Top 2 Games Similar to Kid Puzzles

Toddler IQ Puzzle 1.0.1
The game offers three types of puzzles:1. Animal shapes: with this puzzle game your toddlerwilllearnthe names and sounds of lots of animals as they matchupimages totheir outline.2. Basic shapes: this puzzle game uses mathematicalbasicshapeslike triangle, circle and square to name but a few.Yourtoddlerwill hear the name of the shape when he starts draggingthemandwill be rewarded with funny sounds when he or she matchesuptheshape to its outline.3. Colour matching: recognition of colours is averyimportantstep in the development of your child; the purpose ofthispuzzleis to match up two circles that have the same colour. Aswiththemathematical basic shapes, your toddler will hear the nameofthecolour and be rewarded with funny sounds when hematchesthecorrect colours.Moreover, it comes in three languages (Soon French willbeaddedtoo):1. English2. Dutch3. AfrikaansThe educational aspect:The game is meant for tots and toddlers as an aid tothecognitivelearning process that every child naturally goesthrough.It is aboutrecognizing of matching shapes, very similar tothewooden puzzlesthat we have been using for decades and whichyourchild enjoys somuch.In the present day, technology can help in expandingandimprovingthe benefits of these puzzles, that have proventheirusefulness overthe years! Just remember though that thesewoodenpuzzles, because oftheir tangible nature, are still veryimportantin the development ofyour child. They teach differentfeelings oftexture among otherthings.The word 'cognition': involving consciousintellectualactivity,means that any action needs to be accompaniedwiththought. A newlybought wooden puzzle does this perfectlybecauseyour toddler needsto think and search for the correctshapes. Soonthough, the puzzlebecomes a part of their routine; yourchild knowsthe position ofall the shapes and places them frommemory ratherthen from activethought. This is still a very goodexercise, butthe cognitiveaspect of the puzzle has been mostlyspent.An electronic puzzle board can change continuouslyandthereforecan keep the cognitive aspect relevant for a longertimeand yourtots and toddlers will be able to keep theirinterestvested in thegame for a longer period of time. Byconsistentlyrepeating thenames of the shapes and colours the gamewill alsostimulate theauditory subconsciousness. We believe thismakes senseeven formore difficult names like rhombus orheptagon.The game works best with the help and supervision oftheparents.Playing and learning is something a child doesbestunderstimulation of love and patience; nothing is moreenjoyablethen acuddle or an enthusiastic cheer of mommy and daddywhentherelittle treasure does something great!
Dinosaur Puzzles for toddlers 1.1.0
Dinosaur Puzzles for toddlers and preschoolsisa jigsaw puzzle game for kids from 0 to 4 years old.In this jigsaw game you have 10 different puzzles, all ofthemfree, with 10 different dinosaurs.Each puzzle has 6 rectangular tiles and your children have toputthem in the correct place using the finger and drag &dropoperations. When the kid put the tile into the correct place,thegame will offers the kid a little stars to congratulates forthegood job, and when the puzzle is finished there will be morestarsand a clapping sound like a reward for the effort ofyourchildren.If your children like the typical wood puzzles, they willlovethis one.Features=======★ 10 free dinosaur puzzles★ Interface designed for babies, simple and easy to use★ Soundtrack of a forest place★ Little FX in order to do more funny playing with thepuzzlegame★ Cute pictures designed for toddlers and preschools from 0 to4years oldIf your kids like this puzzle game, please help us tocontinuedeveloping free games and give us 5 stars in the GooglePlay IndexCard, and a +1 and a review of the game too. It would begreat ifyou can talk to your friends about the game, and put thelink tothe game in your social networks. Thank you for your help!