Top 6 Apps Similar to Ped PT Strength Ex - Knee Ext

5 Minute Plank Famous Workout 1.1.0
Want a single exercise move that will giveyourock hard abs? Build a hard core with this deceptivelysimpleexercise.This app will help you improve your plank time.For a pretty basic isometric exercise, planks strengthen yourentirebody—they make your core pop, strengthen your lower back,and buildyour shoulders.Better yet, for doing plank you don’t need any equipment, andyoucan amp up the intensity by widening your stance andbracingyourself with your hands instead of your forearms andelbows.See for yourself.When it comes to core strength, the plank exercise is like thatbestfriend you can always rely on. The harder-than-it-looks moveneverlets you down because it strengthens every muscle in yourcore (notjust the abs you can see) while also working yourshoulders, butt,and legs. That's why this workout made up of plankvariations is amust-try.
Mobile OMT Spine
High quality videos(50),audio/writteninstructions, clinical evidence summaries with PUBMedlinks.Developer website for details.-Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy-Manual Therapy-Chiropractor-OsteopathicMOBILE OMT for the SPINE is a powerful clinical referenceandteaching tool for any student, clinician or educator involvedinthe practice or the teaching of manipulative/manual therapyformusculoskeletal disorders. A comprehensive mobilecompanionproviding manipulative techniques for the cervical,thoracic, andlumbar spine presented in the context of best currentevidence foruse in treating spine disorders. Step by step writteninstructions,high-quality video demonstration with audio,indications for use,and evidence to support each technique.Summaries of the most recent clinical researchinvolvingmanipulative therapy are provided for each spine region(cervical,lumbar, and thoracic) with links to PUBmed abstracts ofrelevantclinical studies. Additionally a brief summary of thehistory ofmanipulative therapy is presented, as well as definitionsofterminology.OMT Spine Features:•Instructions for 50 orthopaedic manipulative techniques forthespine•High-quality video demonstration for each technique•Each video includes two angles of the technique beingperformed.Therefore, there’s no guessing the important or evensubtle detailsof the techniques performance (pause, rewind, forwardwithin thevideo)•Each video includes corresponding audio instructions thatdescribethe technique as it’s being performed•Each technique includes common diagnoses or “indications” forwhichthe technique is typically performed•Techniques include high-velocity thrust jointmanipulations,non-thrust joint mobilizations, muscle stretchingand“contract-relax” stretching techniques•Summaries of the current state of the research on OMT forregionsof the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar)•Links to PUBmed abstracts of research on OMT for spinedisorders(internet connection required)•Easily email PUBmed abstracts of the pertinent studies toyourselfor colleagues from within the app•Historical overview of manipulative therapyIf you treat patients that have musculoskeletal disorderswithmanual therapy management strategies, then this app is theperfectcompanion for you and your practice!TARGET:-Osteopathic physicians-Physical Therapists / Physiotherapists-Chiropractors-Clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal conditions-Medical students, interns, residents, fellows in any ofthesedisciplines-Educators/Academicians in any of these disciplines-Anyone interested in manipulative/manual therapyComplete the series with the MOBILE OMT – LOWER EXTREMITYandMOBILE – OMT UPPER EXTREMITY apps!* Note: Need internet connection to access PUBMed linksfromwithin the app. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the size oftheapp is significant due to the large number and quality ofvideosembedded native in this app.Note:*Required 1-time download of videos after purchase*Final app size = 160MB*If OS 2.2 or higher can save to SD card
FysiOtherappy Lite 2.1
This app uses the latest 3Danimationtechniquesto show a whole range of exercises that arebeingprescribed byphysiotherapists.The exercises are demonstrated by a model that canbeturnedaround 360 degrees with the tip ofyour finger, enabling viewing the exercise from each angle.All exercises can be viewed on your iPhone in bothportraitorlandscape, so every exercise can be displayed atmaximumsize.In addition, every exercise comes with a short instructiononitsprecise execution. Also, you can select andfavoriteexercises,reminders will be set at specific times (09:00,13:00 and19:00)and thus create your own personal trainingschedule.The app contains exercises that are being prescribed incaseofpain in shoulders, back, wrists, knees, calves, hip andneck.Eachexercise can be reviewed, the level of pain registeredandremarkscan be added.In the Lite version there is one exercise availablepercategory.In the full version all exercises are available.
Fytek 5.5
App for tracking exercises and training programs fromyourphysiotherapist
Knee Medical Workout 1.1.0
Free Workouts
Do you worry that working out could causemoreknee damage or pain? As long as your doctor says it’s OK, thebestthing you can do is to strengthen the muscles that supportyourknee and keep them flexible. Start slowly, and build upovertime.If you’re a healthy individual, you can use the kneestrengtheningexercises to do injury prehab, increase your lowerbody strengthand improve your flexibility. The exercises will alsomake you abetter athlete. If you have knee pain, the basic kneestrengtheningexercises will get you back on the path towards beingpain-free, atwhich point you can progress to performing the moredemandingexercises.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drivetoyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t needanyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready foryourtransformation● 7 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Ped PT Strengthening Ex - Abs 1.0.2
My 25+ years of experience inpediatricphysicaltherapy practice is yours! This app featuresanimatedphotos and “howto” tips to strengthen children’sabdominals. With62 ab exercises,this app is a life saver for PTs,physical therapyassistants,instructors, caregivers and parents.This Abdominalsapplication issimply the first muscle group that wetargeted, with18 more musclegroups upcoming in the future. Newphysicaltherapists will loveideas to assist in treatmentsessionpreparation, planning, andprogramming. More experiencedphysicaltherapists will have at theirfinger tips a wide range ofideas fortreatment of abdominals to addmore variety in theirtreatmentsessions. These are all exercises Iknow well, but even Iget stuckin a rut performing the sameexercises over and over. Iwill usethis app as well to remind me ofexercise options. Thisapplicationhas 10 free abdominalstrengthening exercises. Over 50moreexercises are unlockable withan in-app purchase or byinteractingwith advertisements. I amcommitted to making thisinformationavailable to anyone regardlessof income.This application targets abdominals which are criticalforspeechand occupational therapy as well. Speech andOccupationaltherapistsalike will find ideas for strengthening tohelp maximizeprogresstoward goals with their clientele. Educatorswill finallyhave atool with detailed pictures and commentary togive theirstudents afoundation for pediatric treatment. In the pastso muchhas beenavailable for evaluation, but frustratingly littlefortreatment!Physical therapists in third world countries cannowhave at theirfinger tips exercise recommendations withouttheexpense of distanttraining courses. I believe this app willchangethe quality ofphysical therapy across the world.This application was developed by a pediatricphysicaltherapist.Nothing can replace the skills of a pediatricphysicaltherapist whocan train caregivers and parents to performtheseexercises safelyand appropriately with a child with his or herownindividualstrengths, weaknesses and motivation. Thisapplicationwas meant toassist physical therapists, not negate theneed forthem.In order to facilitate easy home programming,favoriteexercisescan be starred with treatment programmingspecified. Thisfeaturewill enable the clinician to add frequency,repetitions,number ofsets, duration, weight resistance and notes tohomeprograms withparents who have downloaded the app. Iprovidecommentary with eachexercise explaining, for example, tipson howto make the exercisemore successful, how to make theexerciseeasier or morechallenging, and the type of client with whomI oftenuse thespecified exercise. Why wait for 25 years ofclinicalexperience,when you can have my suggestions now?Find out more about our app community onFacebookat Have glowing praise, recommendationsforchanges, orgeneral feedback, contact us [email protected] Amy, the PTand the dreamer, and/[email protected] for Guy,the steadfastcoder and the love of mylife.