Top 7 Games Similar to Gym Meter

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Gym Maroc 2.0
Al3ab mobile
كمال الأجسام نقدم لكم أول تطبيق خاص لكل من يمارس رياضةكمالالجسام.Gym Maroc هذا التطبيق يوفر لكم أزيد من 40 وجبة خاصة لكل منيمارسرياضة كمال الأجسام أو إذا كنت تريد أن تضخم عضلات و الحصول علىعضلاتقوية أو جسم فتنس فهذا هو التطبيق المناسب لذلكحيت يقدم لكم هذا التطبيق العديد من الوجبات مع دكر السعرات الحراريةونسبة البروتينات و الكاربوهدرات و اكدهنيات في كل وجبة.كما يعطيكم Gym Maroc طريقة التحضير الخاصة بكل وجبة كمال أجسامحتىتحصلو على جسم مثالي في وقت قصير.إذا كان لديك أي سؤال فقط ضع تعليقك و سنقوم بإجابتك على الفور.كما أن تطبيق كمال الأجسام هذا يوفر لكم وجبات متجدده بشكل ذائموهذاكله بالمجانBodybuilding first offer you a special application for each ofthesport practiced Kamal enormous. Gym Maroc This application provides you with more than40special meal for each of a bodybuilder or if you want to swellandthe muscles get strong muscles or body Fitness this is a goodappfor thatSaluting this application offers you many meals with Deckercaloriesand proteins and ingredients: carbohydrate ratio andCdhenneat ateach meal.Gym Maroc also gives you the method of preparation of eachmealBodybuilders even Thsalo the perfect body in a shorttime.If you have any question just Put your comments and we willBajapetkimmediately.The application of bodybuilding This provides you with mealsrollingin Maim and all this free of charge
Free Abs Workout Exercises 1.6
Best free abs workout exercises to do at home and in the gym
All for gym
Javier MS
The final application for the gym! It has all you need for fitness
California Gym 2.0.0
Vous pouvez désormais accéder à touteunepanoplie de services en ligne, simplement en accédant àvotrecompte. Pour vous garantir votre place à la séance de votrechoix,vous pourrez réserver vos cours et activités en toutetranquillitéet en toute simplicité sur notre site web.L’application Smartphone CALIFORNIA GYM vous facilitera la tâcheégalement.De plus, nous mettons à votre disposition un logiciel enligne,sur notre site web, vous permettant de consulter votrepropreprogramme d’entrainement établi par votre coach. Ce logicieldetests, d’évaluations et de programmes d’entrainement estuneexclusivité chez CALIFORNIA GYM.You can now access arangeof online services, simply by accessing your account. Toguaranteeyour place at the session of your choice, you can bookyour coursesand activities safely and easily on our website. TheSmart phone appCALIFORNIA GYM also facilitate your task.In addition, we offer you an online software, ourwebsite,allowing you to consult your own training programestablished byyour coach. This software tests, assessments andtraining programsis an exclusively at CALIFORNIA GYM.
BJJ Roadmap by Stephan Kesting 1.0
THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU! Do youwantlearnBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu the right way? Then grab the BJJRoadmapappand let the pieces of the puzzle immediately startcomingtogetherfor you. BJJ is the most effective grappling systemin theworld,but it can be very confusing for your first couple ofyearsoftraining. But BJJ can, and should, make sense! The BJJRoadmapappis the perfect tool for getting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsuright,rightfrom the start. - Master the sense of overwhelm soyoucanconfidently navigate your way among the differenttechniquesandsubmissions in BJJ - Learn exactly how thedifferentgroundpositions fit together so that you never feel loston the matagain- Find out what exactly you should do next to getbetteratgrappling - Discover the missing components you need togetyourtechniques to work in a real life sparring situationUsinghighquality video instruction this app will give youthestrategies,tactics, techniques and training methods you need togetgood atBJJ as fast as possible. WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THE FREESECTIONOF THEAPP - A complete overview of the major BJJ positionsand howtheyfit together - A detailed breakdown of the Closed Guard,OpenGuardand Half Guard positions - Guard sweeps that take youfromthebottom to the top - Guard passes you can use to cutyourwaythrough your opponent's defences - How to avoid themostcommonmistakes made on the top and the bottom WHAT YOU'LL GETINTHE PAIDSECTION OF THE APP - Four more positions to round outyourBJJgame, including Side Mount, Knee Mount, Rear Mount andtheTurtlePosition - Advanced details to take your game to thenextlevelquickly and easily. - The best transitions to improveyourpositionso you can keep your opponent continually on thedefensive.-Effective escapes you can use even if your opponent isbiggerthanyou - Overviews of the most common, most effectivesubmissionsfromeach position - How to avoid the mistakes that canlead toinjuryor months of wasted time and effort as you do thewrong thingagainand again. This app covers a complete system forlearning BJJ.Itstarts with the Roadmap concept so that you get thecompletebigpicture of the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (along withtheconcepts,techniques and strategies used by almost everyadvancedplayer). Iwant you to know the ‘why, where, when, who andwhat’ ofeverythingyou learn in BJJ, which is why in this app wecover: -Why certaintechniques work better than others. - Where yourarmsand legs MUSTbe to avoid giving your opponent an easysubmission!f- When is thebest time for trying specific moves? - Whois bestsuited forcertain positions and submissions? - What thecriticaltake-homedetails are, without which your technique justwon’t work!Many BJJstudents never end up learning the fundamentalsof the artproperlybecause these basics are so ‘obvious’ to theirinstructorsthatthey don’t bother to pass them on to their students.But iftheconcepts, strategies and tactics of BJJ get laid out foryou inaclear, concise and interesting manner (instead of youhavingtofigure it all out through trial and error) then yourskillswillliterally jump to a new level overnight. ABOUTSTEPHANKESTINGStephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt and an instructorinCombatSubmission Wrestling. In addition to hisgrapplingcertificationshe also has a Black Belt in Kajukenbo Karateand is acertifiedInstructor in Dan Inosanto’s Filipino MartialArts,Majaphait Silatand Jun Fan JKD. With his series ofbest-sellingapps, DVDs, andinstructional programs he has helpedtens ofthousands of martialartists lift the level of theirgrappling game.
Exercise Timer
Exercise Timer is the ultimatefitnesscompanion for any of your gym or home workouts. Whether youneed toperform tabata, HIIT or any other style, this is yourperfectinterval timer.Customize your workout to include:+ Warm-up+ Workout+ Interval period+ Rest periodYou can add as many exercises/sessions as you wish to yourworkoutunlike most gym timers. For example, to your workout you canadd a10 seconds Rest period, or even 10 seconds Rest + 5secondsInterval to give you enough time to get ready for yournextexercise. Designed mainly as a HIIT timer, this app gives youtheflexibility to create the most complex HIIT workouts.In circuit training you may wish to perform 30 Push Ups or50Jumping Jacks with a 10 seconds rest. With the new Reps featureyoucan take your time to perform your exercises and when you'redonepress next. Your workout can have a mixture of reps andtimedexercises.Want to lose weight and stay healthy? You need to follow abalanceddiet and perform timed workouts regularly. This timer is agreatway to plan and time your tabata workouts. If you want to dosportthis interval timer is a must. Perfect for any training,abdominalexercises, cardio, weight loss, crossfit training,calisthenics,fartlek training, kettle bell training, jumping jackstiming, bootcamp interval timer and thousand others.If you have no time for long Tabata or HIIT training, a 7minuteworkout is your answer. Using this sports timer a 7 minuteworkoutcan be easily performed. A gym isn’t a must.Don’t feel like working out? Exercise Timer, can also be used asastudy timer, work timer, rest timer and even for yoga practiceormeditation.The app comes with a sample HIIT and Tabata workout.New Features in Version 4:+ Voice Feedback+ Reps Mode - Press Next when you finish exercise, to move ontonext.+ Drag and Drop exercise movement+ Swipe to Delete Workout or exercise+ Color Code your exercisesNew Features in Version 5:+ Reading of exercise names+ Description field+ Initial preparation time+ Smartwatch connection+ Touch screen to pause/start+ Share workout+ Recent workouts+ Longer exercise titles supported+ Workout icons+ Light/Dark theme