Top 20 Games Similar to Oraciones Católicas

Spanish Catholic Prayer Book 2.40
Basic and short Catholic prayers. Prayers for you.
Catholic Prayers 4.0
Collection of Catholics Prayers
Oraciones (Español) 1.1
Esta aplicación tiene muchos comunesoracionescatólicas, como Padre Nuestro, Ave María, y mucho más.Keywords: Biblia, oración, catholic, español, EstadosUnidos,España, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua,CostaRica, Panama, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia,Ecuador,Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay,spanishprayers, spanish language, spanish, iglesia, prayer,bible
Club Vegas Slots: Casino Games 164.0.12
Welcome to Club Vegas VIP casino! Play Vegas slots machine games!
Palabra y Vida 2023 23.0.0
Gospel of the day and reflection by Multiple authors.Prayers.Calendar.
Cómo Orar 2 262
Learn how to pray to God for free. Discover how to talk to Godandbe His friend.
Compline - Night Prayer
In this application from the Book of Hoursisjust the Compline (night prayer) and the Invitatory, whichopensthe liturgy of the hours of a day.New: Liturgia Horarum (Latin-only) including all the hours.English, German, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,Portuguese(Brazilian), Polish. Change in Preferences /Language.You can also read part of the prayer in a different language.UsePreferences / Alternate Language and click on the RedTitles.Diurnal bilingual: Display two languages ​​side by sidefortablets.New Font selection with all system fonts and own (copy new fontsto/sdcard/fonts/).Day change: Time for individual daily changes to pray aftermidnightthe Compline of the day before.If you have problems or find a (type) error, send me a email(inGerman or English).Book of Hours, BoH, Divine Office, Breviary Breviary, Liturgy oftheHours, Horarium, Livre d'heures, Roman breviary.Catholic Christian Prayer Book, Roman Catholic prayer anddevotionalbook for the Liturgy of the Hours.
Rosary Audio 8.0.2
Holy Rosary - audio and text format , option for addprayerrequests.
Heaven's Dew Fall 4.0
Basic Catholic prayers. 'Prayer is the inner bath of love intowhichthe soul plunges itself.' St. Jean Marie Baptiste VianneyPray,receive and experience God's abundant mercy and love. Takeheed,watch and pray. For you know not when the time is. Mark 13:33Prayeris a conversation with God. It nourishes the soul andstrengthensthe heart. Let's work for heaven, days passes by like ashadow.God's mercy never comes to an end. Trust God deeply in yourhearts.-- You desire to praise God, then live what you express.Live goodlives, and you yourself will be God's praise. SaintAugustine ofHippo
Catecismo da Igreja Católica 1.8
Totus Mundi
Este aplicativo traz o Catecismo daIgrejaCatólica em sua versão normal e também na versão Compêndio.Avise-nos dos problemas encontrados por favor antes devotarnegativamente!Suporte e sugestões e indicação de problemas podem serdirecionadasatravés do site: applicationbringsthe Catechism of the Catholic Church in its normal versionand alsothe version Compendium.Notify us of problems encountered please beforevotingnegatively!Support and suggestions and indications of problems can beaddressedthrough the site:
Doa Novena 1.5
Doa Novena sudah akrab bagi umat Katolik. Aplikasi inimemungkinkankita berdoa Novena di manapun dan kapanpun kita berada.Sehinggatidak ada lagi doa Novena yang terlewatkan.Kumpulan Doa Novena meliputi:- Novena Hati Kudus Yesu- Novena Roh Kudus- Novena 3 kali Salam Maria- Novena Bunda Lourdes- Novena Maria Bunda Selalu Menolong- Novena Kanak-Kanak Yesus- Novena Kepada St. Yudas Tadeus- Novena Kepada St. Yusuf- Novena Kepada St. Antonius- Novena Kepada St. Peregrinus- Novena Medali WasiatSelamat berdoa....
Bíblia Católica 310.0.0
Edson Deda
The Catholic Bible in Portuguese Free (MP3 Audio)
The Holy Rosary 1.49
Rosary - sword of God in the struggle against evil.
miCatecismo Catecismo Católico 1.6
Catecismo Oficial y completo de laIglesiaCatólica. No requiere de internet para funcionar! Noconsumes tuplan de datos para usarlo. Con esto puedes cargar elCatecismoCatólico a todos lados con todos los capítulos, artículosyPárrafos. El Credo explicado, Los 10 mandamientos, losSacramentos,la oración. Puedes dimensionar la letra a tu gusto parafacilitarsu lectura, podrás compartir algún capítulo con tuscontactos.Esta aplicación es de todos y por eso podrás contactarnosparadarnos sugerencias. Tu mejor forma de apoyarnos es calificandolaapp en el Play Store, compartiendo contenido y contándole atodostus contactos sobre nuestra app.CARACTERISTICAS- No requiere conexión a internet- No consume plan de datos de tu móvil- Puedes compartirlo- Búsqueda por numeral- Permite marcar donde llevas la lectura (Marcadores)- ¡Te lee el Catecismo! Permite escuchar cada [email protected] andcompleteCatechism of the Catholic Church. Does not require internettofunction! Do not consume your data plan to use it. With thisyoucan load the Catholic Catechism everywhere with all thechapters,articles and paragraphs. The Creed explained, The 10Commandments,the sacraments, prayer. You can size the font to yourliking forreadability, you can share a chapter with your contacts.This application is all and so can contact us to giveussuggestions. Your best way to support us is calling the app inthePlay Store, sharing content and telling all your contacts onourapp.FEATURES- No internet connection required- Do not consume data plan on your phone- You can share- Search by numeral- Allows you to mark where you been reading (Mark)- I read the Catechism! Lets hear every [email protected]
All Catholic Prayers and Bible 3.4
All Catholic Prayers by topics with Catholic Bible (CPDV)
Lectio Divina 1.4
Consult the Catholic liturgical texts (readings,psalms,gospel),liturgy of the hours and the lives of saints foreach dayor a datechosen.
Doa Katolik 1.1
Sangat indah, membayangkan sebagai orang katolik, bisaberdoadimanapun juga dan kapanpun. Dengan mimpi itu, maka aplikasidoakatolik dibuat.Isi Aplikasi:- pokok iman Katolik,- kumpulan doa,- kisah orang Kudus,- Renungan Harian (membutuhkan koneksi internet)Untuk renungan harian, applikasi ini membutuhkankoneksiinternet
Divine Mercy Prayers 1.0
Saramma Jose
The Divine Mercy is a free android apptospreadthroughout the world - The Lord's message of DivineMercy.Themessage of Divine Mercy is that God loves all of us, nomatterhowgreat our sins. He wants us to recognize that His mercyisgreaterthan our sins, so that we will call upon Him withtrust,receive Hismercy, and let it flow through us to others.According to Pope John Paul II, "There is nothing thatmanneedsmore than Divine Mercy." Pope Benedict XVI said,"DevotiontoDivine Mercy is not a secondary devotion, but anintegraldimensionof a Christian’s faith and prayer."This app contains :- The Chaplet of The Divine Mercy- The Divine Mercy Novena- What is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy?- Divine Mercy Sunday- The Hour of Great Mercy- The Image of The Divine MercyKeywords :The Divine Mercy, The Divine Mercy Prayer,TheChapletofThe Divine Mercy,The Divine Mercy Novena,The HourofGreatMercy,Divine Mercy,Divine MercyChaplet,Catholicprayers,Dailyprayers,Basic catholic Prayers,Prayerto Jesus,PrayerBook,stationsof the cross,Catholic PrayerCards,Catholic Prayerbook,Jesus,JesusChrist
Documentos da Igreja 1.0
Totus Mundi
Este aplicativo pretende apresentarosprincipais e documentos da Igreja Católica ApostólicaRomana.Código de Direito CanônicoCompêndio da Doutrina Social da IgrejaConcílio Vaticano IIEncíclicasCarta Apostólica Porta Fidei
Catholic Songs 2.0.27
You are Catholic and you like music and singing or you belong toaparish choir or you like to praise God with your singing,thisapplication is for you. It is a compilation with more than1000cantos and catholic songs and every time they are added more.Itcan be used without internet. It has guitar chords andresourcesthat will help us understand and interpret singing in therightway. Artist and Catholic groups praise our God with theirmusic,you can also do it with the help of "Catholic Songs" you canfindthe perfect song or song for every moment of your life, youhave nowords to tell the Lord how much you need it, you do not findtheway to ask to be healed or saved, you want to thank the LordyourGod, only sing with your heart and he will listen to you. "Andnowwith all your heart and mouth sing hymns and bless the name oftheLord." Si 39, 35. "Sing to the Lord in thanksgiving, sing totheharp for our God." Sal 147.7. "Sing to the Lord, his nameisblessed! Announce your salvation days after days. " Sal 96, 2.Whatdoes this application offer for me as a Catholic? -Search    Catholiccantos    > Catholic artist songs -Create    > Catholic cantosown    > List of Catholic songs andsongs   > Outline for Mass - Tocorrect    > Catholic songlyrics    > Chord or Catholic song chords -Means    > Audio MIDI, MP3,VOICE    > Video YOUTUBE, ACORDE,KARAOKE    > Document ACORDES, SCORES-Configuration     > Change applicationfontsize     > Show chord chords(English,Latin, Hide)     > Change the toneof thesong or song     > Automatic scrollmovementtime - Manage    > Add toFavorites   > Add to excluded   >Singing with other people   > Add your own songsto lists or diagrams -Types of songs    > Praise   >Worship    > Animation   > ForMass (entrance, piety, glory, saint,lamb, etc.)   > For Mary, Jesus, Spirit,Father   > Many more ... God bless you andremember theone who sings twice.