Top 19 Games Similar to 全民無雙

無雙劍姬 1.1.6
「無雙劍姬」是首款3D格鬥動作手遊,採用先進的KM3D引擎打造。4K高解析遊戲畫面,細膩的光源特效粒子,以及創新的Reality-Online同步技術,創造手遊史上最大規模PK系統!「無雙劍姬」擁有今夏最勁爆の生存對決,超動感水嫩萌系戰場,是2015年旗艦動作手遊。作為3DARPG的突破钜作,完美實現多人爆團競技的體驗!※遊戲特色※【突破動作束縛】無鎖定無限連擊尖端引擎打造,頂級4K遊戲畫面,真實物理反饋碰撞,拳拳到肉的戰鬥體驗,完美呈現硬直、擊倒、浮空、擊飛、牽引、晃動等多種物理效果。【突破單機束縛】百人團戰不是夢創新引進Reality-Online數據技術,零時差無縫同步互動,史上最大規模40人團戰系統,KM3D引擎極限效能,遠超其他遊戲之常規引擎,多人同場競技不是夢。【突破玩法束縛】多元玩法一次滿足競技場、公會戰、劇情模式、副本闖蕩、塔防TD、世界BOSS,超豐富遊戲內容,高自由度戰鬥核心,多元玩法一次滿足,手遊玩法創新聚變。【突破地域束縛】隨時隨地戰起來伺服器數據同步技術導入,隔服如隔紗,首創好友、公會跨服組隊,皇家鬥技跨服PK,永遠不怕找無人,隨時都能召集好友戰起來!【突破個性束縛】百變裝扮極致羽翼水手服、學生裝、俏秘書、沙灘馬甲,上百種時裝任意穿搭,自由打造獨一無二的個人潮流Style。※職業介紹※【無雙劍姬 GRAND DUELIST】職業特點:物理/火焰元素/神聖元素職業武器:騎士長劍戰術類型:劍術/神威職業介紹:使用騎士長劍,善於揮砍、戳刺、突刺,攻擊範圍較小。但身為戰鬥天才的她,練就出多種衝刺技巧,能快速接近對手造成致命打擊。她通過虔誠信仰獲得神力加持,將火焰和神聖的力量灌注到武器中,當連續使用技能後,能蓄力進行神威攻擊,對遠處敵人也充滿威脅。神聖信仰讓她嫉惡如仇,學會了運用各種手段限制敵人的行動。出色的攻擊技巧加上眾多控制技能,讓敵人手足無措聞風喪膽。【仙靈女巫 FAERY WITCH】職業特點:法術/雷電元素/火焰元素/冰霜元素/暗影元素職業武器:魔導法杖戰術類型:魔法/杖術職業介紹:擅長使用無需吟唱的自然元素魔法,用優雅至極的儀式與大自然溝通。唯一的缺點是持續動作比較漫長,容易給敵人可乘之機,但一旦儀式結束,釋放出來的魔法威力無窮。由於從小就孤身在外闖蕩冒險,學會使用體術彌補不足之處。能一邊舞動法杖一邊放出法球攻擊近身敵人,面對強大的對手能使用閃現迅速遠離危險,再運用威力強勁附帶各種控制效果的魔法折磨敵人。【未來守護 FUTURE GUARDIAN】職業特點:物理/雷電元素/火焰元素/神聖元素/暗影元素職業武器:雙持科技槍戰術類型:槍械/未來科技職業介紹:射擊範圍廣大頻率極快。還能使用各種威力強大的致命科技武器。多年從軍習慣,讓他善於使用靈活身法逃離險境。他是一台殺戮機器,既可使用威力強大的連環雷轟炸,又可運用無窮無盡的彈幕掃射。持有超遠距離威力強大的鐳射炮,可在移動中毀滅敵人,更可召喚異次元艦隊,使用毀天滅地的光束炮造成大範圍打擊。如果非要給他找缺點的話,那就是沒有控制技能,但能支配如此恐怖的毀滅力量,還需要控制嗎?★官方資訊★《無雙劍姬》官方網站:《無雙劍姬》FB粉絲團:《無雙劍姬》巴哈姆特:《無雙劍姬》客服信箱:[email protected]依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為:輔導15歲級本遊戲涉及角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,有打鬥、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務===關於手機許可權SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW使用的聲明===
Elemental Knights R Platinum 6.9.9
MMO RPG with a wide variety of stylish features!
亂鬥三國志(英雄PK 決戰江湖) 1.01
Asobimo, Inc.
MMORPG with ultimate graphics for Smartphones 「AVABEL ONLINE」
Hero of Magic - War Age 12.0
Global turn-based MMORPG. Start amagicadventure with your friends NOW!Hero of Magic: War Age is a global massively multiplayeronlinerole-playing game (MMORPG) with classical turn-based battlemode onmobile devices. 4 different summoners with awesome3D-Avatars. 8Professions that you can switch from one to another asyou wish.Catch, feed, train and collect Dozens of Zodiac Monsters,which canbe your loyal companions on your mobile adventure journey.It’s nota game with simple slashes, killings and actions. You needto usestrategy, team up and cooperate well with other players toobtainhigh-level achievement and much more fun.The revenge fire of the Dragons is burning close to themysteriousEskole land. As the progeny of ancient summoners ofCarlinia, youundertake the job to continue the legend of Frandie,retrieve magicand fight against evil Dragons with the help oftalentedZodiacs.=FEATURES=★Various Professions And Manifold Careers.Swordsman, Archer, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Wizard, Knight andThief,each profession has its exclusive skills and stats. Find yourownway to grow your unique magic summoner.★Zodiac Monsters Bring Your Adventure More Fun.Search for zodiac monsters according to King’s map. Taptheirpotential and let them help you succeed.★Explore The Mystery of Elements.Use the restraint between Earth, Water, Fire, Wind andZodiacattributes to skilfully collocate your hero, making himmorepowerful.★Classical Turn-based Battle Mode Tests Your Resourcefulness.In many cases, the key to winning a battle is the goodcollocationof zodiac monsters and skills, as well as the tacitcooperationbetween team members. You will never know who will winuntil thevery last moment.★Train Your Hero Wisely to Level him Up.Collect resources, forge weapons, enhance equipment and tradewitheach other. These are the numerous ways to makeprogressquickly.★Defend your guild from guilds’ clash.Group up to challenge the dragon BOSS. Gain more EXP and lootsfromin cross-server clash of guilds and survive your guild in thisWarAge!★Easy Way to Communicate in GameThe multi-language translator and voice message system will helpyoubreak communication barriers.★Exquisite 3D Graphics.3D Avatars and vivid in-game scenes are developed byUnityApplication Generator. Smooth user experience is guaranteedbyprofession and technology.PLEASE NOTE! Hero of Magic: War Age is free to download andplay,however, some game items can also be purchased for real money.Ifyou do not want to use this feature, please set up apasswordprotection for purchases in the settings of your GooglePlay Storeapp.A network connection is also required.By downloading this game, you are agreeing to our Terms ofServiceand Privacy Policy.-Terms of Service: Policy: us on Facebook for more details, activities andsupports: service mail:[email protected] most of the popular mobile brands such as Samsung, HTC,Sonyetc.Minimum system requirements :Android 4.0+Discrete CPURemaining Rom 600MB+
Celtic Heroes: World Boss Raid 4.1.1
Enter a huge 3D MMORPG world!
Asobimo, Inc.
Discover a you, outside of the real world. On to the neverendingadventure.
英雄無雙-最強手機格鬥遊戲,英雄無雙!英雄無雙!英雄無雙! 4.5
OhMyGod HK
Asobimo, Inc.
Beautiful 3D world with vast adventure (MMORPG) online RPG!
8 เทพอสูรมังกรฟ้า-3D 1.305.0.0
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仙國志-3D MMORPG 1.6.0
※說明*台港澳首款重金鍛造的正3D仙俠大型MMORPG手遊!*華麗的技能特效和千人同場PK!*360°全視覺無死角的3D新奇場景帶你體驗最真實3D遊戲的仙界生活!===遊戲說明===★首款正3D手機遊戲,360°視野無死角★巴哈姆特最受玩家期待年度多人在線手遊巨作★首日上線即突破十萬人次下載曆史記錄★首款在紐約時代廣場揚威海外的S級對戰遊戲★絕對爽快的無上限技能打擊,讓你的手停不下來啊啊啊啊啊....===遊戲特色玩法===※仙國寶貝— 海量正妹真人驗證,真實“交”友你懂的!※四大職業— 深度體驗遠攻、近身肉搏、暗殺、治療的魅力!※國戰系統— 三國分天下,國王一聲令下,千人同時攻城血拼!※跨服血戰— 伺服器的權力巔峰-“天下皇帝”劍指他服,服與服的抗爭!※鬥神戰場— 千人混戰,強者生出之地,血洗鬥神場浴血而生!※副本挑戰— 多人組隊征服BOSS,有T有奶有輸出!※絢麗裝備— 大型強化系統,令裝備光環盡顯!※巨型坐騎— 絢目多樣的坐騎,不僅外觀霸氣十足,更是跑圖利器!※巔峰畫質— 360°自由全景視角,全3D場景設計,角色精緻模型!===遊戲背景===自商湯傳至紂王。紂王受九尾妖狐附體的妲己所迷惑,殘暴無道,武王率眾伐之。紂王自焚于鹿台,妲己亦被斬首而死。然妲己九尾妖狐精魄未滅,乃采日精月華,吸天地之靈氣,又歸於通天教主門下再修得千年真身。而後攜五火七禽扇、金霞帽、傾世元纕,領諸多妖怪仙人作亂人間。靈鷲山元覺洞燃燈道人賜李靖八寶玲瓏塔一尊,下界除妖。軒轅墳前,托塔天王與九尾妖狐大戰三日,尤未分勝負。後祭起八寶玲瓏塔,金光白日之下,妖狐被壓於塔下不得動彈,其餘妖仙鬼怪俱散去,一時清平盛世,再無風浪。百年之後,塔內生變,妖氣繞塔三匝,聚而不散。猶是千年妖狐吹散芥子乾坤,令塔內道法黯滅,混沌之力驟而潰散。寶塔之內七件舉世法寶,三足金烏、瑰仙劍、驚神戟、乾坤尺、天羅傘、淨世拂塵和戰天刺俱為妖狐所得。燃燈道人料得天界有此一遭,遂命金甲力士將八寶玲瓏塔沉入大澤。不料澤有龍潭,實生龍蛇,九尾妖狐以攝魂之術控制龍之九子,螭吻,使其纏繞塔身,欲將寶塔崩裂。神功妙濟真君路過此地,恰見澤海之水翻江倒海,定有蹊蹺,遂遁入海底一窺究竟。乃見妖氣彌漫,蛟龍繞塔,便知所以。遂取出斬妖劍,插入龍嘴,定住其身,使之動彈不得。然寶塔受損,已現裂痕,經妖狐法力催動,竟碎成三塊散落大澤海底。九尾妖狐破塔而出,一時天地色變,電閃雷鳴,風雨驟生。百里之內化為焦土,千里之外水漫眾生,人間界再遭滅頂之災。===聯繫我們===※如您在遊戲內遇到任何問題,我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!☆在線客服☆客服信箱:[email protected]※若想第一時間獲悉仙國志最新動態與優惠活動請關注我們遊戲官網!☆巴哈討論區:☆8888play粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及性、暴力及戀愛交友注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用※ Description* Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao are forgingthefirst heavily Xian Xia 3D MMORPG large hand travel!* gorgeous skill effects and thousands ofpeoplein the same field PK!* 360 ° full visual novelty no dead 3D scenestakeyou to experience the most realistic 3D game Once uponalife!GameDescription === ===★positive first 3D mobile games, 360 ° field of visionwithoutdead★ Bahamut most players look forward to the annual multiplayeronlinetravel giant hand★ line on the first day that exceeded one hundred thousandpeoplehave downloaded History★ first won in overseas S-Class war games in New York'sTimesSquare★ absolutely refreshing skills unlimited strike, get your handscannot stop ah ah ah ah ah ....Thegamefeatures gameplay === ===※ baby fairy country- Massive working girl live verification, real "pay" Friendsyouknow!※ four major professional- Depth of experience far attack, close combat,assassination,treatment charm!※ national warfare systems- Three sub-world, the king gave the order, while thousands ofsiegeshopping!※ inter-service bloody- Peak power servers - the "world Emperor" to prove safety ofhisclothes, clothes and clothing struggle!※ The God of the battlefield- Thousands melee, strong birth place, God of War gamesbloodbathbloody and raw!※ copy of the challenge- Multiplayer team conquered BOSS, there are T milk output!※ gorgeous equipment- Large strengthen the system, so that the equipmentaurafilling!※ giant horse- Xuanmu variety of mounts, not only look arrogant, it is runcharttool!※ pinnacle of quality- 360 ° panoramic perspective of freedom, full 3D scenedesign,exquisiterolemodel!======GamebackgroundSinceShang Zhou spread. Zhou possessed by nine fox Dajiconfused,cruelty is no way, Wu mobilize cutting it. Zhouself-immolation inLutai, Daji was also beheaded and died.However, nine fox Daji fine soul is not destroyed, is takenNisseiYuet Wah, suck Aura, and then repair the door wasattributedTongtianjiaozhu Millennium Mami. Then carry five fireseven birdsfan, Jinxia cap, dumping the World Yuan Xiang, leadingmanymonsters immortal human rebellion.Vulture Peak Yuan Jue Li Jing-dong Enlightening TaoistEightlinglongta give a lower bound Chuyao.Regulus grave, Towering King fox with nine three-daybattle,especially not a close call. After Eight brings linglongta,underthe golden day, the fox can not be pressed to move the tower,andthe rest dispersed all immortal demon ghosts, sometimesQingpingprosperity, no storms.After a century, the tower has changed, Yaoqi Sanza aroundthetower, and leave together. Utah Millennium fox blownmustarduniverse, so dark tower off Road Act, the power of arrestandcollapsing chaos. Within seven pagoda world of magic, threegoldblack, Rose Sword, halberd scared of God, ruler of heavenandearth, day Lo umbrella, net World War days whisk and staballproceeds for the fox.Enlightening Taoist material was heaven there was this one, SuiMingKap linglongta Eight wrestlers will sink Osawa. UnexpectedlyChakLongtan, seedling snakes, nine fox control with surgeryDevil's NineDragon, Chiwen to winding tower, wishing pagoda crack.Ji Chun Kwanwonderful magic passing through here, just to seeSawaumi waterbadly, given there is something wrong, then fled to aglimpse ofwhat the seabed. See Yaoqi is filled, dragon around thetower, soglance. Then remove Zhanyao Jian, insert dragon mouth,horde theirbody, so that it could not move. However pagodadamaged, has nowcrack, pushed by fox magic, actually broken intothree large Sawaumistrewn bottom.Nine fox tower broke out, and sometimes the mere mention ofheavenand earth, lightning, wind and rain suddenly born. Scorchedwithina hundred miles, thousands of miles away water diffusebeings, thehuman world sufferedanotherdisaster.======Contact Us※ If you encounter any problems in the game,weare happy for you to solve any problems encountered in thegame,please do not hesitate to contact us!☆ Online Customer Service:☆ Customer Service: [email protected]※ For the first time informed of thelatestdevelopments and Zhi Xian promotions Follow us on game'sofficialwebsite!☆ Baja Forum: http: // bsn = 26461?☆ 8888play fans group: game should be classified in accordance with the legalnormsROC 12 years coaching levelThe game plot involving sex, violence and love datingNote the use of time, avoid indulging in gamesThis game is part of the content or services to be subjecttoadditionalfees
Order & Chaos Online 3D MMORPG
Gameloft SE
Battle Orcs and Demons in a massive multiplayerrole-playingadventure
The World of Magic: IMO 4.1.0
Lord of Dark 1.2.84178
gu xinlie
Lord of Dark is the newest actionMMORPG.Powered by Unity 3D engine, players can transform into 5differentFiends, battle bosses and minions in Story Mode, occupystages fordesirable loots in Inferno Mode, fight against playersfrom aroundthe world in Arena and Soul Reap, or team up withpartners inMultiplayer instances.The world is in chaos since the invasion of UnderworldDemons.And the only hope to restore peace and order lies in abloodcrystal that seals ancient Fiends’ power. Take over thebloodcrystal, unseal the power within, and dominate demons, forjusticeor for evil. Heroes, gear up and go feed your dark side!●Fiend transformationTransform into Fiends, deal massive damages and save yourlife●Demon WingUpgrade your Wings for a dazzling appearance andstrengthenedpower●Skills and RunesEnhance your skills with Runes to unleash powerfulskillcombos●Trial ModeChallenge yourself and collect mountains of loot●Inferno ModeBattle both players and monsters, capture dungeons and getrewardsfor your dominance●Demonic TowerDefeat bosses and minions, obtain rare items, and beat yourfriendsto the highest level●ArenaFight 1 on 1, climb up the rank board and receive top rewards●Multiplayer DungeonsTeam up with your friends and share the luxurious rewards●Guild SystemJoin in a guild for dungeon crawl and boss fights. Eliminateenemiesin guild wars with those who share your love and hate●Title SystemUnlock achievements and get glory titlesConnect with Lord of Dark!Facebook:
Vendetta Online (3D Space MMO)
Vendetta Online is a graphically intensive 3D MMORPG set in space.
Đấu Ma 3D 1.0.0
Đấu Ma 3D - MMORPG 3D Đấu Ma 3D - MMORPG3Dhànhđộng nhập vai hot 2016Với lối chơi nhập vai chiến đấu vô cùng hấp dẫn và đồ họa 3Dsửdụngengine Unity 4.0 sẽ mang đếncho người chơi trải nghiệm chân thực nhất ngay trên mobile.Hệthốngchiến đấu trong game đa dạng với hàng loạt phương thứcPKnhư: đấutrường MOBA 5 vs 5, 10 vs 10, đấu trường liên server200vs 200,công thành chiến, tranh đoạt chiến, đồng minh chiến...Đấu Ma 3D sở hữu hệ thống pet tiến hóa độc nhất vô nhịtạiViệtNam, chắc chắn sẽ gây ấn tượng cho người chơi. Hệ thốngcánhsiêucấp trong game giúp tăng tốc độ di chuyển của nhân vật.Hệthốngthời trang phong phú đa dạng với gần 50 loại thời trangkhácnhau,chắc chắn sẽ khiến các bạn thỏa mãn niềm đam mê sưu tầmcủacácbạn.Những tính năng đặc sắc đáng chú ý khác:- Hệ thống trang bị thay đổi ngoại hình cùng rất nhiềubộthờitrang.- Hệ thống pet đặc sắc cùng rất nhiều chủng loại petđểlựachọn- Hệ thống Cánh - Hóa Linh cánh- Hệ thống Phụ Ma- Hệ thống chế tạo trang bị- Công thành chiến.- Hệ thống nguyên tố trang bị.Hãy thử trải nghiệm và cảm nhận phong cách MMORPG đậmchấthànhđộng trên smartphone nhé các bạn.==Thông tin==Fanpage: https://dauma3d.vnMa Circus 3D - 3DMMORPGMaCircus 3D - 3D MMORPG action role-hot 2016With immersive gameplay combat is extremely attractiveand3Dgraphics engine using Unity 4.0 will bringgive players the most authentic experience on mobile.Thebattlesystem in the game with a series of diverse methods likePK:MOBAarena 5 vs 5, 10 vs 10, associated server arena 200 vs 200,ofthewar, won the battle paintings, ally ...Circus 3D Ma pet ownership system unique evolutioninVietnam,will certainly impress players. Wing Express system inthegamehelps increase the movement speed of the character.Fashionsystemdiversity with nearly 50 different types of fashion,willcertainlymake you satisfied passion of your collectibles.These unique features other notable:- System change appearance equipped with a lot of fashion.- Unique pet system with an extensive range of pet to choose- Systems Wing - Hoa Linh wings- System Accessories Ma- System manufacturing of equipment- Industry of War.- System equipped elements.Try to experience and feel the style MMORPG bold actiononyoursmartphone offline.== == InformationFanpage:
Pocket Legends 2.5.37
Groundbreaking Mobile MMORPG
MU Origin 17.2.0
Webzen Inc.
Get ready for the Full 3D EPIC MMORPG experience! Mobile MMORPGwillnever be the same! Experience an exciting real time MMORPGthat letsyou embark on an epic fantasy journey. Meet friends,create parties,and gear up to fight against the evil on a vastopen world to bringback tranquility. WHAT'S NEW MU Origin 17.0Update! Holy Mage- Holylight shall shine upon us. Be hold theglory lies on a path. NewClass Holy Mage has arrived at the MUContinent! Terminate theenemies to the eternal death with HolyMage! Aether Shield- A divineshield that will protect us from theopponent's attacks! A holypower that can stop any skills andattacks! Protect yourself withthe Aether Shield! Miracle- Activatethe Celestial and acquire thepower of Miracle! Defeat the enemieswith the power of Miracle!Supreme Enhance- The new Tier ofEquipment! It is time to exceed thelimit of Equipment! Feel thepower of the next level Equipment!Kingdom Warfare- A fierce battleto conquer the throne has begun!Who will take the throne in theend! Defeat the enemies and conquerthe throne! FEATURES - Chooseand customize from three differentclasses: Dark Knight, DarkWizard, and Elf. - Equip and evolve yourhero with powerful gearsand enhance wings to make yourselfunstoppable. - Enhance theirabilities and witness the dazzlingdisplay of each hero’s uniqueskills. - Your powers are endless!Become stronger through endlesslevels and contents! - Journeythrough an exciting open world andcomplete epic quests. - Gatherparties and explore unique dungeonsto defeat world bosses! - GatherDiamonds, Materials, Zens, andStar Essences in open PVP Areas!Dominate and hoard them all! -Exchange in real time through Tradingand Auction System. - Clashwith rivals in PvP battles and becomethe PVP King! Join forceswith powerful players and conquer enemiesin the immersive world ofMU Origin today! Like us on Facebook: our Forums: Need help?Visit: Note: A network connection isrequired toplay. *MU: Origin" is only available inEnglish.-----------------------------------------------------Bydownloading this game, you agree to the Terms of Service,PrivacyPolicy. Terms ofService: PrivacyPolicy: Originrequires access to the following data to start the game.1. YourGoogle+ account data may be used to assist in sign-up andlogin tothe game. 2. Your game account data may be used to sendevents andnotices through Push Notification. 3. Your device storagemay bechecked in order to install updates or fix bugs. Please notethatwe do not support devices that run on Asus/Intel processors.