Top 23 Apps Similar to Ronaldo Hirata

DMC Odontologia 8.1.0
Excelente aplicativo para profissionais da odontologia quetrabalhamcom laserterapia, Clareamento Dental e TerapiaFotodinâmica, tenhaos protocolos na palma de sua mão e onde vocêestiver. São mais de20 patologias. O aplicativo lhe dará oprotocolo completo comimagens ilustrativas mostrando os pontos deaplicação e também Ação,Aplicação, Posologia, Dicas, informandosempre qual o laser a serutilizado, Fluência e Dose. Desenvolvidopela i-Healthsys ProdutosMédicos
Anatomy of the Mouth 1.0
Anatomy of the Mouth is an reference,andeducation tool. This app’s primary use is as a learning toolbutcan also be used for any professional who needs theoccasionalreminder. You can see and learn the locations of theparts of humanmouth anatomy system which is illustrated on thediagrams.Additionally, this app is ideal for dental science,physicians,educators or professionals, allowing them to visuallyshow detailedareas to their patients or students - helping toeducate or explainconditions. This app is the pocket-sized versionof anatomy of themouth - Dental app. It is helpful as well as userfriendly. Educateyourself with Anatomy of the Mouth App.This app includes:• Introduction Dental Anatomy• Tooth Numbering Systems• Formulae Mammalian Teeth• Teeth: Notation, Definition and Orientation• Surfaces and Ridges• The Crown and Root• Tooth Drawing and Carving• Teeth Division into Thirds, Line Angles, and Point Angles• Other Landmarks
Dentist - Dental clinic appointment manager 2.0.6
Dentist application is designed for dentists to use daily intheirprofessional activities. Dental ofiice appointment managerwillhelp you to keep information on patient visit : rootcanaltreatment, teeth whitening, braces, tmj, tooth extraction.Dentalchart and x-rays of patients will be always near at hand.
BoneBox™ - Dental Lite 1.1
BoneBox™ - Dental Lite is a beautiful high resolution dentalanatomytool.
Cálculo Anestésico Odontologia 1.1
Este aplicativo tem comoprincipalobjetivofacilitar a vida de todos os dentistas,independentedaespecialidade (incluindo universitários), com oscálculos donúmerode tubetes de anestésico no paciente tanto em suaversãoresumida(onde o usuário após preencher o peso e o anestésicojáencontra aquantidade máxima de tubetes a ser utilizada) como emsuaversãodetalhada (onde o aplicativo demonstra passo a passocomochegar aonúmero máximo de tubetes de anestésico).Baixe o aplicativo e tenha em mãos a forma mais rápida efácilderealizar o cálculo de tubetes!This applicationaimstomake life easier for all dentists, regardlessofspecialty(including college), to the calculations of the numberofvials ofanesthetic in the patient both in its short version(wherethe userafter filling weight and the anesthetic already isthemaximumnumber of tubes to be used) as in its detailedversion(where theapplication demonstrates step by step how to getthemaximum numberof vials of anesthetic).Download the app and please have the fastest and easiestwaytoperform the calculation of tubes!
Diego Correia
Todos os livros em apenas um lugar, noseubolso. E é de graça!Uma biblioteca móvel com centenas de eBooks, vídeos com aulas,dicase casos clínicos, documentos. Tudo isso no seu celular.Você também pode enviar seus estudos para serem publicados emeBookna Appdent!DESTAQUES> eBooks> Protocolos clínico (lista de material, passo a passoevídeos)> PRESCRIÇÃO DIGITAL (impressão de receitas diretodocelular)> Referência das melhores marcas de materiaiseequipamentos> Referência de kits de bandejas/broqueiros/estojos> Orientações em vídeos ilustrativos para os pacientes> Aprimoramento do app pelo usuárioE muito mais...Indicado para todo público odontológico.Utilize a Appdent como sua ferramenta de estudo, sempre disponívela1-click de você!Compartilhe seu conhecimento e participe você também.Transformeseus estudos em eBook na Appdent.Appdent, o aplicativo do dentista!All books in one place,inyour pocket. And it's free!A mobile library with hundreds of eBooks, videos with lessons,tipsand case reports, documents. All this on your phone.You can also send your studies to be published in eBookinAppdent!HIGHLIGHTS> eBooks> Clinical Protocols (list of material, step by stepandvideos)> DIGITAL PRESCRIPTION (direct revenues print cell)> Reference of the best brands of materials and equipment> Kits Reference trays / broqueiros / kits> Guidelines for illustrative videos for patients> User-app EnhancementAnd much more...Suitable for all dental public.Use the Appdent as a study tool, always available toyou1-click!Share your knowledge and you also participate. Turn your studiesineBook in Appdent.Appdent, the dentist's application!
Anatomy Learning - 3D Anatomy 2.1.386
3D Medical OU - 3D Anatomy Atlas
Dental anesthetic 1.9
Health professionals have a duty to know the medicalhistoryandpersonal habits of his patients . Dentists shouldnotbehavedifferently . The anamnesis is essential for thecorrecttreatmentto be successfully accomplished step . So with alist ofquestionsrelated to health and well - being of the patient ,thedentist isbetter informed and prepared for the planning ofeachcase . The "Anesthetic Dental " application acts as a helper atthetime ofapplication of the anesthetic . From a data obtainedintheanamnesis ( the patient's weight ) , and studiesconcerningthehealth of the patient ( if he is not diabeticorhypertensivedecompensated, if you are allergic to any medicationorsubstanceincluded in anesthetic, if the case is a woman andshe’spregnant... ) after reviewing each case and choosing therightanestheticfor each patient , the application helps in thecorrectdosagemaximum anesthetic that can be applied , depending ontheweight ofthe case and the anesthetic selected.
Terapêutica Odontológica 1.2
Therapeutic Guide to Dentists and Academic
Anestesia Odontologia 1.3
Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido paraauxliaros dentistas e estudantes em seus calculos anestésicos.Facilitandoassim os calculos com apenas alguns cliques.Você pode escolher o tema desejado.This applicationwasdeveloped for auxliar dentists and students in theircalculationsanesthetics. thus facilitating the calculations withjust a fewclicks.You can choose the desired theme.
Odontologia para gestantes 1.0
Gaia Games
Guia de informações importantesparacuidadoscorretos com a saúde bucal de todas as gestantesImportantinformationguidefor Proper care of the oral health of allpregnantwomen
Sempre Odonto 1.0.0
Acesso à Rede Credenciada e todasasinformações sobre o seu plano odontológico.Aplicativo Sempre Odonto.Sempre com você. Sempre à mão.Sempre perto. Sempre disponível.Sempre prático. Sempre rápido.Sempre atualizado. Sempre completo.Com o aplicativo Sempre Odonto no seu celular, você acessa tudooque precisa pra cuidar da sua saúde bucal quando e ondequiser.Nada se compara à praticidade e à agilidade que esseaplicativoproporciona pra você consultar a Rede Credenciada, queestarásempre atualizada. Experimente e veja como ficou maissimplesencontrar os dentistas e as clínicas que atendem peloseuplano.Além disso, você conta com a Carteirinha Virtual, que éexibidana tela do seu celular pra que você possa apresentá-la,juntamentecom o seu documento de identidade, e garantir o seuatendimentopelo plano mesmo sem a sua carteirinha física.Aproveite essas facilidades especiais!A Sempre Odonto sorri pra isso.Access providernetworkand all the information about your dental plan.Application Always Dental.Always with you. Always at hand.Always close. Always available.Always practical. Always quick.Always up to date. Always full.With Always Dental app on your phone, you can accesseverythingyou need to take care of your oral health anytime,anywhere.Nothing compares to the practicality and agility thatthisapplication provides for you to consult the provider network,whichwill be constantly updated. Try and see as it was easier tofinddentists and clinics that cater for their plan.In addition, you get a virtual ID card, which is displayedonyour phone screen for you to present it along with youridentitydocument and ensure its compliance by the plan even withoutthephysical ID card.Take advantage of these special features!The Always Dental smiled at that.
Odontológico Prodent 1.0
App Centro Odontológico ProdentMisiónOfrecer una eficiente atención integral y de calidad,paralograrla satisfacción de nuestros pacientes y la tranquilidadalsaber quereciben un excelente servicio en sustratamientosodontológicos.VisiónSer una empresa líder en odontología, con deseodesuperación,satisfaciendo las expectativas de nuestros pacientesatravés de laeficiencia y ética: con equidad, solidez y calidaddevida.App Dental Center ProdentMissionProvide an efficient integrated care and qualityforthesatisfaction of our patients and the peace of mindtheyreceiveexcellent service in their dental treatment.ViewBeing a leader in dentistry, with a desire to excel, tomeettheexpectations of our patients through efficiency andethicswithequity, solidity and quality of life.
MIH Molar 1.0.8
MIH Molar is a dental educational app about MolarIncisorHypomineralization.
OdontoFarm 4.1
OdontoFarm es una completa guíainteractivaacerca de la profilaxis antibiótica en Odontología, conlistas depatologías, procedimientos y fármacos para llevarla acabo.Profilaxis antibiótica tanto en el paciente adulto como enelinfantil, así como las dosis establecidas.Basada en artículos científicos actualizados.OdontoFarm isacomprehensive interactive guide about antibiotic prophylaxisindentistry, with lists of pathologies, procedures and drugs tocarryit out.Antibiotic prophylaxis in both the adult and child patient,andthe established dose.Based on current scientific articles.
Diccionario Médico 6.0
Offline Diccionario Médico Más de 7.000 entradas de la saludentrelas enfermedades y condiciones médicas. Bueno paraprofesionales dela salud, tales como la medicina, farmacia,odontología,fisioterapia.
Negatoscope 1.0
Light box for mobile. Yes. It exists!
OdontoApp 1.1.0
OdontoApp es una aplicación orientadaaodontología que permite llevar un control fácil y rápidodepacientes y sus tratamientos, deja atrás el uso de cuadernillosylibretas!OdontoApp dentistryisoriented application that allows quick and easy carryingofpatients and control treatments, leaves behind the use ofbookletsand books!
OdontoSeñas 2.0.2
App to facilitate communication between the dentist and thepatientSordo
Biossegurança em Odontologia 1.0
O Manual de Biossegurança emOdontologiafoidesenvolvido por alunos e professores da UniversidadePositivo,como intuito da promoção da biossegurança noambienteodontológico,enfatizando medidas para evitar acidentesecontaminações, tanto doprofissional quanto do paciente.Palavras-chave: Odontologia; Biossegurança; ProtocoloSite URLdoAplicativo: dentro da plataforma EduApps.TheDentistryBiosafetyManual was developed by students and teachersPositivoUniversity,with biosafety promote order in the dentalenvironment,emphasizingmeasures to prevent accidents andcontamination of boththeprofessional and the patient.Keywords: Dentistry; biosecurity; ProtocolWebsiteURLApplication: developed within the platform.
Dentist Pro 14
Diablo Code
READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE RATING THEAPP.Dentist Pro will help the dental care professional to manageapatient list where notes and an image of the mouth or tooth canbeused. The dentist can draw on the mouth image or tooth image sohecan show his patient what his/her problem is and the images canbesaved into a record, general notes can be added too. It worksinsmartphones but it's ideal on tablets.Supports English, Spanish, German ,French and Portuguese.
CRO-RJ 4.0.11
Aplicativo destinado aos profissionais da odontologia.Permiteacompanhar todas as notícias do CRORJ. - Acessar notíciasderelevância odontológica. - Atualização cadastral dos endereçosdoprofissional. - Cadastro de atendimentos sobre dúvidas equestõesodontológicas junto ao CRORJ. - Denunciar infraçõeséticasFacilitando o acesso de dentistas, estudantes e da comunidadea umCRORJ mais perto de você. Um Novo Conselho - Gestão Eficiente
Miniatlas Odontología 2
Clyna S.A.
App gratuita patrocinada por Rimsa¿Te gustaría mejorar la comunicación con tus pacientesparaquepuedan entender mejor la anatomía, la fisiología o lapatogeniadesu enfermedad? ¿Te gustaría llevar siempre en tubolsillounapoderosa herramienta con muchas imágenes didácticasdeOdontología?Si es así, el Miniatlas Odontología está aquíparaayudarte en tupráctica diaria.Haz clic en "Más..." para saber por qué debesdescargarteestaaplicación hoy.****El miedo al dentista es un problema común entre los adultosysebasa a menudo en el miedo a lo desconocido. Tu pacientepuedeverimágenes de películas de terror en su cabeza cuando ledicesquehay un diente que requiere extracción: sangre portodoslados,dolor insoportable, herramientas desconocidas en suboca...Nisiquiera parece oírte cuando le aseguras que lacirugíaquenecesita es fácil y prácticamente indolora. Éstademasiado tensoyasustado e increíblemente incómodo. Pero estásseguro de quepuedesaliviar su ansiedad ya que en tu iPhone/iPadtienes laherramientaperfecta para ello. La aplicación MiniatlasOdontologíatiene todolo necesario para educarlo sobre los conceptosbásicos desucondición médica y las técnicas que utilizarás parahacer quelaoperación sea mínimamente molesta. Susclarasilustracionesapoyarán cada una de tus explicaciones y asítupaciente podráaprender de una manera interactiva y completa.Contantas imágenesa su alcance, incluso se sentirá más confiadoparahablar sobrecualquier preocupación que pueda tener!Ahora entiendes por qué el Miniatlas Odontología eslaaplicaciónperfecta para comunicarte con tus pacientes yayudarlesacomprender la anatomía, la fisiología o la patologíadesuenfermedad. La aplicación proporciona imágenesyexplicacionesdetalladas para que puedan aprender acerca deella,sentirse menosansiosos y también estar más satisfechos desuconsultacontigo.Esta sorprendente aplicación estará siempre lista en tu iPhoneoiPodtouch. Estés donde estés, su gran base de datos deimágenesestará atu alcance siempre que la necesites. Utilízala contuspacientes ycompañeros para proporcionar claridad yahorrartiempo.El Miniatlas Odontología te ofreceestasincreíblescaracterísticas:*Una gran base de datos de imágenes detalladas*Cada ilustración tiene una explicación de textoacompañándola*Acércate con los dedos a cualquier sección de la imagen*Búsqueda sencilla: basta con escribir parte de la palabraclavequeestás buscando*Correo electrónico: envía cualquier imagen o seccióndeunaimagen*Ayuda a los médicos a comunicarse con sus pacientes demanerafácily efectiva*Disponible en Inglés o Español*Funciona en modo retrato o paisaje*Disponible en versión iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.Por si aún tuvieras dudas sobre la minuciosidaddelMiniatlasOdontología aquí está una lista de los capítulosqueobtendrás aldescargar la aplicación:*Anatomía*Fisiología*Patologías de los tejidos duros y sus tratamientos*Patologías de los tejidos de inserción y sus tratamientos*Patologías oclusales y sus tratamientos*Implantes dentales*PrevenciónCada capítulo contiene multitud de imágenes que abordantodoslosaspectos relevantes del tema tratado. Sigue adelanteydescárgate elMiniatlas Odontología ahora. ¡Tus pacientesycompañeros te loagradecerán!Free App sponsored RimsaWould you like to enhance communication with your patientssotheycan better understand the anatomy, physiology andpathogenesisof thedisease? Would you like to always carry in yourpocket apowerfultool with many didactic images of Dentistry? Ifso, theMiniatlasDentistry is here to help you in yourdailypractice.Click "... More" to learn why you should download thisApptoday.****Dental fear is a common problem among adults and is oftenbasedonfear of the unknown. Your patient can see images ofhorrormovies inyour head when you say that there is a toothrequiringextraction:blood everywhere, excruciating pain,unfamiliar toolsin your mouth... not even seem to hear you whenyou assure thatthe surgery needsis easy and virtually painless.This too tenseand scared andincredibly uncomfortable. But are yousure that youcan ease youranxiety as your iPhone / iPad you havethe perfecttool for this.Miniatlas Dentistry The application haseverythingyou need toeducate them on the basics of your medicalconditionand thetechniques you will use to make the operation isminimallydisturbed.Clear illustrations support each of yourexplanationsand so yourpatient can learn in an interactive andcompletely.With so manyimages at your fingertips, you'll feel evenmoreconfident to discussany concerns you may have!Now you understand why the Miniatlas Dentistry istheperfectapplication for communicating with your patients andhelpthemunderstand the anatomy, physiology and pathology ofthedisease.The app provides detailed images and explanations sotheycan learnabout it, feel less anxious and be more satisfiedwiththeirconsultation with you.This amazing app will always be ready for your iPhone oriPodtouch.Wherever you are, its large database of images is atyourfingertipswhenever you need it. Use it with your patientsandpeers to provideclarity and save time.The Miniatlas Dentistry offers these incredible features:* A huge database of detailed pictures* Each illustration has an explanation text accompanying* Zoom in with your fingers to any section of the picture* Simple search: just type part of the keywordyou'relookingfor* E-mail: Send any image or section of an image* Helps physicians to communicate with patients toeasilyandeffectively* Available in English or Spanish* Works in portrait or landscape mode* Available in iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch version.For even if you had doubts about the thoroughnessofDentistryMiniatlas here's a list of the chapters that you'll gettodownloadthe application:* Anatomy* Physiology* Hard tissue pathologies and treatments* Pathologies tissue insertion and treatments* Occlusal pathologies and treatments* Dental Implants* PreventionEach chapter contains many images that addressallrelevantaspects of the subject treated. Go ahead and downloadtheMiniatlasDentistry now. Your patients and peers will thankyou!