Top 11 Apps Similar to 北市停車快搜

iTaipei Parking
“iTaipei Parking”, to provide the instant parking informationofTaipei City.
停車大聲公 7.15.2
★ Re-elected Google Play selected apps to help you quickly findthenearest and cheapest parking space around you; Taiwan’s limitednewfeature "Buy Phone Payment" allows you to enjoy the pleasureofpaying in half a minute!
停車ParkingLuck  - 三秒找到停車位 1.0.19
操作最直覺的設計與路線規劃. 可以說是最好的停車app.馬上讓你知道附近的即時車位,不用再東繞西繞, 也不用再大排長龍, 省時又省油!只要有ParkingLuck, 停車不再需要碰運氣.目前包含台北新北市的公有停車場資料, 其他縣市陸續加入中.不在app內的停車場也可以mail給我們喔~立馬新增上去![email protected] design andoperationof the most intuitive route planning can be said to be thebestparking app. Immediately let you know immediately nearbyparkingspaces around the East West no longer around, but also donot havelong queues, save time and fuel!As long as there ParkingLuck, parking is no longerneededluck.Taipei, New Taipei City currently contains information onpublicparking lot, other counties have joined in.Parking is not within the app can also mail us immediately [email protected]
信用卡停車免費(台灣聯通、嘟嘟房、便利、福慧網、詮營、叭叭房 4.2
悠停車 uParking-2213-P1010823
在擁擠的台北市裡,找停車位再也不碰運氣問題了,現在多了「CTX-uParking悠停車」便利軟體,找停車位再也不是一項難題。別再浪費時間找停車位!趕快下載「CTX-uParking悠停車」,讓你零時差,快速找到停車位!軟體特色:* 提供台北市公有停車場或部分民營停車場即時資訊* 顯示停車場詳細地理位置* 提供完整資訊停車場營業時間、電話、收費資訊、剩餘車位* 包含汽車停車位與機車停車位* 路線規劃功能,可依開車、大眾運輸、步行等多種方式讓您準確地到達您想要的停車場* 無須輸入任何文字,一打開介面,主動定位搜尋您鄰近範圍內的停車場* 搜尋範圍可依您的需求拉大或縮小範圍 (可搜尋至五千公里範圍內)資料來源:台北市停車場管理處資訊,所有資料僅供參考,若任何資料有誤請以現場停車管理處為準
My Toyota 6.0.15
The exclusive APP for TOYOTA car owners, with a brand-newdigitalservice experience, will help you master the big and smallthingsof driving life!
Free parking 1.8.1
★ Free Parking ★ is a useful mobile app which helps you tofindthenearest free or cheapest parking spot around you oratspecificaddress ! Thanks to the contribution of thousandsusers,find freeparkings around the world and save your time andyourmoney ! ☆Available features : - Search all parking spaces nearaspecificaddress - Report a car parking that is missing - Reportanerrorconcerning a parking lot - Find and navigate to a freepark-Automatic refresh of the parking places - Simpleandintuitiveinterface - Save a parking as favorite - Save anylocationon themap ☆ Coming soon: - Disabled parking locator - Andmore ! ☆Freeparks in the big cities : Beijing, Berlin, Cairo,Canton,Delhi,Istanbul, Jerusalem, Kinshasa, Lagos, London, LosAngeles,MexicoCity, Moscow, New York, Paris, San Fransico,SaintPetersburg, SaoPaulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo, etc. Enjoy ! ★ ★★ ★★ If you likethis application, you can click on the +1 buttonaboveand give usa 5 stars rating ;) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ About permissions :Weneed yourlocation to display nearest parkings around you. Weneedaninternet connection to load the parkings. Note that it’saparkingapp whose data is based on the community. You may notbeable tosee any parking around you because the community aroundyouis notaware of OSM. You can contribute by reporting alltheparkings thatyou found around you. Map data: © OpenStreetMapandcontributors.No personal information will never be stolen fromyouin our apps.☆ Summary : Find any car spots for free, saveyourfavorite parkingor save your car position and add new parkingsonthe map easilywith this app.
我要停車 1.2
Lexus Plus - 愛車秘書, 預約回廠,高爾夫 5.1.2
The new version of Lexus Plus App is launched, providing you withamore convenient user interface and inviting you to downloadandexperience!
台北捷運Go 1.5.82
The "Taipei MRT Go" APP is newly revised and seamlesslyintegrateswith traffic information. It provides Taojie, Gaojie,High Speed​​Rail, Taiwan Railway, Maokong Gondola web pages andYouBike,Taipei Haoxing APP download interface, etc., allowing youtoarrange your itinerary more smoothly in advance .
兩廳院停車系統-停車好查詢 1.02
台北市兩廳院停車系統,即時雲端查訊愛車的動態位置資訊 歐特儀製作Taipei City Hallcourtyardtwo parking system, real-time cloud inquiry car's dynamiclocationinformation Ott Fabrication