Top 16 Apps Similar to 三國志

道德經(又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文) 2.2.0
中国诗词 | 唐诗宋词 | 古诗词 1.0.6
Learn Chinese traditional culture, Tang poetry, Song poetryandother ancient poems
唐詩三百首 2.3.1
Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasuresofancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profoundfeeling!
中華上下五千年 1.8.0
ShaSha Ltd
"China five thousand years," covers the vast land of ChinafromPangu to five years down the development process late QingDynasty.
般若文海 1.2
Cong Wang
新三國志手機版-光榮特庫摩授權 3.0.0
《新三國志手機版》是《三國志11》港澳台新馬地區唯一由光榮特庫摩正版授權研發的手遊。原《三國志》系列作為SLG類型遊戲的經典代表作,我們也將繼承這一點,將“策略”作為遊戲的設計初衷和核心定位。在遊戲中,玩家可與數萬名其他玩家將一同置於超過100萬格的恢弘大地圖上,招募將領、發展城池、打造雄兵,做梟雄割據一方;也可與其它玩家群雄逐鹿、締結聯盟、攻城掠地、拓展版圖,一統漢室中原。遊戲採用了3D動態的策略戰鬥系統,配合兵種克制關係、武將怒氣技能、武將羈絆光環、多種軍械輔助等眾多策略元素,極大的體現戰鬥策略變化。主要特點:1、正版授權日本光榮特庫摩正版授權,全程由三國志系列製作人北見健參與監修。人氣之作《三國志11》榮譽改編,官方品質將再續經典。2、策略經典重回策略遊戲本質,以智謀奪天下。在三國志最深的回憶中,從單槍匹馬走向萬人沙盤火拼新狂潮。3、經營革新一百萬格超大世界地圖任你馳騁,數十種玩法帶你走向巔峰:不管是建城池、招武將,還是加軍團、拓版圖,總有一款玩法適合你!4、真人鬥智真實的戰場,真實的盟軍和敵人,每一塊螢幕後都隱藏著不為人知的城府與計謀。是進是退?戰火中的決策充滿挑戰。5、同屏激戰宏大的三國世界觀,磅礴的遊戲場景,攻城戰、野戰、軍團戰,演繹萬人國戰,配合士氣鼓舞與陣法加成,讓戰鬥增加一成勝算。1.本遊戲內容涉及「不當言語」-一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語 ,依軟體分級辦法分類為輔12級,12歲以上之人始得使用2.本遊戲部分內容需另行支付費用3.長時間進行遊戲,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲
汉语字典 - 汉字笔顺、新华字典 2.8.3
Chinese Dictionary is a handheld Chinese dictionary thatsupportsoffline, detailed content, free of charge, andhigh-qualitytypesetting. The Chinese dictionary contains more than20,000international (GBK) Chinese characters and more than150,000entries.
宋詞三百首 - 宋詞賞析、注釋、譯文、作者介紹、詩詞魅力 9.3.5
Appreciate Song Ci, and enjoy the charm of Song Ci in 300 SongCiAPP
古詩三百首 7.9.5
Three hundred ancient poems
澈見幸福 4.11.13
Find the happiness of life with Chejian. Extensivediscussion,chanting, praise, endorsement, and learning together,unify allyour needs, and create a learning course that is unique toyou. Chesee happiness helps you to the top of the pyramid!
古詩詞大全 4.1.1
This is a rescue literary degeneration of ancient poetry APP,tohelp you learn ancient poetry.
說文字典 3.8.54
The structure of Chinese characters is beautiful. First,understandthe structure of the characters from the explanation ofthe text,try to integrate the relevant structure of the characters,andextensively refer to the explanations of various calligraphybooksand classics, so that you can learn quickly and penetratetheancient and modern characters.
唐詩大全 2.0.0
Tang Daquan is a more complete than Tang Poems Tang Dynastypoetryworks, works co-opt the Tang Dynasty poet, more than 1600,morethan 2000 poems.
三國又如何-最燒腦卡牌策略遊戲 0.37
Classic Zhenggang card TCG gameplay; here, money is not thekey,there is a brain is the key; layout, joint, militarylaw,everywhere to reflect your strong IQ
塔防三國志 7.3.0
#Classic Three Kingdoms Tower Defense mobile game, happysixthbirthday! #Super popular strategy mobile game, the totalnumber ofdownloads breakthrough will come! The new generation oftowerdefense has become a fairy! !