Top 41 Apps Similar to ITMS

Heka Well 8.4.1
Heka Health
Heka Health Wellness Challenge
Magic Home Inventory
Categorized and hierarchical inventory with advanced searchandvisualization.
openHAB 3.7.0
Vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation
HouseBook - Home Inventory 1.41.11
HouseBook is a modern home inventory app!
Rest Client - Pocket POSTMAN 2.1.68
Rest Client - Test REST API with your phone
Control your Hombli devices from anywhere in the world!
Pipeliner CRM 4.15.1
Pipeliner CRM - The Most Vital Mobile CRM Features,Anytime,Anywhere
Sinric Pro 2.23.2
The simple way to control your IoT development boards likeESP8226for FREE!
Penny Assistant for Direct Sales 13.1.33
Penny AI
A personal assistant for direct sales consultants. She'ssimpleandintuitive and provides a repeatable sales processthatstrengthensyour customer relationships and helps create newones.Penny willorganize and automate your customer orders, helpreachoutandfollow up with prospects and show you where to start andwhototalk to every day. Know where to start each morning It'sneverbeeneasier to focus your time and increase your sales.EverynightPenny curates an achievable list of your important,timesensitivetasks and puts them on your Daily screen. Whenyou'rehaving yourmorning coffee (or manage to find 5 minutes inyour busydailyroutine) simply open Penny and power through thetasks youneed toaccomplish today to not only keep your business ontrack buthelpit grow. You'll never be overwhelmed again. Be moreorganizedandless busy Penny will let you know the right time andinformationtoconnect with your customers, ensuring you're engagedwithyourcustomers and they're ordering regularly. Best of all,she'lldothis automatically, while you sleep, so your ordersandreminderswill be there each and every day, allowing you to focusoncustomerrelationships instead of organizing your time. We callthistheCustomer Care Cycle, it's designed to include steps intheorderprocess as well as touch points along the way. Thesestepsinclude:“Check-in” - scheduled a few days after yourcustomerplaces theirorder “Connect” - added a few weeks after theyreceivedtheirproducts “Autoship Reminder” - appears 20 days beforeyourcustomeris due to re-order “Reconnect” - reminds you toconnectwithcustomers who haven’t ordered in 4+ months Know whentoreachoutand follow up Paper is meant for planes, not aprospectlist. Pennymakes it super simple to add people to yourfunnel,manage them andmake sure you never miss a beat—you'll neverforgetto reachout orfollow up with a prospect again becausePenny'skeeping track foryou. She makes it so you can:Scroll—through yourcontacts and addprospects to your list Find—aspecific contactTag—“Hot Prospects”and easily filter them for yourmonth end hustleMark—if you'vesent them a sample Send—a message asa text message,email, or inFacebook Messenger If your currentprospect list livesin anotebook or on a spreadsheet you're going tobe blown away byhowmuch room to grow you have. Organization is abeautifulthing,especially when your assistant (Penny) does it foryou.Everythingyou want to know, exactly when you need it Everythingweknow aboutany of your contacts is always just a tap away,ensuringit'savailable exactly when you need it. If they're acustomeryou'llsee their current/last order details, theiractivityhistory,including all your checkins, connects, if you sentthem agreetingcard, notes you've added and more. If they're aprospectyou'll seeyour complete history of reachouts and followups, thenotes youadd and their interests. And if there's a detailnot intheirprofile you want to add, easy, just put itunder"Additionaldetails".
Customer Appointments 3 1.8.92
GIMIN Studio
Business calendar for managing appointments of visits,meetingsandclients booking for offices, clubs, spa, and otherservices.Theclear presentation of terms prepared for small andlargetouchscreens. Grouping customers and management of groupbookings.Mainfeatures: - employee assignement, - employee schedule,-employeeabsence management, - no in-app purchases andnotime-limitedfunctions, - secure ! All data only in the device (nodata in theinternet/cloud ) - the ability to work offline(withoutan internetconnection) - add, delete, move, or edit termsagreedwith thecustomer, - different term search modes, - taking aphotowithdescription, - customer management: contactdata,groups,descriptions and notes, - presentation of differentcustomergroupsby colors, - send messages directly from theapplication, -callingcustomers directly from an application, -create a copy ofthe datato a file (backup), - week view and monthview -convenientoperation on the phone as well as tablet, -supportshorizontal andvertical screen orientation, - synchronizedatabetween Phone andtablet via Bluetooth. - quick ( single click )SMSmesssaginig tomany customers selected by group or by eventsdate. -instantnotification SMS on event set/cancel ( withconfigurabletext ) -event reminder. - SMS reminders (freeoption)©GIMIN Studio.
Protegus 1.65
App for any alarm system. Notifications and remote control.
My GoodBarber 3.0.8939
Manage all the apps you have created with GoodBarber.
MQTT Dash (IoT, Smart Home) 4.4
Control and display data from MQTT enabled devices and apps(IoT,Smart Home)
ReadCube 3.21
ReadCube is the simplest way to read, manage and discoverresearchliterature.
PrestaShop Mobile Assistant 3.2.34
Keep in touch with your PrestaShop store anytime and anywhere
Project Schedule - CloudSync 2.2
Synchronization-Addon for Project Schedule
GoSite 12.1.0
GoSite’s complete business management suite for smallbusinessesfitsin the palm of your hand and allows you to grow yourbusinessfromanywhere. Manage business texts, onlinereviews,appointments,payments, and your digital presence from onesinglehub. Allproducts are modular and can be used asstandalonesolutions, yetwork seamlessly together to create aneasy-to-use,modern businessmanagement platform designed to helplocalbusinesses interact withtheir customers across thedigitallandscape. MESSENGER Small andlocal businesses can provideheroiccustomer service with theability to respond to messagesinreal-time, from anywhere. -Accept inquiries all hours of thedaywith autoresponses. - Respondpromptly to customer inquiriesthrougha single dashboard, creatingsatisfied customers no matterwhere youare. - Never miss anincoming message with pushnotifications. -Keep all yourcommunications organized in a singlehub with messagesfromwebsite, Google My Business, and SMS. - Syncwith CRM sobusinessowners always know who they’re messaging.REVIEWS Reviewsis acomplete reputation management solution, lettinga businessmanageand monitor their online reviews. - Manage youronlinereviews fromone single app. Receive push notifications whenyou getan onlinereview on any major platform. - Minimize negativereviewsby givingcustomers an opportunity to provide privatefeedback. -Get bettercustomer insights with review analyticsincluding totalreviews andoverall rating. - Get more positivereviews by instantlysendingsurvey requests to your customer, askingthem to leave youanonline review. BOOKING Booking brings the powerand ease ofonlinebooking to any small business. - Reduce no-showsby up to 40%withSMS reminders of upcoming appointments. -Omnichannelbookingallows you to increase your overall booking byproviding aneasierpath for customers. - Automatic confirmationsandbookingnotifications make scheduling (andrescheduling!)hassle-free. -Keep everything conveniently in oneplace by syncingto Google,Outlook, or other 3rd party calendars.PLACEMENT Enjoy acohesivedigital presence by updating onlinedirectories from onedashboard.- Ensure a consistent web presence bymanaging andupdating allbusiness attributes from a singledashboard. - Keep afresh,relevant web presence by updating photosfrom mobile device.-Enhance SEO automatically by creating aconsistent NAP. -Appearfor the right categories by manuallydetermining whichcategoriesto rank for on Google My Business. - Getan automaticboost forvoice searches. PAYMENTS Payments is anomni-channelpaymentprocessing solution that lets small businessesacceptpaymentsin-person, online, through SMS, or via digitalwallets. -Get paidmore, faster, with 1-tap payment requests. -IntegratewithBookings for an extra layer of customer convenience. -Getmoney inyour hands faster with next-day deposits. - Take comfortin100%secure, highest grade encryption tech available. - Keeptrackofpayment history in the palm of your hand.
MyTime Scheduler for Merchants 13.4.3
ABOUT MYTIME SCHEDULER MyTime Scheduler is seven productsinone,available right from your Android device! • Onlineschedulingandappointment calendar • Client Relationship Manager(CRM) • PointofSale and Inventory Management (POS) • InstantMessenger (IM)•Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI) •AutomatedMarketing(Email and SMS) • Web Presence Tool (ListingandReputationManagement) The MyTime Scheduler app syncsautomaticallywith yourbusiness account, and setup only takes a fewminutes! Callor emailus to setup a free demo with a MyTimeBusinessAdvisor:1-888-423-1944, [email protected]. To learnmore, MYTIME SCHEDULER FEATURES Getthisfreeapp as part of your MyTime Scheduler account, and accessallofthese features on-the-go: * Online Scheduling:Manageyourappointment schedule on-the-go. View your entire scheduleandadd,reschedule, cancel or accept appointments right from theapp.SinceMyTime is the only system currently integrated intoGoogleSearch,Bing Search and your Facebook Page, it's moreimportant thaneverto see appointments coming into your phone inreal-time. *ClientManager: Keep your clients right in your pocket.View eachclient’sappointment history and notes and photos, and evensetcustomprices for individual clients that only they can seewhenthey bookyou. * MyTime Communicator: Instantly message yourclientsforfree. Exchange images, respond to questions, and more -rightfromthe app! No more sharing your personal cell phone numbertoreceivetext messages. * Point-of-Sale (POS): Take paymentrightfrom yourphone (sales tax tips, discounts, coupons, andstaffcompensationare all built-in). Easily track inventory andacceptpayments fromclients for both services and retail products.Addtips, gift cardpurchases, packages,and additional serviceswithjust a tap. Needto apply a discount? Choose between a flatdollaramount orpercentage off the total. Accept credit cards, cash,andchecks.Scan bar codes (UPC) to add retail products andeasilyupdate stocklevels. Pro tip: use our external Bluetooth cardreaderto swipecards and speed up checkout. * Beautiful Analytics:It'stime tounderstand what's really driving your business.Whichservicesgenerate revenue? Where are you bookings coming from?Whoare yourbest customers and staff members? These and manyotherquestionswill be answered instantly! * Personal calendar sync:Weknow workand personal can become intertwined. Easily syncyourphone'scalendar during setup and you'll never be doublebookedagain.Anytime you update your MyTime schedule, yourclientswillautomatically receive notifications abouttheirupcomingappointments. They’ll even get reminded when it’s timetobooktheir next appointment. Even better, all businessesusingMyTimeScheduler are listed in the popular MyTimeMarketplacewheremillions of people come to find and bookappointments eachmonth.You'll get notified every time a clientbooks! Have questionsorfeedback? Reach out to us anytime [email protected]. We’dloveto hear from you!
Pocket CRM - Free CRM - Customers & Leads Tracking 3.0.0
Manage your customer and lead using this free CRM system.PocketCRMhelps you to manage Customer database for your smallbusinesswithmultiple features. - Manage Contacts Works offline andsyncdatabetween multiple devices. View all customer informationinoneplace. - Manage Schedule Schedule meetings and taskswithyourcontacts. Your daily as well as monthly schedule ispresentedin acalendar view. Reminder notifications will help youmake sure,notask or meeting is forgotten! Lead management is noweasy. -Textand Voice Notes Use the text note or voice note featureto addanote for a customer. Store all your valuableinformation.-Document Storage Securely store documents in a cloudstorage.Linkdocuments to contacts. Even if you change yourdevice,thedocuments stored will be downloaded and synced withyournewdevice. - Invoice and Proposal Create and send invoicestoyourcontacts. Customize your business profile with logo,addressandother information. - Export Data Want to keep a personalbackupofyour data? No problems, You can export your contacts andtextnotesanytime. - Custom Fields Customize yourcustomerrelationshipmanagement system by creating custom fields. -GroupsOrganize yourcontacts in better way. Create groups and addmembersto groups. -Team Share your data with your colleagueseasily.
DigLead: Business Lead Scraper Tool 20.0
DigLead is the first ever tool in android history whichisperfectlead generation solution for your business. Thisscrapercangenerate email list based on your targeted niche orkeyword.Youcan generate unlimited emails using this tool. Tool canbe usedforboth B2B Marketing and Email marketing. You does notrequireanyprogramming or technical knowledge to operate this tool.Ifyouknow how to use internet, you can use this tool for sure.EvenThisDigLead App has video tutorial list which will helpful toyouforoperating all the tools. Main Features: -TargetedListGenerator-Webpage or Website Email Scraper -Google MyBusinessListingsScraper (Google Maps/GMB Scraper) -YelpLeadExtractor-Export/Download all scraped leads in ExcelSpreadsheetwhich canbe share via email or open with spreadsheetviewer. Hereare briefdetails of this tool: Niche Target ListBuilder: This toolwillsearch for email addresses based on yourgiven targetkeyword.After this, you can scrape all these targetedemails whichwill besaved into database. Now you can export ordownload thisemail listin excel .xlxs format which will beautomatically savedin yourmobile internal storage. You can use thisemail list as youdesire.You can also email that file to later viewon your desktopcomputeror upload it to email marketing platformsand CRMs.Website/WebpageEmail Scraper This tool is versatile whichcan beused on anywebsite you want. If you have address of websitewhichcontainsemail addresses and you want to scrape all of thesethensimply putthis URL Link in this tool and click GO button. Youalsocan visitthat website as Desktop Version. When websiteloads,simply clickon SCRAPE ME Button and all these emails onthatwebsite will beautomatically added to database. Now you canexportthese emails toExcel XLXS file. Google My Business/GoogleMapsScraper This isfirst ever kind of android app which isfullyautomatic and canscrape google maps or google my business(GMBListing Scraper) onautopilot. To use this tool enter anylocalbusiness search term inthe tool and when listing appears startthescraper. All listingwill be automatically added to database. Itcanscrape Businessname, Phone, Address, Reviews, Category andOtheressential detailsrequired for B2B Marketing. You can exportallthese details inspreadsheet file format. Email it or further useitfor marketing,choice is yours ;) Yelp Listing Scraper ToolYelpscraping wasnever easier before this tool. You can just putanybusiness searchin and when listings appears, singleclickon SCRAPE MEButton will extract all business details displayedonpage todatabase. You can scrape business as much as you wantorrequire.When you have desired amount of leads in database, youcanexportor download this data to excel file and use it asyouwantcommercially.
Husqvarna Fleet Services Gatew 3.3.1
Keep track of your equipment's location and upload run-time data
Tableau CRM Analytics 13.2.0
Tableau CRM (formerly Einstein Analytics) lets Salesforceuserstaketheir data with them everywhere. Tableau CRM transformstheway yourcompany uses data, making every employee moreproductiveso you cangrow your business faster. And with the TableauCRMAnalytics app,any Sales Cloud or Service Cloud user caninstantlyget relevantanswers and Einstein-powered predictions inaSalesforce nativemobile experience. With actionable analyticsinthe palm of yourhand, business will never be the same.
Shiji ReviewPro 0.239.0
Manage your hotel's online reputation & guest feedbackwhereveryou are.
ForceManager mobile CRM 3.59.2
Work from anywhere with CRM, Sales and Leads from ForceManager
YouTrack 2023.3.3
Manage projects your way!
Field Service 244.6.13
The Field Service mobile app by Salesforce
Pyronix Ltd.
The HomeControl+ app brings you flexibilityandpeace of mind from your award winning Pyronix security systemwithan intuitive and easy to use interface.HomeControl+ allows you to:• Arm and disarm your security system• View the system status• Control up to 30 devices including:• Opening and closing your gates• Turning your lights on and off• Locking and unlocking your doors• Turning your sprinklers on and off• Notifications when your system is armed or disarmed• Get your system to tell you who has armed the system• And much more!All of this functionality can be set up and controlled throughthePyronixCloud, where you can enable and disable users ofyoursecurity system. The easy-to-use setup wizard will guideyouthrough the setup of Home Control+ and the PyronixCloud, toensurethat in no time at all you are reaping the benefits of beingableto control your security system, at any time, from anywhere intheworld, using a secure connection.Requirement:• Android 4.1 and above.
My Rents 3.3.5
Do you have different rents to manage?Tenantsinformation,contracts, pictures, events, details... It canbedifficult. WithMy Rents you can easily manage all of thiscreatingdifferentportfolios with their rents and have a bettercontrol ofyourearnings and expenses. - Create invoices - Controlthe paydaysofyour rents - Send Whatsapps, emails, make calls, usethe GPStolocate your rents... all within My Rents - Personalagendaofcontacts - Statistics of each portfolio -Differentlanguagessupported
Smart Contact Reminder 2.11.2
Milan Bárta
Get reminders to stay in touch with friends and family orbusinessconnections
eedomus 1.3.24
Monitor and control your home from any location with youreedomusbox!
Toggl Plan 5.33.2
Toggl Plan
Simple work management for small teams.
Free CRM 1.6.7
** Your Data is 100% Private and is never, ever sold or sharedinanyway ** With Free CRM, you can manage all of yourdeals,contacts,companies, and tasks on the move, and stayconnected toyour leads,customers, and your team. You can managecustomersupport requests,documents, collect data with forms, andmanageeverything withreports. Share data with your entire team -goahead and add all ofyour teammates, and get everyone in thesamedatabase, and know thestatus of every lead and customer. WithFreeCRM, you can manage: •Contacts • Companies • Leads,Prospects,Sales • eMail Marketing& Campaigns • Vendors •Partners •Donors • Tasks • MultipleCalendars, Team Calendar •Deals,Pipelines, Quotes and Estimates •Products and Services •Documents• Calls & Call Reports •Customer Support Cases • SMSand VoiceCalling Other great features:• Google Sync • Facebook •Twitter •Twilio • Stripe • QuickBooksOnline • IMAP / SMTP Sign upand tryour powerful Free CRM. We havetons of great features on ourfreeplatform including unlimitedrecords and storage. Free CRMfromCogmento comes with unlimitedusers and unlimited datastorage.Track your sales pipeline andincrease customer supportwith a CRMsystem. We have a Free versionthat has unlimited storageand usersand can get your business up androlling. We have premiumfeaturesif you need them, like email andsms marketing, callcenterfunctions, and premium customer servicefeatures. That'sright --you can use our Free CRM with your entireorganization andstoreeverything on our cloud, for free. What's thecatch? Simple.We donot provide support for free, and we havepremium featuresthat areoptional. If you want to send out SMS oremail campaigns,then youwill need to upgrade. * requires a validemail address andSMS /mobile phone to sign up for high security and2 factor auth.If youneed our Pro edition you can add features from$2 to $25 permonthas an in-app purchase.
Inventory Wolf 1.1.19
Inventory management for preppers
KVDAntiSpy PRO 1.33
Kondrat Yukov
Anti spyware tool with real-time access monitoring , camera&microphone blocker
Personal CRM by Covve 24.6.14
Organize your real-world relationships
Meters reading 3.41
Simão Lúcio
Read your water, gas or electricity meter and calculateyourconsumption
Ministry Assistant 3.6.0
Lost Pixels
The easiest app for Jehovah's Witnesses to be organized intheirfield service!
Donate your voice: CV Project 2.5.1
This app permits you to contribute to Common Voice fromyoursmartphone.
Team Tracking Plus Ordering 3.51
This app is very useful for monitoring your officers activitiesandSales.