Top 17 Apps Similar to 台灣資訊易

台灣好好玩 – 線上訂房、國內外行程預訂、景點資訊 4.0.2
食在好玩 - 台灣旅遊、景點、遊記 3.1
Provides a wealth of graphic Travels. Holiday weather do notknowwhere to go? Others refer to travel, attractions get food once!
台灣自由行-免費旅遊顧問-台灣旅遊規劃諮詢 1.0.2
Mojo 全台灣推薦旅遊景點 2012–02–17
A. 什麼是最棒的LBS(Location-BasedService)智慧型手機應用程式之使用者介面(User Interface)?由Mojo團隊開發的「Mojo TravelApp(Mojo跨語言旅遊軟體)」,成功問鼎2010年12月10日國家通訊手機介面競賽的冠軍!Mojo跨語言旅遊軟體提供日文-繁中、英文-繁中、簡中-繁中、繁中等四種跨語言旅遊資訊(必玩景點、精緻美食與飯店、伴手禮、休閒娛樂等)同時整合於一支手機上,除了讓外國觀光客與台灣人溝通無障礙本版本「Mojo 全台灣推薦旅遊景點」 精簡流暢的使用者介面和高親和力的優美畫面也贏得大多數使用者的讚賞。手機有時無法上網使用!本版本 70%功能不需要上網 (or 不需要SIM card) 都可以使用。因此,請先下載安裝本軟體在您的手機;帶著您的手機就可以不用上網(不用SIM card)、更可以盡情玩台灣沒障礙!註:本版本包含旅遊達人最推薦【全台灣】旅遊生活相關景點資訊等,將從 2仟個 景點資訊擴充至 10萬個!!!1. 提供 【全台灣】景點資訊2. 提供 輸入文字內容之即時線上翻譯 (四種語言)3. 提供 POI旅遊生活相關資訊之更新產品特色:A. 提供簡單易用的介面和豐富的景點深度資訊:1. 透過獨特的視覺設計,將創意、實用和科技融為一體2. 為了滿足不同使用者的需求,每一個POI景點資訊進一步區分為:1.POI 基本資料:景點名稱、電話、地址、距離2.POI 深度資訊:該景點相關優質之介紹、日誌、相片、影片3.POI 跨語言資訊:該景點任兩種語言之資訊B. 降低與國外人語言溝通障礙:1. 提供跨語言溝通按鈕:解決人類跨語言障礙的在地化便利性服務2. 即時線上翻譯3. 提供貼心的景點「隨身包」(查尋 + 帶走),省去用手抄錄的麻煩.本版本 產品功能共有15大主題,分布於三個首頁中,層次分明之設計共四層:Layer 1: 主題頁(首頁)Layer 2: 次主題頁Layer 3: POI基本資料Layer 4: POI深度資訊在 首頁-主題頁(Layer 1):點擊左右鍵可至不同首頁1.首頁(一)觀光BUS、精緻美食、必玩景點、娛樂、我在哪2.首頁(二)伴手禮、精選Hotel、發現台灣、關鍵字搜尋、即時翻譯3.首頁(三)隨身包、時刻表、匯率轉換、常用電話、設定搜尋中心在 POI基本資料(Layer 3):包含該景點之名稱、距離、摘要、相片在POI深度資訊(Layer 4):包含該景點之介紹、相片、日誌、影片介紹:─ 該POI景點特色介紹─ [MAP] 顯示POI景點位置所在地圖─ [CALL] 提供撥打電話功能─ [CHINESE] 提供該POI景點語言轉譯功能,讓非繁體中文語系使用者方便與台灣人溝通相片、日誌、影片:─ 以左右滑動或點選鍵頭的方式觀看,也可點選「wWw」 按鈕,以瀏覽原文之詳細精緻內容功能鍵─ 帶走:提供簡訊傳送以及分享至網頁平台功能─ 加入隨身包:將景點加入隨身包中收藏─ 設為搜尋中心點:將本景點地址設為下次搜尋時參考位置如果您覺得使用介面簡潔、並方便使用,請給予五顆星評語。歡迎您的來信與建議,您的鼓勵就是我們最大的動力eMail: [email protected] Team 感謝您寶貴時間!
愛食記 - 台灣精選餐廳 x 美食優惠 5.3.2
★ Taiwan’s most popular gourmet app has accumulated 3 millionusers!"Ishiji" App allows you to easily find the food you reallywant toeat~ It is full of gourmet restaurants introduced bybloggers,covering all of Taiwan
台湾旅游攻略 1.9
去台湾自由行必备神器,找台湾结伴交友同游,旅行分享必装的免费app。这款台湾旅游攻略,已经多次改版深受欢迎,包含台湾捷运地图,台湾地图上展示景点购物美食等定位。台湾旅游攻略内容全面介绍了台湾台北、垦丁、高雄、花莲、台中、清境、日月潭、阿里山。。整个台湾的特色景点、购物、娱乐以及签证退税行程路线等,是去台湾度假旅游必备,无论是找结伴同游,蜜月,亲子,运动潜水,奢华、小资、蜜月、懒人旅游,和背包穷游等各种,都能找到适合自己的推荐吃:台湾就是中华美食天堂,台湾美食小吃有卤肉饭、棺材板、蚵仔煎、芋圆、担仔面、十全排骨、大肠包小肠、烧仙草等;另外,台湾的夜市是一大特色,各种美食小吃,垂涎欲滴,非常值得一逛。这些在“美食”环节里面都有介绍。住宿:台湾分为大饭店、商务旅馆、汽车旅馆和台湾民宿等。比起大陆来,大饭店的价格即便是折算成人民币看起来也比较贵,幸运的是也有非常便宜的旅馆和民宿可以选择。台湾民宿,价格不贵而且很多都非常有特色,来台湾自由行,很值得体验下台湾民宿。在住宿环节我们介绍了几家有特色的台湾民宿,还支持agoda预定,酒店民宿预定。玩:台北故宫博物馆一定不要错过,还有台北最高,世界排名前5的101大厦。相比历史文化景观,台湾的自然景点更让人印象深刻,台湾地理位置决定了自然景观的多层次性,可以到阿里山看日出、去垦丁沙滩度假、日月潭看日落和美景、台湾北部泡温泉。如果游玩时间多,可以考虑自驾、骑行、包车、参加活动,更多详情查看景点和行程环节。购物:台湾商品丰富,可以在台湾买奢侈品、化妆品、服装、鞋子,国际名牌很多比大陆便宜,可以在机场购买香烟。尤其化妆品,日系开架彩妆保养品、台湾本土品牌都很便宜。此外,可以买台湾当地美食特产做礼物,“购物”环节对此都有专门介绍。地图浏览模式:到当地,可以地图查看周边的景点美食娱乐购物酒店住宿,可以用台湾地图模式查看台湾经典线路行程:推荐台湾经典旅游线路行程,到当地不会玩,跟着经典行程走,一准搞定。其他:每个景点购物都有地图坐标,台湾旅游攻略还介绍了如何办理台湾通行证、手机上网、台湾交通、台湾捷运线路图、节庆日等信息。做这个台湾旅游攻略耗费了大量的精力,为了做到详实、有用,也参考了很多网友旅游的经验,在此一并感谢。如果大家有什么意见和建议,欢迎呼唤我们。此款软件由求攻略出品,我们还在不断前进中,呼唤求攻略,新浪微博:@求攻略自由行,微信公众号:qiugonglue,吐槽邮箱:[email protected]有呼就有应哦~
Tokyo (Japan) Travel Guide 2.0.6
Duckdive Inc.
You can discover unique travel activitiesandtours guided in Tokyo by local Japanese people to experiencelocalculture.We recommend this app to travelers who want to:- Learn about Tokyo local culture- Meet and become friends with locals- Create your own tour and travel at your own pace- Get off the beaten path guidebooks paveRather than relying on a guidebook or city guide, this appletsyou directly contact locals and sign up for low-price trips.Itmakes researching and ranking things to do in Japan much easierbyputting you in the hands of local guides who can take youtonon-touristy spots. Whether you are a solo student orbackpackersusing Hipmunk and, staying in a motel or hostel, or agroup offamilies or friends using Triposo on vacation, tours areeasy,cheap, and personalized based on your budget and schedule. Alocalwill act as your personal guide, similar to the WhatsAppandAroundMe apps, taking you to unique, nearby locations.This app, Meetrip, is a travel community marketplace wherelocalsact as a city guide and recommend area-specific trips forvisitorsto browse. However, where sites such asTripAdvisor,Wikitravel, andViator only suggest populardestinations, this app allows you topersonally contact a guide whowill show you both unknown and famouslocations found on TIMEmagazine’s Top 10 things to do in Tokyo, aswell as a non-newstourist agency guides like Lonely Planet, RoughGuides, TripIt, andmTrip. Traveling has never been easier. Oftencalled “The Airbnb ofsightseeing,” this app takes the pressure awayfrom navigating acity guide, blog, map, or tourist brochure. Onceyour trip isfinished, you can leave a comment or recommendation inthe userreview section to help future travelers.Sites such as Expedia, Priceline, Kayak, Agoda,,exist so you can find inexpensive flights. were created to give you convenient housingoptionswhile travelling. You could plan a budget trip using XECurrency,Wikitude, SayHi Translate, and UrbanSpoon to get a tasteof localculture, but navigating a new city is difficult. Even ifyou areable to use Avis, Enterprise, Rent-a-car, or Hertz to get acarrental abroad, it is much easier to have a local show youaroundusing public transportation. If you want ahassle-free,unforgettable day trip, you should download this freeapp. Forgetthe city guide, let locals give you a taste of thewonders ofJapan, far beyond what you can find in an ordinarytravelguide.Special Features of Meetrip:- Amazing deals of travel local activities and toursinTokyo- Ask any travel questions to local people, such as weatherandclothes- Book directly from the app - before you travel or evenwhileyou're traveling- Fast, simple, and secure booking- Convenient payment process with PayPalSome of the most popular activities are the famous sightseeingspotsin Japan. With this app, however, you get a real, authenticviewwith local people:- Go to early morning Tsukiji Fish market 築地市場, theworld’slargest fish market with delicious sushi restaurants.- Enjoy shopping in Shibuya 渋谷109.- Sightsee at Meiji Shrine 明治神宮, a delightfully simplisticShintoShrine near Harajuku 原宿.- Enjoy the night life in Shibuya 渋谷 and Roppongi 六本木.- Participate in the scrabble of Shibuya crossing 渋谷スクランブル交差点,themost famous intersections in Japan.- Belt out your favorite song at a Karaoke- Step inside Hollow Buddha (Daibutsu 大仏) statue at theKotokuinTemple in Kamakura 鎌倉.- Walk around the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden 新宿御苑.- Go to Sunday pop-culture events in Yoyogi park 代々木公園.- Relax on the beaches of Odaiba お台場 and Oedo OnsenMonogatari大江戸温泉物語, a hot-spring,where you can wear a traditionalyukata 浴衣robe- Enjoy Sumo 相撲wrestling matches at the Ryogoku Kokugikan 両国国技館,theNational Sumo Hall.- Climb Mt. Fuji 富士山.- Re-live your childhood at Studio Ghibli Museum ジブリ美術館, createdbyHayao Miyazaki 宮崎駿.
易遊網 - 機票、訂房及旅遊專屬優惠 6.2.0
The largest travel APP in Taiwan, one-stop shopping for domesticandforeign travel products! Search for air tickets, find hotels,bookitineraries, buy tickets, go camping, play experience... Alltravelneeds can be easily handled in one machine, and then enjoyexclusiveAPP discounts!
大台灣旅遊網 5.4.1
大台灣旅遊網擁有大量的旅遊資訊、各式店家與最新的旅遊新聞。為了能夠完整的將資訊提供給使用者,特別透過本應用程式來呈現。本應用程式包含了以下特點:旅遊資訊即時更新。在地化資訊服務。圖文並茂的旅遊資訊。高度使用者體驗的瀏覽介面。注意事項:Android6.0.1之後版本,因安全性問題,需要到『設定』→『應用程式』→『大台灣旅遊網』→『權限』中,開啟『定位』與『相機』功能。※Android系統版本需5.1以上Large Taiwan travel hasalot of tourist information, a variety of stores with thelatesttravel news.In order to complete the information available to users,inparticular through this application are presented.This application contains the following features:Travel information updated in real time.In the localization information services.Illustrated travel information.The height of the user experience of browsing interface.Note: After the Android 6.0.1 version, due to security issues,theneed to "Settings" → "Applications" → "big Taiwan travel"→"rights", open the "Target" and "camera" feature.※ Android system version 5.1 or higher required Book Flights, Hotels 7.95.0
Get exclusive travel deals and enjoy the award-winningcustomerservice!
台灣旅遊景點,民宿,美食推薦 5.63
收錄一萬七千多筆台灣各地的旅遊景點、民宿、美食。(a)可離線使用 (b)自動撥打電話(c)配合Google地圖導航(d)尋找裝置附近旅遊資訊(e)加入收藏。
台灣旅遊美食 1.0.7
EasyTravel 2.4.1
EasyTravel for Taiwan Booking
全台灣觀光工廠 - 觀光景點APP 2.1
全台灣觀光工廠APP - 收錄全台灣各地共140家觀光工廠資訊 【功能介紹】●全台灣觀光工廠景點介紹(參觀時間、特色產品、附近景點等)● 撥打工廠電話直接報名預約 ● 規劃路徑不怕迷路●GPS經緯度,導航直接輸入 ● 快速的與好友分享工廠資訊 ● 搜尋遊記觀看更多介紹【感謝介紹】政府資料開放平臺(OpenData)活化應用展示 :重灌狂人介紹:
找租屋 找宿舍 | 魔豆 1.1.05
我們希望學生能擁有一個透明方便的平台整合所有資訊,一搜尋就整齊的顯示出來希望房東和同學們都能互惠,找到好房客和好房間刊登完全免費:上架物件完全不用收費,刊登無壓力,直接且快速擁有龐大的房客瀏覽。統計數據:提供數據瞭解房客瀏覽程度,即時更新物件資訊,快速應變面對房客。評價管理:透過建立良好評價,讓更多房客看見物件的優點,看見物件的更新,透過房客吸引更多房客。地圖搜尋模式:直接在地圖上找尋想要的物件,不用實地一步一步走,真正想要的再聯絡房東看屋。線上面對面:不用出門找尋資訊,坐在電腦前,就可以即時與房東面對面對談。魔豆是兩個高醫牙醫系的學生所創辦We want students tohaveatransparent and convenient platformIntegration of all information, a search ontheneatlydisplayedHope landlords and students can benefit and find goodtenantsandgood roomPublish free: Added object completely withoutcharge,publishedstress-free, direct and fast browsing with itshugetenant.Statistical data: provides data to understand the extentoftenantbrowsing, real-time updates object information,rapidresponse inthe face tenant.Evaluation Management: By creating a good evaluation, sothatmoretenants see the advantages of object, see update objectstoattractmore tenants through the tenant.Map search mode: directly on the map to find thedesiredobject,not on the ground step by step, really want tore-contactthelandlord Kanwu.Online face to face: do not go looking for information,sittinginfront of the computer, you can immediately facetofaceconversation with the landlord.Beanstalk is high two students founded the DepartmentofDentalMedicine
hotels world 0.1
We've helped millions of travellers maketheright accommodation decisions and we're ready to help you!At HotelsCombined, we know that booking accommodation onlineisn'teasy, but we believe it should be. Having to trawl throughahundred websites looking at a thousand 'deals' can beoverwhelmingand complicated. At the end of the day, you just wantto knowyou've booked the hotel that's right for you - at the bestpossibleprice. We saw the opportunity to do something about this.Sincethen we've been working hard to find you the besthoteldeals.How it worksOur technology cuts through availability and prices from all thetoptravel websites from around the world,,Expedia,, Agoda, Venere, LateRooms and manymore. In onequick and easy search, we show you only the informationyou want toknow and need to know. You'll find just what you'reafter and canbe sure you got the most out of your booking.Best price guaranteeWe also guarantee to find you the best hotel price. It's ourpromiseto you. If you find a cheaper rate after you've booked witha sitelisted on HotelsCombined, we'll refund you thedifference.Our teamWe're a global team with different backgrounds and interests.Whatunites us is an obsession to continually improve. We'reatechnology company and tech is at the core of everything we do.Weuse data and logic to drive our decisions, so we can focusonwhat's important. It's not all work though, we have fun alongtheway.