Top 19 Apps Similar to 男追女

WeJoy 附近總有新朋友 2.0.1
WeJoy交友-約會神器 2015年度最活躍的手機交友軟體WeJoy是基於地理位置定位系統的陌生人約會交友應用,讓你每天醒來,就可輕鬆認識身邊有趣的人和發現最新奇的事物,提供你最豐富多元的線上線下活動。還可以隨時隨地發起你想要的各種型式約會或聚會,邀請附近的陌生人參與,不用擔心找不到咖,打破一對一聊天的辭窮冏境,讓你迅速破冰結交新朋友。不論唱歌、美食、電影、旅行、運動,你都可以快速找到相同興趣愛好的新朋友,拉近彼此的距離,開拓你的生活圈。★ 約會交友第一應用,用戶數超過1000萬,國內最大的線下約會交友社交平臺。★ 每天有超過百萬的單身男女在WeJoy舉行線下聚會及約會,幫你快速約到你想找的她/他。★ WeJoy震撼來襲,必玩五大理由:最活躍:無殭屍出沒,正妹數量最多最安全:專屬個人信用體系,輕鬆識別對方信用最高效:隨時隨地發起約會,幫你快速約到他/她最實惠:獨有魅力獎勵玩法,時尚、精品、3C大禮送不完,獎品拿到你手軟最熱門:WeJoy簡體版五星好評突破4萬條,獲得99%用戶的五星好評使用場景:1. 當你沒事做無聊時,上WeJoy,約出身邊相同喜好的朋友2. 當你獨自出門時,上WeJoy,看看附近有哪些新朋友3. 當你出差旅行時,上WeJoy,發現異地同樣孤單的她/他4. 當你單身寂寞時,上WeJoy,找到心動想愛的另一半透過WeJoy,快速找到你的她/他,看電影,唱歌,吃大餐,隨時隨地想走就走,想揪就揪!
花田 - 网易旗下名企白领婚恋交友平台 3.14.1
网易花田,1000万都市精英男女的恋爱交友平台。来花田,遇见完美的另一半。【品质】名企、名校优质精英的高品质恋爱社区。【真实】真人头像、实名认证,用户真实无虚假。【安全】高信用保护机制,屏蔽骚扰,放心恋爱。【懂你】智能匹配系统,比你更懂你的交友需求。网易花田,在这里谈一场不将就的恋爱。特色功能智能匹配:推荐更配的Ta,更快找到意中人个性化展示:资料+动态,展示方方面面谈情说爱不收费:随时随地和Ta畅聊,不间断桃花信:寄出匿名小笺,邂逅浪漫缘分信用体系:和高信用会员恋爱,real安心趣味问答:契合度quiz,迅速了解,高效速配花田对:官方线下活动,面对面谈,更来电-----联系我们-----官方网站:http://love.163.com反馈邮箱:[email protected]微信公众号:网易花田Netease Hanada, 10millionurban elite men and women love dating platform. To Hanada,meet theperfect other half.[Quality] famous enterprises, high-quality high-quality elite oftheelite community of love.[True] live picture, the real-name authentication, users norealfalse.[Security] high credit protection, shielding harassment, assuredoflove.[You know] intelligent matching system, you know better thanyourdating needs.Netease Hanada here will not talk about a love.Special featureSmart Matching: Recommended with more of Ta, and faster to findtheloved onePersonalized display: data + dynamic, showing all aspectsRomance charge: anytime and Ta chat, uninterruptiblePeach letter: Send anonymous small memo, a romanticencounterfateCredit system: high credit members and love, real peaceofmindTrivia: fit quiz, quickly understand and efficiently matchHanada for: under official line activities, face to face totalkabout, more calls-----contact us-----Official website: http: //love.163.comFeedback E-mail: [email protected] public number: Netease Hanada
Christian Dating Nearby Single 2.2
dating app for nearby Christian peopleandsingles chat and meet.Nearby Christian Dating App is for Christian people, single guysandsingle girls who want to know more local friends.If you're a single Christian and seeking friendship and longtermrelationship, romance or marriage, you are right to downloadthisapp and Meet single Christian with the this dating app,Messaging,and Meeting Local single guys and single girls. The bestdatingsite for single Christian people.
世纪佳缘 4.50
【世纪佳缘】青春不常在,抓紧谈恋爱!恋爱就用世纪佳缘手机交友客户端,高效时尚,位置交友、距离搜索、随时随地助你交友觅缘!【中国最严肃婚恋服务】世纪佳缘是中国最大的严肃婚恋网站,也是中国唯一在美国纳斯达克上市的婚恋网站,股票代码为“DATE”,创始人小龙女(龚海燕)也被誉为中国最大的网络红娘。【线下服务】世纪佳缘网站现有四千多万注册会员,数百万人已经成功觅缘。世纪佳缘去年在全国105个城市举办了864场线下大规模集体相亲交友活动,以帮助单身男女高效觅缘。世纪佳缘和数十家电视相亲节目紧密合作,向其推荐优质单身嘉宾。【特色功能】 世纪佳缘手机平台让单身男女可以随时利用自己的碎片时间, 在任何有手机信号的地方,第一时间联系心仪异性,并且可查看近在身边的异性。每天晚上8点还会将24小时之内与你擦肩而过的异性资料推送给你,让你的缘分来得更容易。缘分不用再等待,马上下载, 幸福就在你“掌握”之中。】【infrequently in youth, seize love! Love to use Jiayuanmobiledating clients, efficient fashion, location dating from thesearch,to help you anytime Dating seek edge![China] The most serious dating service Jiayuan is China'slargestserious dating sites, but also China's only listed on NASDAQin theUnited States dating sites under the ticker symbol "DATE",founderof the Maid (Yan Gong) is also known as China's largestonlinematchmaker.】 【Line services site Jiayuan existing more than fortymillionregistered members, millions of people have successfullyseek edge.Jiayuan 105 cities in the country last year, held amassive864-line field of collective blind dating activities to helpsinglemen and women seek efficient edge. Jiayuan and dozens of TVhitshows closely to its guests recommend quality singles. 【Features】 Jiayuan mobile platform for single men andwomencan always use their fragments of time, in any place wherecellphone signals, the first time favorite heterosexual contact,andyou can view near the side of the opposite sex. 20:00 everydaywill be with you within 24 hours of the opposite sexpassinformation pushed to you, let your fate to be more easy. Fatenolonger wait, Download Now, happiness is in your "master"athome.
Noonswoon-Meet Quality Singles
Noonswoon is a cupid in your pocket. Everydayat noon, we curate and introduce one quality single who hassimilarsocial background to you. You have 24 hours to decidewhether youlike to connect and chat with this person. If you areinterested ingetting to know more, you can press ‘Like’ and see ifthe person onthe other end likes you back. If both parties areinterested, youcan start talking and chatting inside our privatechatroom. Youdon’t need to reveal your phone number/Line/WhatsApp,etc until youfeel comfortable with your new friends.When we want to introduce you to someone, we do not introduce inarandom way. We take into account many factors such asyoureducation, your careers, common friends and interests, or evenage,height, and your appearance. So make sure you fill in yourpicturesand information properly! (If your pictures are Kitty Kat,you canexpect to be matched with someone with Keroppi picturestoo).Noonswoon was the winner of AIS The StartUp 2013, aNationalStartups competition in Thailand held by AIS. The team hadreceivedmany great praises and awarded the honorary plate fromMinister ofInformation and Communication Technology, Group CaptainAnudithNakornthap medias have covered and praised us:Thairath News: Thurakij: Post , In Asia (Leading publisher inSingapore): it out for FREE!1. Join the system and authenticate yourself by loggingthroughFacebook (we will not post ANYTHING on your profile.Definitely,this is a hard promise!)2. Fill in your information and upload great photos of yours(nonudity, no blasphemy, no group pictures)3. Noonswoon team will verify your information and yourphotos4. Once you passed the verification, we will introduceinterestingsingle to you everyday at noon.Follow us and learn more about our awesome activities from:* Website:* Blog:* Facebook Page:
PlanDo – Do something together 3.4
Looking for instant access to newpeople,activities and places?PlanDo lets you find and join an instant meetup with ourincredibleusers. We make it easy for you to meet people in yourarea withsimilar passions and make connections! PlanDo gatherseveryonewho’s interested in the chat and meetup. So why wait? Getoutthere, explore, hangout and let the magic begin!=== Perfect For ===• Discovering new activities around you – hiking,cycling,photography, you name it!• Creating instant social meetups and groups• Finding compatible people to hang out with in your area• Finding companions for the activities you’ve always wanted totryout• Sharing special moments - showcase your activities, picturesandphotos=== Things you can do with PlanDo ===• Team up with people for a sports game• Get a last minute cinema buddy• See who's down for lunch• Meet new people for dinner• Speed dating night with few friends=== Popular activities on PlanDo ===• Movie Marathons• Wakeboarding• Coffee Breaks• Workout groups• Hikes• Golf Tours• Art Exhibitions• Concerts / Gigs• Bar Hopping• Events, parties & plenty more! JUST create yourownactivity!==> The World’s Most Engaging Social App <==Dubbed as “social network 2.0 ”, the hype behind PlanDoissubstantiated for a reason. It’s quickly become thefavouritesocial networking and meetup app among its users. PlanDohasgenerated a major buzz on social media and its fans arespreadingacross the globe - including your area!=== How PlanDo works ===• Create your identity with your unique preferences• Tap “Meet” to see who’s in your area and check outtheirprofile• Tap “Explore” to find out activities posted by usersaroundyou• Feeling ready? Share or join any of the activities!• Get out there and create amazing moments, don’t forgetto“Share!”• Stay connected with the awesome peeps you meetPlanDo puts the “social” back in networking, redefining howpeopleconnect.So are you ready? Download PlanDo now!Stay connect with us and share the love!Facebook : us @PlanDoSoWe appreciate any bugs, suggestions and love.Email: [email protected] made in Hong Kong with love.
2Date Lite Dating App, Love an 5.17
2 Date
2Date Lite Is a popular dating App, we have the highest numberoflocal members
Chat Now 3.0.12
無拘束、無限制咁同仼何人吹水交流,擴闊圈子,無論你想認識另一半定係搵啱嘴型嘅朋友,暢所欲言,Chat Now!
淘男-免費移動交友平台 3.0
手機淘男是交友網站淘男網(開發的一款手機交友應用。通過GPS定位,自動搜索您周圍異性朋友,並且顯示TA與你的距離。你是否還在羨煞他人的手挽手親密無間?是否還在苦惱於自己還處於可惡的宅男剩女階段?想要結識異性,告別單身嗎?想要跟命中註定的TA來一次刻骨銘心的完美邂逅嗎?你會發現,告別單身,擁有愛情,就這麼簡單。在這個充滿戀愛氣氛的季節,開始甜蜜的戀愛之旅吧~~主要功能:1、 【優質推薦】:手機淘男為您推薦百里挑一的同城在線異性!2、 【距離定位】:自動精確定位TA與您的距離,更能抓住身邊緣分,非世紀佳緣、百合所能比擬!3、 【在線聊天】:選擇喜歡的異性免費在線聊天,大聲告訴TA我們約會吧!4、 【心情展示】:展示您的心情,獲取異性的關注,讓愛情來敲門!5、 【聊天記錄】:系統為您永久保存聊天記錄,記錄您們的珍愛足跡!6、 【緣分搜索】:使用搜索功能尋找TA,我的緣分緣來是你!7、 【精品收藏】:您可以將稱心如意的對象加入收藏,讓我們的愛情連連看!8、 【防止打擾】:使用黑名單功能,讓不喜歡的TA非誠勿擾!
Butterfly - Lesbian Dating, Fo 3.1.1
Butterfly, the largest social networking service for the HKlesbiancommunity.
CMB Free Dating App
We totally get it. You’re tired of wastingtimeendlessly swiping, browsing, and messaging - only to neverhearback. You only want to spend time on relevant, highqualitymatches.Every day at noon, you‘ll receive potential matches (we callthemBagels) preselected for you so you don’t have to swipe allday.Fellas, you will receive highly curated matches preselected foryouby our smart algorithm. Ladies, we will prioritize showingyouBagels that have already liked you and are serious aboutconnectingwith you. Why? Because we are fed up with all the swipingandghosting, and wanted to make sure your time and energy wouldbefocused on guys who are serious about taking the next step.That'sright. No more dating games, only guys who like you!Once there is a match, we’ll connect you in a private chat roomandprovide icebreaker questions to get your conversation started.Weeven follow up to encourage actual dates.Every day, we get smarter by learning what you like. This meansovertime, your match quality will improve.For our LGBTQ members, we have a slightly different process.Everyday at noon, both men and women will receive potentialmatchespreselected just for you.PRIVACY:We’ll ask you to authenticate via Facebook so we canrecommendmatches who are friends of your friends. We NEVER postanything onFacebook.AS SEEN ON:Shark Tank, The Today Show, Nightline, NYTimes, TIME andmore.
GaGa 1.3.8
GaGa is an open international socialsoftwarewith multi-language translation, providing instanttranslation forvarious global voice, text and other forms, allowingyou tocommunicate across language barriers and say hi to theworldanytime anywhere! Whether you are German Uncle, Korea Beauty,orBritish Yuppie, just come to this bowl, where you can playhappily,and become the most intimate friends with each other.1. Encounter: GaGa users spread over more than 180 countriesandregions, here you can encounter German handsome, US spicegirls,Korea guys, Japan cute girls and other exotic friends,andcommunicate without language barriers, as well as understandtheculture around the world, widen the horizon, enrichexperience,develop global view, and communicate with the wholeworld.2. Translation: Multi-language intelligent instanttranslation,supporting online intelligent translation for 8languages andadditional Traditional Chinese, which include English,Korean,Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and so on. Communicate acrosslanguagebarriers, and chat with global friends freely andunlimitedlyanytime anywhere.3. Feeds: If you want to travel abroad, study abroad orimmigrate,you can ask your friends here for help. They will helpyou get toknow the new environment in advance and get used to thenewenvironment quickly. With friends all over the world, whereveryougo you will never feel lonely.
Meetic - La Rencontre
Meetic SA
A l’origine de plus de 6 millions decouples,Meetic est le service de rencontre préféré descélibataires. Vouscherchez une rencontre sérieuse, un flirt ousouhaitez trouverl’amour de votre vie ? Lancez-vous !L’appli Meetic est gratuite et contient des optionspayantes,sans ces options vous pouvez :• Créer votre compte et profil• Consulter les profils de tous les célibataires Meetic• Activer des recherches parmi plus de 20 critères• Participer aux soirées gratuites de Meetic et/ou profiter denosdîners, ateliers cuisine, théâtre, danse…partout en Francepourfaire de vraies rencontres.Meetic est fait pour tous et tout type de rencontres:sérieuse, homme, femme, hétéro, gay, lesbien... 100% desprofilssont vérifiés manuellement et notre service client estdisponible24/24h. Vous cherchez un tchat ? Un flirt ? Ou faire LArencontreet trouver l’amour ? Adopte z le N°1 de la rencontrecélibataire !Meetic fait partie du groupe, n°1 mondial dela rencontrede célibataire.#MeltyStyle : "Meetic est le service de dating le plusricheet le plus facile à utiliser pour faire de nouvellesrencontrespartout où l’on est – et pas seulement à Paris !"Alors n’attendez plus pour rejoindre notre communautédecélibataires, vous serez entre de bonnes mains !Envie d'augmenter vos chances de faire des rencontres?Abonnez-vous directement depuis l’application et :• Contactez en illimité les personnes qui vous intéressent• Découvrez les célibataires à qui vous plaisez• Accédez à l’intégralité des informations renseignées surlesfiches profils• Naviguez sans publicité• Profitez d’un prix réduit sur nos ateliers et soiréesthématiquesorganisés chaque semaine• Boostez votre profil et multipliez vos contacts par 3(optionBooster) (1)Vous pouvez vous abonner pour une durée de 1 mois, 3 mois ou 6moispour profiter de l'ensemble des services Meetic.Vous disposez d’un abonnement sur notre site ?Connectez-vous avec vos identifiants habituels accédez àl’ensembledes services et fonctionnalités dont vous bénéficiez déjàsur lesite !*Enquête en ligne conduite par TNS pour Meetic du 29/10 au06/12014, auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de 1500célibatairesâgés entre 18 et 65 ans en France.**Estimation du nombre de couples formés sur les sites dugroupeMeetic en Europe. Chiffre obtenu par l’extrapolation desrésultatsd’une étude Ipsos, réalisée du 16/12/14 au 28/01/15, sur14 000personnes célibataire résidant en Europe, âgées de 18 à 75ans, àla population totale de cette tranche d’âge (SourceEurostat2013).Adopte Meetic et rencontre le mec ou la fille célibataire detesrêves, plus de 6 millions de couples (gay, lesbien, hétéro) sesontrencontrés sur Meetic. Meetic appartient au Groupe MatchInc.(1)Meetic ne peut garantir le volume d'activité dont votreprofilfera l'objetPlus d’infos sur more than6million couples, Meetic is the preferred dating serviceforsingles. Looking for a serious relationship, flirt or want tofindthe love of your life? Get started! The app is free and contains Meetic paid options, butthoseoptions you can:• Create your account and profile• Browse profiles of all Meetic singles• Enable research from over 20 criteria• Participate in Free nights Meetic and / or enjoy ourdinners,cooking classes, theater, dance ... everywhere in France torealencounters.Meetic is for all and all types of events: serious, male,female,straight, gay, lesbian ... 100% of the profiles aremanuallychecked and our customer service is available 24 / 24h.Looking fora chat? Flirting ? Or give LA meeting and find love?Adopts z N ° 1single meeting! Meetic is part of thegroup, No. 1worldwide singles encounter.#MeltyStyle : "Meetic is the richest dating service and easiertouse to make new friends wherever we are - not just inParis!"Do not wait to join our community of singles, you will be ingoodhands! Want to increase your chances to meet people? Subscribedirectlyfrom the application and:• Contact unlimited people that interest you• Find Singles who likes you• Access all the information entered on the profiles sheets• Navigate without advertising• Enjoy a discount on our workshops and organized theme nightseveryweek• Boost your profile and multiply your contacts by 3(Boosteroption) (1)You can subscribe for a period of 1 month, 3 months or 6 monthstoenjoy all Meetic services. You have a subscription on our site?Log in with your regular password to access all the servicesandfeatures you already have on the site!* Online survey conducted by TNS for Meetic from 29/10 to06/1,2014, among a representative sample of 1,500 unmarried between18and 65 years in France.** Estimated number of couples on the websites of Meetic inEurope.Figure obtained by extrapolating the results of an Ipsosstudy,conducted from 16/12/14 to 28/01/15, of 14 000 singleresident inEurope, aged 18 to 75 years, the total population ofthis age(Source Eurostat 2013).Adopts Meetic and meet the guy or unmarried girl of yourdreams,more than 6 million couples (gay, lesbian, straight) met onMeetic.Meetic is in Group Inc. Match(1) Meetic can not guarantee the volume of activity thatyourprofile will be More information
Chat Alternative — android app 604054
ChatAlternative is a video chat app with thousands of usersonlineat all times
LunchClick by Lunch Actually - 3.2.6
Best free serious dating app for singles looking to find loveandsettle down.
Everything starts from a stranger
Match4Me - Dating voor hoger opgeleide singles 13.0.1
MatchMedia BV
Match4Me is dé datingsite en -app voor hoger opgeleide singlesinBelgië. Je kunt je gratis inschrijven en leden kunnendirectinloggen. In deze app kun je: - Gratis inschrijven -Uitgebreidzoeken naar leden - Berichten sturen en ontvangen -Foto’s uploaden- Zien wie je profiel bezocht - Quizes starten enantwoorden -Meedoen met Things2Share - En nog veel meer! Downloadde App enstart met daten bij Match4Me
은하수다방 소개팅 - 돌싱 싱글 모두를 위한 어플 1.1
돌싱도 OK! 싱글도 OK!국내에서 가장 유명한 소셜데이팅 코코아북이 만든돌싱까지 괜찮은 소셜데이팅 어플한경비즈니스 '2015 고객이 신뢰하는 브랜드대상' 선정 기념,지금 가입시, 즉시 30별 100% 증정!2011년부터 300쌍의 결혼,가입까지 단 20초, 도전해보세요!업계최초! 3:3 채팅 서비스 출시 (2011.4)업계최초! 소개팅 특허 등록, 제10-1190544호 (2012.10)업계최초! 높은 결혼 성사율 300여 쌍 (2014.8)조선일보, 중앙일보, 매일경제 등 다수 신문 보도국내 소셜데이팅 1위 선정 (2015.3, 랭키닷컴)소셜데이팅분야 검색 2위 선정 (2015.3, 네이버)그랜드민트 페스티벌 (GMF) 후원사 (2012)한경비즈니스 '2015 고객이 신뢰하는 브랜드대상'이제 은하수다방과 함께 운명의 인연을 만나보세요.이 어플은 싱글이면 누구든지 사용가능합니다.● 특히!! 여성이라면 건전한 만남을 원하는 분● 새로운 친구, 이성친구가 절실히 필요한 분● 남자친구, 여자친구, 애인을 사귀고 싶은 분● 결혼, 재혼 상대를 찾고 있는 분● 소울메이트가 당장 필요한 분● 소개팅을 통해 데이트 하고 싶은 분● 새로운 사람과의 수다가 필요한 분● SNS 친구를 원하는 분● 더 이상 혼자 놀기를 거부하는 분● 단거리 연애, 장거리 연애를 해보신 분● 이별의 아픔, 사랑의 아픔을 겪어보신 분● 랜덤 채팅 식의 만남을 거부하는 분● 일단 대화 후 실제 만남을 원하시는 분● 소개팅, 미팅에서의 대화에 어려움을 겪는 분● 여자, 남자와의 대화에 어려움을 겪는 분● 낯선사람과의 대화에 어려움을 겪는 분● 채팅을 통한 가벼움 보단 진정성을 원하는 분● 동호회 가입하는데 어려움이 있는 분● 한강에서 같이 치맥 먹을 상대를 구하는 분새로운 친구, 남자친구, 여자친구, 애인이 필요하세요?- 은하수다방에서 이성과의 울림 경험해보세요.새로운 만남을 찾고 싶은가요?- 진정성 있는 소개팅어플 은하수다방에서 찾으세요!나만의 이상형을 찾고 싶으신가요?- 그렇다면 이상형과 너랑나랑 매칭되는 은하수다방이 정답이죠!혹시 재혼, 결혼을 원한다고요?- 나의 이상형에 딱인 사람과의 소개팅을 통해 재혼 상대를 은하수다방에서 찾아보세요.은하수다방은 애슐리메디슨 같은 기혼자 데이트를 지양합니다.자, 여기 이렇게 당신만을 위한 인연이 기다리고 있어요!솔로 탈출, 애인 찾는데 헌팅, 클럽 까지 가야하나요? 이젠 너무 뻔한 돌싱 어플은 가라! 랜덤 채팅도 가라! 뻔한댓글알바도 역시 가라!이젠 진정성 있는 돌싱 소셜데이팅 어플 은하수다방에서 이상형을 만나세요! 싱글 천만모여 라!“섹스 헌팅 글 게시할 경우 강제 탈퇴 됩니다.”매일매일 사랑과전쟁 ,정오의 만남 말고 매일 오전 11시 1km 반경 내의 미팅포유(meeting for you)은하수다방에서만나세요.♥ 이벤트 ♥1. 가입시 무조건 50로즈 증정. (개별통지)2. 리뷰를 가장 멋지게 써주시는 분 중 추첨을 통해 스타벅스 cgv 상품권 증정. (개별통지)3. 패션, 헤어 스타일, 뷰티 사진을 프로필 사진에 업로드해주시면 추첨을 통해 미용실 이용권증정.(개별통지)----개발자 연락처 :6F, 51, Yeoksam-ro 17-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul+82-2-2294-0407