Top 20 Apps Similar to Yoga For Diabetes

Recipes for Diabetes 1.1
Recipes for Diabetes contains over 140 recipes that are easilyusedto prepare meals for people with diabetes. Each recipe containsanapproximate nutritional analysis for calories,protein,carbohydrates, fat, saturated fat, fiber, sodium, andcholesterol.For those using the carbohydrate counting method ofmeal planning,carbohydrate units are provided.
Diabetes Fitness 1.13
Ankit Chauhan
Diabetes Fitness – This is the only live applicationwhichprovidesworkout routines with Diabetes friendly RecipesforDiabetic Users.This app will allow you to achieve greatresults,within a shortperiod of time with the ability to track yourglucoselevels indifferent units and compare. This App allows you tocreateyour ownprogram that will fit your needs. The content oftheapplication isespecially designed to suit the need ofDiabeticUsers Body whichwon’t harm the user in any way. Inaddition,Diabetes Fitness is anextensive database of exercises foreverymuscle, with a detaileddescription for each exercise. Plan toburnfat, lose weight, getrelaxed and relieve stress? This fitnessappfacilitates the mostconvenient exercises and not onlynourishesyour health but alsospares you all the tiresome workoutsand helpsyou achieve yourfitness goals. Why pay for expensiveinstructorswhen you can do ityourself? By choosing Diabetes Fitnessapp foryour workouts youget: - A list of the most effectiveworkouts forevery muscle groupespecially for Diabetics to controlDiabetes. -An extensivedatabase of Recipes specially designed forDiabeticUsers whichwill guide them to fitness as well as satisfytheirtaste buds. -Track Diabetes by adding your daily glucoselevelswith descriptionabout the entry and saving the time of theentry. -A GraphicalView of the glucose level entries which helps tocomparewith theprevious entries. - Yoga exercises for everymusclegroupespecially for Diabetics to control Diabetes. - Yogafitnessguardsyour health every day. - Exercise database with newexercisesaddedafter each update. - Exercises come withillustrations ofthetrained muscles. - With this app you can keep upwith yourpracticeat your own pace and schedule in the comforts ofyour ownhome. -You can pick category wise poses at yourconvenience. -Properdescription and even videos are also availablethroughinternetconnection. - A much required Time Table forDiabeticswhich willguide you and helps the users manage thefrequency ofexercise andmake a successful routine. - More than 100exercises. -Animationfor each exercise. - Brief description of eachexercise. -Set yourworkout routine. - Calculate your BMI. - Nointernetrequired to dothe workouts. - User-friendly interface. -Englishinterface. -Best usability and design on the Play Storeamongcompetitors! Youwon’t be disappointed when you train hardwithDiabetes Fitness.Join the 80,000 people who have downloadedthisapp in such a shortspan of time to help achieve your ownfitnessgoals. This app isfree; we only ask you for your positiverating sothat more peopleknow the app and we can keep improving it.We hopeyou like it!!*** Why upgrade Diabetes Fitness Pro? *** #1Ad-FreeWorkouts #2LAST BUT NOT LEAST: To show your love forDiabetesFitness!!!Follow us on:-Facebook: share your [email protected].
Diabetes Self-Management 6.1.0
Madavor Media
Self-care tips, articles on diabetes research anddiabetes-friendlyrecipes.
Diabetes cookbook 0.0.3
Diabetes Cook Book app provides you delicious diabetic recipes.
BeatO: Diabetes Care & Tracker 4.00.105
Digital app to monitor & control diabetes. Your onlydiabetescare partner.
Diabetes Pal 2.1.10
Telcare LLC
Logbook for Blood Glucose, A1c, Nutrition, Medication, Weight&Blood Pressure
Carbs & Cals: Diet & Diabetes 5.9.23
Diabetes Management 1.4.5
ZinMed is a start-up companies base onFounderInstitute ( in the field of healthcareformanagement treatment diabetics. We give users the followingbasicfeatures:1. News for diabetics2. Tracking and monitoring diabetics index such as:Glucose,Insulin, Carbohydrate, Heart rate.3. Search for the nearby diabetes clinics and diabetesstores.4. Finding Diabetes Doctors5.Online shopping and services and products essentialfordiabetics.Besides the basic functions that ZinMed development continuestoserve the community more than 7 million people with diabetesinVietnam with the following advanced features:1. Support to backup personal information on servers orserverZinmed specified by the user (Dropbox, Box, Google Drive...)2. Share biographical information illness with relatives anddoctorswhen needed. The process can be done automatically orthrough theintegrated patient card (NFC)3. Support version physicians with the ability to monitor,diagnose,analyze and advise patients of the treatment regimen.With thisversion, the doctor can simply use the software as anapplicationZinMed diabetes care and full independence.4. Automatically connect to the monitoring device asbiologicalindicators to track movement, monitoring blood pressure,heart ratemonitor ...5. Support the store, clinic management needs ofcustomerinformation and broadcasting satellite services andproducts.For more information please contact:Dr. Hoang ChuDucFounder & CEOEmail: [email protected]: +84913060581Website:
Diabetes Forum
Get the FREE Diabetes Forum app. Themostpopular Diabetes Forum is on your phone - join 199,836 people(andcounting).Find support, ask questions and share your experienceswithpeople who range from diabetes experts to those who arenewlydiagnosed.Diabetes can seem daunting, but you're not alone. Findsupportand chat to people who have:- Type 1 diabetes- Type 2 diabetes- Newly diagnosed- Prediabetes- Gestational diabetes- Parents of children with diabetes- Low carbers- Non-low carbers- Insulin pumpers- and more!With access to 1,064,495 posts by almost 200,000 peoplewithdiabetes, you'll find the Diabetes Forum an invaluable app forwhenyou're on the go. Most questions get an answer in 4minutes!If you have any questions or comments regarding thefunctionalityor operation of this app please visit and we willbehappy to answer any questions. This is our first ever app andwe'revery excited about it so all feedback is appreciated.Reach us at on the following:- Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:***** DID YOU KNOW *****We ran a survey in November 2013, and it showed:- A huge 73% of forum members said that they had improvedtheirunderstanding of diabetes because of information on thediabetesforum- 44% of forum members said they had improved their bloodglucosecontrol- 35% of forum members said the forum had helped them toreducetheir HbA1c- 55% of forum members said they had improved theirdietchoices- And almost half of the forum members who completed the surveysaidthey had more confidence in managing their diabetes!Find support, ask questions and share your experiences - comeandmeet the diabetes community.
Diabetic Recipes :Healthy Food
Diabetic recipes free app is perfectlydesignedcookbook which contains variety of healthy dishes forfree. Healthyrecipes will help to maintain our health. This app isa perfectlydesigned cookbook. Even kids can easily cook dishesusing this app.Diabetic recipes are always loved by all people.Diabetic patientsalways likely to use vegetarian dishes andrecipes. This app havestep by step guide for cooking recipes. Soyou can save your timevery much.App includes categories like :healthy diabetic recipessaladsdessertssoupsmain dishseafoodssmoothiescakescookiesdiabetic breadsand more. Healthy and delicious diabetic recipes includes MintandMasoor Tikkis, Karela Theplas, Carrot Methi Subzi,ChineseFriedRice etc. You can get your loved or favorite recipe byjustsearching. Advanced searching option is also provided. Findeasydiabetic and vegan dinners for eating healthy. The selectionofdiabetic cooking depends on many reasons . Discoverdelicious,healthy recipes that fit perfectly into a diabetic diet.Collectionof diabetic-friendly recipes,low-sugar meals have to betasteless.Check out this collection of recipes to find a dishperfect forevery course. The app features include:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentThis app contains largest collection of diabetic recipes. Ifwefollow diabetes diet recipes in proper way we can surelycontroldiabetics. Vegetable soups also helps in maintaining ourhealth.Vegetable soups are always healthy.These diabetic recipes will be the ultimate cookbook that willhelpyou to control your diabetes and almost all diseases.Here we provide you thousands of diabetic recipes which you cancookeasily.Happy Cooking !!
Diabetes-Rechner 1.4
Mit 38 Jahren hat Nicole im August 2014dieDiagnose „Diabetes Typ 1“ bekommen, was ihr Leben zunächsteinmalziemlich durcheinander gewirbelt hat. Um ihr bei derBerechnungihres Insulinbedarfs zu helfen, habe ich mit dem AppInventor vomMIT eine kleine App für ihr Smartphone programmiert.Die App istgezielt auf ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten, abervielleicht kannsie ja auch für andere beim Rechnen hilfreich sein.Der Diabetes-Rechner verfügt über 4 Funktionen:1.) Berechnung von KE: Gib ein, wie viel Kohlenhydrate auf100gDein Essen hat und wie viel Gramm Du essen möchtest, und dieAppberechnet die Kohlenhydrateinheiten, die dabei anfallen.2.) Berechnung von Gramm: Gib ein, wie viel KohlenhydrateDeinEssen auf 100g hat und wie viel Kohlenhydrateinheiten Dugerneechten möchtest, und die App berechnet Dir, wie viel GrammzurErreichung der gewünschten KE Zahl essen musst.3.) Berechnung von KH/100g: Wenn Du von Deinem Essen nurdasGesamtgewicht und den Gesamtgehalt an Kohlenhydratenweißt,berechnet Dir die App den Anteil von Kohlenhydraten KH auf100g. Somusst Du nicht alles auf einmal essen, sondern kannst mitdenvorigen Funktion den eine Teilmenge berechnen.4.) Berechnung von IE: Gib ein, wie viel KohlenhydrateinheitenKEDu essen möchtest, welchen Korrekturfaktor und welchenInsulinfaktorDu berücksichtigen musst, und die App berechnet Dirunter AngabeDeines aktuellen Blutzuckerwertes die zuspritzendenInsulineinheiten IE aus.5.) Einstellungen: Hier kannst Du Deinen Blutzuckerzielwert,3individuelle Korrekturfaktoren und 5 individuelleInsulinfaktoreneinstellen.Der Diabetes-Rechner ist und bleibt kostenfrei. Bei FragenoderVerbesserungsvorschlägen freue ich mich über eine Mail:[email protected] 38 years Nicolehasreceived in August 2014, the diagnosis of "type 1 diabetes",whather life has initially caused quite a stir. To help her inthecalculation of their insulin requirements, I have programmedwiththe App Inventor at MIT a little app for your smartphone. Theappis tailored to their needs, but maybe she can also be helpfultoothers in arithmetic.The Diabetes computer has 4 functions:1) calculation of KE: Enter how much carbs to 100g your foodhasand how many grams you want to eat, and the app calculatesthecarbohydrate units that are incurred thereby.2) Calculation of grams: Enter how much carbs your food hasto100g and how much carbohydrate units you like real want, andtheapp calculates out how many grams to achieve the desired KEmusteat number.3) calculation of KH / 100g: If you know only the totalweightand the total carbohydrate content of your food, youcalculated theapp the proportion of carbohydrates KH 100g. So youdo not have toeat everything at once, but can be calculated usingthe previousfunction to a subset.4) Calculation of IE: Enter how much carbohydrate units KEyouwant to eat, what correction factor and insulin factor whichyoumust take into account, and the app calculates you statingyourcurrent blood glucose value of the units to be injectedinsulinIE.5) Settings: Here you can set your target blood glucose value,3individual correction factors and 5 individual insulinfactors.The Diabetes computer is and will remain free. For questionsorsuggestions, I welcome an email to:[email protected]
Habits Diabetes Coach 1.7.33
Jana Care
Your Personal Diabetes Coach, Anywhere, Anytime.
Kohlenhydrate für Diabetiker 14
Carbohydrate table, memo function, calculator KH, insulincalculatorfor diabetics
Dr. Mohan's Diabetes App 1.7.11
Jana Care
The Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Management Programisa proven online lifestyle coaching program based on alandmarkclinical study called the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)in theUS and has been designed for India in partnership with Dr.Mohan’sDiabetes Specialities Centre.Track Diet & ActivityIn order to help you, we have created an easy to use webandmobile platform that help seamlessly integrate diet &activitytracking into your life. What once was a laborious task canbe aninspiration to create lifestyle changes. With tracking, watchasyou improve your food intake and exercise routine.You can track the following parameters using the app.GlucoseDaily activity (using built-in pedometer)Dietary IntakeWeightInsulin UnitsBlood PressureHbA1cLipidsLearn How to Achieve a Healthier Lifestyle BalanceOur weekly interactive video lessons will help you learnexcitingand proven strategies to eat healthier, become more activeandmanage day-to-day situations that come in the way ofimprovinglifestyle. You will be guided by our expert coaches whoascertified diabetes educators have helped thousands ofparticipantsjust like you!Note: Free version comes with content for 1 week. Interesteduserscan upgrade from within the app itself to unlock fullfeatures.Coach:The app has a Coach feature which gives you timely suggestionswhenyou are using the app. The coach will keep you on the trackwhenyou are going through the program. You can also ask questionstoyour Coach using the app.Note: Question asking feature is only available when you upgradetheapp.Reports:Get access to beautiful and informative reports abouttheinformation that you are tracking. These reports can also beshownto your personal physician so that he/she can get better dataaboutyour health.Note: Free version of the app allows you to see report data onlyforthe last 7 days of usage. To enable full Reportfunctionality,upgrade the Habits app.How to upgrade the app?Go to Lessons tab and tap Upgrade. You will need to tap on‘RequestActivation Code’ and fill a form. We will get back to youwithin 48hours.The program is recommended for people with:-Type II Diabetes-Pre-diabetes-Hypertension-High CholesterolDesigned by Jana Care, a company spun out of original publichealthresearch at Harvard and MIT. We are dedicated to reversingthegrowing epidemic of Diabetes across India and the globe.If you are facing any issues or have feedback, please email [email protected]
Delicious Diabetic Recipes 2.6
These are complete diabetic meals without sacrificing yourgreattaste!
Care4life Diabetes
Voxiva, Inc.
Do you have questions about managing your diabetes? Wonder whatyoushould eat? How you can be more active? Care4life canhelp!Care4life is a diabetes support program that helps you takebettercontrol of your diabetes. Care4life Diabetes makes it easierto: •set medications & appointment reminders • eat healthywithrecipes & nutrition tips • record & track bloodglucosereadings • track weight & exercise goals • stay ontrack!Care4life content was developed in collaboration with theAmericanDiabetes Association and uses text messages, a free app,videos,email and online website.
Diabetes Tracker
Welcome to the Diabetes Tracker.Are you tired of having to write down your Blood Sugartestresults? Would you like a way to get ride of the pen andpencil?Well try Diabetes Tracker. We take the K.I.S.S.approach.Do you have a sliding scale, fixed scale, baselines or acarbratio to keep track of? Would you like one place to helpyoucalculate how much insulin you take? Diabetes tracker is heretohelp with all of that.If you want to track how much insulin you use or how muchyourblood sugar averages are, then Diabetes tracker is here tohelpyou.Good luck with your blood sugars and have a fun filledlife.Please remember the numbers provided by the doctor areguidelinesthat should be followed with caution and forethought. Myestimatesare the same guidelines. Please take care of your self andhave along and happy life with your family. If you have anyproblems orquestions please feel free to email me.
Diabetic Recipes app
Diabetic Diet Recipes : Track & control Diabetes Type 1,2&Sugar.
mySugr - Diabetes Tracker Log 3.92.59
mySugr GmbH
Sync your blood glucose device, log values automatically andtameyour diabetes!
Pocket Yoga
Rainfrog, LLC
With Pocket Yoga you can keep up withyourpractice at your own pace in the comforts of your own home.Simplyroll out your mat, place your device in front, and PocketYoga willguide you through your entire session.Choose between 27 different sessions of varying durationanddifficulty. Learn the poses with the pose dictionarycontainingdetailed explanations of the correct posture, alignment,andbenefits.Features:• Detailed voice and visual instruction guides you througheverypose, including each inhalation and exhalation.• Over 200 beautifully illustrated pose images with correctpostureand alignment.• Dictionary of poses containing the descriptions and benefitsofeach pose.• Unlock new environments as you progress in youryogajourney.• Quickly preview a practice to see if it's right for you beforeyoustart.• Maintains an ongoing log of all your yoga practices to trackyourprogress.• Practices designed by experienced yoga instructors.• Play music from your music library in place of thedefaultmusic.Accolades:‣ Listed among the “15 Best Beauty Apps” - InStyle‣ Selected by CNN as one of the "10 great mobile health apps"