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Light Unit Converter 1.2
The Light Unit Converter app from Apogee Instrumentscalculatestheconversions between different light units for variouslightsourcesincluding T5 Sylvania fluorescent lights, metalhalide,highpressure sodium, and sunlight. Units includeshortwaveradiation(SW), photosynthetic photon flux (PPF, PPFD), Lux(lx)andFoot-candles (fc, lm/ft2, or ft-c).Definitions:ShortwaveRadiation - Shortwave radiation (SW) isradiant energywithwavelengths in the visible (VIS),near-ultraviolet (UV),andnear-infrared (NIR) spectra. There is nostandard cut-off forthenear-infrared range; therefore, theshortwave radiation rangeisalso variously defined. It may bebroadly defined to includeallradiation with a wavelength between0.1μm and 5.0μm ornarrowlydefined so as to include only radiationbetween 0.2μm and3.0μm.There is little radiation flux (in terms ofW/m²) to theEarth'ssurface below 0.2μm or above 3.0μm, althoughphoton fluxremainssignificant as far as 6.0μm, compared to shorterwavelengthfluxes.UV-C radiation spans from 0.1μm to .28μm, UV-Bfrom 0.28μmto0.315μm, UV-A from 0.315μm to 0.4μm, the visiblespectrumfrom0.4μm to 0.7μm, and NIR arguably from 0.7μm to 5.0μm,beyondwhichthe infrared is thermal. Shortwave radiation isdistinguishedfromlongwave radiation. Lux - The lux (symbol: lx) isthe SI unitofilluminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminousfluxperunit area. It is equal to one lumen per squaremeter.Inphotometry, this is used as a measure of theintensity,asperceived by the human eye, of light that hits orpasses throughasurface. It is analogous to the radiometric unitwatts persquaremeter, but with the power at each wavelengthweightedaccording tothe luminosity function, a standardized modelof humanvisualbrightness perception. Photosynthetic Photon Flux-PhotosyntheticPhoton Flux (PPF), also known asPhotosyntheticPhoton Flux Density(PPFD) or PhotosyntheticallyActive Radiation(PAR), designates thespectral range (wave band) ofsolar radiationfrom 400 to 700nanometers that photosyntheticorganisms are able touse in theprocess of photosynthesis. PARmeasurement is used inagriculture,forestry and oceanography. One ofthe requirements forproductivefarmland is adequate PAR, so PAR isused to evaluateagriculturalinvestment potential. PAR sensorsstationed at variouslevels ofthe forest canopy measure the patternof PAR availabilityandutilization. PAR is normally quantified asµmol photons/m2/s,whichis a measure of the photosynthetic photonflux (area) density,orPPFD. PAR can also be expressed in energyunits (irradiance,W/m2);this is relevant in energy-balanceconsiderationsforphotosynthetic organisms. Because photosynthesisis aquantumprocess, PPFD is generally used by plantbiologists.Foot-candle -A foot-candle (sometimes foot candle;abbreviated fc,lm/ft2, orsometimes ft-c) is a non-SI unit ofilluminance or lightintensitywidely used in the United States inphotography, film,television,conservation lighting, greenhousehorticulture, thelightingindustry, construction-related engineeringand in buildingcodes.The name "footcandle" conveys "the illuminancecast on asurface bya one-candela source one foot away". The unit isdefinedas theamount of illumination the inside surface ofaone-foot-radiussphere would be receiving if there were auniformpoint source ofone candela in the exact center of thesphere.Alternatively, itcan be defined as the illuminance on aone-squarefoot surface ofwhich there is a uniformly distributedflux of onelumen. Thus onefoot-candle is equal to one lumen persquare foot orapproximately10.764 lux. In practical applications,as whenmeasuring roomillumination, it is very difficult tomeasureilluminance moreaccurately than ±10%, and for many purposesit isquite sufficientto think of one footcandle as about ten lux asistypically done inthe lighting industry.