, English, Spanish,andChinese (simplified and traditional)※4・Favorite videos saved to ""favorites""※5・Continuous play of videos in ranking and in favorites. Randomplayalso possible.・CDs and songs in charts can be purchased from AmazonandiTunes.・Share your favorites in SNS: Twitter, Facebook, etc.----※1.Requires 1.3G or WiFi network connection environment.※2.Some charts are updated once a week.※3.Some videos may not be playable, or they areincorrectvideos.※4.Some translations may not be accurate.●Benefits of Paid-Version:・Amount of Music Ranking: Free Version (10 to 20music) /PaidVersion (unlimited)・Amount of Continuous Play: Free version (3 videos) / PaidVersion(unlimited)・Amount of favorites: Free version (20 videos) / PaidVersion(unlimited)
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PlaYo - Free Music & Radio
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music.ivi - клипы и музыка 1.3.1 - это бесплатный доступ к музыкальному видео.Здесьсамые горячие новинки российских и зарубежныхартистов,еженедельный хит-парад, основанный на вашей любви, атакжеежедневно обновляемый раздел “Новинки”.Мы вкладываем всю душу в наш сервис, чтобы вы моглинаслаждатьсяклипами разных жанров: поп, клубная, рэп, R&B, рок,хард-рок,альтернатива, шансон, фолк, релакс, классика, джаз иблюз.Авторизуйтесь в приложении используя социальную сеть, иполучитевозможность создавать личные музыкальные каналы: выбирайтежанры иполучайте персональные плейлисты, либо добавляйтеклипывручную.Все видео приложения доступны абсолютно бесплатно. Кроме того,выможете оформить VIP подписку и получить доступ красширеннымвозможностям:- HD качество- Offline доступ- Создание неограниченного количества каналов- Свобода от рекламыСтоимость подписки 99 рублей в месяц.Приложение работает как через Wi-Fi, так и через3Gсоединение.music.ivi — смотри музыку!Группа ВКонтакте:* Все видеоклипы доступны с разрешенияправообладателей.Авторские права соблюдены. Сервис доступен толькона территорииРоссийской Федерации / All videos are legal andservice isavailable in Russia - a free access to music videos. Here thehottesttrends of Russian and foreign artists, weekly hits based onyourlove, as well as daily updated section "What's New".We put his heart and soul in our service, so you can enjoy videosofdifferent genres: Pop, Dance, Rap, R & B, rock, hardrock,alternative, chanson, folk, relaxation, classical, jazzandblues.Log in to the application using a social network, and gettheopportunity to create personal music channels: choose genresandget personalized playlists or add clips manually.All video applications are available free of charge. Inaddition,you can make a VIP membership and get access toadvancedfeatures:- HD quality- Offline access- Create an unlimited number of channels- Freedom from advertisingSubscription cost 99 rubles per month.The application works both through Wi-Fi, and - see the music!Group VKontakte:* All video clips are available with permission.Copyrightobserved. The service is available only on the territoryof theRussian Federation / All videos are legal and service isavailablein Russia only.
Yandex.Music 2021.12.5 #4468
• Listen to hours of free music everyday• Experience high-quality sound• Download your favourite tracks and listen to them offline• Sync your account with Yandex.Music web serviceThis app is currently available in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine,andBelarus.Over 20 million tracks: from rock and jazz to classical andhip-hop.Selections made just for you or themed playlists; TVsoundtracks,workout music, or tracks for your next party. Buildingon yourmusical tastes, the app will custom-pick dozens of tracksand allowyou to listen to them for free. Check out new releasesfrom yourfavourite artists, or discover new hits in the genres youlike most.Play your personal music catalogue without leaving theapp – thesongs on your phone automatically synchronise withYandex.Music andare available for free streaming in a separateplaylist if theyexist in the service’s library. Sing along to yourfavourite songs –you can read the lyrics right in the app!To like tracks and sync the application with the Yandex.Musicwebversion, log in using your account on Yandex, VKontakte,Facebook,or other social networks.To receive full access to the Yandex.Music library, enjoyad-freestreaming, download any song or full album in a higherbitrate andlisten to this music even when offline, subscribe for afullmembership.Enjoy the first month of your subscription for free if you areafirst-time user.
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Russia radio 2.4.1
Pro Languages
This Russia radio application provides you all popular Russiaradiostations. You can select your own favorites and createyourpersonal favorites list. You can easily switch from stationtostation. You can even use another app at the same time, yourradiowill keep on playing. Are you Russia and do you want to listentoyour radio? Are you a foreigner who uses the radio to learnthelanguage? Or are you keen on Russia music? Either way,thisapplication is made for you! Radio stations: - 2Capitales Radio-Best FM - Business FM 107.4 - DWG Radio Russian - Global FM -GoldFm - Mega FM - Moscow FM - Moskva FM - NN-Radio - New Russia104 FM- New Wave Radio - Power Хит Радио - Radio Cafe 90 FM -RadioChocolate - Radio GARDARICA - Radio Maria Russia - Radio - Russian Bards Songs - Superdiskoteka 90's-Авторитетное - Бизнес FM - Большое Радио - Вести FM -ГоворитМосква - Голос Мира - Город FM - Детское Радио - Динамит НН-Диполь–FM - Дорожное радио - Европа Плюс - Интер Радио - ИнтерраFM- Кекс FM - Колледж радио - Красная Армия - Макс FM - МирБелогорья- Мост радио - Моя Удмуртия - Наше Радио - Ника FM - РАДИОмСм -Радио 107 - Радио Romantika - Радио VBC - Радио ВЕРА - РадиоГолосАнгары - Радио Губерния - Радио Добрые Песни - Радио ЗВЕЗДА -РадиоЗенит - Радио Карнавал - Радио Континенталь - Радио ОК -РадиоПобеды - Радио Р29 - Радио Рандеву - Радио Рекорд - РадиоРостова -Радио СК - Радио Свобода - Радио Сибирь Улан-Удэ - РадиоСибирьЧита - Радио Трансмит - Радио Шансон - Радио Энерджи - РадиоЮнитон- Радиола - Рекорд Breaks - Рекорд Chillout Radio - РекордClubRadio - Рекорд Dancecore - Рекорд Dubstep - Рекорд Gop FM -РекордMedlyak FM - Рекорд Pirate Station - Рекорд Teodor -РекордTransmission - Рекорд VIP Mix - Ретро FM - Серебряный Дождь -ТихийДон - Эльдорадио
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A collection of popular children's songs
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TrackID™ - Music Recognition
The TrackID™ music recognition app isthebest way to identify the music around you – it can tellyouwhat song you are listening to within seconds. It's easytouse, has a clean new design and is available in morethan60 languages worldwide.With the TrackID™ song identifier app, you can dive deeper intothemusic that interests you by exploring artistbiographies,watching music videos, seeing who's atop the TrackID™Charts andmore.Get a sneak peek by listening to a free preview ofthatear-catching tune you've discovered. Plus, if you connectTrackID™to Spotify, you can listen in full to the songs youhaveidentified and add them directly to your Spotifyplaylist*.You can even download* the songs you've found,or watchtheir videos on YouTube.Do you live in an area where your Internet connection isspotty?With offline mode, TrackID™ captures the trackandidentifies it when you're back online. Never miss out on atrackagain because your network fails you in that crucialmoment!Get your friends in on the action too. Spark conversationsandreminisce about good times by sharing your identifiedtrackson Facebook or chatting about them with friends inWhatsApp.With TrackID™, it’s easy to share your music as yougo.Great music requires a great-looking app. Our new design bringstheexperience alive. With TrackID™, discovering music hasneverlooked so good.MAIN FEATURES- Find a song within seconds with the press of a button.- Your history is easily accessible on the start page.- Offline mode helps you capture tracks when you have nonetwork.Resume the search when your Internet connection isrestored.- Listen to a preview of the song so you can be sure it matcheswhatyou found.- Watch music videos on YouTube.- Listen to the song you recognized in Spotify or add it directlytoyour Spotify playlist* so you never lose it again.- Download the song* there and then.DISCOVER- It's on the tip of your tongue! Find out the track title andtheartist's name.- Jog your memory by viewing the album name and cover art.- Get the bigger picture with the genre of the track.- Settle debates by finding out the album’s record label andtheyear the album was released.- Learn more with pictures and an in-depth biography oftheartist.- Explore the other popular songs and albums related totheartist.- Put it into context by viewing the album playlist.EXPLORE AND SHARE- What have other people searched for? Discover the hottestglobalhits with TrackID™ Charts from all over the world.- Love the song you've found? Share it with your friendsonFacebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Google+ and more.- Log in with Facebook or Google and have your history backed upandaccessible from multiple devices.- Take advantage of two widgets for fast access from yourhomescreen.Top recent searches on the music identifying TrackID™ apprevealthat the trending and most popular artists of the momentincludeJess Glynne, Avicii, Lana Del Ray, and Lost FrequenciesFeat.Janieck Devy. Be sure to checkout to see more fromthesemusicians as well as other great artists today.Join our betagroup:*Subject to availability in your regionNote: This application uses analytics software to collectandaggregate statistics to help us improve this app and ourservices.None of this data can be used to identify you.