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Dini Sözler 1.0
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Diction Exercises 13.0
Even if your speech contents are thoughtful and profound, youneedto know how to deliver them effectively. Your expressionsneedaudience! The great leaders who have ruled and enlightenedtheworld have all been great orators. Great orators are lucidandflamboyant in their enunciation. It is not that all are borngreatrhetoricians. Never mind if you are not gifted, a certaindegree ofeffort and articulation exercises can do wonders for youroratoryskills. Most people believe that those who are born withspeechimpediments only require articulation exercises. It is nottruethough. Those who aspire to be voice-over artists,stand-upperformers or even great orators need a couple of simpletechniquesup their sleeve for greater success. These techniques arewhatenables them to speak more lucidly and emphatically. Childrenmakeerroneous pronunciation at the initial stages, whichareparticularly amusing and frivolous. However, if after acertainage, it doesn’t change, then the child is said to besuffering fromsome kind of speech disorder. In such cases,articulation exercisesmay be of immense help in overcoming and eveneliminating theimpediments. If a child is diagnosed with speechdisorders, it issuggested that these techniques must be adopted andimplemented bytheir parents at the very inception.
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