Top 17 Apps Similar to Montessori Campinas

Learn Montessori 123 numbers 1.0.4
Action-packed app that teaches kids numbers and essentialmathskills.
Montessori Helper 4.0
Welcome to MontessoriHelper. I have beenaMontessori teacher and school owner for many years and Ihaveworked with children of all ages. I have learnt the valueofMontessori for early childhood development and how importantthatbecomes in later years.I hope to be able to share some of this knowledge withyou,whether you are a Montessori School, Teacher, Parent, orapreschool wanting to implement Montessori Methods. Montessoricanbe used at home as well as in a formal environment, and Iwillshare some great lessons and presentations that you can dowithyour own children or in a school.In addition to MontessoriHelper’s Free Lessons, Materialsandarticles about the Montessori Method, at Montessorihelper wehaveover 250+ Montessori Lessons and Materials that you can viewanddownload online in an instant when you become a PremiumMember.
Montessori Math Challenge
A fun game to become faster at mental calculation
Montessori Words & Crosswords 2.1.0
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Montessori Phonics Reading Joy 2.0.0
This app is designed for Sweet littlekidswhounderstands phonics, alphabets, and short vowelphonics.Andstarted to read stories for short words on their own.They liketoread and enjoy rhyming stories with short vowelwords.This app is like a colourful multimedia interactivebook,whichallows kids to read on their own, with controloversentences,which can be read as well as tap & listen towords orstory.The UI is designed and optimised for little ones toengageand readfor hours. The text and story is designed fromvarious textbooksand learning from testing with many kids. This appbelievesandreinforces a strong montessori system of educationwherechildrennot only learns but explores on its own. Thepreschooltokindergarden kids would be delighted if they can read ontheirown.It acts as a reinforcement of their beliefsinthemselves.Provides 5 beautifully crafted short stories to engage andlearnthruvisual spatial techniques. Technology and education canbe awinningcombination and best teacher n its own rights.
Montessori Math: Add, Subtract
Designed by Montessori teachers andAwardwinning app developers, Montessori Math: Add & SubtractLargeNumbers presents an in-depth, step-by-step approach toAddition andSubtraction, with Montessori material.This app makes the concepts of “exchanging” (carrying/borrowing)soobvious that even adults will be surprised.It also presents fundamental Montessori materials: the stampgameand the bead frame.Features:- Our exclusive Dynamic Progression Algorithm to follow eachchild’sprogress individually.- 4 pre-determined levels.- Montessori color-coded place values to allow children toeasilyidentify thousands, hundreds, tens and units.- 3 activities to learn addition and subtraction : the stampgame,the bead frame and the magic slate.- 3 games to practice operations: Missing Digits, Wiz QuizandBubble Game.- A number range from 0 to 9,999.- A “Monster lab” for added fun and motivation.- “Advanced settings” containing even more options.- A detailed "Note to parents" explaining the pedagogy behindeachgame.- 15 languages.Recommended ages: From 6 to 9If you have questions or comments on our app, please email [email protected] WHAT'S INSIDEAs a MOMs with Apps member, we follow the "Know what's inside"bestpractices for kids’ apps.We take personal data protection very seriously. When usingourapp, your child will never come across:- advertising- in-apps- links to social networks- personal data requestEdoki Apps: http://edoki.netTwitter: @Edoki_appsFacebook: Edoki
Montessori Digital 1.1
Montessori Digital é um jogoeducativosdeMontessori infantil de forma geométrica dequebra-cabeçaparacriançasMontessori Digitalisaneducational game Montessori Children's geometric shapepuzzleforchildren
Montessori ABC Phonics 1.0
Rupal Mhawla
In today's schools, a common methodoflearningalphabets is through the phonics approach. Phonics isaway ofteaching a child to learn to recognize the sounds ofeachindividualletter. The fundamental principle of phonics is toblendsounds andletters which makes it easy for a child to learn toreadany newword by sounding it out.With rhythmic sounds and music, this app makesalphabetandphonics learning fun!!!An easy to use app with touch features that help achildeasilynavigate through pages.Special thanks to Shamsha Isani and Zeenia Charanifortheircontributions.
Alternative Montessori
Montessori educator, I createdtheassociation"Alternative Montessori" in Bordeaux (France) toofferMontessoriworkshops for children 0-4 years and their parentsbutalso foradults.I invite you to discover, through this application my sitesandmyvarious blogs, where you will find resources,suggestions,tutorials,a reflection of a new vision ofeducation. materials are available for download inseverallanguages​​(French, English, Swedish ...) :"OutilsPédagogiques" the paradigm of education.Adeline.
Montessori Cards Lite 1.0.5
Montessori Cards is designed withtheMontessoriMethod in mind.Your child will learn from the same cards as usedintheMontessori Method.We suggest that this Montessori Flashcard Application be usedasanextension to concrete learning lessons and materials(asareavailable at you have experienced the Free Version you canupgradetoreceive more Montessori Cards.The Full Version of Montessori Cards offers you accessto250+Montessori Flash Cards in the following subject areasHistory, Biology, Botany, Geography, The Arts,Sensorial,Science,Zoology, Maths, Music, Language- Pink Vowels- Types of dinosaurs- Parts of a bee- Parts of the body- Types of flowers- Maths shapes- Land and Water forms- Phases of the moon- Musical instruments- The Planets- Art Step 1 Level 1- Art Step 1 Level 2- Continents- North American countries- Colours- Parts of the skeleton- Types of vegetables- South American flags- Precious Stones- Types of wild cats
Montessori Read Play French 1.0.4
Dario Bersiga
Reading exercises in French followingtheMariaMontessori Methodology. Many schools are now usingthismethod andchildren of such schools use this type of exercisesforlearningreading.Each exercise displays an image. The user has toreadsentencesand select them if they correspond to the image. Theusercan thencheck if the sentences were correctly selected ornot.These exercises are adequate for children andadultslearningreading in French.Maria Montessori was a famous educator, who spentherlifedeveloping educational methods for children.
Kids Camp Montessori Nursery 6.0.44
NOTE: This application access is restricted to KidsCampMontessoriNursery students and parents. KeyFeatures:------------------ *Keeping you up to date on the KidsCampMontessori Nurseryannouncements. **About Kids CampMontessoriNursery** Kids CampMontessoriProfile:-------------------------------------------Kids CampMontessoriNursery is a purpose built nursery in FifthSettlementprovidingextensive outdoor play areas, qualityeducation andprofessionalcare Mission: ----------- Our mission isto empowerchildren byplacing them in a fun, child centeredmulti-ageenvironment thatpromotes their innatedesire to growsocially,emotionally,physically, and intellectually, with ahighly qualified,warm andnurturing teaching staff that gentlyguides them to becomeconfidentindividuals who respect themselves,each other and theworld aroundthem
ABC Montessori 2
ABC Montessori presentsofficialmobileapplication of the school through which parents canaccesscompleteinformation of their ward and remain in touch withtheschool.Theschool specially focuses in providing the bestcaretowards each& every student, and this app makes it possibleyetkeeping itsimple.Digital platform powered by Educare System.
Montessori Anneleri 3.0
Montessori metodu nedir?Kalıplaşmış klasik eğitim metodundan farklı olan metot herçocuközgürdür, kendi bireysel öğrenme hızına göre ilerleyebilir.Çocuğunbilişsel becerilerini geliştirmeye yönelikmateryallerkullanmasıyla öne çıkan bu yöntem, çocuk gelişiminde enönemlidönem olan 0-6 yaş arasında çocukların soyutkavramlarıöğrenebilmesi için somut materyallerin kullanılmasıesastır.Çocuklar ellerini kullanarak, materyaller sayesindeöğrenirler.Montessori eğitimi nedir?Çocuklara sağlanan olanaklar sayesinde, kendiseçimlerinineğitimcinin onları isteklendirmesinin yerine geçtiği,kendieylemleri sonucu hataların denetlenebildiği bir eğitimsistemidir.Montessori eğitimi, temelde kişiliğin oluşumu üzerindedurur.Her çocuğun özel ve farklı oluşundan yola çıkar. Çocuközgürdür,kendi bireysel öğrenme hızına göre ilerleyebilir.Özellikle çocukgelişiminde en önemli dönem olan 0-6 yaş arasıçocukların, soyutkavramları öğrenebilmesi için somut materyallerikullanılmasınadayanır. Çocuklar ellerini kullanarak, materyallersayesindeöğrenirler.Montessori eğitiminin ilkeleri nelerdir?• Çocuk, özeldir, tektir.• Kendine has bir varlıktır.• Çocuk etrafındaki maddesel dünyayı absorbe eder,gelecekteyetiştireceği kişi modelini biçimlendirir.• Çocuk, insanların mimarıdır. Bu mimarlar farkındaolmadaniçlerindeki inşa planına uyarak kendi ritimleridoğrultusundakendilerini geliştirmeye çalışırlar.• Bu gelişime yetişkinler etki edemezler, çünkü onlar inşaplanınıbilmezler. Ancak, bir yetişkinin zamansız müdahalesi ya buinşaplanını tahrip edebilir ya da yanlış biryöneyönlendirebilir.• Montessori eğitiminin temel taşlarından birisihazırlanmışçevredir. Çocuklar hazırlanmış çevredekiMontessorimateryallerinden, bireysel ilgi ve eğilimine görebağımsız olarakseçim yaparlar.• Montessori okullarında çocuklar, istediklerimateryalle,istedikleri zaman, istedikleri yerde çalışırlar.• Çocuklara istedikleri kadar tekrar etme imkanı sunulur.Erkenöğrenen yeni bir çalışmaya geçebilecektir, çünkü öğrenmedeherkesinfarklı bir ritmi vardır.• Materyallerdeki hata kontrolü çocuğun kendi hatasınıbulmasıylagerçekleşir. Başka birinden uyarıya, onaya ve düzeltmeyegerekkalmaz. Kendi kendisini düzeltmesine olanak sağlar.Böyleceyetişkinden bağımsızlaşmak doğal olarak gerçekleşir.Montessori eğitimi neyi amaçlar?Montessori yönteminin özü, çocuğa önceden hazırlanmış birçevredekendi kendini geliştirebileceği şekilde hareket vefaaliyetözgürlüğü tanımayı amaçlayan, kendi kendine oluşan vegelişen biryöntem ve sistem anlayışıdır.Çocuğa hazırlanmış bir çevrede, çocuğun kişiliğinioluşturmasıiçin özgürlük tanıyan, kişiliğinin gelişim sürecinidestekleyen,çocuğun kendi onuru içerisinde bireyselleşmesi vesosyalleşmesiniciddiye alan, bireye özgü adil bir eğitimdir.Montessori eğitimi çocuğa ne kazandırır?• Çocuk, kendi bireysel beceri ve ilgi alanında kendihızıylagelişir.• Dikkatini yoğunlaştırmayı öğrenir.• Çalışma isteğini ve zevkini geliştirir.• Üretken olur.• Toplumsal bir varlık olur.• Kaygılarını en doğru şekilde nasıl dışavurabileceğiniöğrenir.• Özgüvenini ve sorumluluk duygusunu geliştirir.• Disiplini içselleştirir.• Bir problemi nasıl tanımlayacağını ve onu çözmek içinnasılçalışılacağını öğrenir.• Kendisine ve başkalarına karşı saygı duyar.What is theMontessorimethod?The method is different from the stereotypical classicaltrainingmethod is free every child can progress according totheirindividual learning speed. Children highlights the use ofthismethod materials to improve cognitive skills in childdevelopmentis essential to use concrete materials to learn abstractconceptsof children between 0-6 years of age, the most importantperiod.Children using their hands, learn through materials.What is Montessori education?thanks to the amenities provided to children, the trainer oftheirchoice as a replacement of them motivation, is a trainingsystemthat allows for monitoring of errors a result of theiractions.Montessori education, focuses on the formation of thebasicpersonality.Each child is special and set off on the variance. Childrenarefree, it can proceed according to their individual learningspeed.In particular, the most important period in child developmentforchildren between 0-6 years of age, based on the use ofconcretematerials in order to learn abstract concepts. Childrenusing theirhands, they learn through materials.What are the principles of Montessori education?• The child is special, unique.• Idiosyncratic is an asset.• absorb the material world around the child, it forms themodelperson will grow in the future.• The child is the people's architect. These architects of theirownrhythms followed the plan to build in them without realizingtheytry to improve themselves.• They can not influence adults with this development, becausetheydo not know the construction plan. However, theuntimelyintervention of an adult or it can destroy the buildingplan ormisleading direction.• One of the cornerstones of the prepared environmentMontessorieducation. Children of the prepared environmentMontessorimaterials are made independently by the individualinterests andinclinations choice.• Children in Montessori schools, the materials they want, whentheywant, where they want to work.• it offered the chance to repeat as they want children. A newstudynow will be able to learn early, because everyone has adifferentrhythm of learning.• error control materials is carried out by children infindingtheir mistake. A warning from someone else, you do not needtocheck and fix. It allows the self-correcting. Thus liberatedfromadult to occur naturally.Montessori education is what purpose?The essence of the Montessori method, previously prepared inanenvironment aimed at children way to recognize freedom ofmovementand activity can improve self is self-forming anddeveloping amethod and system understanding.Children prepared environment, which allows for freedom tobuildthe child's personality, supporting the development ofpersonality,individualized to the child in his honor andsocializationseriously, it's a fair education specific to theindividual.What saves Montessori education to children?• The child develops at their own pace with their individualskillsand interests.• learns to focus his attention.• Develop the desire to study and enjoy.• be productive.• It is a social being.• Concerns learn how to hit the right way can be exported.• Develop a sense of confidence and responsibility.• internalize the discipline.• how to define a problem and learn how to work to solve it.• respects against him and others.
123 Kids Fun DESIGNER Game 1.52
Create an amazing autumn themed world with123Kids Fun Designer. We have collected tons of autumn treasuresforyou to create countless characters, animals and objects. 123KidsFun Designer will provide many hours of extremely creative fun.Use leaves and horse chestnut seeds to make a butterfly. Takeafew insects, rowan fruits, pebbles and walnuts and create ameadow.Why not create houses for gnomes with mushrooms, twigsandfeathers. The only limit is your imagination.Once you have finished creating your masterpiece, you canstoreit and re-edit it in your very own digital scrapbook or corkboardto keep and send to your friendsAdditionally, there are 100 puzzles and illustrationsforbeginners to spark your imagination.123 Kids Fun Designer is a great fun for the whole family.Withour app, children not only exercise their creative thinking,butdevelop their manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination.With 123 Kids Fun Designer the fun doesn’t stop withjustcreating pictures:• You can prepare a booklet.• Take pictures of your family, relatives or friends andcreateunique frames to print out later and give as gifts.• You can create a mini family tree, beautifully decorate itandprint it out to use for school projects or send to your friendsandfamily.• Adults and educators can prepare math tasks using numbersandchildren can enter answers using horse chestnut seedsoracorns.• Teachers can type letters of the alphabet in book pagesandchildren can create objects beginning with those letters.• And much, much more :)When you are done playing, take your loved ones for a walkandcollect autumn treasures. Use what you collect to recreate whatyouhave made with 123 Kids Fun Designer, or do somethingcompletelynew and then recreate it with our App. Hours and hours ofcreativefun guaranteed!Note and disclaimer:Some elements and illustrations in 123 Kids Fun Designeraremushrooms, and some of them are not safe for consumption.Neveringest mushrooms which you are not absolutely sure are safeforconsumption. The creators of this game are not liable for anyharmwhich may come as a result of handling or ingesting mushroomswhichare not safe for consumption.123 KIDS FUN™ APPS (Preschool and kindergartenlearninggames)123 Kids Fun Apps are a collection of Android Apps for Kids.Ourapps are entertaining, but more importantly, they teach at thesametime. We pride ourselves in creating fun, beautiful, welldesignedand easy to use apps.We share a passion for children, music, education, design,andplay. Our goal is to create the highest quality games fortoddlersand preschoolers for smartphones and tablets. We are proudto saythat we make fun and smart educational games that are notonlyeffective, but entertaining. We make games that let kidsexploreand discover, games where there are no wrong moves, butwhere theright move will reveal, reward, and teach.We love getting feedback from our users. If you have questionsorcomments, please send them to [email protected]
Ceria Montessori 1.3.6
Ceria Montessori provides your with the latest updates inoureducation centre. Besides, keep track with your child'swhereaboutsand attendance in the education centre.
Montessori Notes
Montessori Notes is a record keeping and planning app.