Top 15 Games Similar to Readit Out

A maior e melhor base de radares doBrasilagora disponível no seu Android.O aplicativo do MapaRadar utiliza o GPS do seu aparelhoparacalcular sua velocidade e alertar os radares na sua frente,mesmocom a tela do aparelho desligada ou com outro aplicativodenavegação sendo utilizado.Mantenha o aplicativo aberto para visualizar sua posiçãoatual(incluindo a velocidade) e os pontos ao seu redor.**Os alertas visuais, sonoros e de vibração ajudam o motoristaoevitar surpresas durante a viagem.Configure os tipos de alerta que deseja receber e se desejaseravisado apenas quando estiver acima da velocidade.Mantenha a tela do aparelho desligada e receba osalertaspraticamente sem utilizar a bateria.Funciona perfeitamente sem conexão 3G*Atualize a base de radares diretamente no aparelho,simples,fácil e rápido.Evite multas e dirija com segurança.O aplicativo MapaRadar é uma obra da MobileMasters.*Mapas não aparecerão na tela do aparelho, mas seufuncionamentode alerta continua normalmente** O aplicativo não tem o objetivo de traçar rotas,apenasvisualizar o mapa para auxílio ao usuárioThe biggest and bestbaseBrazil radars now available on your Android.The MapaRadar application uses your phone's GPS to calculateyourspeed and alert the radar in front, even with the screenturned offthe device or another navigation application you areusing.Keep the application open to view the current position(includingspeed) and points around you. **The visual alerts, sound and vibration help the driveravoidsurprises during the trip.Set the types of alerts you want to receive and whether topromptonly when you are above the speed.Keep the machine off screen and receive alertspracticallywithout using the battery.Works perfectly without 3G connection *Update the radar base directly on the device, simple, easyandfast.Avoid fines and drive safely.The MapaRadar application is a work of MobileMasters.* Maps will not appear on the handset screen, but hiswarningoperation continues normally** The application is not intended to plot routes, just look atthemap to aid the user
Automatic Waze Launcher 1.2.1
TOST Corp.
Do not miss anything on the road, usethisautomatic Waze starter !In stand-by mode, the app listens to your environment and withakind of magic and mathematics equations it can detect when youaredriving.No battery drain thank to the used algorithm.For Sony users, please remove the Stamina mode or create addthisapplication to the exception list.Do not miss anything on the road, use this automatic Wazestarter!
Waze Talk And Drive 2.0
Waze Talk And Drive improvesyournavigationapplications by adding great features:• Voice control:Operating your Waze applications simply by talking. All youhavetodo is launch the app, say a place you want to go to, andthat’sit.Your Waze app will be opened with navigationinstructions.• Improved navigation search:Search Waze places by their name without having tospecifytheaddress. The app completes the full address ofthedestinationautomatically.• Setting up the devicefornavigationautomatically:You can set the Waze app to turn On/Off the GPS,Data,Bluetooth,WiFi, Auto Rotation, sound volume, screenbrightness.• History and favorites list:You can keep your Waze favorites places in a list andnavigatetothem simply by talking. The app automatically keeps thehistoryofall your destinations.• Sharing options:Chosen Waze places can be shared with your family and friendsbySMS,Email, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp and more.• Icon shortcuts:You can add icon shortcuts to your favorite Waze destinationsonyourhome screen.
GPS Route for Waze 2.0
Create a lists of your customers per day,findthe best way to get to them , call them, text them and allthisfromour application.If you are visiting daily your customers and are tired orfindinginthe lsts, typing the adresses etc .., just try our app, itwillmakeyour life easier.Features:- List of customers per day / route- opens Waze and finds the best path to your customer- keeps track about customers visit and marks the onesyouhaventvistited yet- comunicate with a customer directly via WhatsApp orcallwithoutleaving the app- shows a customer location on a live map
GPS Map Navigation Apps Review 1.1
Review and comparison of Google Maps andWazenavigation and mapping apps.The contents of this app is for informational purposes only.Itpresents real-world results of data usage and batteryconsumptionof the most popular GPS navigation apps under standardconditions.Google Maps and Waze are popular apps for Androidsmartphhones andtablets, and as such were reviewed in thiscomparitiveanalysis.The proliferation of smartphone apps that providethisfunctionality has allowed the ability to use GPS navigationtoroute trips. Using media heavy navigation apps over 3G / HSDPA/LTE can incur network carrier costs. The question is how muchdatado these mapping apps use, as this will determine whether itisfeasible to use on a regular basis. Some apps also offer cachingofmap data for previously travelled routes, thus reducing thedataconsumption when these routes are used again. Batteryconsumptionof these apps are also significant, as they access theGPS radio,internet data and heavy graphics. The comparative datausage on newand repeat routs, as well as battery consumption forGPS apps ispresented here, in order to help users make an informeddecision onwhich apps best suite their requirements.
Clicknav - Easy Navigation Lau 2.7
Manage your favorite places and start navigation by just one click.
O 1º aplicativo de transporte com 100%dosveículos blindados, motoristas profissionais, trajados,treinadosem direção defensiva por valores acessíveis.O BLUCLUB surgiu como um “Club”, exclusivo para você e suafamíliacircular pela cidade com total segurança e conforto.Considerando às necessidades de uma grande capital como SãoPaulo,você pode solicitar um veículo blindado a qualquermomento!Aproveite as vantagens dos nossos pacotes de KMs e pague menosporsuas viagens.Para participar do ‘”Club” você só precisa baixar o APP, cadastrareaguardar o seu acesso.Mídias:“Novo aplicativo promete “táxi” blindado para circular pelacidade.” – Folha de São Paulo.“...customizar este serviço para que se adequasse às necessidadesdeexclusividade e segurança nas metrópoles nacionais. ” –ForbesBrasil.“O luxo na ponta dos dedos” – Isto é Dinheiro.“…new car service featuring armored vehicles and drivers trainedindefensive driving.” – Springwise.Vantagens:• Faça pequenos trajetos ou grandes viagens sem o stress dedirigirou estacionar.• Maior mobilidade e praticidade, com segurança.• Realize a estimativa do valor da sua viagem, antesdesolicitar.• Tranquilidade de ser conduzido por um motorista profissional,comcursos em direção defensiva, sem burocracia e vinculodecontratação.• Livre de preocupações com o alto custo de manutenção de umveículoblindado.• Além de confortáveis, os veículos do Bluclub têm certificaçãodeblindagem pelo Exército brasileiro, garantindo proteção máximaaosocupantes.• Integração com o aplicativo Waze, a referência mundial em GPSegeolocalização.• Pagamento com cartão de crédito, prático e descomplicadoviaAPP.• Ao final de cada viagem, você poderá avaliar a qualidadedoatendimento do motorista e do veículo.• Conheça nossos pacotes de KMs e pague menos porsuasviagens.• Inicialmente estamos em operação na grande São Paulo.Acesse nosso site e solicite o seu convite.“Viva essa experiência, Bluclub, seu blindado, seumotorista”.The 1sttransportapplication with 100% of the armored vehicles,professionaldrivers, dressed, trained in defensive driving foraffordablevalues.The BLUCLUB emerged as a "club", unique to you and your familyroundthe city with safety and comfort.Considering the needs of a great capital like São Paulo, youcanrequest an armored vehicle at any time!Take advantage of our KMs packages and pay less foryourtravels.To participate in the ' "Club" you only need to download theAPP,register and wait for your"New app promises" taxi "shielded to travel around the city. "-Newspaper."... Customize this service to that suited to the exclusivityandsecurity needs in the national metropolises. "-ForbesBrazil."Luxury at your fingertips" - This is Money."... New car service featuring armored vehicles and driverstrainedin defensive driving." - Springwise.  Advantages:• Make short trips and long trips without the stress of drivingorparking.• Increased mobility and convenience with security.• Perform the estimated value of your trip before you ask.• Tranquility to be driven by a professional driver, with coursesindefensive driving, without bureaucracy and contractingbond.• Free of worries about the high cost of maintenance of anarmoredvehicle.• In addition to comfortable, the Bluclub vehicles havearmorcertification by the Brazilian Army, ensuring maximumoccupantprotection.• Integration with Waze application, the worldwide reference inGPSand geolocation.• Payment by credit card, practical and uncomplicated viaAPP.• At the end of each trip, you can evaluate the quality of careofthe driver and the vehicle.• Meet our KMs packages and pay less for your travels.• Initially we are operating in the Greater São Paulo.  Visit our site and request your invitation."Long live this experience, Bluclub, his armored, hisdriver."
Ir a Casa de Carlos
Esta sencilla aplicación la desarrolleparaqueal tocar un botón, hacer que Waze o Google maps nos guíe aunlugaral que nos dirigimos con mucha frecuencia, por ej, anuestracasa.Muchas veces después de terminar de hacer un viaje meencuentroenun lugar donde no sé que camino tomar para volver acasa.entoncestengo que abrir Waze, buscar los favoritos, y buscarelfavorito demi casa. Con esta aplicación solo toco un botónyautomáticamente seabre Waze e inicia la guía a mi casa.Aparentemente esta aplicación podría no ser muy útil, yaquesolosirve para guiarme a casa o guiar a alguien a mi casa.Peroestamisma aplicación, con sus coordenadas, podría guiarloconayuda deWaze o google Mapas, a ud o sus hijos, familiares oamigosa sucasa, oficina o negocio.La aplicación solicita una contraseña por obvias razonesdesimpleseguridad. La contraseña es opcional si ud lo desea.Si desea una aplicación similar, escríbame.Thissimpleapplicationdevelopment for the avalible, make Waze or Googlemapsto guide usto a place we headed too often, eg our house.Many times after finishing a trip I am in a place where Idonotknow which way to go to return home. then I have to Wazeopen,lookfor favorites, and seek my favorite house. Withthisapplicationjust touch a button and automatically opens andstartsWaze guideto my house.Apparently this application might not be very useful asitonlyserves to guide me home or lead someone to my house. Butthissameapplication, with its coordinates, could guide using WazeorGoogleMaps, to you or your children, family or friends toyourhome,office or business.The application requests a password for obvioussecurityreasonssimple. The password is optional if you wish.For a similar application, write me.
Navigation GPS, Maps & Traffic 1.0
NaviGou GPS Navigation, Maps andrealtimeTraffic turn every drive into a game. Navigate for freewithOnlineMaps and Offline Maps in 220 countries. Earnpointsforkilometres/miles driven, win prizes and compete withyourfriendsevery day. Check weekly and overall leaderboard and findoutwhichof your friends was best. Win it yourself and get asweetbonus!Drive, navigate for free and earn driver titles likeNinjaDriver,Dangerous Grandma, King of the Roads… DrivingwithNavigation hasnever been so much fun. NaviGou is the onlyfreenavigation thatrewards you for the kilometres you drive.Join your driver friends in your area who sharereal-timetrafficand road information, saving everyone time and fuelontheir dailycommute.NaviGou GPS Navigation and Maps speeds up and simplifieshowyouorient yourself in your world. Find the best places in townandtheinformation you need to get there.With the Waze Maps and Google Maps you can activelyreportandreceive information on accidents, hazards, police trapsandotherevents seen on the road.- Live, real-time route suggestions based on trafficandroadconditions- Precise, detailed maps in 220 countries- Find the cheapest fuel in the area based on prices thatareupdateddaily- Alerts for accidents, hazards, police traps, road closures- Turn-by-turn voice navigation in numerous languages- Automatic route change when the traffic situation changes- Set up shortcut keys for navigating to work and home- Find the best places to eat and drink and the best lodgingonyourtrip- Compete with your Facebook friends- Earn points for your kilometres and unlock driverlevelsthateveryone will envyWarning: Running navigation continuously can drainyourbatterysignificantly faster, so NaviGou GPS Navigationshutsoffautomatically when running in the background and youhaven’tbeendriving for a while.• Not all functions are available in all countries
Semafory Bratislava 1.0
Digitale Apps
Automatické odpočítavanie času do zelenej navybranýchkompatibilných križovatkách v Bratislave. Prípadnénepresnosti vodpočte prosím nahlasujte tu:álna presnosť: 93% (+/- 2sekundy) Aktuálne pokrytie: 49%svetelných križovatiek v BratislavePODPOROVANÉ KRIŽOVATKY: -Račianska x Jarošova - Bajkalská xTrnavská - Bajkalská x Drieňová- Bajkalská x Trenčianska -Vajnorská x Jarošova - Vajnorská xPolus MT1 - Vajnorská x Poluspriechod pre chodcov - Vajnorská xRiazanská - Vajnorská x Polus MT2- Vajnorská x Tomášikova -Tomášikova x Lakeside Park - Tomášikova xŽST NM - Tomášikova xTrnavská - Galvaniho x Ivanska cesta -Račianske mýto - Šancova xKukučínova chodci - Trnavské mýto -Trnavská x Miletičova -Trnavská x Jégého - Rožňavská x Slovinská -Rožňavská x Rádiová -Nábrežie a.g.L.Svobodu x Most SNP - Rázusovonábrežie x Most SNP -Rázusovo nábrežie x Rigeleho - Rázusovo nábr.x Reduta -Dostojevského rad x Landererova - Landererova xOlejkárska -Dostojevského rad x Továrenská - Karadžičova x Mlynskénivy -Mlynské nivy x 29. augusta - Karadžičova x Poľná -Karadžičova xZáhradnícka - Krížna x Legionárska - a ďalšie...Aktuálne pokrývameuž všetky svetelné križovatky v Bratislave, ktorésú kompatibilné.Križovatky s dynamickým riadením nie súpodporované. KOMPATIBILNÉNAVIGÁCIE: - Waze - Sygic - MapFactorNavigator - Locus - aďalšie... ČASTÉ OTÁZKY: Q: Bude podporovaná ajPetržalka a ďalšieokrajové mestské časti? A: Aktuálne v Bratislavepokrývame užvšetky križovatky, ktoré sú kompatibilné s aplikáciou.Ostatnékrižovatky sú v dynamickom režime, čiže bohužiaľ nie jemožné ichpodporovať. Q: Budú podporované aj iné mestá akoBratislava? A:Áno, plánujeme pokrytie rozšíriť maximálne ako tobude možné.Aktuálne už testujeme prvú križovatku v Košiciach. Q:Som nakompatibilnej križovatke, ale odpočítavanie sa mi nezobrazí.A:Niektoré križovatky majú zatiaľ nahodený cyklus iba v pondelokažpiatok od 6:30 do 19:00. Usilovne pracujeme narozšírenípodporovaných časov. Q: Odpočítavanie nesedí preodbočovací pruh vktorom som zaradený. A: Detekcia radenia do pruhovzávisí odpresnosti vášho GPS prijímača a aktuálnych podmienok. Vprípade akvám funkcia detekcie pruhu nevyhovuje, môžete si juvypnúť vnastaveniach - v takomto prípade uvidíte ako hlavný semaforprerovný smer, a ostatné semafory po stranách. Iný semafor simôžeteprepnúť jednoduchým kliknutím. Na zlepšení funkciedetekciejazdného pruhu pracujeme. Q: Funguje aplikácia aj offline?A: Nie,aplikácia potrebuje pripojenie na server pre zistenieaktuálnejsynchronizácie semaforov.
Traffcams: Traffic Cameras 3.2.0
Traffcams puts the traffic cameras aroundyouin your hand. Quickly check out that busy intersectionbeforeleaving for work or find out if the roads around you aredrivableafter a snowstorm.Traffcams contains over 2,500 cameras from metro, urban, andruralareas in North Carolina and Georgia. More states arecomingsoon!MapAre you a map person? View traffic cameras on a map for an easyandquick way to view conditions on your route.SearchEasily search for traffic cameras by city, street name, orhighwaydestination. Save your searches for easy access lateron.FavoritesSetup cameras as favorites for convenient access.ShareShare traffic cameras with others. You can send live trafficcameraimages via MMS, Facebook, Twitter, and more.Always Up to DateIf a camera is added or updated in our coverage areas, theywillautomatically be added to the app. No need to wait forappupdates.
ParKing Premium: Find my car
Talent Apps
Keep forgetting where you parked ?Asking yourself where is my car ? Where did I park ? Where is mycar?Lost in a huge parking lot?With ParKing, the KING of parking, it will never happenagain!This simple & free find my car app is exactly the solutionyouneed to locate your vehicle!Key features:One Click Parking - Just one click to place aparkingreminder on a map.Parking History - History of all of your previousparkingplaces.Automatic Parking - Automatic parking detection usingyourcar's Bluetooth device.User Defined Zones - User defined zones withoutautomaticparking notifications (e.g. home, office).Parking Time Reminder / Parking Timer - Parking timereminderto avoid fines.Navigation - One click navigation to find your carparkingusing Google Maps, Waze and etc.Compass - Built-in compass to locate your car.Indoor / Underground Parking - Optional camera pictureortext note as a parking reminder for indoor/underground parking.NoGPS is required!Android Wear Support - ParKing locate my car app forAndroidsmartwatches.Tablet Support - ParKing find my car app forAndroidtablets.Widget - Beautiful home screen widget.Try our find my car app now, it's free!One Click ParkingTo place a new parking reminder, you simply click once onamap.ParKing will automatically show the location & address ofyourparking and your current location.Parking HistoryParKing saves all of your previous parking places.You can edit or delete each parking place, or see all parkingplaceson a map.In addition you can also set an automatic cleanup of yourparkinghistory.Automatic ParkingWith automatic parking, you don't need to manually save whereyouparked your car,ParKing will do it for you automatically!When you activate automatic parking, ParKing will detect whenyourmobile device disconnects from your car's Bluetooth deviceandautomatic parking will be saved.ParKing saves your battery and doesn't need to run in thebackgroundin order to detect automatic parking.Zones with no Automatic Parking NotificationsIf you park at the same place many times, e.g. at home or attheoffice,ParKing lets you define zones where you will not receiveautomaticparking notifications.ParKing will simply save your parking place silently.You will only get notified when you park in a newparkingplace.Parking Time ReminderIn case you have a limited parking time, ParKing offers you to addaparking timer to your parking.You will be notified when your parking timer is abouttoexpire.NavigationParKing offers multiple options to navigate to yourparkingplace:- Use your favorite navigation app to find your car: GoogleMaps,Waze and etc- Use a built-in map with a marker of your parking place- Use a built-in compass to locate your carIndoor / Underground ParkingIn many cases you park your car indoors where GPS signalandreliable location might not be available.In those cases, ParKing offers you to add a picture or a textnoteas a parking reminder.Simply attach a picture or a text note to your parking and use ittofind your car.Android Wear SupportParKing find my car app is also available for AndroidWearsmartwatches.On your smartwatch you can place a new parking reminder, addaparking time reminder, navigate to your parking place &locateyour car.All actions will be synced with your smartphone ParKing find mycarapp.ParKing Tablet SupportParKing find my car app is also available for Androidtablets.Make sure you have GPS and Bluetooth in order to enjoy all oftheparking features.Where I parked ? where's my car ? where did I park ? where is mycar? find my car ? dude where is my car ?Looking the best find my car app ?ParKing has the answer for you!
Radar Alert 1.5
Eficacitatea aplicaţiei Radar Alert estedatădeînsăși comunitatea sa. Fiecare dintre utilizatoripoatesemnalaaccidente, radare fixe și mobile, controale,aglomeraţie,drumuriîn lucru, etc. Într-ajutorarea utilizatorilorșicomplexitateaaplicației fac din Radar Alert un camarad dedrumexcelent!Interfața este foarte prietenoasă și RadarAlertutilizează datelede la Google Maps la care le adaugă peceleproprii. Extrem deingenios!