Top 9 Apps Similar to Headband Design Ideas

TheMakeOver by Kotex 1.5
Kotex Levant
Now with Kotex new mobile app, yourcompletemakeover is at the tip of your fingers.Have your direct access to the hottest topics intown,entertainment, movie guide, blog posts, “ask KAY section” foryourprivate and most intimate questions, and even check yourmenstrualcalendar straight from your phone.You will also have access to your makeover profile to checkyourachievements and claim your valuable rewards and muchmore.Download the app and enjoy the free gift that comes with it.For more information please visit www.themakeover.meKeep TheMakeOver with you at all times with our newmobileapp!You can now check your menstrual calendar, movie guides, AskKay,blog posts, but also win valuable gifts and a lot more,straightfrom your pocket.You will have access to:-Your profile,-Your menstrual calendar,-Ask Kay-Daily blog posts,-Valuable gifts,-Your achievementsAnd more!Download the app and enjoy the free gift that comes with it.For more information please visit
Intimus Calendário Menstrual 1.1
O Calendário Menstrual é umaplicativodiferente. Ele é a versão moderna do calendário defolhinha, muitomais prático, fácil e eficiente. Ele organiza asinformações sobreseu ciclo menstrual, faz uma previsão da suapróxima menstruação edo seu período fértil. Nele, você também fazuma atualização diáriado seu humor e sintomas do seu períodomenstrual, como cólica efluxo. Você pergunta: tá, e o que mais? OCalendário Menstrualainda tem uma área só de alertas para vocênunca mais se perder nahora de tomar pílula, de comprar seuabsorvente ou de ir aoginecologista. E pra você não ficar na dúvidade qual Intimus é omelhor pra você, temos uma vitrine com os nossosprodutos. É sóescolher.Mas como a gente adora um papo, digamos, mais leve, também temdicasde beleza, comportamento e saúde.Gostou, né? A gente também. Por isso, queremos muito quevocêaproveite ao máximo o Calendário Intimus para facilitar a suavidae fazer do seu período menstrual uma fase menos complicada emaisdivertida.Baixe aqui e aproveite.The Menstrual Calendarisa different application. It is the modern version of theleafletschedule, more practical, easy and efficient. It organizestheinformation about your menstrual cycle, makes a prediction ofyournext period and your fertile period. In it, you also make adailyupdate on your mood and symptoms of your period, as colic andflow.You ask, yeah, and what else? The Menstrual Calendar still hasanarea only alerts you to never get lost in time to take pill,buyingyour absorbent or go to the gynecologist. And for you not tobe indoubt which Intimus is the best for you, we have a showcasewithour products. Take your pick.But as we love a chat, say, lighter, also has beauty tips,behaviorand health.Like, right? We too. So we want you to make the very most ofIntimusCalendar to make your life easier and make your menstrualperiod aless complicated and more fun stage.Download here and enjoy.
My menstrual calculator pro 1.2
My menstrual calculator is simple and pleasant to use.
MiCalendarioFemenino 1.0
Con mi calendario femenino podrásregistrartuinicio de periodo menstrual y el final, después temostraraunafecha aproximada del siguiente periodo.Podrás registrar tus datos de usuario como:- Nombre- Contraseña- Teléfono para enviar un respaldo de la contraseña- Correo para enviar un respaldo de la contraseñaAsí que con solo seleccionar msj o correo t enviara unacopiadeseguridad de tu contraseña.También te permite realizar llamadas telefónicas a cualquieramigaencaso de emergencia.With my femalecalendaryoucan register your menstrual period start and end, thenit willshowan approximate date of the next period.You can register your user data such as:- Name- Password- Telephone to send a backup password- Mail to send a backup passwordSo just select msg or e t send a backup of your password.It also allows you to make phone calls to any friend incaseofemergency.
Period Tracker Newbie Guide 2.07
Period Tracker, the easiest way totrackyourperiods is now on Android!* Press a button at the start of your period everymonth.PeriodTracker logs your dates and calculates the average ofyourpast 3months' menstrual cycles to predict the start date ofyournextperiod.* View your current and future period dates, ovulationandfertiledays, your moods and your symptoms in asimplemonth-viewcalendar.* Decorate your phone with an icon that looks great onyourhomescreen and that's discreet. It reads simply "PTracker."Period Tracker is FILLED WITH FEATURES.* Take daily notes of moods, symptoms, and intimacy.* Easily view the number of days until next period or numberofdayslate.* Know when you're fertile with flowers that show onyourhomescreenduring your predicted ovulation and eightday"fertilewindow."Period Tracker has been raved about by thousands of users.MommaRed - "I really like this application. It is easy touse,easyto track and plan for upcoming events. The recent updateshavemadeit even better. One of my favorite apps."Blanczz226 - "This is one of my favorite apps. I use iteverymonthand it's extremely accurate. Worth the $ for sure" - "Period Tracker is the ultimate menstrualmentor.Youenter in your info, and it tracks your cycles, lettingyou keepnotesabout your activities and well being, all the whileusingtwee 'lilhearts and flowers to denote important days."Celstemc - "One of my first apps and I am completely in lovewithit!Won't use another one like it!! Cute and easy touse!"Please email comments and suggestions [email protected]: Period Tracker period and fertility forecasts maynotbeaccurate and should not be used to prevent unwantedpregnancy.Toforecast ovulation Period Tracker calculates 14 daysbeforetheprojected start date of one's next period.Forecastaccuracydepends on a number of factors including howregular one'scyclelength is, when one actually ovulates during thecycle, andhowmany periods have been logged in the app. Anxiety,stress,diet,nutrition, exercise, environment, medications, ageandotherfactors can also affect one's cycle from month tomonth.
Hair Accessories 2016 1.0
Adorn your locks with our endlesshairaccessory ideas. Whether you have short or long hair,ourscrunchies, hair bands, butterfly clips, donuts and elasticbandswill keep your tresses looking fabulously styled everyday.
fashion accessories ideas 3.1
ideas suggestions accessories to make it look attractive,cool,beautiful
Long Hairstyle Tutorials 1.0
long hairstyle tutorialsWe have a lot of long hairstyle tutorials here!If you’re a moslem woman, when you had done thisLonghairstyletutorials. You are permitted to show the result onlyinfront ofyour husband, and your family (parents,brother,sisters).When it comes to hair, there is nothing more appealingandattractivethan long, thick, textured and coarse hair.longhairstyletutorialsare a great way to show the glamour andshine ofnaturalhair. Whether it is a birthday party, a candlelightdinner, or awedding, long hairs can style out to be moreappealingandbeautiful.Since time immemorial long hairstyle tutorialswere thetrendforwomen but today for men also the trend is shiftingfromshorthairstyles to long haircuts. Celebrity's hairstyles haveaddedonthe increasing trend of long cuts and hairstyles.Hairstylesforlong hairs have endless variations for both men andwomen.Women have always tried various styles on their longhaircuts.Someof the tools like sedu iron, dryer, crimping machine,etc. aidthemto style their hair at home. They need not go a parloror astylistevery time before going for a party or wedding. Some ofthemostpopular long hairstyle tutorialsfor women arestraight,curls,waves and layers.Long curly hairstyles are the best to go with any occasion.Theyneedlots of maintenance, as hair tends to become dry andfrizzy.Hairgems, hair accessories and hair pins can be used oncurlyhairs asadornment. If the curls are large, one can even tryforlayeredhairstyle. Long layered hairstyles can transform thelookof thewoman to more attractive, stylish and elegant. Notonlycurls, layersalso look good on straight and wavy hairs.Anotherchoice for longhair is the pony tail, the most commonhairstylehaving severalvariations.Men too have a range of options for styling their long hairs.Someofthe most common long hairstyles for men are dimensionalcut,layers,and hair colors. Pony tail and layers are not onlymeantfor womenbut even men today are found with low pony tailsandlight curls. Menalso do pressing and hair coloring.The current fashion trend comprises of a range of hairstylesforbothmen and women. It's not necessary that all hairstylessuiteverybody.Different hairstyles look best on differentpeopledepending on theirfacial structure. Choppy bobs, long wavesandshoulder skimming shagslook great on oval faces. Avoid bluntcutfor oval faces if hair isthick and curly. Chin length bobs.Sideswept bangs, curls, waves andlayers are ideal hairstyles forlongfaces. Extremely long or shortcuts elongate the face soavoidthese cuts for long faces. Keep longbangs and graduatedlayers forround faces and for square faces tryto cover the angularjaw withany style of curls or layers.ArticleSource: Source:
DIY hair accessories idea 1.0
DIY hair accessories ideaGrab the best DIY hair accessories idea here!This DIY hair accessories idea can be made in anycolororcombination of colors. You only need to tape inseveraldifferentsizes, hot glue gun and something to decorate thecenter,as wellas clips. You just form a loop tape to the flowersandattach themall together. This is a beautiful hair bows that canbemade inseveral different sizes depending on how much tape youuse,so it'sgreat for any occasion. Flowers are great for alloccasionsand youcan make a bow flowers really easy. You only need apiece oftapeabout four inches long and a bit of sewing supplies.This isaproject that is very easy and you can make a differentarcusingdifferent colored ribbons. Remember to choose forsomethingspecialto decorate the center.There are many types of hair clips, tie and headbandareavailable,and the tape can be attached to almost all of them.Allyou willneed to attach a ribbon for your hair accessory is afabricglue orhot glue. If you are passionate about your craft andlovemakingclothes and accessories of your own hair, then youwilldefinitelyfind this tutorial will be very helpful. Fromsparklinghow to makehair bows for dotted bots that will take yearsoff yourappearance,the possibilities are endless all you need is alittlecreativityand imagination.Is your little girl's head bow? If you've been shopping for abowinretail, you know the crazy price boutiques costs. Choosethefabricyou want to use for your bow. Some good material to beusedwill besatin, velvet, nylon, cotton, vinyl, or grosgrain. Youcanchoosewhich material you prefer. Consider how stiff you wantyourbow tobe when choosing a ribbon. If you want your bow topop-ups,use astronger material such as grosgrain or vinyl. If youwant togetmore information just download and install this DIYhairaccessoriesidea app on your Smartphone later.