Top 15 Apps Similar to Ecg Help

ECG Clínico, Eletrocardiograma 29
ECG Clínico - Tenha em mãos omelhorconteúdo em eletrocardiografia! Aplique de maneiraprática eobjetiva conceitos de eletrocardiograma fundamentais paraoambulatório, enfermaria, emergência e terapia intensiva.QUER APRENDER ELETROCARDIOGRAMA DE UMA MANEIRA FÁCILEDESCOMPLICADA! BAIXE AGORA!★★★★★ "Excelente app, bastante completo. Recomendo!Finalmenteposso apagar todos os outros apps de eletro que baixei emearrependo."★★★★★ “Conteúdo, didática e praticidadenaeletrocardiografia!”★★★★★ "Estou muito satisfeito com a compra. Já li várioslivrosde ECG e este é de longe o conteúdo mais prático!"O “ ECG Clínico ” ( iECG ) apresenta conteúdo completoemeletrocardiografia baseado no “ Eletrocardiograma aplicadoàClínica ”. Lista de temas:- Princípios da Eletrocardiografia:EletrofisiologiaCardíaca; Eletrocardiografia Vetorial;EletrocardiografiaNormal;- Sobrecargas Cavitárias: Sobrecarga AtrialDireita;Sobrecarga Atrial Esquerda; Sobrecarga Biatrial;SobrecargaVentricular Esquerda; Sobrecarga VentricularDireita;- Doença Isquêmica e Infarto: Isquemia, Lesão eNecrose;Localização do IAM; Evolução Eletrocardiográfica;- Bloqueios de Condução: Bloqueios de Ramo Direito;Bloqueiosde Ramo Esquerdo; Hemibloqueios;- Arritmias Cardíacas: MecanismosFisiopatológicos;Extrassístoles; Taquiarritmias de Origem Atrial;Taqui Supra NãoAtriais; Taquiarritmia Ventricular; BradiarritmiaSinusal;Bradiarritmia Nodal; Ritmos de Escape;- Outras Patologias: Miopericardite;Cardiomiopatias;Dextrocardia; Síndrome de Brugada; TromboembolismoPulmonar;Alterações Eletrolíticas.O iECG para o Aluno: Como parte do compromisso PEBmedcoma educação médica, o iECG apresenta conteúdo de fácilcompreensão ecasos clínicos interativos, mantendo a diretrizdidática dosaplicativos PEBmed e oferecendo ao aluno de medicina umaprendizadorico da eletrocardiografia clínicaMuito mais que um Ebook: Diferente da maioriadosaplicativos médicos da Google Play e seguindo a linha da PEBmednodesenvolvimento de aplicativos inteligentes que facilitam apráticaclínica, o iECG conta com ampla variedade de recursosextrasincluindo guia rápido para diagnósticoeletrocardiográfico,algoritmos diagnósticos interativos,calculadora de eixo elétrico eguia didático para determinação doeixo, calculadora de QTcorrigido, ferramenta régua e exclusivobanco de ECGs em constanteexpansão.COMPÊNDIO DE APLICATIVOS: Mais do que umaplicativo,adquirindo o iECG o usuário estará economizando emdiversosaplicativos da Google Play que oferecem individualmentealguns denossos recursos. O iECG inclui, além de Ebook completoemeletrocardiografia: Calculadora de eixo elétrico; banco deECGs;Guia rápido para a prática clínica e muito mais. CompareeComprove!Como parte da política PEBmed de compromisso com a qualidadeesatisfação do usuário, declaramos que o iECG é um guiadiagnósticode eletrocardiografia, incluindo a descriçãopormenorizada daspatologias, de maneira prática e didática.-------------------------Referências Bibliográficas que auxiliaram na criação do App:• Eletrocardiografia - Guias de Medicina AmbulatorialeHospitalar da Epm -unifesp – Antônio Carlos Carvalho,FelipeAugusto de Oliveira Souza, Cláudio Cirenza, Silvio R.BorgesAlessi, 2012;• Eletrocardiograma na Sala de Emergências - Guia PráticodeDiagnóstico e Condutas Terapeutas -Maria Margarita CastroGonzalez,Glaucylara Reis Geovanini, Sergio Timerman, 2ª Ed2013;• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - Dan Longo,AnthonyFauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson,JosephLoscalzo,18th Ed 2011;•UpToDate – Para saber um pouco mais sobre nossasreferênciasbibliográficas entre em contato conosco via email. #Clinical ECG - Havethebest content in electrocardiography Apply in a practical wayandobjective basic ECG concepts for outpatient, inpatient,emergencyand intensive care!.ELECTROCARDIOGRAM WANT TO LEARN AN EASY WAY ANDDESCOMPLICADA!DOWNLOAD NOW!★★★★★ "Excellent app, very complete. I recommend! Icanfinally delete all other electro apps I downloadedandregret."★★★★★ "Content, teaching and practicalityinelectrocardiography"★★★★★ "I am very pleased with the purchase. I've readseveralbooks of ECG and this is by far the mostpracticalcontent!"The "Clinical ECG" (IECG) features full contentonelectrocardiography based on "Electrocardiogram applied totheclinic." List of subjects:- Principles of Electrocardiography :CardiacElectrophysiology; Vector electrocardiography;Normalelectrocardiography;- Overload cavity : Right Atrial overload; Left Atrialoverload;Biatrial overload; Left Ventricular overload; RightVentricularoverload;- Ischemic disease and infarction : ischemia, injury andnecrosis;Location of AMI; Electrocardiographic evolution;- Driving Locks : Right Branch Block; Left branchblocks;Hemibloqueios;- Cardiac Arrhythmias : pathophysiologicalmechanisms;Extrasystoles; Atrial tachyarrhythmias of Origin;Atrialtachycardia Supra No; Ventricular tachyarrhythmia;BradyarrhythmiaSinus; Bradyarrhythmia Nodal; Escape rhythms;- Other Diseases : Myopericarditis; Cardiomyopathies;Dextrocardia;Brugada syndrome; Pulmonary thromboembolism;Electrolyticchanges.IECG for The Student: As part of PEBmed commitment tomedicaleducation, the IECG contains content easy to understandandinteractive clinical cases, keeping the teaching guidelineofPEBmed applications and providing the medical student alearningexperience Rich clinical electrocardiographyMuch more than a Ebook: Unlike most medical applicationsfromGoogle Play and following the line of PEBmed the developmentofintelligent applications that facilitate clinical practice,theIECG has a wide variety of extra features including tab quicktoelectrocardiographic diagnosis, interactive diagnosticalgorithms,electrical axis calculator and educational guide fordeterminingthe axis, QT corrected calculator, ruler and unique toolECGs bankconstantly expanding.APPLICATION Compendium: More than one application,acquiringthe IECG the user will be saving in a number of GooglePlay appswhich individually offer some of our resources. The IECGincludes,in addition to complete Ebook in electrocardiography:electricalaxis calculator; Bank of ECGs; Quick guide for clinicaland morepractice. Compare and Try it!As part of the commitment to PEBmed policy to quality andusersatisfaction, we declare that the IECG is a diagnosticguideelectrocardiography, including a detailed description oftheconditions in a practical and didactic way.-------------------------References who assisted in the creation of the App:• Electrocardiography - Ambulatory Medical Guides HospitalofEpm -UNIFESP - Antonio Carlos Carvalho, Felipe Augusto deOliveiraSouza, Claudio Cirenza, Silvio R. Borges Alessi,2012;• Electrocardiogram in Emergency Room - Practical Guide toDiagnosisand pipes Therapists -Maria Margarita Castro Gonzalez,GlaucylaraKings Geovanini, Sergio Timerman, 2nd Ed 2013;• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - Dan Long,AnthonyFauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, JosephLoscalzo,18th Ed 2011;• UpToDate - To learn more about our references please contact usviaemail. #
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis 1.2
iMedical Apps
"Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" is designedforhealth care practitioner to determine heart axis in vectordegreesfrom an electrocardiogram (ECG) result. The heart axisrepresentsthe major vector of ventricular activation, which is theoveralldirection of electrical activity. It is important to assesstheheart axis of a patient with suspected heart disease. Whyshouldyou choose "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis"?🔸Simple and very easy to use ECG app. 🔸 Accurate andprecisecalculation of cardiac or heart axis. 🔸 The electrical heartaxisis shown in vector degrees. 🔸 Interpretation of the vectordegreesresult, namely normal heart axis, left axis deviation (LAD),rightaxis deviation (RAD), and extreme axis deviation. 🔸 It istotallyfree. Download now! "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App:HeartAxis" is a simple application to determine heart axis by usinganelectrocardiogram (ECG) reading. "Electrocardiogram (ECG)RhythmApp: Heart Axis" app is designed to help health professionalinclinical practice, intensive care, or emergency department.Heartaxis or cardiac axis is the direction of action potentialsduringventricular depolarization. In "Electrocardiogram (ECG)Rhythm App:Heart Axis" app, you need to input the QRS complexdeflection inlead I and lead AvF. The electrical heart axis willthen be shownin vector degrees. The interpretation of the vectordegrees resultis provided. There are 4 interpretations in"Electrocardiogram(ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" app, namely normalheart axis, leftaxis deviation (LAD), right axis deviation (RAD),and extreme axisdeviation. For more info contact us
ECG Interpretation Basic 1.7
This app contains basics and fewabnormalitiesof electrocardiogram. The description is mainly aimedat providingbasic knowledge regarding the normal ECG and how toidentifyabnormal ECG.This short is mainly features of ECG or EKG tracings. Amethodfor analyzing EKGs is presented too which includes assessmentofrhythm, calculating heart rate, observing P-wave forms,measurementof EKG intervals and segments and the evaluation ofother relevantwaves.Identifying an abnormal ECG is not difficult as many think,butthe reader should shed out the opinion that it issocomplicated.
ECG Interpretation 1.11
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
Cardiax Mobile ECG 1.41
Companion application for Cardiax Windows full-scale, 12-ChannelPCECG system.
CardioExpert I 7.8.266
Cardiologist' assistant
ECG Rhythm App: Corrected QT 3.3
iMedical Apps
Determine corrected QT interval from the electrocardiogram(ECG)reading
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
ECG pratico demo 2.85
“ECG pratico” è un applicazione creataperaiutare ad acquisire le nozioni dibasedell'elettrocardiografia;nozioni che tutti gli operatori sanitari dovrebberopossedere,specialmente quelli che operano nelle terapie intensivequali UTIC,Rianimazione, Sale operatorie, ecc.L’elettrocardiografia sicuramente non è una materia “facile”, maconun minimo di impegno si possono acquisire le informazioni dibaseper poter individuare una situazione critica ed allertareilcardiologo o chi di dovere. L’elettrocardiogramma è unesamesemplice, veloce, assolutamente indolore, di bassissimo costo,epuò decisamente salvare la vita di una persona. In Italia ogniannocirca 120.000 persone vengono colpite da infarto miocardico,diqueste, circa 25 mila muoiono prima di arrivare in ospedale.Ladiagnosi di infarto miocardico viene fatta prevalentementeconl’esecuzione dell’ECG.Con "ECG pratico" potete apprendere in maniera semplice iprincipibase dell'elettrocardiografia, potete calcolare lafrequenzacardiaca a partire dai millisecondi o dal numero diquadrati fradue RR, potete vedere diversi esempi di tracciati ecg,calcolarel'intervallo QT corretto, potete calcolare l'asse del QRSconfacilità oppure potete fare la vostra "diagnosi"semplicementerispondendo ad alcune semplici domande.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con la fotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare la loroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx) puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoni conpoca memoria.Quando scattate la foto, scegliete una risoluzioneinferiore a 4mpx, e scattate da una distanza ravvicinata.Versione "Demo"La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità di quellanormale,l’unico limite è nel numero di aperture (15)dell’applicazionestessa. Non ho voluto mettere il solito limitetemporale (nummassimo di giorni) perché a me stesso è capitato diaver installatoapp da provare per un certo periodo di tempo, ma permotivi dilavoro e impegni famigliari non ho potuto provarlesufficientementeprima della scadenza.Se avete apprezzato l'app, potete acquistare la versionecompleta( il suo ulteriore sviluppo.Il presente software NON DEVE assolutamente essere usato perporreuna qualsiasi diagnosi medica e/oinfermieristica, ma deve essere usato esclusivamente ascopodidattico.Prima di acquistare la versione completa, provate laversione“demo” del prodotto. Se dopo averla provata rimanetesoddisfatti,acquistate la versione completa e sostenete l’ulterioresviluppodell’applicazione.Per segnalazioni di errori, commenti e suggerimentiscrivetemi:[email protected] da"ECG practical" isanapplication designed to help you acquire the basicsofelectrocardiography;notions that all healthcare professionals should possess,especiallythose who work in intensive care units such as CCU, ICU,operatingrooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not a matter "easy", but withaminimum of effort you can acquire the basic information to beableto detect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist ortheproper authorities. The electrocardiogram is a test simple,fast,painless, very low-cost, and can definitely save the life ofaperson. In Italy every year about 120,000 people are affectedbymyocardial infarction, of these, approximately 25 000 diebeforereaching the hospital. The diagnosis of myocardial infarctionismade mainly with the execution of the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn the basics in asimpleelectrocardiography, you can calculate your heart rate fromthemilliseconds or the number of squares between two RR, you canseeseveral examples of ECG tracings, calculate the correctedQTinterval, you can calculate the axis of the QRS with ease, oryoucan make your "diagnosis" simply by answering a fewsimplequestions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraor loaded from the gallery not to adversely affect theirquality.Load large images (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially in low-memory phones. When taking a picture,choose alower resolution 4-megapixel, and taken from a closedistance.Version "Demo"The version of "Demo" has the same features as the normal one,theonly limit is the number of openings (15) of the application. Ididnot want to put the usual time limit (num Maximum days) becauseIhappened to have the same app installed to try it for acertainperiod of time, but for reasons of work and familycommitments Icould not try them sufficiently before thedeadline.If you enjoyed the app, you can buy the fullversion( support its further development.This software absolutely MUST NOT be used to bring anymedicaldiagnosis and / ornursing, but must be used for educational purposes only.Before you buy the full version, try the "demo" version oftheproduct. If you remain satisfied after trying it, buy thefullversion and support the further development of theapplication.For bug reports, comments and suggestions pleaseemail:[email protected] by
Elektrokardiogramm EKG Typen 10.0
Lernen Sie verschiedene Arten von EKG, ideal fürStudentenzuidentifizieren. Fügen Sie kurze Erklärungen zu denGrafiken.
eEKG 6.3
eEKG is the first mobile interactive educational tool in Poland.
ECG Caliper Demo 1.56
[ITALIANO] - ENGLISH“Caliper” è un applicazione che può essere usata in duemodi:comesemplice righello per misurare con precisione distanzefraduepunti, o come regolo ECG per la corretta edesattamisurazionedelle onde e degli intervalli di unelettrocardiogramma.Poteteappoggiare il telefono direttamente sulvostro ECG edeffettuare lemisure, oppure potete caricare unelettrocardiogrammagiàmemorizzato nella galleria delle foto(pulsante “Galleria”),oppurepotete scattare una foto nuova(pulsante “Cattura”). Con ipulsanti“più” e “meno” potete ingrandiree diminuire la foto. Conilpulsante “Pulisci” potete cancellaretutte le foto caricateepulire lo schermo. Quando caricate un ecg,prima dipotereffettuare delle misurazioni, dovete fare lacalibrazioneiniziale,quindi dovete fare in modo che 4 quadratidell’ecgcorrispondano a800 ms (2 cm).La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità dellaversionecompleta,l’unico limite è nel numero diaperturedell’applicazionestessa.Se avete apprezzato l'app, potete acquistare laversionecompleta( suo ulteriore sviluppo.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con lafotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare laloroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx)puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoniconpoca memoria.Quando scattate la foto, scegliete unarisoluzioneinferiore a 4mpx, e scattate da una distanzaravvicinata.[ENGLISH] - ITALIANO"Caliper" is an application that can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras anECG ruler for the correct and accurate measurement ofwavesandintervals of an electrocardiogram. You can place yourphonedirectlyon your ECG and make measurements, or you canloadanelectrocardiogram already stored in the photogallery(button"Gallery"), or you can take a new photo (button"Capture").Withthe "plus" and "minus" buttons you can zoom in andzoom outthepicture. With the button "Clear" you can delete allphotos,andwipe the screen. When you load an ECG, beforemakingmeasurements,you have to do the initial calibration, so youneed tomake surethat the 4 ECG squares correspond to 800 ms (2cm).Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially inphones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.The version of "Demo" has the same functionality asthefullversion, the only limit is the number of openingsoftheapplication.If you remain satisfied after trying this app, buy thefullversion( further development of the application.[ITALIAN] - ENGLISH"Caliper" is an application that can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras aruler ECG for the correct and accurate measurement ofthewaves andof the intervals of an electrocardiogram. You canplaceyour phonedirectly on your ECG and take measurements, or youcanload anelectrocardiogram already stored in the photogallerybutton("Gallery"), or you can take a new photo (button"Capture").With the"plus" and "minus" you can zoom in and zoom outthepicture. With thebutton "Clear" you can delete alluploadedphotos, and wipe thescreen. When you load an ECG, beforemakingmeasurements, you have todo the initial calibration, thenyou needto make sure that the ECG 4squares correspond to 800 ms(2cm).The version of "Demo" has the same functionality as thefullversion,the only limit is the number of openings oftheapplication.If you enjoyed the app, you can buy thefullversion( its further development.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadlargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especiallyin phones with little memory. When you click thephoto,choose alower resolution 4-megapixel, and taken from aclosedistance.[ENGLISH] - ITALIAN"Caliper" is an application That can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras anECG ruler for the correct and accurate measurement ofwavesandintervals of an electrocardiogram. You can place yourphoneDirectlyon your ECG and make measurements, or you canloadanelectrocardiogram Already stored in the photogallery(button"Gallery"), or you can take a new picture(button"Capture"). Withthe "plus" and "minus" buttons you can zoomin andzoom out thepicture. With the button "Clear" you can deleteallphotos, andwipe the screen. When you load an EKG, beforemakingmeasurements,you have to do the initial calibration, so youneed tomake sureThat Correspond to the 4 squares ECG 800 ms (2cm).Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not Affect Their quality.Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,Especially inphones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.The version of "Demo" has the same functionality asthefullversion, the only limit is the number of openingsoftheapplication. If you REMAIN satisfied after trying this app, buythefullversion( support the development of the application.
ECG Check 2.1.1
The ECG Check app along with the ECGCheckdevice (available at provides a clinicalgradeECG analysis wherever you are with "normal" or "abnormal"feedbackwithin seconds. In OTC mode you can receive instantfeedback andanalysis and with a doctor's prescription you can viewyour ECG inreal time. Recordings are then stored for futurereference withinthe app with the capability to easily e-mail yourECG to yourphysician.Note: This app requires the ECG Check device for taking theECGrecording. The device communicates with any Bluetooth LE(lowenergy) equipped device.Additional information can be found at ourwebsite, .
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.