Top 17 Apps Similar to Telangana E-Challan Mobile App

"Hawk Eye - Telangana Police" 4.0.1-Release
To empower members of the public to become Citizen Police.
Traffic Sentinel 1.0.5
Traffic Sentinel scheme has beenlaunchedbyDelhi Traffic Police for empowering general publictoparticipatein better management of traffic on Delhi roads. Inthisscheme, anyperson can report traffic violation by capturingthephoto/video ofthe defaulting vehicle and send it through MobileAppof DelhiPolice. All such persons reporting violations willberewardedsuitably.The details of 11 types of traffic violations that canbereportedthrough the “Traffic Sentinel” Scheme alongwithcreditpoints foreach violation are as follows:-S. No. Type of Violation Mode of Reporting Reward Points1 Driving against the flow of Traffic Photo or Video 52 Yellow Line Violation Photo or Video 23 Parking on Footpath Photo or Video 14 Triple Riding Photo or Video 25 Defective Number Plate Photo or Video 16 Without Seat Belt Photo or Video 17 Without Helmet Rider/Pillion Rider Photo or Video 28 Stop Line Violation Photo or Video 19 Red Light Jumping Video only 310 Dangerous/Zig Zag Driving Video only 311 Using Mobile Phone while Driving Video only 2
Delhi Police …One Touch Away 2.1.5
This Application brings us one step closer to ourPolicedepartmentand hence named as “Delhi Police …One Touch Away”.Itcaters allthe police related apps interface to the generalpublicon a singletouch. Developed for mobile platforms to easepublicuse. It hasbeen developed keeping in mind the needs of theinternalPolicedepartment as well as the public. People might notalways beawareof the governments already existing Apps and sitesthereforethisApp provides them with this interface to puttheirgrievancesforward. Also police department can notifypublicregarding anyplans, actions or law. Features:- • This App isuserfriendly andease to adapt. • Provides contact numbers of alltheDelhi PoliceOfficers to the public. • Police can sendnotificationto Publicand within the Department through this app. •It providesall theimportant helpline numbers to the public requiredin case ofanyemergency. • It gives shortcut to all the websites andAppsrelatedto Delhi Police. • It provides reference to Laws&Actsinformation to the Police Department. • Public cansharetheirpictures and videos with their latitude andlongitudethroughvarious social networks.
Abhayam AP 1.6
Note: To Switch On & Switch off panicyouneed to press the same "PANIC" button.An initiative by Andhra Pradesh Police for providingbetteremergency service response system to their citizensAbhayam application/ is amobileapplication, which empowers citizens to have the power toprotectthemselves at a click of button (SoS / Panic). Notificationwill tobe sent to near and dear one and the police.There is a stealth mode where the user does not need to opentheapp, but just the click the power button 5 times. The appwouldautomatically send the Panic notifications to the police andtheirnear and dear ones.The app works both on smart and non-smart basic phones.Key essential services• Instant, smart communication between the Citizens andthePolice• Empowering the police force to reduce response times• Instant reporting of incidents for smart responses• Monitoring Response times and identifying incident patternsforpredictivemanagement of the emergency workforce.• It attempts to make the state a significantly saferplaceempowering the security services and the citizens at thesametime.Important features of Abhayam:1) Panic: This feature enables the user to alert thepolice(Police Control Room) with necessary information that theywouldrequire for taking swift and agile actions by the police whentheyare in vulnerable situations. We have even provide VoiceRecordingfor 10 seconds would be picked up when a user presses‘PANIC’.2) Missed Call Service: This can be availed by bothnon-smartphone and smart phone. For all the non-smart phones thismissedcall number (040-71011800) has to be configured on any one oftheirbuttons using speed dial option. But with regards smartphonethisfeature becomes active at the click of the PANIC button whenthereis no internet available on their phones at that minuteintime.3) iReport: This allows the witnesses/passer-by to reportanincident either by taking a photograph, video, voicerecording,simple a text and send the evidence to the police (PoliceControlRoom). This is mainly focussed on ensuring participationofcitizens, the reporting mobile number and the identity oftheperson can continue to be anonymous.4) Safe Places: This is a unique feature which will helpstheusers to identify safes places within 2Km radius. A route tofromthe current place to the selected place is shown.5) Travel Tracker: This allows the citizens to be proactiveandensure their safety by voluntarily allowing them to be trackedbytheir guardians. The USP of this feature is that user cantakepicture, give destination address and select the list ofbenefactorthat user would like to send. And once the request isreceived, thebenefactors can track the user, to check if user isgoing in thedirection of the destination address or any otherroute.The launch of this Mobile App is for the entire state ofAndhraPradesh, with this you can reach police at a click of abutton.‘Abhayam’ has been conceptualized, developed and designed byM/sLogicshore Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, a subsidiary of SKMLInfoTechnologies & Services Ltd, Vishakhapatnam intechnicalassociation with Delsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Suggestions and improvements can be shared with us to improvetheservices to the citizens at or [email protected]
Traffic Buddy : Hyd-Cyberabad 1.0
Naya Labs
Public Eye: CrowdsourceMonitoringandEnforcement service. Public can report anytrafficrelatedincidents to the police authority and appropriateaction istakenby the police department.Safe Cab: Review your rides and see reviews by othersaboutthecab. Bringing Transparency -Accountability - Safetye-Challan alerts & reminders : With Traffic Buddyyoucancheck your traffic e-challans & get notified ofanynew/pendingtraffic e-challans on your vehicle.Nearby Police Stations : Traffic Buddy shows youthenearestpolice station based on your current location &alltheimportant phone numbers are always at your finger tips.Traffic Alerts : Traffic Buddy notifies you on anytrafficalerts,parking spaces on events, road disclousers etc..Outer Ring Road: Rules enforced on outer ring road&helplinesat your finge tips.Traffic Buddy: Official Traffic app ofCyberabad&Hyderabad.
4th Lion 3.7
4th Lion (Vijayawada Police Citizen Services)MobileApplicationenables citizens of the Vijayawada PoliceJurisdictionto receivevarious Safety, Security and Public services.You canavail variousPolice services through mobile phone. Itenables SmartPolice –Citizen Interactions. Vijayawada Police choseEmpoveri-Tech Pvt.LTD, Hyderabad, as their IT Partner to automatetheseservices. Theefforts to improvise and add new serviceswillcontinue. Thank youfor choosing to use 4th Lion. It’s likehaving aPoliceman in yourmobile.
Telangana Roller 1.2
Hari K
This App is made for the people of Telanganatostay connected with the Governance, current affairs, and historyofTelangana State. The features provided in the App includeseasyaccess to the important websites such as Government,Tourism,public service, culture, newspapers, and TV channels.
Instant Aadhaar Card 1.8.5
What is Aadhaar?Aadhaar, which means "foundation" in many Indian languages, istheterm for the unique identity number issued by the UIDAI.Noresident can have a duplicate number since it is linked totheirindividual biometrics; thereby identifying fake andghostidentities which result in leakages today. Savings fromeliminatingduplicates and fakes through Aadhaar-basedidentification willfurther enable governments to expand benefits toother eligibleresidents.It is a 12 digit individual identification number issued bytheUnique Identification Authority of India on behalf oftheGovernment of India.This number will serve as a proof of identity andaddress,anywhere in India. Aadhaar letter received via India Postande-Aadhaar downloaded from UIDAI website are equally valid.Features:- Instant Download/Update/Search.- Direct Download No Website Linking.- Check your Aadhaar status.- Update your Aadhaar Data.- Find your Aadhaar card.- Locate Enrollment Center.- Book an appointment.
Muslim Matrimony - Nikah App 8.5
The Matrimony App for Muslims worldwide - by
The Hyderabad City Police "Mobile App"for"Work Force Management System" so as to empower thePolicePersonnel of all ranks of Hyderabad City Police to uploadthedetails of work performed by them online on a daily basisthroughtheir Mobile devices in addition to Leave management etc.,Thiswill also enable the Police Personnel to access all reportsonlinein their Mobile Phone Devices in relation to PoliceworkforceManagement System.The objectives of Police Work Force Management System:The powerful features of the Workforce Management System helptoachieve the end goals as: Workforce Daily Activity Reporting Workforce Leave Management Department Orders Management Workforce Transfer Management MIS and Dashboard Mobile App Support for Daily Activity Reporting Central Workforce Service Database Police Business Process Automation Ability to manage the personal details of every employee inthecentral database where Employee Personal, Service andPerformanceTrack details are maintained and tracked Every Business Process in each wing is defined in the systemwhereeach employee tasks are maintained and regularlytracked The Time (Hours) spent on every task performed by the employeeisrecorded on a daily basis through Mobile App and is trackedthroughdashboard. Mobile interface has been provided to log the work done andhoursspent from their respective work places to avoid coming totheoffice to perform the same. Daily Progress Report (DPR) in terms of Key PerformanceIndicators(KPIs) is generated on a daily basis based on the dataentry loggedby the employees of all wings. Every employee Leaves are maintained and approved throughtheSystem for easy tracking and monitoring. All the Department Orders as part of decision making processisgenerated, approved and circulated through the system. Through the Service Record details of every employee, ananalysisis made for “Due for Transfer” cases based onpre-definedalgorithm. The Transfer Orders are generated based onthe aforesaidanalysis and executed through the system. Dashboard and MIS are designed to provide critical informationtotrack the employee productivity and helps improving theCitizenservices and identify the areas for improvement.The benefits of Work Force Management System:The launch of “Police Workforce Management System” willfacilitatethe 12,000 odd workforce in efficient ServiceDelivery.It helps the Police department to: Enhance Employee and Workforce Productivity throughTransparencyand Accountability Track and Deliver the high quality Services to the Citizen Analyze and Build Competencies for “Do Right First Time” Reinforce the Continual Process Improvements Helps in generating various reports, Key PerformanceReports(KPIs) for all wings and branches of Hyderabad CityPolice
GPS Phone Tracker & Mileage Tracker 21.3.1
GPS Does It All This handy, easy-to-use app leverages thelatestGPStechnology to help you track safe driving behavior, andall ofyourtrips.
Sagayam 2016 1.7
Sagayam passed the civilserviceexamination,but was not chosen as an officer in theIndianAdministrativeService (IAS). He then took the Tamil NaduPublicServiceCommission exams; this allowed him to join the IAS in1991as subdivisional magistrate of the city of Ootacamund, a.k.a.Ooty.InOoty, Sagayam became embroiled in a dispute withthedistrictcollector, whom he accused of favoritism towardtheoperators oflarge tea estates. Sagayam was relieved of his postandtransferredto another.By 2000, Sagayam was additional districtmagistrateinKanchipuram. There, he closed the Pepsi bottling plantandforbadethe sale of its output after dirt was found inseveralbottles. Healso took on the so-called "sand mafia",responsibleforunauthorized mining of sand from the bed of the PalarRiver,apractice that increases erosion and the incidenceofflooding.Sagayam ordered a halt to dredging, and declinedtorescind hisorder despite threats of physical violence.By 2009, Sagayam had been named district collector oftheNamakkaldistrict. In that year, he posted details of hispersonalassets—abank balance of Rs 7,172 and a house in Madurai,jointlyowned withhis wife, worth Rs 9 lakh (Rs 900,000)—on thedistrictwebsite.Although this information was on file with thegovernmentand thusavailable for public perusal, Sagayam said, hefelt thatit should bemade more visible to the public. In aninterview withthe DeccanHerald, he stated that the districtcollector should setan exampleof honesty for his subordinates, andthat actions likehis might tendto rehabilitate the tarnished imageof civilservants. Sagayam wasthe first IAS officer in Tamil Nadutopublicize his financialinformationIn Namakkal, Sagayam attempted to reformthevillageadministrative officer (VAO) system. He pursued VAOswholived incities, far away from the villages that they werechargedwithoverseeing. When VAOs and local politicians attemptedtohaveSagayam transferred, over 5000 villagers protestedthetransferattempt, forcing its withdrawal.
KCR - The Leader 4.4
Versatile Mobitech Pvt Ltd. proudly launchingaone stop app – KCR – The leader, one among the many upcoming appsonfamous persons who are role models and leaders in theirarea.This app enables Fans and Followers to follow their role modelmoreclosely through News, Photo Gallery, Videos, MP3 songs andeBooks.We are collaborating with leading News Providers to getyouround-the-clock news about your leader.The app contains the below features** that differentiatefromregular apps:- Comments – Users can share their views on the contentpublishedthrough comments- Opinion poll – Frequent polls will be published to capturethenerve of the publicRoll out the Complaint Box feature and updated with the New3features with regular Alerts for each post to your mobile...1) Govt JOB Notifications2) Govt Schemes3) Govt InitiativesWe are providing the information that how to avail thegovtschemes
Commissariatodips online 1.1
Con la nuova app della Polizia Postale edelleComunicazioni puoi segnalare illeciti sul web, esseresempreaggiornato sulle nuove tecnologie e sui fenomeni delmomento,navigare in sicurezza con consigli utili.Visita le nostre quattro sezioni:Informati – Leggi le ultime notizie sui reati telematici.Contattaci- Segnalaci contenuti illeciti sul web erichiediinformazioni.Di la tua – Partecipa ai nostri sondaggi per migliorare ilnostroservizio.Mettiti alla prova - Testa il tuo livello di“evoluzionetecnologica” attraverso il nostro quiz.With the new app ofthePostal and Communications Police can report illegal on the web,beup to date on new technologies and on the phenomena of themoment,sail safely with helpful advice.Visit our four sections:Informed - Read the latest news on cybercrime.Contattaci- Tell illegal content on the web andrequestinformation.Of your - Take part in our surveys to improve our service.Test yourself - Test your level of "technologicalevolution"through our quiz.
Pinterest is full of possibilities todesignyour life. Discover recipes, style inspiration, projects foryourhome and other ideas to try.Just some of the things you can do with Pinterest:• Find everyday ideas you love—what to make for dinner, what toputon your walls, what to wear and more ideas for every part ofyourlife.• Save ideas for later—organize ideas by topic, so they’realwayseasy to find.• Search by keyword or with your camera—discover ideas inspiredbyanything you point the Pinterest camera at.• Collaborate with friends—save ideas together for your nextgrouptrip, party or project.• Save ideas you find around the web—just use the Pinterest’sSavebutton on your mobile browser.
Unlimited Texting, Calling App 6.2.5
Second phone number for phone calls & texts. Text & SMSmenow with a 2nd number