Top 44 Games Similar to Shooter's Aid Elite

MyShots 1.0.33
A training session reporting tool for sport shooters
TargetScan ISSF Pistol & Rifle 6.13.0
Score your paper targets and analyse the shooting group justbytaking a photo!
Shooting Score 1.5
Rong Pencil
Log and measure your shooting performance with this simpleandbeautiful app
PistolTimer 1.2
PistolTimer es un temporizador sonoroqueayudará en los entrenamientos con fuego real en lassiguientesdisciplinas de Tiro:-Pistola Estándar-Pistola Fuego Central-Pistola 9 mm-Pistola Deportiva (Damas)-Pistola VelocidadPistolTimer es una aplicación desarrolada como ayuda aldeportedel tiro. Es gratuíta y de libre distribución.La aplicación dispone de varios temporizadores sonoros(300segundos, 150 segundos, 20 segundos, 10 segundos, DueloyVelocidad). Los avisos se hacen mediante un sonido largo (ordendeATENCION o ALTO EL FUEGO) y un sonido corto (orden de FUEGO),loque será útil para entrenar con fuego real en la galería einclusopara competiciones si no se dispone de máquinagirablancos.Para iniciar la serie que desee sólo tiene que pulsar sobreelbotón de la misma en la pantalla principal. Antes de pulsarelbotón de inicio de la serie que se quiera realizar esaconsejableestar en posición de preparado, es decir, en la posturade tiro ycon el arma empuñada correctamente. De esta forma seutilizará lamano débil para pulsar el botón de inicio de la seriedeseada yseguidamente se llevará a su posición de tiro (bolsillo,cinto,etc.) Para ello dispondrá de 5 segundos entre la pulsacióndelbotón y el sonido del pitido de ATENCION.Puede conectar unos pequeños altavoces amplificados (tipo PCdesobremesa) si no escucha bien los sonidos desde el altavoz desuteléfono o si desea utilizar la aplicación con más tiradores enunentrenamiento o competición.PistolTimer también dispone de un simulador de blancosparaentrenar en seco la modalidad de duelo, lo que ayudará acorregirlos errores en el momento del disparo, así como aprenderagestionar bien los 3 segundos que hay para hacer la salida ysacarel disparo.Funciona en modo contínuo de tal forma que se puede entrenarelciclo 7 segundos-3 segundos de forma indefinida, y no sedetendráhasta que no se le de la orden mediante el botón depantalla.MUY IMPORTANTE: PARA ENTRENAR EN SECO ASEGURARSE DE QUE ELARMAESTÁ DESCARGADA.Para el entrenamiento en seco se debe situar el teléfono entre2y 3 metros de distancia y 1.30 metros de altura (dependiendodeltamaño y resolución del teléfono) de donde se esté con elarma.http://www.tirolaveguilla.comMi agradecimiento al foro de por su ayuda eneldesarrollo de esta aplicación.Tags: ISSF, shooting trainer, Don Benito, Badajoz,Extremadura,campo de tiro, La Veguilla, poligono de tiro, galeriade tiro, tiroolimpico, pistol, timer, villanueva de la serena,caceres,extremadura, shooterPistolTimer is asoundtimer will help in live-fire training in the followingdisciplinesof Tyre:Standard -PistolaCentral Fire -Pistola-Pistola 9 mmSports -Pistola (Ladies)Speed ​​-PistolaPistolTimer is a desarrolada to help the sport ofshootingapplication. It is free and open distribution.The application has several sound timers (300 seconds,150seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds, Duel and Speed). Announcementsaremade through a long sound (care order or CEASEFIRE) and ashort(order FIRE) sound, which will be useful to train withliveammunition in the gallery and even competitions if notavailablegirablancos machine .To start the series you want to just press on the same buttononthe main screen. Before pressing the start button of the seriesyouwant to perform it is advisable to be in ready position, ie, inthefiring position and the weapon wielded properly. Thus the weakhandis used to press the start button the desired number and thentakeyour shooting position (pocket, belt, etc.) This will have5seconds between pressing the button and the sound ofATTENTIONbeep.You can connect a small amplified speakers (PC type desktop)ifhe heard loud sounds from the speaker of your phone or want tousethe application with more shooters in training orcompetition.PistolTimer also has a simulator to train dry white modeduel,which will help to correct errors in the time of shooting andlearnto manage well the three seconds that you can check out andmakethe shot.It works in continuous mode so that you can train the cycle7seconds-three seconds indefinitely, and will not stop until youarenot of the order by the display button.VERY IMPORTANT: TRAINING FOR DRY ENSURE THAT THE GUNISLOADED.Dry for training should put the phone between 2 and 3 metersand1.30 meters (depending on the size and resolution of thephone)where it is with the weapon.http://www.tirolaveguilla.comMy thanks to forum for their assistanceindeveloping this application.Tags: ISSF shooting trainer, Don Benito, Badajoz,Extremadura,shooting, La Veguilla, shooting range, shootinggallery, Olympicshooting, pistol, timer, Don Benito, Badajoz,Extremadura,shooter
Shooting Results 2.53
Manage, document and evaluate shooting results.
Shot timer IPSC: Competition s 10.01
Firing range timer. Dry practice App. IDPA scoring. Shotclockbuzzer. Free.
IPSC Shot Timer 1.2
The IPSC Shot Timer is shot activated timer forIPSC/USPSA/IDPAshooters.
IPSC Official App
Welcome to the Official Mobile App for the InternationalPracticalShooting Confederation, the one-stop place for everythingIPSC!Check Results, Match Calendar, Rules, IPSC Official SocialMediaand much more! The International Practical ShootingConfederation(IPSC) was established to promote, maintain, improveand advancethe sport of IPSC shooting, to safeguard its principlesand toregulate its conduct worldwide in order to cultivate thesafe,recreational use of firearms by persons of good character.
Shot timer PRO IPSC IDPA USPSA 2.6
Shot timer for IPSC IDPA USPSA
Shoot utilities IPSC - USPSA 1.4.8
Calculate your Hit Factor, Power Factor, increases your skill byPARtimer,
PractiScore 1.7.29
Complete scoring system for IPSC/USPSA, Steel Challenge, 3gun,IDPAand other.
Sport Shooting Training 1.0.1
Lodi Ltd
Application helps a shooter with the pace of shooting.
World Countries Catalog 1.0
Better opportunity to improve your GK
IPSC Scoring 1.2
This app provides a simple, fastanduserfriendly platform to score competitive IPSC shoots.Resultsaresaved to a folder to enable the scorer to share viaemailordropbox etc.
Organize your competitions ISSF, MLAIC, ICFRA, FITAS, IPSC,USPSA,IDPA, SCSA...
ShotMaxx Trainer 1.3.4
Double-Alpha Academy and On-Core Softwareareproud to bring you the SHOTMAXX Trainer. This advanced new appisthe perfect tool to keep track of your IPSC / USPSA / IDPAtrainingsessions. Designed to allow you to record your time andpoints ofevery practice string that you shoot, the SHOTMAXX Trainerprovidesyou with the tools you need to keep accurate logs of yourtrainingsessions and maximize the effectiveness of yourpractice.With the SHOTMAXX Trainer you can create drills, enter andsaveshooter’s details, record total scores or individual targethits.It allows you to enter the time manually, or links byBluetooth tothe DAA SHOTMAXX timer to automatically receive theindividualsplit times of each shot fired. You can then entercomments relatedto each shot if needed.With SHOTMAXX Trainer you can create a training session withanunlimited number of shooters and drills. You can recordyoursessions and then share the results by email, Facebook orutilizingthe Dropbox cloud feature.SHOTMAXX Trainer features include:• Track training sessions for one or more shooters.• Enter Drill details and include a picture of the drill forfuturesetup convenience.• All IPSC and IDPA divisions are available to choose from – oryoucan add additional divisions/categories of your own.• Double-Alpha SHOTMAXX timer integration. Split times canbereceived vie Bluetooth directly from your SHOTMAXX timer,orentered manually.• Times can be entered manually via a big button keypad.• iOS devices can be backed up and synchronized using theDropboxCloud.• Sessions will keep track of your score, shot time andhitfactor.• You will be able to sort the results per sessions, sortingbyname, time, points or hit-factor.• You will be able to enter comments regarding individualsplittimes, to record information about a particular shot.• Drill scores can be entered as one result (IPSC 95/100forexample) or using the individual Target scoring calculator,whichallows you to enter the hits on each target.• A Repetition can be exported to Messages, Mail, TwitterorFacebook.• The whole Session can be exported by Mail.• Drills can be Imported or Exported. Download pre-made drillsfromusers on our Forums.• Batch mode for only recording shots, withoutscoringpoints/score.
IPSC WhiteOut 1.3.0
BlackOut LLC
App for athlete's signed scoresheets browsing.
PractiScore Competitor 1.2.47
IPSC, USPSA, 3Gun, Steel Challenge, IDPA, ICORE, NRA and othermatchresults
ISSF-Sports 2.0.0
ISSF SportsThe International Shooting Sport Federation recognizesseveralshooting events, some of which have Olympic status. Theyaredivided into four disciplines: rifle, pistol, shotgun andrunningtarget.
BlueBook Of Gun Values 2.0.2
-Specific feedback isappreciated,pleasevisit: questions.Access the world-renowned Blue Book of Gun Values fromyourmobiledevice. Access model information, manufacturerhistory,specs, andvariations on almost 250,000 gun models. NotethatValues areincluded with a paid subscription only, however theappis free todownloadThe Blue Book of Gun Values app contains:· Search capability to locate specific models quickly· Current Blue Book values; updated MONTHLY alongwithhistoricalpricing. (A paid online subscription is required onlytoaccesspricing information)· Detailed and technical information for most models· Our Photo Percentage Grading System to accuratelyassessthecondition of your gun· Manufacturer history and production information forthousandsoftrademarks
X-Mark 5.2
Score calculation tool for shooting sports enthusiastsandcompetition shooters
Timekeeper - Shot Timer 5.0
Timekeeper - BDS (IPSC,ISSF) isteineStoppuhrfür Sportschützen- Einstellbare Vorlaufzeit in Sekunden (Countdown) -mitAutoStopSchalter- Einstellbare Zeitvorgabe in Sekunden (Disziplin Max. Zeit)-mitAutoStop Schalter- Einstellbare Max. Anzahl (an Schüssen) -mitAutoStopSchalter- Die Lautstärke des Startsignals ist Geräteabhängig.- Die Schuss-Erkennung erfolg über das MikrofonundistGeräteabhängig.Ablauf:Nach dem drücken des Start-Knopfes beginnt derVorlauf(wenneingestellt)Dabei ertönen Sekunden Signale (kurzer Pieptop) für dieletzten3Sekunden vor dem StartBei 00:00:00.000 ertönt ein Start-Signal (langer Piepton)fürdenSchützen.Ab jetzt wird die Zeit gemessen und Timekeeper nimmtfürjedenerkannten Schuss eine Zwischenzeit.Die Zwischenzeiten der einzelnen Schüsse werden ineinerListeaufgeführt.Die Zeit seit dem Start bis zum letzten erkanntenSchusswirdangezeigt und währenddessen läuft die Stoppuhrweiter.DerZeitunterschied zur Zeitvorgabe wird in+/-hh:mm:ss.mmmangezeigtUpdates bleiben Kostenfrei.Ich bitte um Rückmeldungen bez. der Geräte umnachbessernzukönnen.Getestet auf:-Huawei Play-Huawei G9-HTC OneTimekeeper -BDS(IPSC,ISSF) is a stopwatch for sports shooters- Adjustable lead time in seconds (countdown) - withautostopswitch- Adjustable timing in seconds (Max discipline time.) -Withautostop switch-. Adjustable Max number (of shots) - with auto stop switch- The volume of the start signal is device dependent.- The beat detection performance using the microphone andisdevicedependent.Procedure:After pressing the start button of the flow (if set) startsHere seconds beeps (short Pieptop) for the last 3 secondsbeforethestartAt 00: 00: 00.000 a start signal sounds (long beep)fortheshooter.Now the time is measured and Timekeeper takes for eachdetectedshota split.The intermediate times of the individual shots are displayedinalist.The time from the start to the last detected shot isdisplayedandduring which the stopwatch will continue. The timedifferencetothe timing is in +/- hh: mm: ss.mmm displayedUpdates remain free.I ask for feedback bez. the devices to rectify to.Tested on:-Huawei Play-Huawei G9-HTC One
Shooters Diary 1.59
Shooters diary helps competition shooters to perform better.
BlueShot 23.06.06
ZBM2 Software
Really understand the performance of your Air Gun orFirearmAmmunition.
Mec shot 1.12.1
MEC Shot App: The sophisticated observation-software forshootersand coaches.
iDryfire Laser Target System 1.0
iSniper, Inc.
About Company:iDryfire™ laser target system is brought to you bythedeveloperof iMarksman® Virtual Target System for MarksmanshipandUse ofForce training.Clients:Federal Air MarshalsPTU FBI AcademyUnited States ArmyArmy of SpainLaw Enforcement Agencies and security companies aroundtheworld.The Patent Pending iDryfire™ Laser Target System is thenew,safeand convenient way to practice with your ownfirearmsbeforeentering the shooting range.How does it work?iDryfire™ Laser Target System - SAFETYANDRESPONSIBILITYFIRST!Choose any paper target or object.For best performance use a background with no glare.Point your Smart Device at the target from short distance(2-4yards)or with additional accessories from 5-7 yard.If the message on the screen warns you that the backgroundistoobright please choose another background.- Press the START button- Wait until you hear the droning sound- Shoot at your target- Review your shot placement and reaction time- Save your result and start overTip: Make sure there is no reflection on or around thetarget(chromemetal parts, plastic tape and etc.)As a Dry fire device, you can use any Dry fire barrelinsertorcartridge and Laser Simulator Training HandgunsorRifles(Laserlyte, SIRT, Laser Ammo, SureStrike and etc.).Recommended exercises:- Drawing from the holster -> present the firearm ->dryfire-> re-holster- Drawing from the holster -> present the firearm->reload-> dry fire -> re-holster.More information:- Recommended background: Matte surface onlightedpaintedwall- Avoid direct light on the target or cameraFor any issues please contact us at [email protected] available accessories (Zoom Optical Lens, Dry firelaserdevices)please visit
Strelok+ 5.3.9
Igor Borisov
Ballistics calculator
Airgun Gurus 1.8
airgun gurus
Airgun Gurus App for airgunners by airgunners. This appcontainslinks to Airgun Gurus online features including our radiostation,forum, and much much more
25m Pistol Timer
This shooting practice timer isdesignedfor:- ISSF 25m Pistol / Center-Fire Pistol- ISSF 25m Standard Pistol- ISSF 25m Rapid Fire Pistol- CISM Rapid Fire Pistol- The finals of 50m Pistol and 10m Air PistolIt is also possible to define custom events, using your owntimesand command sequences.You can choose between voice commands, beeps or vibration,andthe app will also optionally beep/vibrate when the targetswouldturn, in case you're practicing on stationary targets. Or itcanshow a turning target for dry-fire practice at a tablet.The timer also detects your shots and shows you the timingofyour series.You can also connect two or more devices to each otherviaBluetooth, to control the target or lights on one device fromthetimer on another.
Splits - Shot Timer 2.57
Records 1st shot, splits, mag changes & elapsed time. Trackyourprogress too.
Shooting 1.0
Shooting is the act or processofdischargingfirearms or other projectile weapons such as bowsorcrossbows.Even the firing of artillery, rockets, and missilescanbe calledshooting. A person who specializes in shooting isamarksman.Shooting can take place in a shooting range or inthefield inhunting, in shooting sports, or in combat.Marksmanship has inspired competition, and inseveralcountriesrifle clubs started to form in the 19th century.Sooninternationalshooting events evolved, including shooting attheSummer Olympics(from 1896) and World Championships (from1897).The International Shooting Sport FederationstilladministersOlympic and non-Olympic rifle, pistol, shotgun,andrunning targetshooting competitions, although there is also alargenumber ofnational and international shooting sports controlledbyunrelatedorganizations.Shooting technique differs depending on factors like thetypeoffirearm used (from a handgun to a sniper rifle); thedistancetoand nature of the target; the required precision; andtheavailabletime. Breathing and position play an important rolewhenhandling ahandgun or a rifle. Some shooting sports, such asIPSCshooting,make a sport of combat style shooting. The proneposition,kneelingposition, and standing position offer differentamounts ofsupportfor the shooter.Shooting most often refers to the use of a gun, althoughisalsoused to describe the firing of a bow or crossbow. Apersonwhoshoots is called a shooter. The term 'weapon' doesnotnecessarilymean however that it is used as a weapon, but as apieceofequipment to help the user achieve the best in which theycaninthe sport.
ShoTimer 1.1.2
The ShoTimer is an essential toolfortheshooters competing in the modalities of practical shootingandwhowish to improve their training. With this application,youwillturn your Android device into a powerful virtual devicelikeShotTimer, can save your training and quickly retrievetheinformationstored, allowing accurate monitoring of yourevolutionduring thesessions.In its first version, the ShoTimer supportsthefollowingoperating modes:- Brazilian Duel 20 Seconds;- IPSC with Comstock count.In the next version: IPSC with Virginia Count and IPSCwithfixedtime.The shot sensor may need to be calibrated before use,soShoTimerprovides functionality for this purpose and simpletouse.Accompanying a graph that showing noise perceivedfromtheenvironment, you only need to fire one or a few shotsandselectthe peak corresponding to the noise produced by theweapon.Ifthere is no selection on the graph and you confirmtheaction"Calibrate," the sensor returns to its originalsettings.Thinking in different lighting conditions foundintheenvironments used in shooting practice, ShoTimer offerssomecolorthemes that can be used by you. Color suggestions forfuturethemeswill be considered :)
Shooter's Log Unlocker 1.1
A comprehensive application for shooters and reloaders(unlockversion)
mitteo 3.1
Mitteo s.r.o.
Mitteo "Shoot, see, share" Mitteo Smart Target is the firstsmarttarget on this planet to be used in the field of ISSFsportshooting. Mitteo is just one compact box connected directly toyourtablet, smartphone or laptop. Small, lightweight andnoiselesselectronic target is able to create its own source oflight. Itconnects to a cloud and transfer individual shot values(results)in a real time. By collecting all the data it can lead itsuser inthe right direction. November 2011 - We observed thetraining atthe shooting range. We noticed the young shooters havingtrouble,some targets got stuck and were hindering the trainingflow. So wegot an idea to solve this problem. April 2012 - The ideaof how tomanage the problems with regular targets was born. Westarted towork on our first prototype. July 2013 - We managed toproduce ourfirst prototype! It was metallic and we called it Lucy.December2013 - The metallic target seemed to be a bit toublesome sowe hadto find another solution. After a long time of testing wefinallypicked the right one: Specifically modified hardenedplasticmaterial. For team Mitteo - Radim Novak (European Champion1999)
Shooters Diary Free 1.38
Shooters diary helps a target shooter to perform better.
Shooting Day 2.0.35
Shooting Day
Shooting Day is a free and easy-to-use score tracker forsportsmenclay shooters
Hawke ChairGun 1.2.8
Hawke Optics
ChairGun, from Hawke Sport Optics, is theonlyballistics software available that is specifically designedanddeveloped for airgun users. Now it's available for use onyourAndroid device!Concentrating on those features that are invaluable in thefield,ChairGun Mobile has all of the features that users have cometoknow and depend upon as well as taking advantage ofAndroid'smobile platform features.Blueprint your airgun / scope combo in order to calculate aimpointsat various magnifications, inclination and weatherconditions.At a glance :* Extensive pellet database; 0.177 to Big Bore, fully extendibleandeditable* Save and Load settings and data* Wide range of current Hawke reticles* Provision for non-standard generic Mil-dot reticles* Rangefinder (bracketing) views for all included reticles* Multiple comparison tables and graphs - instant solutionsfor'what if?' queries* Accurate Wind Deflection calculation and display* Simple, accurate and fast inclination angle estimation* Calculate Optimum Zero Range and Point Blank Range* Imperial or Metric units* Tried, tested and approved
Hit Factor 2.1.1
Hit Factor Calculator for IPSC and USPSA.
RANGELOG 1.2.118
Rangelog, LLC.
Please note in order to use themobileapplication, you must have either an active FREE or PREMIUMaccountwith Members who actively serve in the USArmedForces can upgrade to premium for free. See site fordetails mobile shooting application you can use any place, anytime.Find nearby ranges, review shooting drills, track rounds anddryfire activities from anywhere on your phone - with or withoutanetwork connection.The RANGELOG application will allow members to accesstheirfavorite features, including:> Search and review the details for thousands ofshootingranges.> Search and review the details for hundreds of shootingdrillsand stages.> Add new live-fire activities, adding scoring, time andgoalsalong with target photos.> Review and add new dry-fire log activities for each firearmyouare tracking.> Review and add firearms maintenance activities, likecleaningsand repairs or firearm inspections.> A personalized dashboard allows members to create quicklinksto their favorite features on the application.> App SYNC feature allows you to use the applicationwithoutconnectivity. Choose when you synchronize soon, the Android application will includepremiumscorecards like IDPA, USPSA, SKEET, and ammunitionreloadingfeatures currently available to Premium LOG. IMPROVE. RANGELOG.COM
Range Buddy 5.5.1
Range Buddy is a mobile app designedforshooting sports enthusiasts,especially precision rifle shooters.Features:Use phone's camera capture properly scaled target picturesAllow pick target picture from device libraryAllow manually set picture scaleAllow re-analysis targetSupport both Imperial and Metric measurementsAllow analyzing and recording multiple groups on thesametargetCalculate group size, point of impact by analyzingtargetpictureGenerate analyzed target pictures for record keeping andeasysharingRecord equipment setup along with the target picturesRecord shooting conditions such as temperature, windconditionand GPS locationsManage the records of shooting resultsShare the target picture with email or social media
Shooter's Log 1.2.3
A comprehensive Android application for shooters and reloaders.
Airsoft Timer Pro 1.2
This is a timer for Airsoft falling targets in f.ex. ActionAircompetitions.
Shooting Analyzer 3.0.5
Shooting Analyzer is for coaches, players and officials.