Top 4 Apps Similar to 甄咖啡

黑浮咖啡 1.1.7
【RÈVE CAFE】是一個敘述咖啡夢想的品牌。【RÈVE】 一詞來自法文RÈVE = Dream ,而 "RÈVE" 法音像是英音的 "HAVE" ,意即為動詞【擁有】 。擁有一個咖啡的夢想,造就了 『 黑浮咖啡 』。LOGO設計以倒印的R及C組成,靈感取自倒寫 R似一咖啡把手,C代表咖啡,而中心滴落的咖啡則代表的我們將最精萃的所有獻予您。這個品牌的由來代表著一個咖啡的夢想。是由三個在學生時期在咖啡館打工而認識的大男孩所創立的。結束學生生活後各奔東西,忙碌於上班族生活後的某一次聚會,這個咖啡的夢再度被喚起,三人毅然決然地放棄原本令人看好的工作重回學生時期打工的咖啡館,學習更多的專業知識。三年後,【REVE 黑浮夢】因此誕生。2011年可說是我們築夢的一年,所以有了【REVE 黑浮夢】。2012年【夢】已經實現,因此我們正式將品牌更名為【REVE 黑浮咖啡】。LOGO設計也改採鮮亮為主軸。代表著我們一貫熱情的服務的精神。然而我們對咖啡的堅持、餐點的要求及服務的熱誠仍舊保持不變。相關商品服務:手工餅乾,烘焙食品,喜餅禮盒,宴會餅乾,手工咖啡,高雄咖啡餐廳,高雄美食,高雄旅遊,高雄捷運,咖啡豆專賣,咖啡機專賣[RÈVE CAFE] is adreamnarrative coffee brand.The word comes from the French] [RÈVE RÈVE = Dream,The "RÈVE" Audiovisual law is English sound "HAVE",Meaning of the verb [have].Coffee has a dream, creating a "floating black coffee."LOGO designed to pour India R and C form,Inspired to write down like a coffee handle R, C for coffee,The center drip coffee is the most representative of the essenceofall that we will offer to you.The origin of the brand represents a coffee dream.Is composed of three students while working in a cafe duringtheawareness created by the big boys.Went their separate ways after the end of student life,A gathering of workers in a busy life afterThe coffee's dream was again aroused,Three people had to abandon resolutely optimistic workStudents return to work during the cafes,Learn more expertise.Three years later, [REVE black floating dream] was born.2011 can be said is that we build a dream year, so there[REVEblack floating dream].2012 [dream] has been achieved, so we officially changed itsnamebrand coffee] [REVE black float.LOGO design also shift to bright for the spindle.Represents the spirit of our usual friendly service.However, we insist on the coffee, warm meals andservicerequirements remains unchanged.Related goods and services: handmade biscuits, baked goods,cakeboxes, banquet biscuits, handmade coffee, Cafe Kaohsiung,Kaohsiungcuisine, Kaohsiung tourism Kaohsiung MRT, specialty coffeebeans,coffee machine monopoly
咖啡,台灣(星巴克,85度C,伯朗,丹堤,cama,西雅圖) 1.18
每日的早晨來一杯香氣十足的咖啡,真是一天最美好的開始這裡介紹給你台灣最人氣的咖啡你可以在這裡找到你的精神糧食也可以把你的愛好分享給朋友,尋找你的同好這些菜單都是由自網路搜尋,若跟您平常去的店家資訊與 app 內不同,請告知“咖啡 - 台灣”,“咖啡 - 台灣”會修正為最符合大家需求的 app。【使用說明】*查看:可使用雙指可縮放,或是使用放大縮小按鈕。*排序:“咖啡 - 台灣” 會把常點擊的店家排序在前面,讓使用更方便。*分享:“咖啡 - 台灣” 可以把菜單透過Line、WhatsApp 等等軟體…直接分享給朋友。【重要聲明】此軟體非該營運相關公司開發,僅為網路資訊提供,資料正確與時效若有問題請聯絡開發者!此軟體圖片來源皆為網路素材、版權與著作權皆為原網站所有,優惠詳情請見各單位官網並以各店家公告為準,特此聲明!Morning cup of fullaromaof coffee daily, one day is really the best startHere introduce you to the most popular Taiwan coffeeYou can find your spiritual food in hereYou can also share your hobby to a friend, find yourenthusiastsThese menus are made from the web search, if you usually go withtheapp stores information and different, please inform "coffee-Taiwan""Coffee - Taiwan" will be modified to best meet the needsofeveryone in the app.【Instructions for use】* View:You can use two fingers to zoom, or use the zoom button.* Sort:"Coffee - Taiwan" will often click in front of the storeordering,make more convenient to use.*share it:"Coffee - Taiwan" to the menu from the Line, WhatsApp, to share directly to friends. [Important Notice]This software is the non-operating related companies todevelop,only a web feed, if the information is correct and agingproblems,please contact the developers!This software image are all sources of web material, copyrightandcopyright are all original web site, offer details, seetheofficial website of the units and in the storeHome Notice shall prevail, hereby declare!
路上海蒸籠海鮮火鍋 1.1.5
路上海主廚林俊榮 — 「用平凡的食材 作出令人感動的滋味」有如夜上海這首歌,雖然是首老歌,但主廚林俊榮卻讓曲調和唱法充滿新意。路上海主廚林俊榮,血液裡絕對流動著濃郁的「職人精神」!年少時就已經立志培養自己成為一流的廚師,藉著犧牲睡眠的時間,勤奮不懈地在廚藝上琢磨!林俊榮卻從來不曾引以為苦,堅定執著地認為有付出必定會有收獲!而當他終於有機會去到日本,他願意做少見日本最傳統的學徒,無論環境多辛苦,或是每日只睡1個小時,他總是那位半夜站在雪地上,第一個等待老師傅開門的學徒。在日本的學習中,讓他知道真正的職人是「廚師是得向自己挑戰,並且學習不斷和時代進步,讓未來客人每一口都能吃得到感動」!這幾年他積極走訪大陸與國外體察市場,探尋新食材並且不斷地嚐試修正,找出屬於他自己的新美味主義!HL:「堆疊的層次味蕾 這鍋有意思」經過20年淬鍊,進行多年的廚藝學習經驗,他帶領團隊近年已在府城開立許多令人喜愛的餐廳;並且獲得國際美食養生大賽金牌,今年他要突破府城老饕們味覺的習慣!用他熟諳香料藥材入饌,選用放山雞,創新鑽研出獨家秘製配方的「干鍋鴨頭」與「花雕雞」,搭配透過古法手工竹蒸籠;去蒸出的每日嚴選的海鮮,透過堆疊的海鮮塔;層層滴入鮮甜美味!仿佛增添了能量與熱情;成為一鍋吃過的台南老饕們,都讚不絕口、嘖嘖稱奇的有意思好鍋!不只有濃郁風味,入口更誘人!繚繞感動的層次,十分引人回味!Chef LinJunrongRoadShanghai - "made impressive use ordinary ingredientstaste"Shanghai night like this song, although it is an old song,butletChef Lin Junrong tunes and singing full of new ideas.Chef Lin Junrong Road Shanghai, absolute blood flow withtherich"level the spirit of man"! When the young hadalreadydetermined hisdevelopment into a first-class chef, bysacrificingsleep time, hardwork and tireless efforts to ponderingon cooking!Lin Junrong proudbut never bitter, clinging firmlybelieve thatthere is bound to beharvested to pay! And when hefinally got thechance to go to Japan,he is willing to do the mosttraditionalapprenticeship rare inJapan, no matter how tough theenvironment,or sleep only one hour aday, he who always stood on thesnow atnight, waiting for the firstGrandfather door apprentice.Study in Japan, let him know the real level are "the chefhadtochallenge themselves, and constantly learning and progressofthetimes, so that future guests can get to eat every biteofmoving!"In recent years he actively visited the mainlandandabroadunderstand the market, to explore new ingredientsandcontinue totry to fix, to find his own newdoctrinedelicious!HL: "stack level taste buds this pot is interesting."After 20 years of quenching chain, carried out yearsofculinarylearning experience, he led the team in recent yearshasopened inthe city with many delightful restaurants;andinternational foodhealth gold medal contest, this year he wantstobreak the habit ofTainan connoisseurs of taste! He is wellversedwith herbs spicesinto the dishes, put the pheasantchoice,innovation and researchthe "Griddle duck head" exclusivesecretrecipe through the healinghand of bamboo steamer with"Huadiaochicken" with; evaporated tocarefully selected dailyseafood,seafood through stacked tower;layers of sweet anddeliciousdropped! As if to add energy andenthusiasm; became eatenpot Tainanconnoisseurs, are full ofpraise, amazed interesting goodpot! Notonly rich flavor, entrancemore attractive! Shrouded movedlevel,the introduction of verymemorable!
Skaffee - Coffee with Skale 3.1.1
Skaffee is a platform to share coffee recipe. Share with yourfriendnow!