Top 1 Apps Similar to DGL Tapp

TAPP 2.2
This is the one and only officialNederlandscheTafelronde app. We named it TAPP. In all humbleness..It's great!You need to be a member of de Nederlandsche Tafelronde inorderto use TAPP.With TAPP you can view and publish messages to all Tablers intheNetherlands, all Tablers in your own Table and sendpersonalmessages to individual Tablers. Also you can searchTablers, viewtheir personal contact information, give them a directcall and addthem to your contacts. You can add your personalprofile photo sothat other Tablers can enjoy your great looks. Allthe 200 Tableslocated in the Netherlands are listed and providedwith detailinformation. Also TAPP provides the agenda of both yourown Tableas the National agenda. And there is more.. Handyadditionalinformation can be found in the "info" section. And thereis muchmore coming up in future releases.------How to activate:You can activate TAPP by entering your e-mail address (know bytheadministration of de Nederlandsche Tafelronde) and usetheactivaion code send to your e-mailadrdress. It's that simple?Yesit is.