Top 18 Apps Similar to Simple RecoverySwitcher Donate

Simple Recovery Switcher 4.1
This will quickly switch between a custom and stock recovery(READINSTRUCTIONS)
BusyBox Pro
The fastest, most trusted, and #1 BusyBox installer anduninstaller!
BusyBox Pro
Android Toolbox - Root, ROM, BusyBox & More
The most advanced BusyBox installer on Google Play fromatrusteddeveloper with over 50 million downloads. Features:-Materialdesign - Latest BusyBox - Create flashable ZIPs - Oneclickinstallor install in recovery - Run, create, and edit shellscripts- Getthe latest BusyBox version BusyBox combines tinyversions ofmanycommon UNIX utilities into a single smallexecutable. Itprovidesreplacements for most of the utilities youusually find inGNUfileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities inBusyBox generallyhavefewer options than their full-featured GNUcousins; however,theoptions that are included provide the expectedfunctionalityandbehave very much like their GNU counterparts.BusyBox providesafairly complete environment for any small orembeddedsystem.BusyBox has been written with size-optimizationandlimitedresources in mind. It is also extremely modular so youcaneasilyinclude or exclude commands (or features) at compiletime.Thismakes it easy to customize your embedded systems. Tocreateaworking system, just add some device nodes in /dev,afewconfiguration files in /etc, and a Linux kernel.BusyBoxismaintained by Denys Vlasenko, and licensed under theGNUGENERALPUBLIC LICENSE version 2. Applets: [, [[, acpid,adjtimex,ar, arp,arping, ash, awk, base64, basename, bbconfig,beep,blkid,blockdev, bootchartd, brctl, bunzip2, bzcat, bzip2, cal,cat,catv,chat, chattr, chgrp, chmod, chown, chpst, chroot,chrt,chvt,cksum, clear, cmp, comm, cp, cpio, crond,crontab,cryptpw,cttyhack, cut, date, dc, dd, deallocvt, depmod,devfsd,devmem, df,diff, dirname, dmesg, dnsd, dnsdomainname,dos2unix,dpkg,dpkg-deb, du, dumpkmap, echo, ed, egrep, env,envdir,envuidgid,ether-wake, expand, expr, fakeidentd, false,fatattr,fbset,fbsplash, fdflush, fdformat, fdisk, fgconsole, fgrep,find,findfs,flash_lock, flash_unlock, flashcp, flock, fold,free,freeramdisk,fsck, fsck.minix, fstrim, fsync, ftpd, ftpget,ftpput,fuser,getopt, grep, groups, gunzip, gzip, halt, hd,hdparm,head,hexdump, hostname, httpd, hush, hwclock, id,ifconfig,ifdown,ifenslave, ifplugd, ifup, inetd, init, inotifyd,insmod,install,ionice, iostat, ip, ipaddr, ipcalc, iplink,iproute,iprule,iptunnel, kbd_mode, kill, killall, killall5, klogd,less,linux32,linux64, linuxrc, ln, loadkmap, logger, logname,losetup,lpd, lpq,lpr, ls, lsattr, lsmod, lsof, lspci, lsusb, lzcat,lzma,lzop,lzopcat, makedevs, makemime, man, md5sum, mdev,mesg,microcom,mkdir, mkdosfs, mke2fs, mkfifo, mkfs.ext2,mkfs.minix,mkfs.reiser,mkfs.vfat, mknod, mkpasswd, mkswap, mktemp,modinfo,modprobe,more, mount, mountpoint, mpstat, mt, mv,nameif,nanddump,nandwrite, nbd-client, nc, netstat, nice, nmeter,nohup,nslookup,ntpd, od, openvt, patch, pgrep, pidof, ping,ping6,pipe_progress,pivot_root, pkill, pmap, popmaildir,poweroff,powertop, printenv,printf, ps, pscan, pstree, pwd,pwdx,raidautorun, rdate, rdev,readlink, readprofile, realpath,reboot,reformime, renice, reset,resize, rev, rm, rmdir, rmmod,route, rpm,rpm2cpio, rtcwake,run-parts, runsv, runsvdir, rx,script,scriptreplay, sed,sendmail, seq, setarch, setconsole,setkeycodes,setlogcons,setserial, setsid, setuidgid, sh, sha1sum,sha256sum,sha3sum,sha512sum, showkey, shuf, slattach, sleep,smemcap,softlimit,sort, split, start-stop-daemon, stat, strings,stty, sum,sv,svlogd, swapoff, swapon, switch_root, sync, sysctl,tac, tail,tar,tcpsvd, tee, telnet, telnetd, test, tftp, tftpd,time,timeout,top, touch, tr, traceroute, traceroute6, true,truncate,tty,ttysize, tunctl, tune2fs, ubiattach, ubidetach,ubimkvol,ubirmvol,ubirsvol, ubiupdatevol, udpsvd, uevent, umount,uname,uncompress,unexpand, uniq, unix2dos, unlink, unlzma, unlzop,unxz,unzip,uptime, usleep, uudecode, uuencode, vconfig, vi,volname,watch,watchdog, wc, wget, which, whoami, whois, xargs, xz,xzcat,yes,zcat, zcip
BusyBox X Pro [Root] - 50% OFF X+ 107
Motivation Inc
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale 50% Off🎉 BusyBox X Pro isthefastest,most trusted and highest rated BusyBox InstallerforAndroid*************Developer Note*************** "And I amnolonger aslave..." Hi guys, I have been banging my head since4days thinkinghow to thank you guys for all your love. It hasbeena crazy 5 years.I was stuck in a job I hated, doing thingsIdidn't like. I alwayshad this urge to create, work onsomethingwhich I can leave down asa legacy. Developing apps wasjust theright instrument to give aphysical form to that urge (tocreate).Started as a 20 year oldcollege student, studyingelectronics, whojust wanted to experimentand learn, these appshave become mybread and butter now. Everyday Iwake up feelinggrateful,realising I am doing exactly what I wantedto do. Supportfrom youguys motivates me to push harder and makebetter apps. Ipromiseyou, you can expect the highest quality whenyou download myappsand I would never leave you hanging, email [email protected] for any queries and I would replywithin24hrs. Also, If you feel a little generous, please buytheproversions, to fund my late nights of work. The only thing Iwant,isfor you to have a great experience when you use my apps.Iwon'tlie, It really feels great when you guys share yourloveinreviews. You guys are like my extended family, love you! P.S:Youcan always reach out to me if you can't afford proversions,Iwould be happy to share a promocodewithyou.********************************************** BusyBoxXIncludesthe latest BusyBox binary v1.26.2 and supports 388applets(highestamong any BusyBox Installer), the most complete setoffunctions.Supports installation of BusyBox from the applicationandviarecovery from zip archive (see "Menu - Zip archive").TestedandWorking on Android 7 Nougat. To install BusyBoxrequiressuperuser(root) privileges, but you can also use a busyboxtoolswithoutroot permissions. For it is enough in any Androidterminalto typethe followingcommand:exportPATH=/data/data/$PATHBusyBoxcombinestiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into asinglesmallexecutable. It provides replacements for most of theutilitiesyouusually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. TheutilitiesinBusyBox generally have fewer options than theirfull-featuredGNUcousins; however, the options that are includedprovidetheexpected functionality and behave very much liketheirGNUcounterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly completeenvironmentforany small or embedded system. FEATURES * InstallsthelatestBusyBox binary v1.26.2 using robust busybox Installer*CommandsGlossary to help you reference busybox commands andseetheir usage* Widget and Live Wallpaper showing system stats*Highest numberof Supported Applets (388) i.e compatible withmoreapps * InbuiltBusyBox Detection and Busybox Check. Findimportantinfo about theBusyBox binary installed. * Videos to answeryourquestions such aswhat is Root and what is BusyBox. *SupportsAndroid Nougat out ofthe Box REQUIREMENTS: * Devicewitharchitecture ARM, x86 or MIPS *Android 4.2 (API 14) or later*Superuser permissions (root) - Tocheck BusyBox Installation,Youcan also Install the Free TerminalEmulatorappat'busybox', it will give you list of all the appletsinstalledNOTICE:Facebook: ATTENTION! This program comeswithABSOLUTELYNO WARRANTY. Although all precautions aretaken.developer cannot beheld responsible if you brick your deviceorloose important data.
Recovery Manager for Xperia™ 3.6.1
Arnav Gupta
Replace the boring CWM with TWRP or PhilzTouch RecoveryonyourXperia. Almost all custom kernels and ROMshavethe"extract_elf_ramdisk" method embedded in them whichallowsflashinga recovery.img to the FOTAKernel partition and usingthisrecoveryinstead of the recovery that comes inside the kernel.SincemostCM/AOKP/PA ROMs come with CWM in the default kernel, itisreallyhelpful in having TWRP or Philz-Touch Recovery ontheFOTAKernel.Another big advantage is, even if the recoveryinsidethe kernel isbroken, The FOTAKernel recovery will continue towork.***NOTE******Only for Xperia users using customROMs/kernels.******Worksonly on rooted and bootloader unlockedphones******SUPPORTEDDEVICES*** Xperia Z2 Xperia Z1 compact XperiaZ UltraXperia Z1Xperia ZR Xperia Z Xperia ZL Xperia Tablet Z (bothLTE& WiFimodels) Xperia T Xperia V Xperia SP This app isopensource™ is a registered trademark of Sony Mobilecorporation.Thisapp is not affiliated to or endorsed by Sony. Itis developedanddistributed by an independent developer.
GLaDOS Control 2.5
APERTURE LABORATORIES proudly presents GLaDOS Control.Here at Aperture our scientist work tirelessly to bring thelatestinnovations in smartphone technology to your devices.Starting midof last year Aperture Laboratories has expanded itsresearch anddevelopment to this exciting new technology sector andthrough theexpertise of our scientists we were able to deliversignificant keyinnovations revolutionizing the entire field ofhuman-smartphoneinteraction.Since our GLaDOS kernel was deployed last year, wehaveregistered a significant decline of smartphone relatedaccidentsreducing the mortality rate among smartphone users to ahistoriclow. However since safety of our products is always a majorconcernfor us at Aperture, we did not stop there. Scientifictestssubjecting a sample group of smartphone users to a wide rangeofhigh-risk situations has shown that a statisticaloverwhelmingnumber of terminal accidents are related either tocorrosive acid,lasers and various kinds of bullets or caused byhuman errors ininteraction with the GLaDOS kernel.To avoid these kernel related potentially lethal human errorsourscience team developed the GLaDOS Control application.Extensivetests have shown that with this application even awell-trainedchimp will be able to safely interact with our GLaDOSkernel.***Currently features interfaces for:* Battery Life eXtender (BLX)* Touchwake* Min/max MPU frequency* Live OC (overclock MPU, core/bus/RAM and GPU)* Custom Voltage (MPU, IVA, core and regulator voltages)* Color Control (color multipliers, V1 gamma offsets andgammavalue)* Checking for a kernel update* Showing the changelog* Downloading a kernel update and updating the kernel* Installing/deleting a previously downloaded kernel* Sound Control (high performance audio mode and headsetvolumeboost)* USB Fast Charge* On-screen help explaining the effect of eachtweak/setting(tap-and-hold)* Warning dialogs for settings that can cause trouble* Load/save/delete settings* Showing the current CPU temperature* Temp Control* Vibrator Control* FSync Control* Individually select which settings are automatically set onboot(tap-and-hold)* CPUfreq governor and governor parameters* I/O scheduler* Daily educational tips with suggestions and recommendations* WiFi low latency power mode* Enabling/disabling SmartReflex voltage calibration (MPU, coreandIVA voltages)* Lock/unlock the bootloader (without the forced data wipe)* Show calibrated SmartReflex voltage values (for MPU, coreandIVA)* Change TCP congestion schedulerUpcoming features:* more**** IMPORTANT ****Some custom ROMs come with a broken version of su and/or busybox.Ifyou experience any problems with the app, before reporting theissuefirst try to fix it by installing Stericson'sbusybox( updating the su binary in the SuperSU app.Tap-and-hold a setting for showing the on-screen help dialogwhichalso has an option for marking this setting to beautomaticallyloaded on boot.Get the kernel, additional information about the kernel tweaksandsupport at RootzWiki/XDA!Galaxy Nexus:GSM: 7: can also get this app on Android Pit which accepts Paypalandother payment options:*** This application is ONLY for the Galaxy Nexus (GSM,Verizonand Sprint) and Nexus 7 (WiFi, GSM) devices and you willneed rootaccess. ***
Linux AutoLoader
Zenful Apps
-This app REQUIRES a rooted device ANDbusyboxinstalled-Welcome to Linux AutoLoader (LinLoad for short), the toolforCOMPLETE Linux management within your AndroidDevice through chroot. This app allows you to mount, log in,andmanage ANY full Linux system on your AndroidSmartphone or Tablet. You can load from either a SDCard partitionorfrom a filesystem image on yourdevice.This app comes with built in support for swap usage,transportableand interchange-able home directories, as wellas advanced error management and recovery. This app will tellyouwhat went right, what went wrong, and even hassuggestions on fixing the rare bugs that may come up.The Profile System allows you to set default settings fordifferentimages. Name your system so its easy to keep track ofwhich one ismounted, set default user, home directories, sdcarduse, and evenautomatically clear the VNC locks, without the need torun scriptsor type out commands.The Control Panel allows you to boot straight into the LinuxSystemterminal, start VNC with one click, update different systemfiles,or load in your home directory. A notification service alsostartswhen Linux is detected as mounted, allowing quick access totheLinux Control Panel.APP Features--------------- Built-in automatic VNC screen size setting, detects properscreento set for ANY device- Detects difference in Internal Storage and External storagefordevices built for- The ONLY Linux boot utility to properly detect an dedicatedext2/4partition on your SDCard- Provides a Profile system to help manage settinhs acrossmultipleImages and partitions- Runs ALL ARM-based Images and filesystems- Various How-To's found in the "How do I...?" sectionControl Panel Features--------------- Links three different designated Android Terminal windowsforease-of-use:-- Normal Terminal-- Terminal window deficated to VNC commands-- Terminal window for system commands and management- Start VNC, clear all VNC locks left over from previous runs,and(soon) open your favorite VNC app directly fromLinuxAutoloader- Connect through SSH using ConnectBot, or through theAndroidTerminal using chroot- Keep all your documents inside a seperate home image(EXT4supported needed) for easier transportability across anysystem(Android or Linux)- Mount a swap file for increased stability- Keep the file system fstab updated with just one click- Manage services found in /etc/init.dFull Changelog can be foundat
BusyBox Checker Pro 2.0
SuperDev NL
This application does NOT need root acces This is the proversionofBusybox Checker. It will give you more information aboutbusyboxandyour device and there are no ads. This application canshow youthefollowing information: - if Busybox is installed - ifyourdevice isrooted - Busybox install path - SU install path -devicename - whatBusybox is - how to install Busybox - Lots ofbuildinfo Morepossibilities are coming soon! Ourwebsite:http://www.superdevnl.nlChangelog:'m NOT responsiblefor any kindof damage caused to your device byusing thisapplication and thegiven medhods to install busybox onyour device.This applicationhas been tested and does NOT changesystem files.
CWMR Touch Installer 1.6.0
Unstable Apps
This is a simplified installer for mytouchversion of ClockworkMod Recovery that is currently in testingforthe Galaxy Nexus. It will download the latest recovery imageforyou and flash it without the need for fastboot or a PC.Note: This is not the touch edition being built directlybyKoush.Support Devices:- HTC One- Motorola Xoom (all variants)- Verizon Incredible 4G- AT&T Galaxy Note 2- Nexus 10- Nexus 7 & Nexus 7 GSM- Nexus 4- Samsung Galaxy S III (all US Variants)- Galaxy Nexus (LTE/CDMA) (Sprint and Verizon)- Galaxy Neuxs (GSM)- View Sonic GTab w/ 1.2 bootloader- AT&T Skyrocket HD (Galaxy S II)- T-Mobile Hercules (Galaxy S II) (currently identifiesasSkyrocket, but it works fine).This application does require root.If you have any questions or problems please firstcontact:[email protected]!
Recovery Reboot 4.9
This is a very small app for "rooted" phones to reboot into acustomrecovery.
Recovery Flasher 1.0
★ Flash "recovery.img" for your device with a simple clickusingRecovery Flasher.★ The simple User Interface make everything simple. morefeaturesare coming.....
BusyBox 1.34.1
BusyBox for Android
Root Checker: with Terminal Em 8.0.0
Popin Apps
Root Checker - Busybox Checker - SafetyNet test - TerminalEmulator-Device Info
Neo Busybox 1.00
The fastest, most trusted,BusyBoxinstaller!BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities intoasingle small executable.Its provides a fairly complete environment for any small orembeddedsystem.- ROOT REQUIRED!- Easy & Faster busybox installer- Material Design Interface- Just click & ready! Its Free!
Rom Fein 1.0
An easier tool to quick access for custom recoveries forrooteddevices. This application makes looking for custom roms andGappsmuch simpler then before.
Battery Guru 4.0.0
Asante Mobile
Simple automated background app monitor that works to saveyoubattery power!
Tinybox! A busybox replacement
Satan Claus
Tinybox is a 465KB replacement forbusybox,offering the same functionality at a higher speed requiringmuchless storage. Tinybox replaces busybox or installs tinybox ifyoudidn't have busybox yet.Tinybox is totally free of charge and features no ads. Pleaseratethe app after installation.====================================================Requires root access and is for android devices with an ARMCPUonly.====================================================
Busybox for Delta Backup 1.01
This is a supplemental package forDeltaBackupand should only be installed if required bythelatter.