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可瑪現烘莊園咖啡 1.0.2
黃金鑑賞期Day6 to Day15不只是烘培咖啡,也是藝術。洋溢幸福感的咖啡烘培是komacoffee一貫追求的目標,不惜全部使用阿拉比卡頂級莊園豆,嚴選所有的生豆,注重產區和品種與種類的結合,整合「風味、酸性、醇度」,是每一種咖啡商品的基本理念,堅持使用當日烘培保持6~15日最佳黃金鑑賞期,以平價化連鎖店供應消費市場,讓顧客道koma喝咖啡不是為了流行,而是生活的一部分。100%kona農莊亞洲區代理koma把咖啡精緻化,生活化讓您遊走在咖啡香。Koma只最直接管道取得美國夏威夷國寶咖啡100%kona咖啡並引進Genesis全自動化咖啡機在每家分店現場烘培。咖啡可以說是最具藝術性、技巧性、變化性與爭議性,這些香氣的產生則完全來自咖啡本身所含的成份,經過烘培及調製過程而產生,並未添加任何添加物。Koma每日堅持依所需的量供應,讓咖啡老饕們能在第一黃金時間6~15日嚐到最新鮮及最高品質的美味咖啡。Gold appreciation ofDay6to Day15Not just roasted coffee, but also art.Filled with happiness is koma coffee roasting coffee has alwaysbeenthe goal, at all using top-estate Arabica beans, carefullyselectedall of the beans, focus areas and species and speciescombined,integrated "flavor, acidity, alcohol degree "Coffee isthe basicidea of ​​each commodity, stick baking day for 6 to 15,the bestappreciation of gold to cheap consumer market of supplychain,customer channel koma coffee is not for pop, but a part oflife.100% kona Farm agents in Asiakoma coffee refined, allowing you to walk in the life ofthesmell of coffee.Koma only the most direct pipeline to obtain a nationaltreasurein Hawaii Coffee 100% kona coffee Genesis and theintroduction offully automated coffee machine in each branch sitebakery. Coffeecan be said to be the most artistic, skill,variability andcontroversial, these aroma produced entirely fromingredientscontained in the coffee itself, after roasting andgenerate themodulation process, did not add any additives. By Komadaily amountrequired to adhere to the supply, so that coffeeconnoisseurs cantaste the freshest and highest quality gourmetcoffee in the firstprime-time 6 to 15 days.
異銀鋼飾 1.2.0