Top 4 Apps Similar to Somos Bienestar

NextGreen S.1 Cobros, Créditos 13.0.8
Special to bring credit control to your clients
Loans & Interests Simulator 1.7.4
👉 A Simulator / Calculator that easily calculate how much youneedtopay monthly, or calculate the maximum amount of credit youcanget byknowing how much you can pay. 💸 👉 Never forget apayment!Our appwill notify you every month to remind you about allyourupcomingpayments. 👉 Our app lets you calculate anyvariable:interest rate,monthly payment, duration or loan amount;giving youas result theamount of interest paid, the total cost ofcredit,and amortization.👉 Payments Schedule, graphs,notifications,export options and muchmuch more, and it isabsolutely FREE! 🔸🔸Perfect to calculate 🔸🔸 🔹Personal Loans 🔹Student Loans 🔹 MortgageLoans 🔹 Business Loans 🔹Auto Loans 🔸🔸 Whatmakes us different fromall other loan calculatorapps? Well, wehave several reasons, hereis a full feature list 🔸🔸 ✓Calculate anyvariable of your loan:Interest rate, monthly payment,loan durationor loan amount ✓ Weinclude graphs to help youvisualize the data. ✓Our App includesnotifications; we will sendyou a notification toremind you aboutyour loan payments ✓ Anamortization table with allyour loandetails ✓ Store, email or shareyour loan history. ✓ Wemade themost functional design, easy to readand intuitive. ✓ Wemade it sofast and simple to use that you’ll beable to getcalculations in amatter of seconds. ✓ The App isMulti-language. ✓No internetconnection is needed to use this app,and it is designedto workfor every device with any softwareversion. ✓ We willconstantlyupdate our app to support a wider rangeof featuresDownload Now!Loans, Credits, Mortgage & InstallmentsCalculatorfor FREE inGoogle Play & App Store!
PrestaCOP 4.5.8
PrestaCOP es para una aplicación que sirve para tener elcontroldeprestamos! • Se puede trabajar con varios cobradores•Puedeimprimir recibos tickets • Puede compartir los recibosporredessociales • Puede tener numero de cobradores ilimitados•Sinpublicidad • Puede respaldar datos de clientes en la nube•Fácilde usar • Buen soporte • Buscador inteligente • Balancesquepuedeusar para saber la rentabilidad de su empresa (pago) •GPSdecobradores (pago) • Puede ver cuanto tienecobrado,gastos,prestamos y pagos realizados el cobrador en tiemporeal •Puede vertodos los movimientos en tiempo real • Ver en elmapadonde esta elcobrador (Cuando se salga no olvide apagar elrastreo)• Historialde pagos • Ajustes simples • Resumen del día •Caja parael dineroen efectivo no necesita cierre • Restriccionesparacobradores(Para que no editen o borren información) •Validación decédulas •Reportes de clientes malos para que otrasempresas seenteren quees mal cliente • Aviso cuando validen unacédulareportada •Version web para administrar clientes y cobradores•Puedes pagarcon Google Play las compras de PrestaCOP • Preciopormes es de1.66 USD y año 16.99 USD