Top 3 Apps Similar to Green Tips

Green Tips! 1.0
The Green Tips! App brings thousandsofusefulenvironmental tips to your Android device. The guideprovidesoftendetailed suggestions with steps you can take tohelptheenvironment. Included are sustainable techniques to saveenergyathome, ways to reduce gas consumption, the particularsaboutorganicfood, and much more. Green Tips also describes theeffortsofvarious environmentally-friendly companies,governmentinitiativesand eco-friendly laws, and many other factsthat canhelp you learnmore about what you can do to helptheenvironment.
Go Green Save Money 2.0
I would like to Go Green and Save our Planet for the furture,butthis would cost me a lot of money and I need to spend lots oftimeunderstanding how to do it. Isn't It? Sorry that not true.GoingGreen and Saving money are the same and you can know how to doitby downloading this app. Global warming, soaring energy costsandother environmental concerns is what we see in our newspapersdaily and green living means conserving our natural resourcesinthe best way we can. All we have to do is to follow somemoneysaving tips in our daily routine or changing our routineslightlyto save our mother earth. "Go Green - Save money app" isall aboutbringing the ideas of Going Green and Saving moneytogether bygiving you simple tips. We spend 90% of our life timeeither athome or at office or at school or travelling. Hence weareclassified the tips into these five categories. Go Green SaveMoneyat Home: Simple and effective tips that you can follow at homebyslight change in the way you do things at home Go Green SaveMoneyat Office: Simple and effective tips that you can follow atofficeby saving money for your employer and to you as well Go GreenSaveMoney at School: Money and Environment saving tips for childrentofollow and parents/teachers to teach them. Go Green SaveMoneyduring Travel: Tips that you can follow when you are in traveltosave money as well as save our planet. Go Green Gadgets: Tipsthatcan extend you gadget life cycle and there by saving money andourearth. We have illustrated various methods in which you canchangethe way you do things at office, home, school, during yourtraveland even while using your gadget. If you follow these moneysavingmethods given, you would be saving around 50-100$ amonth(based onyour current lifestyle)
Everblossom Natural Living 1.0
Live well, naturally. Natural livingtipsandinspiration, including herbal medicine, naturalremedies,healthyrecipes, going green tips, and natural beautyrecipes.