Top 3 Apps Similar to SPOYU Chat 3.88
Calista Chats
Private chat or hang out in the chat room. Meet and have fun.
UniYApp Tübingen
UniYApp ist die kostenlose App, dieStudierendeeiner Universität oder Hochschule gezielt miteinandervernetzt,sodass diese ihren Interessen entsprechend zugemeinsamenAktivitäten zusammenkommen können.Du studierst? Dann kannst du mit UniYApp – in denBereichenStudy, Fun, Social, Tandem, Career und Sport – Mitstreiterfürdeine eigenen Aktivitäten finden oder aber bei AktivitätenandererStudierender deiner Universität oder Hochschuleteilnehmen.Du brauchst dringend einen Lernpartner? Du willst keinecooleParty mehr verpassen? Du würdest dich gerne studentisch odersozialengagieren? Du möchtest deine Fremdsprachen-Kenntnisseverbessern?Du suchst Kontakte in die Berufswelt? Du möchtestendlich diepassenden Sportpartner finden?Dann hole dir UniYApp. Man studiert nur einmal und mitUniYApphast du die Chance das Beste aus deinerStudienzeitherauszuholen.UniYApp wurde zum Sommersemester 2016 an der EberhardKarlsUniversität Tübingen gelaunched. Die Nutzung ist nurfüreingeschriebene Studierende der Universität Tübingenmöglich.Außerdem wird UniYApp auch an der HochschuleAlbstadt-Sigmaringenangeboten. Weitere Universitäten undHochschulen werden folgen.UniYApp the free app,thestudents of a university or college is specifically linkedtogetherso that they can meet their interests according tocommonactivities.You study? Then you can with UniYApp - in the fields ofStudy,Fun, Social, Tandem, Career and Sport - find supporters foryourown activities or take part in activities of other students ofyouruniversity or college.urgently you need a study buddy? You like this cool partymore?You would like to get involved you student or socially? Youwant toimprove your foreign language skills? Looking for contactsin theprofessional world? You want to finally find the rightsportpartners?Then you get UniYApp. One studied only once and with UniYAppyouextract the chance the most of your study time.UniYApp was gelaunched the summer semester 2016 at theUniversityof Tübingen. The use is possible only for registeredstudents of theUniversity of Tübingen. Moreover UniYApp is alsooffered at theUniversity of Albstadt-Sigmaringen. Otheruniversities willfollow.
Hoodi 1.0.4
Hoodi is the neighborhood’s free private social network,designedfor you and your neighbors. It fills the eminentcommunication gapbetween neighbors, allowing them to interactonline, collaborateand support each other through thick and thin,thereby contributingin the greater good of society. As you arereading this, dozens ofneighbors are joining in to experience thetrue power of connectedneighbors. Here is what they are doing onHoodi right now: -Sharing useful stories and warning theirnext-door neighbors aboutpotential threats. - Asking foodieneighbors for a nice restaurantrecommendation or enquiring about aquality service provider. -Asking neighbors to look out for a lostdog. - Communicating withtheir building manager and getting alertedinstantly in case of afire emergency. - Boasting about their skillsand asking neighborsfor an available job. - Hunting for the bestbabysitter in town orfinding a sports partner. - Buying and sellingin the onlinebazaar. In UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), over 250neighborhoods areusing Hoodi to create a well-connected and caringcommunity.