Top 12 Apps Similar to Pro Wattpad Books 2017 Guide

New Wattpad Free Books Guide 1.1
Application possibilities are thiscontainstheguide to play Wattpad Free Books. Complete with a fewtipsandtricks to enhance the application of diversion in thefinisheachmissions in the Wattpad Free Books.Disclaimers:This Is complete guide and can help you for unlockWattpadFreeBooks,This guide contains information about theGuide,trick,cheats, hints and tips that you may need to helpprogress attheapplication.
Stories In English 1.0
Stories In English it is app for kidsTooAdultadditionally kids with audio and video, additionallyakbarbirbalstoriees in hindi offline, wattpad free booksandstoriessFurthermore snuggle stories baby first As well aslovestoriesromance episodes also for kids with audio and videoallstoryoflline. The app store in english free consists of: FablesAswellas Motivation also Love stor an additional childrenstoriessToocomedy, for Drama, inspiration ... ectIt is Best application For all peoples--------------------------------------Favorit ENGLISH STORYJust press icon on the storys page to favorit any story.VisitMenu> Go to Favorite option to view your favoritestoriess.TEXT SELECTION ENABLED IN STORYsAs requested by many users, we have enabled Text selectiononthestor page. Long press on the storys to activate thefeature.Whatssap and Facebook SharePlease take a minute to rate too review this app.Stories In Englishitisapp for kids Too Adult additionally kids with audioandvideo,additionally Akbar Birbal storiees in offline Hindi,Wattpadfreebooks and storiess Furthermore snuggle stories babyfirst Aswellas love stories romance episodes aussi for kids withaudioandvideo all oflline story. The free app store in EnglishConsistsof:Fables As well as Motivation aussi Love storyearadditionalchildren storiess Too comedy, for Drama, inspiration...ectIt is Best Application For all peoples --------------------------------------Favorit ENGLISH STORYJust press on the icon to favorit Any storys pagestory.VisitMenu> Go to Favourite option to view yourfavoritestoriess.TEXT SELECTION ENABLED IN StorysAs requested by Many users, we-have enabled text selectiononthepage stor. Long press on the storys to activate thefeature.Whatssap and Facebook SharePlease take a minute to rate this app review too.
Top 100 Books 2016 1.0
Si vous êtes une personne qui est attirée par la lecturedeslivreset remans et vous n'arrivez pas à fair un choixentreplusieursbouquins vous êtes donc sur la melleure applicationsurAndroid.Nous vous proposons cette application sympa quiillustreune listede 100 livres les plus lus et vendus dans le mondeentier.Cetteapp vous aide à avoir une vision globale sur le livregrace àunaperçu et un résumé avant de l'acheter. Vous trouverzdanscetteliste les différents types de livres / remans :Police;Histoire(stories); Remantique; Enfant; Adulte; Drama;Comic;Fiction;wattpad; Art; Cinéma; Humour; Photographie;Nouvelles;Opéra;Poésie; Tragédie; Voyages; Théâtre; Scénario;Religion;guerre; Bd;... SVP n’hésitez pas à nous en proposerd’autresà[email protected] et de noter notre app !!
Necessity's Child 1.0.0
StoryLab Magazine's first issue,Necessity'sChild, seeks to marry great fiction with great designand wrap thatin a great reading experience. With the opportunitiestechnologynow affords, we want to take storytelling to new levels.We want totry things that no one has before. So with thismagazine,StoryLab's grandest and most ambitious experiment yet, wechose thetheme of invention. Stories that circle around somethingnew. Anobject or device or idea that bursts into a character’sreality andchanges everything that comes after.We've tried to integrate innovation into the very pages ofthismagazine. We have a story that you can only access if you solveapuzzle, a story scavenger hunt (that can net you a shinynewe-book), and a story you'll only view if you meet the author atanevent (or you can try to convince him to give you the codeoverTwitter, Wattpad, Facebook, or Google+). But we'll also bringyoumore traditional stories with design and visuals that enhancetheexperience. The stories in Issue I areThe Cleverest Contraption of Jeremiah BrownThere's TimeThe Year Santa Got StuckOne Man's Heaven...Dad's List of Accomplishments (unlockable)The Time Machine (unlockable)
Free Kindle Books & Summaries 2.4
Download free Kindle books and book summaries all in one app.Youwill be able to find dozens of free Kindle books and kindlebooksummaries. Read dozens of books and summaries for free! Sign uptoour newsletter to receive free kindle books and booksummariesdelivered straight to your inbox!
Top 100 livres à Lire 2
RM app
Dans cette application, vous obtenez untopcentlivres à lire dans une vie ou une liste de seau de livrespourcréerune vie bien lire.Nous voulions la liste pour couvrir toutes les étapes de lavie(ceest pourquoi vous trouverez des livres pour enfants ici),etnousne voulions pas la liste de se sentir comme devoirs. Biensûr,unetelle liste ne peut être exhaustive - nos vies,nousl'espérons,sont longue et variée - mais nous avons parlé etsoutenuet tamiséeet a fait valoir un peu plus et est venu avec uneliste,notreliste, des favoris. Que pensez-vous?Cette app vous aide à avoir une vision globale sur le livregraceàun aperçu et un résumé avant de l'acheter.Vous trouverz dans cette liste les différents types delivres/remans : Police; Histoire (stories); Remantique;Enfant;Adulte;Drama; Comic; Fiction; wattpad; Art;Cinéma;Humour;Photographie;Nouvelles; Opéra; Poésie; Tragédie; Voyages;Théâtre;Scénario;Religion; guerre; Bd; ...List of top 100 books of all time:1984,A Doll's House,A Sentimental Education,Absalom,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,The Aeneid,Anna Karenina,Beloved,Berlin Alexanderplatz,Blindness,The Book of Disquiet,The Book of Job,The Brothers Karamazov,Buddenbrooks,Canterbury Tales,The Castle,Children of Gebelawi,Collected Fictions,Complete Poems,The Complete Stories,The Complete Tales,Confessions of Zeno,Crime and Punishment,Dead Souls,The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories,Decameron,The Devil to Pay in the Backlands,Diary of a Madman and Other Stories,The Divine Comedy,Don Quixote,Essays,Fairy Tales and Stories,Faust,Gargantua and Pantagruel,Gilgamesh Mesopotamia,The Golden Notebook,Great Expectations,Gulliver's Travels,Gypsy Ballads,Hamlet,History,Hunger,The Idiot,The Iliad,Independent People,Invisible Man,Jacques the Fatalist and His Master,Journey to the End of the Night,King Lear,Leaves of Grass,The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy,Lolita,Love in the Time of Cholera,Madame Bovary,The Magic Mountain,Mahabharata,The Man Without Qualities,The Mathnawi,Medea,Memoirs of Hadrian,Metamorphoses,Middlemarch,Midnight's Children,Moby-Dick,Mrs. Dalloway,Njaals Saga,Nostromo,The Odyssey,Oedipus the King Sophocles,Old Goriot,The Old Man and the Sea,One Hundred Years of Solitude,The Orchard,Othello,Pedro Paramo,Pippi Longstocking,Poems,The Possessed,Pride and Prejudice,The Ramayana,The Recognition of Sakuntala,The Red and the Black,Remembrance of Things Past,Season of Migration to the North,Selected Stories,Sons and Lovers,The Sound and the Fury,The Sound of the Mountain,The Stranger,The Tale of Genji,Things Fall Apart,Thousand and One Nights,The Tin Drum,To the Lighthouse,The Trial,Trilogy: Molloy,Ulysses,War and Peace,Wuthering Heights,Zorba the Greek.SVP n’hésitez pas à nous en proposerd’autresà[email protected] et de noter notre app.
Out Of Print Writing 1.0
Boom Network
Rowena Wiseman writescontemporaryfiction,young adult and children's stories. Her fictionincludesTheReplacement Wife (HarperCollins, 2015), Bequest(TenebrisBooks,2014) and Searching for Von Honningsbergs(Leafless,2014).Children’s stories include the Aunty Arty and AstroCircusKidsseries (Jet Black Publishing, 2014/2015). She wasrecentlynamed asone of the 30 most influential writers on Wattpadand herYA novelSilver has had over 500,000 chapter readsonWattpad.Rowena’s blogOut of print writing, about writingandpublishing in the digitalrevolution, has been selected fortheNational Library ofAustralia’s archive program PANDORA. She wastheeditor ofMelbourne PEN quarterly newsletter 2004–2007 andco-editedtheInternational PEN Women Writers annual newsletter2004–2006.Sheworks in the visual arts sector and lives ontheMorningtonPeninsula, near Melbourne, Australia.
Lemon Fan Fiction 2.2
Movellas Aps
Are you looking for the bestLemonFanfictionstories out there?Look no further! Our community is full of peopleinterestedinwriting and reading the best crossover manga/animestoriesfromyour wildest dreams!Just install the app and enjoy the nearly unlimited stories!
Badboy Fanfiction 2.2
Movellas Aps
Superstars are bad boys! It's time toknowtheirdeepest secrets!Read the best fanfiction stories out there aboutyourfavouritesuperstars!Join the thousands of people who love readingfreefanfictionstories on Movellas, the best story sharingcommunityforteens!* Thousands of free fan fiction books & stories toreadandshare written by young authors like you!* Discover your favourite celebrities starring inpopular,freeebooks! Movellas Fanfiction has the best fanfictionstoriesplusromance, fan fiction, teen, horror, sci fi, fantasy,poetryandmuch more!* Chat and comment on your favourite books, saveyourtopfanfiction stories in your library, enter amazingcompetitionstowin the best prizes!* Want to create your own story? Head,writeyour own books and publish them for free.Chat to us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,YouTubeandInstagram.Facebook: movellas-readwriteshare.tumblr.comInstagram: are you waiting for? Download and start reading today!”Movellas is like YouTube for eBooks” Mashable”Movellas democratises ebook publishing for the world” Wired UK
Fanfiction Reader Classic 1.16
Loktech Inc.
Avid reader of fanfiction? Organizeyourreading material with the Fanfiction Reader.For those of you who prefer the classic look ofFanfictionReader, please use this app. To migrate over fromFanfiction Readerdo the following:1.) In Fanfiction Reader, choose 'Export Stories DB' in themainmenu screen.2.) In Fanficiton Reader Classic, choose 'Import Stories DB'You should now have all your stories.
Okur & Yazar 2.0.1
CooS Studio
Wattpat'dan Yardım alarakYapılanuygulamamızyakında Wattpat'dan Çıkış Yapacaktır.Bu Sayede en iyi yazarlar ve kitapları görebileceksiniz.Coosgame Kesinlikle Pay almamaktadır.With help fromourWattpat'Wattpat' Sign Out The applications will be soon.You will see the best authors and books in this Sayer.Coosg but certainly does not share.