Top 20 Apps Similar to Last Seen Off

You can scope he/she with Wscope andreceivenotifications instantly when he/she is online onWhatsAppYou can view how many times logged in-out, and online durationsonWhatsApp.Able to scope even last seen turned off or blocked, and you cangetinstant notifications when gets online on WhatsApp.You can find out the total number of minutes that remainonlineduring the day, also weekly and monthly onlinedurations.In short, Wscope, a tool that you can findout he/she lies toyou:)Wscope Premium will serve unlimited Premium members anymore!Hurry up to become a lucky Premium member.Wscope's accurate correct information rate is 99%. %1 reservedforpossible natural disasters on our World.You can email us for detected errors.Enjoy.
WhatsEye 2.0
WhatsEye is a monitoring tool of yourWhatsAppcontacts. You can add the contacts you wish to monitor andkeeptrack of their WhatsApp history during that period.
Hide for Whats APP 1.2.9
Whatsapp despite giving us the option nottoshow the last time connection makes you appear online whenyouwrite or when you read a message, thanks to hide forwhatsapphidden you can now read and answer them without appearingonlineall from this application.What differentiates us from other applications:1-. READ AND REPLY TO MESSAGES IN HIDDEN MODE2-. NO DATA DISCONNECT3-. TUTORIALS TO FACILITATE THE USE OF HIDE WHATSAPP STATUSWe RECOMMEND VIEW VIDEO INSTALLATION BEFORE USE: Spanish- English-When you start the application hide whatsapp status for thefirsttime will find a super simple tutorial for configuring hidestatusonline in whatsapp, our whatsappera pet guide you throughouttheprocess :)You get not appear online, just read the messages and replytothem from hide for whatsapp, the application will use theGoogleNow widget for sending messages automatically and hiddenFor correct operation remember to apply the followingpermissionsapply. when you are required in the tutorial:Read Notifications: thanks to this permit applicationwhatsapphear notifications and display within it with a freshdesign, thisway you will read messages without being online.Read Contacts: hide for whatsapp need to read contacts forwhenyou want to start a new chat conversation also sort by contactnamehidden whatsapp online.PS: Hide read for Whatsapp is a standalone application and isnotaffiliated with any other company, including Whatsapp inc.Accessibility: this permit will be used to automatesendingmessages whatsapp invisible covertly.
WhatsWeb 1.0.3
Dots Apps
WhatsWeb is an easy to use WhatsApp Webwhichhelps you to realtime view all the WhatsApp conversationslikeWhatsApp messages,WhatsApp call records that take place in thesameWhatsApp account.The app only requires to scan your QR Code generated inWhatsWebinto another device WhatsApp under WhatsApp on Web menu andonce itdoes it will give you detailed information about allWhatsAppconversation of another device.Salient features of WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp :☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to accessWhatsAppconversions of your another phone.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to use sameWhatsAppaccount from different android devices like mobilesandtablets.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to run multipleWhatsAppaccount in same mobile.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to send andreceivemessages, pictures or even videos from your friendsandfamily.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to easily controlyourchildren WhatsApp with clone WhatsApp account with WhatsWebforWhatsApp.☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp helps you to access full WhatsAppoftarget device without installing any software in another devicetoaccess your WhatsApp account☆ WhatsWeb - a Web for WhatsApp is a completely free tool.Important Note: This app in no way claims to be affiliatedto,associated with, or sponsored by WhatsAppDisclaimer: This app is only for personal use.Come give it a try! Don’t forget to give us a 5-Star(★★★★★)rating if you like us.Mail us: [email protected]
SpyChat - No Last Seen or Read 7.4
Codeplay Labs
Spy Chat - read your Whatsapp, FacebookandViber messages in incognito mode without yourcontactsknowing.No last seen, no blue double tick and no last readDesigned for chat apps like Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook, what thisappdoes is showing you the messages when received on any of thisapps.You only need to read the messages from this app instead ofgoing tothat chat app. Simple!Finally! No more read receipts, no check marks, no blue doubletickor last seen!Recover back your privacy on social networks and chats withthisamazing app. You now have the freedom to read yourfriend'smessages incognito, without leaving any last seen notice orbluedouble check, and it works for Whatsapp, Viber andFacebookMessenger.Salient features of this app:• Covers apps like Whatsapp (hide Blue double check and nolastseen), Facebook messenger (no message read tick), Viber (nomessageread).• Includes both Single and Group chats, for Whatsapp, ViberandFacebook.• App wise grouping of chats.• Options to enable/disable chats for required chat apps.• Email Option - To send the chat across.• Internal option to go to that app for replying.• No need of any hack or settings like turning offinternetconnection.So, now enjoy reading these messages in advance and get preparedforthe reply. The app provides you an interface, for the listofmessages for each chat.Silently read all the messages and be prepared for thesituations.Nobody will actually know, when you read themessages.Hope you will enjoy the app. Do share your feedback and help ustogrow more.Cheers...
WeProfile 3.0.2
Kodnet Mobile
You can view any WhatsApp registerednumber'sProfile Picture, Status, Lastseen & OnlineTracker.WeProfile can be used for an unknown numbers serviceforWhatsApp!You can query;- WhatsApp profile pictures,- Status messages,- Last seen dates,- Online presecenceswith WeProfile.Also WeProfile Premium members can use auto-querywhichautomatically queries selected numbers several times each dayandnotifies on any changes.You can view your all contacts last seen dates and statusmessageswith profile pictures on the same time.Also you can save large and high quality profile pictures toyourgallery.WeProfile is an unique application which servicesWhatsApplastseens, status messages and profile pictures on the sameplace,and notifies on changes!Why to use WeProfile:- there is no way other for tracking WhatsAppprofilepictures,- you can query profile details for any WhatsApp numbersincludingblocked ones,- there is no other app to view contact list whatsappprofiledetails on a sheet,- you can query a number without adding to your phonebook,- WeProfile is also an unknown numbers app for WhatsApp!- WeProfile is unique on its lane, and should be in necessarilylistof your common apps.Try WeProfile now!You can auto-query your contact list details for free whenyouwish!WeProfile uses your contact list only with your permission toqueryyour contact's WhatsApp profile details. To do this,WeProfileneeds to collect your contact list and uploads it toWeProfilequery servers to query profile details. This action isexecutedtotally under and after your permission, otherwiseWeProfile doesnot query/collect/upload your contact listever.
Hidden for WhatsApp 1.1.2
Hidden WhatsApp is the best available apptoread and reply to your WhatsApp contacts without revealyourselfonline either update your last seen time. That way you willbehiding your last seen time and people will not know if youarechatting or not with your WhatsApp contacts.How Hidden WhatsApp works?The first time, the app will request you the readnotificationspermission to be aware when someone text you and thecontact whodid it. This way you will be able to reply throughHidden Chat Plusfor WhatsApp in a hidden mode.Once in the app, we will be able to read and reply WhatsAppmessageswhen a contact write to us. It is important that, as longas youwant to remain hidden, don’t open WhatsApp app.Note that the contacts we can reply depends on manyexternalfactors, so for example, every time the application or thedeviceis restarted, the list will be empty. The list will grow upas morepeople write us.
Unseen : no seen marks 2.9
Read messenger apps messages without leaving last seen marks.
WhatsAlert enhances the WhatsAppnotificationsletting you know who is writing using different tonesandalerts.● Define a custom tone for each contact or group. Know whoiswriting without reaching for your phone constantly.● Get a special notification and sound when someone mentions you.Ifyou are busy and can't keep up with a conversation, at leastyouknow if someone is calling for you.Are you tired of that WhatsApp group that has 100 messagesperminute? Now you can set a custom soft tone for it, or muteitpermanently. But if someone mentions you, WhatsAlert willnotifyyou with a system notification and a custom tone, so youdon't missany important messages.This is a 30-day trial version with all the features. If you findituseful, you can buy the full version with a one-timein-apppurchase.Samsung phones users: please note that enabling theAccessibilityService may cause your phone to speak out loud allactions. This isa known Samsung TouchWiz bug. Unfortunately, we arenot aware ofany workaround, the only fix we can recommend is todisable theAccessibility Service and uninstall WhatsAlert :(
WhatsAlarm 1.0
With this application you canprogramWhatsappmessages.- You never forget a birthday compliment.- Create templates to send anytime.- Use this application for your business to keepyourcustomersinformed.How to use :- A message with the time and date scheduled is created.- Get a notification at the right time.- When pressed it "sends" the message.Messages can be created with or without contact.- If no contact is created when you open the notificationwillaskyou to choose a contact or group and will be send.- If you make contact with you can only choose simplecontact,nogroup.When you open the notification will open theconversationdirectlywith the contact and the message is placed onthe clipboardso youcan paste and send (this is a warning message onthe screento openthe conversation ) directly.In both cases there is an intermediate step manual,orchoosecontact or write message.Whatsapp has castrated and to preventautomatedspamsubmissions.Something appreciated , if not we would be meltingatwhatsappadvertising.The photo application gets contact from Whatsapp onlyifthecontact's profile has been open.If not, get the phone contact photo (if available) .
Panic Button Selfie Demo 1.5
Atención: Esta aplicación es un demo,quetieneun período de prueba de 2 días a partir de suinstalación,luego detranscurrido el período de prueba dejará defuncionar.Ultima actualización:Esta versión permite una nueva forma de disparo, siendoahorauntotal de 3. La nueva manera es sacudir fuertemente variasveceselteléfono, la tradicional mediante un botón paraselfiesopresionando 3 veces consecutivas el botón deencendido.Estasopciones ahora se pueden habilitar o deshabilitardemaneraindependiente. El teléfono vibrará confirmandolaactivación.Es una aplicación que convierte en un botón de pánico,aunteléfono celular inteligente junto a undisparadorexternoinalámbrico Bluetooth, comercializadohabitualmente paratomarfotografías denominadas selfies de maneraremota. Cuando elusuarioactiva el botón, en una situación deemergencia, éste seconecta alteléfono celular y envía pedidos deayuda a los destinosde SMS yemail configurados en la aplicación.Luego de activarse, seenvíacada 10 minutos la ubicación obtenidadel GPS del teléfono.Muyútil para en casos de robos conocidos comoentraderas,salideras,víctimas de violencia familiar, personasmayores,choferes de taxisy colectivos, y público en general. Suventaja esque es fácil deaccionar, discreto y utiliza dispositivosmuydifundidos, por lotanto solo es necesario instalar unaaplicación,para convertir aestos dos elementos en un botón depánico.Nota: el usuario debe contar previamente conundisparadordenominado comercialmente como "Remote BluetoothShutter"y estarinstalado correctamente para que estaaplicaciónfuncione.Preguntas frecuentes:¿Que ventajas tiene?Es muy fácil de accionar ya que el usuario no necesitatocarelteléfono para pedir ayuda.Pueden usarlo personas sin conocimientos de tecnología.¿Cuantos destinatarios se pueden configurar?Hasta 3 destinos de SMSs y 3 de e-mail.¿Cuál es el costo de mantenimiento?Los gastos ocasionados por este sistema son los queaplicaelproveedor de telefonía celular por el envío de SMS y porconexiónaInternet.¿Como detengo el envío de mensajes?Ingresando a la aplicación con su contraseña puededetenerlasalertas y también informar a todos los destinos si fuéunafalsaalarma.¿Que pasa si se apaga el teléfono?Si se había activado el botón, cuando el teléfonovuelvaaencenderse, tratará de continuar enviando alertas, aúnsihayancambiado la tarjeta SIM.¿Cuantos botones puedo asociar al teléfono?Solo uno. Es posible reemplazarlo desde la configuracióndelaaplicación, pero siempre funcionará con un únicobotónbluetoothasociado.¿Por qué no se puede apagar el Bluetooth del teléfonodespuésdeinstalar la aplicación?Porque queda a la espera de una conexión del botón encasodeemergencia.¿Se pueden conectar otros dispositivos Bluetooth alteléfono?Si.¿Puedo seguir tomando fotografías con eldisparadorBluetoothdespués de instalar la aplicación yasociarlo?No¿Qué alcance tiene?El disparador Bluetooth debe permanecer a una distancia menora8metros del teléfono para que la comunicación entreambosseestablezca.¿Puede fallar el envío de coordenadas GPS?Si. Primero es necesario que se habilite la opciónenlaconfiguración de su teléfono, para permitir alasaplicacionesobtener la ubicación por medio del GPS. Ensegundolugardependiendo de las condiciones ambientales donde seencuentraelteléfono, puede que no obtenga la intensidad de señaldelossatélites suficiente para determinar la ubicación otengaerroressignificativos.¿Puede fallar el envío de e-mails?Si. Debe tener conexión a Internet para poder enviarlos.¿Puede fallar el envío de SMS?Si. Debe tener saldo suficiente en su prooveedordetelefoníacelular para que permita el envío de mensajes.¿Puede configurarse la aplicación en más de un idioma?Si. Por el momento están disponibles las opciones enInglésyEspañol.Note: This applicationisademo, which has a trial period of 2 days afterinstallation,afterthe expiration of the trial period will stopworking.Last update:This version allows a new way of shooting, being now a totalof3.The new way is strongly shake the phone severaltimes,thetraditional means of a button or pressing selfies3consecutivetimes the power button. These options can now beenabledordisabled independently. The phonevibratesconfirmingactivation.It is an application that becomes a panic button, asmartcellphone with a Bluetooth wireless external trigger,usuallymarketedto take pictures selfies called remotely. When theuseractivatesthe button in an emergency situation, it connects tothecell phoneand send requests for help to destinations SMS andemailconfiguredin the application. After activated, it is sentevery 10minutesthe obtained phone GPS location. Very useful incases oftheftknown as entraderas, salideras, victims ofdomesticviolence,elderly, taxi drivers and groups, and the generalpublic.Itsadvantage is that it is easy to operate, unobtrusive andusesverycommon devices therefore only need to install anapplicationtoconvert these two elements in a panic button.Note: The user must first obtain a trigger commerciallyknownas"Bluetooth Remote Shutter" and be installed correctlyforthisapplication to work.Frequent questions:What are the advantages?It is very easy to operate because the user does not needtotouchthe phone for help.They can use people without knowledge of technology.How many recipients can be configured?Up to 3 destinations 3 SMSs and e-mail.What is the maintenance cost?Expenses incurred by this system are those applied bythecellphone provider for sending SMS and Internet connection.How do I stop sending messages?Entering the password application may stop alerts andalsoinformall destinations if it was a false alarm.What if the phone is turned off?If the button had been activated when the phone turned backon,itwill try to continue sending alerts, even if they havechangedtheSIM card.How many buttons can associate the phone?Only one. It is possible to replace from theapplicationsettings,but always work with a single bluetoothbuttonassociated.Why can not I turn off the Bluetooth phone afterinstallingtheapplication?Because it is waiting for a connection button incaseofemergency.Can I connect other Bluetooth devices to your phone?Yes.Can I keep taking pictures with the Bluetoothtriggerafterinstalling the application and associate it?Do notWhat is the scope?The Bluetooth trigger must remain at less than 8metersdistancetelephone for communication between themisestablished.Can you fail to send GPS coordinates?Yes. First it is necessary that the option in the settingsofyourphone is enabled to allow applications to get thelocationthroughGPS. Second depending on the environmentalconditions wherethephone, you may not get the signal strength ofsufficientinformationto determine the location or have significanterrorssatellites.Can you fail to send e-mails?Yes. You must have an Internet connection to send.You can fail sending SMS?Yes. You must have enough balance in your cell phone onsfromtoallow sending messages.You can configure the application in more than one language?Yes. By the time options are available in EnglishandSpanish.
WhatsWeb For WhatsApp 4.0
Whatsweb for Whatsapp web - DualwhatsappAccount on 1 deviceWhatsApp messenger for chat like skype, viber, kik, facebookandtangoclone another whatsapp in secondsRun 2 WhatsApp messenger accounts in 1 device!read chat historysend and receive photos and videossend audioforward mediashare contactsMulti Whatsapp messenger : Multiple whatAapp account inonephone.Sync your WhatsApp account to your mobile or tabletWith whatsweb you can:1. Open the same WhatsApp account on multiple devices- WhatsWeb. Finally! You can run whatsapp Web on your phone&tablet!- Scan the QR code to sync your account to whatsweb.- Dual whatsapp . Use your whatsapp Account on dual devices. onyourphone, tablet or multiple devices simultaneously.- Multi whatsapp. Run multiple whatsapp accounts on a singledevice.You can have 2 whatsapp in 1 device.- While at home, sync from your phone to tablet, so you can chatandreply from your tablet. Tablet for whatsapp.- OGwhatsapp Clone. You can clone your work account to yourpersonalphone/tablet or vice versa.2. Full access:- Have all your contacts, chats list, chat history, messages,photosand files on multiple devices.4. Easy-to-use, Easy-to-setup.5. Works on ALL devices!Whatsweb for whatsapp allows you to run two whatsapp accounts inasingle device OR You can also run the same whatsapp accountonmultiple devices. It is entirely up to you!- Double Whatsapp, double the fun!- You can have dual whatsapp in 1 device!- You can have your whatsapp account on dual devices!----------HOW TO USE----------1. Install and Open Whatsweb on device (Phone/Tablet) you wanttosync/clone your whatsapp to2. Open whatsapp on your main phone (the account you wanttoclone)- On Android: Scroll to the Chats screen -> Menu ->whatsappWeb.- On iPhone: Click Settings -> whatsapp Web.- On Nokia S60 and Windows Phone: Go to Menu ->whatsappWeb.- On Nokia S40: Swipe up from bottom of screen ->whatsappWeb.- On BlackBerry: Go to Chats -> Menu -> whatsapp Web.- On BlackBerry 10: Swipe down from top of the screen ->whatsappWeb.3. After clicking "whatsapp web", you should see a cameraQRscanning screen.4. Now scan the QR code displayed on whatsweb5. Done! Sync complete! Now you can access the same whatsappaccounton both devices!6. Enjoy 2 whatsapp in 1 device!For more info, see the video above.----------HOW IT WORKS----------To ensure best performance:1. Ensure that the main phone with the whatsapp account you wishtosync to is connected to the internet. Wifi is best.2. Remove un-used chat list and chat groups. This reduces thedatarequired to transfer, therefore speeding up performance.WhatsWeb Additional features- Support every single mobile (All devices)- Faster load (Cashe support)- 110% Zoomed for more visibilityStay tuned for more very soon ;)PS: This app is an independent one and is not affiliated withanyother company including WhatsApp inc.Rate, Share and leave a good review.
WhatsUnread 1.1
VinVar Soft
******************When you receive a new message on Notification bar,SelectWhatsUnread and read the message in WhatsUnread App******************** Getting frustrated with blue ticks.* Don't want your friends to know that you have readhis/hermessage* Has "last seen at" status bothering you?Worry no more. Restore your privacy by downloading UnreadForWhatsapp and see all your messages in this app. Blue ticks willnotbe sent to your friend and last seen will not get updated.NOTE:1. Image, Audio and Video messages will not be shown in UnreadforWhatsapp2. Please read all the unread messages in WhatsApp for this apptofunction properly
Whatscan for Whatsweb
Whatscan for Whatsapp web – simply, scan theQRcode and that's it!+ Same WhatsApp account on mobiles and tablets+ Send and receive messages, pictures, videos even documents+ Secured with your Password.+ Multi Languages+ Send VoicesNOTE: Whatscan Support All Android Versions and Devices.Hint: Whatscan for whatsapp web is created by us, and it notanofficial WhatsApp application and not associated withWhatsAppInc.
Blind for Whatsapp Free 1.3
Blind for WhatsApp Free allows you to writeandreceive messages from WhatsApp without your "Last Seen" statusbeingupdated.Read messages without anyone knowing, chat with anyone youwantwithout the rest of your contacts knowing that you've beenonline,don't leave a track of your activity and protect yourprivacy.FEATURES:+ Privacy: don't let your family, your boss, your friends oryourpartner control your daily activity.+ Easy and fast: quick access just using twomanageablebuttons.+ Accessibility: read and write your messages without beingseenautomatically, forget to change conectivity settings each timeyoustart WhatsAppINSTRUCTIONS:DO NOT LAUNCH WhatsApp directly, open Blind for WhatsApp Freetoaccess in this hidden way.1. Once the application is running, press the CLOSED EYEbuttonto start whatsapp hiding your last seen status2. After reading and writing your messages, close whatsappandpress the OPENED EYE button to reactivate the messageexchange.3. Every time you want to read or send a new message, repeatthisprocess again.NOTE: For the proper sending and receiving of pictures, audioandvideo using Blind for WhatsApp Free, you should enterWhatsAppSettings/ Chat settings/ Media auto-download and make surethat allthe boxes are checked in each of the options.AskApps © 2014
Update for whatsapp 1.2.5
Update for whatsapp is an unofficial appwhichwill make you be the first to be notified when a new versionofwhatsapp is released.The app makes the update process really easy and offers youanswerto the most frequently asked questions.Enjoy the new whatsapp features before your friends even knowaboutthem and get security updates quickly so you can becarefree.Furthermore, you will discover other useful whatsapp add-onsthatwill make your life easier.Don't be the last one to get whatsapp Updates!This app is not an official whatsapp application and it isnotassociated with WhatsApp Inc.
Wassup Gold Messenger 5.0
Wassup Gold Messenger seamlesslysyncsacrossall of your devices and can be used on tablets andphonesalike.You can send an unlimited amount of messages, photos,videosandfiles of any type (.doc, .zip, .pdf, etc.). WassupGoldMessengergroups have up to 5000 people and you can createchannelstobroadcast messages to an unlimited number of subscribers.Besureto check our website for a list of Wassup Gold Messengerappsforall platforms.We built Wassup Gold Messenger Gold Messengersup tomakemessagingspeedy and safe again, without the usual caveats.Why Switch to Wassup Gold Messenger?SUPER CHANNEL : Make a channel , share its link andgetunlimitedaudience. Reach through your channel as much as youcanto a verylarge number of people.FILE SHARING : Share any file with any extension uptosize1.5gbthroughout the world.FAST: Wassup Gold Messenger is the fastest messaging apponthemarket because it uses a distributed infrastructurewithdatacenters positioned around the globe to connect users totheclosestpossible server.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the bestsecurityamongmass messengers. Wassup Gold Messenger heavilyencrypts allyourdata with time-tested algorithms.CLOUD STORAGE: Wassup Gold Messenger seamlessly syncsacrossallyour devices, so you can always securely access yourdata.Yourmessage history is stored for free in the WassupGoldMessengercloud. Never lose your data again!GROUP CHAT & SHARING: With Wassup Gold Messenger, youcanformlarge group chats of up to 5000members, quickly sharelargevideos,documents (.doc, .ppt, .zip,mp4etc.), and send anunlimitedamount ofphotos to your friends.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in theminimumbytespossible, Wassup Gold Messenger is the mostreliablemessagingsystem ever made. It works even on the weakestmobileconnections..100% FREE : Wassup Gold Messenger is in beta now , soitisfree.NEW FEATURES :★ Super channel - Unlimited members. Share your channellinkandreach to unlimited audience★ 5000 group members .★ Whole User interface changed★ Design user friendly★ Last seen setting,★ Passcode lock , direct share★ Two step verification , save to gallery option★ Fully control by userPRIVACY: We take your privacy seriously and will nevergivethirdparties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, Wassup GoldMessengeroffersSecret Chats. Secret Chat messages can beprogrammed toself-destructautomatically from both participatingdevices. Thisway you can sendall types of disappearing content —messages,photos, videos and evenfiles. Secret Chats useend-to-endencryption to ensure that amessage can only be read byitsintended recipient. .License : GPLv2 Telegram supported means you cancontactallnumbers associated with telegram.
WhatsReader - Message alert 1.0.8
W Creatives
This maybe the best non official whatsappmessages reader, remove blue ticks and disable updating lastseentimestamp, please contact us if you have any problems orwantingsome function like whatsspy.You can read message inside the applicationor by clicking the WhatsReader notification.With the aid of this application you can receive whatsappalertwithout being online known.Avoid from spy dog and spy for facebook. You can receivemessagewhosthat sending.Good protection from tracking people. Safe from any dog logservicein the market.In this version you could copy love messages intoclipboardand send to whatsapp.If you have any ideas or suggestion please contact us frommoredetails.This version:1. Read WhatsApp messages anonymously WITHOUT blue ticksandupdating last seen timestamp.2. Well structured Group and Private conversation messages.3. NO more blue ticks and updating last seen timestamp.4. All the messages are stored in your phone securely.This application is FREE to download and use now.
Update for your Whatsapp App 1.1
Update for your Whats app Latest Version.Notify the App through Notification, Click ButtonUpdateyourWhatsapp App from Play store.