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HD Camera For iPhone7 16.02.17
Apple officially introduceditslatestsmartphone, the iPhone 7 Plus. The device is equippedwitha12-megapixel main camera with F1.8 lens berbukaan.But more interesting is the image capture unit belongs iPhone7Pluswas introduced in conjunction with the iPhone 7. The phonehasdualcameras on the back, each with a resolution of12megapixels.The difference between the two cameras iPhone 7 Plus,assummarizedKompasTekno from Cnet, lies in the type oflensused.The first camera is fitted with a 28 mm lens(equivalentfull-frame)with F1.8 aperture, while a second cameracarries 56 mmlens (alsoequivalent full frame) berbukaan F2.8.That is, the two lenses iPhone 7 Plus has two differentfocallength.One camera produces desert areas of wide-angle (28mm)while theother has a field of view equivalent normal lens onadigital camera(56 mm).Not a "zoom" opticalWhen introducing dual camera iPhone 7 Plus, Apple usestheterm"optical zoom at 2x" confusing.The term usually used to describe the zoom range is "2xopticalzoom"which means the focal length of the camera lens canbeextended up totwo times the original figure at its widestpointwith the techniqueof zooming (change of distance betweenthelens).In optical zoom, the process of adding the focal length isdoneinstages, for example of 28 mm and 35 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mmasthedistance between the lens prolongation.But not so with the iPhone 7 Plus. This phone actually doesnothavean optical zoom lens as in, for example, mobile phoneseriesGalaxyCamera from Samsung, or TrueZoom module for modularphoneMotorolaMoto Z, but two cameras with lenses that havetwodifferentviewpoints.In other words, iPhone 7 Plus has two lenses "prime"(non-zoomlenswith a focal length fixed / fixed)."Optical zoom" is meant Apple was none other than "jump"fromthefield of view of 28 mm (wide) to 56 mm (normal / shorttele)whenthe user changes the camera is activated.iPhone 7 Plus is able to zoom up to 2x over, but theprocessusesdigital techniques -not optical zoom zoom- whichreducesthesharpness of the image.Camera with 28 mm lens is ideal for shootingscenery,architecture,or other objects that require a wide viewingangle,while the 56 mmcamera with a lens suitable forphotographingpersons or othersubjects close up.Effect "Depth of Field"The use of multiple cameras on the iPhone 7 Plus helpedopennewshooting modes, namely "Portrait" which adds to the effectofdepthof field (DoF) in the form of an opaque background, whilethemainsubject still look sharp.It works similar to the same technique that was firstintroducedinsome models of Android phones. Both camerascaptureimagessimultaneously to obtain information within the mainsubjectandbackground (depth map).A special software algorithm then separates the main subjectinthebackground, then artificially blur the background. Previewofthiseffect can be seen on screen.other features :In addition to the above two things, camera iPhone 7 Plusalsohassome other features like the ability to save images inRAWformat(DNG) is more flexible for editing than JPEG.There's also image stabilization to dampen oscillation thatcanblurthe image, also "wide color capture" that is claimedtocapture awider color spectrum.Flash unit also faces made and now has four LED flash.UnitnicknamedQuad-LED system is claimed to have a light output50percent higherthan the previous generation iPhone, as wellascapable of reducingflicker that occurs when the subject wasunderthe lights.The front camera for capturing selfie join updated with newunits7megapixel resolution, both for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7Plus.Bothphones scheduled to be ordered in some countries began9Septembertomorrow.