Top 17 Apps Similar to гороскоп 2016

Daily Horoscope 2023 Astrology
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Free horoscopes for any zodiac sign, Forecast for 2019 in app!
Гороскоп 2016 от экстрасенсов 2.26.5
Издание для каждого, кого интересует будущее.Внем вы можете найти ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы. Нашгороскопнезаменим тогда, когда нужно избежать ошибок, найти подходклюбимому человеку, понять, как привлечь Фортуну на свою сторону.- Прогноз на предстоящий год для знаковвосточногогороскопа- Советы о том, как и в чём встречать новый год- Энергия денег - как её привлечь- Астрологический прогноз и неожиданные сюрпризы для каждогоиззнаков Зодиака- Любовный гороскоп на 2016 годThe edition for anyonewhois interested in the future. There you can find answers toyourquestions. Our horoscope is indispensable when you need toavoidmistakes, to reach out to your loved one, to understand howtoattract Fortune on his side.- The forecast for the coming year for the Eastern Zodiac- Tips on how and what to celebrate New Year- The energy of money - how to attract her- Astrological forecast and surprises for each of thezodiacsigns- Love horoscope for 2016
Гороскоп 2023. Horoscoppy 3.6.5
Horoscope for a skin day, for a river and a characteristic ofthesigns of the zodiac
Ежедневный гороскоп
Farit Galiev
Daily horoscope, horoscope for 2022, horoscope for a week
Personal daily horoscope 2023 1.4.2
VRG soft
Personal horoscope for every day 2023
Daily Horoscope Love and Money 9.1.0
Helps to keep hope, build love and make money. Or have a funwithcup of coffee.
Horoscope & Tarot 2017 Free 1.1.0
The best selection of Horoscopes &TarotCards 2017 in english ... TOTALLY FREE!This Horoscope & Tarot app is a free app for Android(version2.3+) that lets you know your daily horoscope in english.Want toknow how it will go love (romance), health, luck, money andwork(career)? Will 2017 be a good year? How you will end in2017?Horoscopes & Tarot Find out!Download now Horoscope & Tarot for free and discover whatthefuture has in store for you in love / romance, health, money,luckand family. Works with all zodiac signs!ALL HOROSCOPES TO HANDRead your daily horoscope is certainly a great way to start theday.Free access to your daily horoscope 2017 english and seeksalso to afriend, relative, colleague or partner (relationship).Astrology isyour ally.Types of horoscopes: Chinese, Celtic, daily horoscope,weekly,monthly, etc.Compatible Zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo,Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, AquariusandPisces.TAROT CARDSTarot cards can help you explain a situation and anticipateeventsthat may come.FEATURES OF HOROSCOPE & TAROT APP★ made by Astrologers Horoscopes / Tarot experts with over 25yearsexperience. Experts in astrology and predictions of loveandrelationships, health, money and family. Want to know yourlovehoroscope for today or tomorrow?★ Share your daily horoscope 2017 with your friends and familyonFacebook, Twitter, Google+, WhatsApp, Line, etc.★ Get your unique and personalized daily horoscope predictionas100% configurable PUSH notification from the app.★ Horoscope & Tarot has a friendly design and a veryusableinterface. Anyone can use it!★ 100% FREE App. Know your daily horoscope (for 2017 and beyond)inenglish without paying anything at all!★ All zodiac signs are covered in this application: Aries,Taurus,Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius, Pisces♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️ ⛎ 🔯Horoscopes & Tarot (with english predictions for 2017) isthebest app of astrology and futurology on Google Play! What areyouwaiting for download on your smartphone or tablet?
My Daily Horoscope 1.1
Techy Talk
My Daily Horoscope will predict about yournearfuture and it tells you what is going to happen with you.Itbasically reveal what the stars are upto. So if you want toknowabout your future we will recommend that you download this freeappand start seeing your horoscope totally free. And plan yourmovesand take your steps according to the prediction based on yourstarwithout any cost it is available for all signs of Zodiac.Once you Download this app then choose your zodiac sign Like(Aries,Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces), and then you will beable to receiveNotification on daily basis. As stars moves so doesyour prediction.All signs of zodiac:♈ Aries♉ Taurus♊ Gemini♋ Cancer♌ Leo♍ Virgo♎ Libra♏ Scorpio♐ Sagittarius♑ Capricorn♒ Aquarius♓ PiscesIf you want your year 2016 better than last year then followtheinstructions. Sometimes we do skip little things in our livesandthat makes a huge impact on our lives after some years. Soitsbetter to take good steps instead of weeping.So check your horoscope and be prepared for tomorrow and youcanalso check your friends Horoscope and notify them if there isanydifficulty coming towards them.You can share your Today’s Horoscope on Social Media Networksandlet people know what your star thinks about yourself. May betheystart sharing there too and you find some common interestthatbenefit you both. You can get your match couplethroughzodiac.With Astro guide We hope a better future is waiting for you .Send us your comments, feedback and what you want us to addmorefeatures.Thank you.
Aquarius Horoscope Daily
Discover what the future holds for Aquarius
Гороскоп 2016 0.1
Каждый человек в мире, любого полаирасы,читает гороскоп. Так почему же не установитьнашеприложение"Гороскоп на сегодня" и быть всегда вкурсесегодняшнеголичногогороскопа. На данный момент в нашем приложениеестьгороскопы длявсех знаков зодиака, а именно:♈ Овен♉ Телец♊ Близнецы♋ Рак♌ Лев♍ Дева♎ Весы♏ Скорпион♐ Стрелец♑ Козерог♒ Водолей♓ РыбыНо в следующей версии мы постараемся так же добавитьивосточныйгороскоп. На данный момент в нашем штабе работают4ведущихастролога, которые ежедневно обновляют для вас гороскопнакаждыйиз представленных знаков зодиака. Так же мы добавилидляВашегоудобства гороскоп 2016, в котором вы найдететакиекатегории:-Любовный горосокоп 2016-Бизнес гороскоп 2016-Семейный гороскоп 2016.Everyone in theworld,ofany gender and race, horoscope reading. So why not installourapp"Horoscope for today," and always be vkursepersonalhoroscopetoday. Currently there are horoscopes for allsigns of thezodiacin our application, namely:♈ Aries♉ Taurus♊ Twins♋ Cancer♌ Leo♍ Virgo♎ Scales♏ Scorpio♐ Sagittarius♑ Capricorn♒ Aquarius♓ FishBut in the next version we will also add the easternhoroscope.Atthe moment, our headquarters are 4 leading astrologerthat isupdateddaily for your horoscope for each zodiac signsrepresented.Also, wehave added for your convenience horoscope 2016where youwill findthese categories:-Lyubovny Gorosokop 2016-Business Horoscope 2016-Family Horoscope 2016.
Daily Horoscope 2017 FREE 2.0.0
Daily Horoscope 2017 is the first andonlyfreeapplication for Android (2.3+) that lets you know ingreatdetailand in english in your daily horoscope andyourenvironment(friends, family, etc.) in the most convenient,fast,simple andsafe. Do you have doubts or questions about love,health,money,luck or (job)? Do you trust the stars and fate? Howwill theyear2017? Listen to horoscopes and tarot!Best APP Horoscope 2017 english for Android devices!♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️⛎🔯Cool Features Daily Horoscope 2017:★ access your horoscope daily FREE: Love, Health, Family,luckandmoney. Search also horoscope your friends, family,colleaguesorpartner. Same goes for lovers: P★ Discover the daily prediction in perfect Castilian forallzodiacsigns: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.Horoscope Allpower inthe palm of your hand!★ without error Calculate zodiac sign from a specificbirthdate:year, month and day. Great app!★ Watch videos and Astrologers / Tarot experts with over 30yearsofexperience and a great reputation in the industrypredictions.Realexperts in astrology and predictions of love,health, moneyandfamily. Do not you want to know your horoscope fortodayortomorrow? Sure!★ Share your magic daily love horoscope predictionwithfriends,colleagues and family on Facebook, Twitter,Google+,WhatsApp,Line, etc. Share your destiny!★ Get your unique and personalized daily horoscope predictionas100%configurable PUSH notification from the app.★ App with friendly and very usable interface design. FREE2017DailyHoroscope complete and easy to use.★ App compatible with all models of smartphone andtabletAndroidfrom version 2.3 to the latest (4, 5, etc.).★ App 100% FREE without in-app purchases of any kind. Knowyourdailyhoroscope FREE without paying anything at all!What are you waiting to download the application?DiscoverwhatLady Luck has prepared for you and yours!Health, money, love, luck and WORK♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️⛎🔯*** Will I meet someone special today? Has anyone madlyinlovewith me? Is everything all right in my relationship? WhenwillIfind the love of my life? It'll be soon? Can someone tellmemylove horoscope? for couples?*** Is it a good day today? Will it happen something outoftheordinary? Should I be prepared for something important isgoingtohappen?*** I will play the EuroMillions? I'm gonna get lucky? DidIhitthe lottery Christmas 2017?*** Will I find work? Will I ascend to my job, or not? WillIgetpromoted and get paid more money?DOWNLOAD NOW Horoscope 2017 FREE day and discover whatthestarsand gods have prepared for you in relation to what youcareaboutmost: love, health, money, luck and family. You're goingtoloveit!IMPORTANT NOTES:- This free app horoscopes in english unrelated toRappel,SandroKing, The Witch / witch Lola, Aramis Fuster or anyfuturistortarot expert.- Soon we will update the app with all the info for2017Dailyhoroscope: love, health, job, luck- Zodiac signs supported: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, AquariusandPisces“The best Horoscope app on Google Play”
Sun Signs Horoscopes 1.37 presents 2017, 2018 yearly, daily horoscopesforall sun signs
Horoscope, birth chart, tarot Daily horoscope 2.1
Daily horoscope, birth chart, compatibility, tarot, lovecalculatorand more
Oroscopo 2016 1.0
L'app Oroscopo 2016 ti svelal'oroscopodell'anno 2016.Ogni segno zodiacale ha l'oroscopo che lo accompagnerà pertuttol'anno.Oroscopo 2016 contiene anche un calendario con anniversariedeclissi solari e lunari che ci saranno durante il 2016.Non aspettare scopri il tuo Oroscopo!The app Horoscope2016will reveal the horoscope of the year 2016.Each zodiac sign has the horoscope that will accompanyhimthroughout the year.Horoscope 2016 also contains a calendar with anniversaries andsolarand lunar eclipses that will be awarded in 2016.Do not wait find out your horoscope!
Astro Guru: Astrology, Daily H 3.7.8
Palm Reader, Daily Horoscope, Astrology, Tarot & Fortune Teller
Horoscope for you. Horoscoppy 2.3
Alina Bondar
Exhaustive daily horoscopes for today,weeklyhoroscopes, monthly horoscopes and yearly.Daily reminders for daily horoscope that you can setupinsettings.Compatibility of zodiac signs and complete informationforyou.