Top 24 Apps Similar to Mahjong Master: competition

星雲歡樂城-麻將老虎機合集 1.0.46
Join the club to experience more exclusive chess and card games
Taiwan Mahjong Tycoon 2.0.6
The first MMO Mahjong RPG with wonderful story plots! Morethanathousand years after the war between gods and demons,threenewracial forces, the Federation, the Alliance and theEmpireappearedin the Dragon Continent. The shadow of war and strifeonceagainenveloped this continent, until the emergence of thehumanlegend,Morgan Tycoon, and his twelve disciples ... They builtasuper citynamed "Tycoon" in the oceanic central islands, theonlypeacefulshrine on the chaotic Dragon Continent! Now thatMorganTycoon isgetting old, he decides to choose a successor forhimselfandTycoon City. And as a descendant of the formertwelvedisciples,you shoulder the mission of recreating the formergloryof yourfamily. Therefore, accept the test of the twelvedisciplesset byMorgan Tycoon and win the status of successor!Recruitcompanionsfrom five races, set up your own studio, open yourshopsand getsponsored, have pets and forge equipment, learnthenecessary lifeskills ... Finally, take the first place intheMahjongcompetitions! Recruit companions from five races Inthebattlefight for the status of successor, your companions maycomefromthe Human race that pursues the power of technology,theFantasyrace that believes in magic and bloodline power, theVoidrace withcool Mecha shape, and even the powerful ancient races,GodandDemon! Build your business empire Start with a smallstudio,openyour first shop, and then gradually implement yourbusinessplan.If you don’t have enough funds, go and get sponsored,yourgoal isto become the richest man in Tycoon City! Winthemahjongchampionship Mahjong is the most popular entertainmentinTycoonCity, even has become the way to resolve people'sdisputes.Thereare various mahjong competitions in Tycoon City. Andwinningthechampionship of the mahjong competition organized byMorganTycoon,is part of the test of the twelve disciples! Inaddition,learningto collect resources and materials, and thenprocessingthem intoadvanced items such as equipment, capturing andraisingpets, willgreatly enhance your competitiveness in TycoonCity aswell! If youencounter any problems in the game, pleasecontact usvia Facebookor our customer service email:[email protected]. Thisgame is foradults only and does not provideopportunities for cashgambling orwinning cash. When you start touse this software, itmeans thatyou accept the terms of this game,and trust us in theprocessingof your personal information.
無雙名將傳- 真三國策略遊戲 1.0.5
Games SOUL
經典傳承,只為主公的統一霸業。耗時打造,經歷時間打磨,更新換代,遊戲以最優的設計呈現給主公,拒絕簡單粗暴的遊戲體驗,有趣的將領養成體系,經典卡牌對戰系統,隨意的武將組合設定,新穎的城池攻占模式,為您呈現引人入勝的遊戲體驗,營造一個調兵遣將,揮斥方遒的三國世界。【遊戲特色】==經典三國熱門英雄==英雄高度還原真三國人物,匠心打造華麗服飾,炫酷裝備,極限視覺。高概率招募系統,呂布趙雲典韋、大喬小喬貂蟬,豪傑將領統統納入麾下。==上古神獸,霸氣坐騎==龍鳳呈祥,傳奇麒麟,遊戲坐騎模擬上古神獸,給你超乎傳奇的遊戲體驗。神獸養成,作戰沙場,百變套路,吞併敵對勢力,奪取天下。==超強副本,極致體驗==三國戰場副本,休閒挂機闖關,解放雙手,輕鬆升級,關卡持續更新,其樂無窮。通關解鎖,一路收納武將,中原征戰,擴展宏圖。==挂機策略,輕鬆升級==經典的挂機模式,上陣英雄策略搭配,攻城略地,指點江山。輕鬆升級,收集將魂,裝備武將,在這裡,主公就是國之依杖。FB官方粉絲團:聯繫客服→※本遊戲已適配所有設備,如進入遊戲報錯,請聯繫客服協助處理。※本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內提供付費商品,請依個人情況進行適度消費。 ※請注意遊戲時間,長時間進行遊戲,容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動。
Mahjong 3P - 3 Player Mahjong 1.6.35
*** Voted Top Singapore Hit Game bySingaporeDigital Life ******* The #1 Mahjong Game in South East Asia! with Million ofplayers!****=======================================================The Best Game for Mahjong beginnners!Mahjong 3P is a Three Player Mahjong that is characterised byitssimplicity, fast pace and high stakes. On average it takeslessthan 3 minutes to complete one game!This Three Players Mah-jongg is an adaptation of the ThreePlayersMah-jong that is commonly played in South East Asia.Conventional Rules of Winning and Counting Points still applyexceptfor the following changes:1. There are only Stones("Tong"), Honor/Dragon Cards, Winds,Flowersand Joker("飛") cards.2. Joker("飛") can combine with any cards to PONG, or it canbediscarded as a Flower to add 1 FAN to your point. But youcannothave 2 PONGs of the same type with the Joker.3. Unlike conventional rule, There are no restrictions in M3P,soeven after you discarded, you can still PONG/CHOW the samecardwithin the same round.4. You can game more than 10 FANs in M3P and the winningsmultiplywhen your win exceed 9 fans, which makes the stakesevenhigher.10 - 19 FANs = Winning x 320 - 29 FANs = Winning x 630 - 39 FANs = Winning x 940 and above FANs = Winning x 125. KONG, besides being able to receive payout from other users,theWinning of the game (regardless who is the winner) willbemultipled according to the number of KONGs1 KONG = Winning x 22 KONG = Winning x 43 KONG = Winning x 84 KONG = Winning x 165 KONG = Winning x 32, so on and so forth.6. Chip Multiplier, at higher lobby, you will have a chancetoincrease the stake by using gems to activate ChipMultiplier.Chip Multipler comes in x2, x3, x4 and x5, and it multipliestheWinning of the one who activated the Chip Multiplier. It willnotmultiply when you lose unless the Winner also activated theChipMultiplier.For more info and help goto: test younetworkconnectivity: you should have <100ms for connection togameserver
戰國傳奇【熱血武俠救國】 1.0.9
Maggie Game
三國Revolution 1.8.13
東漢末年,群雄割據。 有志之士,擇木而棲。 三分天下,誰是明主?號召群英,秣馬厲兵!亂世奸雄,救世能臣,這一次,你說了算!【遊戲特色】在真實重現的三國世界中,體驗山水如畫的美景、策馬奔騰的聲勢。百位三國名將盡收囊中,開創屬於你的三國志業!※超震撼視覺饗宴 渲染水墨畫風大世界,超過九十座大小城池, 全3D視角恢弘戰役場景,打造極致新體驗,邀你征服與眾不同的三國霸王之業!※ 欲攘外必先安內透過國家政務、軍團駐紮,封地治理等諸多內政玩法,累積個人與國家資源,轉化戰爭後勤優勢。善戰者,以戰養戰,百戰百勝。 ※合縱連橫擬戰略真實還原三國史詩,呈現殿堂級暢爽對戰,以策略智取天下,遊戲中的攻城掠地以國家為陣營劃分,以軍團為單位執行,同國軍團間的協作調配,敵國軍團間的爭鋒相對與分化勢力,正面剛,無間道!只有想不到,沒有不可能。※ 號令三軍鳴金鼓戰棋式戰爭地圖,超越千人實時大戰,國對國的大戰、考驗你的領兵能力!在驚險刺激的三國戰場上奪得先手、取得勝利,江山美人盡收囊中!※運籌帷幄掃千軍玩家之間的部隊征伐,盾槍象騎弓弩的策略,名將技能命緣的搭配。獨創雙模式指揮戰略系統,完美掌握戰鬥細節,感受運籌帷幄的快感。※沙場馳騁動干戈要說三國武將膽識過人,你也可以!宏大史詩,三百年亂世紛爭,九州大地烽火狼煙,帶你重回正統三國時代。全民國戰,將無大小,皆乃國之柱石,每個人都能在遊戲中譜寫屬於自己的歷史,建立不朽之霸業。單挑系統、國戰系統,你看過的,沒看過的策略三國玩法,都在這超越經典完美呈現!※本遊戲依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。※您須年滿15歲始得使用本遊戲。※本遊戲內容涉及暴力(戰鬥畫面),遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,不當言語。※部分內容需另支付費用,請依個人與趣、能力進行體驗,應避免過度消費。
少年三國M-策略養成 RPG 4.0.0
Mahjong 3 Players (English) 1.1.58
*** Voted Top Singapore Hit Game bySingaporeDigital Life ******* The #1 Mahjong Game in South East Asia! with Million ofplayers!****=======================================================Mahjong 3P is a Three Player Mahjong that is characterised byitssimplicity, fast pace and high stakes. On average it takeslessthan 3 minutes to complete one game!** Please ensure that you have a good Internet connection, ifnotyou may face disconnection or lagginess.**This Three Players Mahjong is an adaptation of the ThreePlayersMahjong that is commonly played in South East Asia.Rules: Rules of Winning and Counting Points still applyexceptfor the following changes:1. There are only Stones("Tong"), Honor/Dragon Cards, Winds,Flowersand Joker("飛") cards.2. Joker("飛") can combine with any cards to PONG, or it canbediscarded as a Flower to add 1 FAN to your point. But youcannothave 2 PONGs of the same type with the Joker.3. Unlike conventional rule, There are no restrictions in M3P,soeven after you discarded, you can still PONG/CHOW the samecardwithin the same round.4. You can game more than 10 FANs in M3P and the winningsmultiplywhen your win exceed 9 fans, which makes the stakesevenhigher.10 - 19 FANs = Winning x 320 - 29 FANs = Winning x 630 - 39 FANs = Winning x 940 and above FANs = Winning x 125. KONG, besides being able to receive payout from other users,theWinning of the game (regardless who is the winner) willbemultipled according to the number of KONGs1 KONG = Winning x 22 KONG = Winning x 43 KONG = Winning x 84 KONG = Winning x 165 KONG = Winning x 32, so on and so forth.6. Chip Multiplier, at higher lobby, you will have a chancetoincrease the stake by using gems to activate ChipMultiplier.Chip Multipler comes in x2, x3, x4 and x5, and it multipliestheWinning of the one who activated the Chip Multiplier. It willnotmultiply when you lose unless the Winner also activated theChipMultiplier.For more info and help goto: test younetworkconnectivity: you should have <100ms for connection togameserver
Mahjong 2P: Chinese Mahjong 2.98
Gila Studio
No registration required, suitable for pastime.
香港麻將大亨:麻雀神來也玩不停 5.3.1
Brand new 3D Mahjong world, multiple game modes, play HongKongMahjong anytime, anywhere!
回到三國當主公 1.2.0
Big2 Tycoon 18.07.13
Most exciting strategy online card game following theinternationalrule.
三国杀 4.0.0
《三国杀》是一款集历史、文学、美术等元素于一身,原创经典策略卡牌游戏。每一局游戏中,玩家都可扮演不同三国名将,结合游戏身份,用智慧找出队友,战胜对手获得胜利【特色玩法】欢乐斗地主:二打一,特色对局 比赛竞技:组队比赛,赢得奖励 单机畅玩:无需流量,随意畅玩人机练习:人机对战,磨练技术专属武将:灵雎、诸葛果、留赞、李丰、朱灵、孙茹、凌操,手机专享畅玩【经典玩法】身份模式:5人、8人标准/军争场,随机扮演“主公”、“忠臣”、“反贼”、“内奸”,百万玩家在线斗智!国战模式:魏、蜀、吴、群,势力争雄,双将配合,为国而战竞技模式:新1V1,菜鸟练手,高手过招,一决雌雄欢乐模式:2v2、3v3快速场,随时随地轻松一局驱鬼逐邪:3人组队刷boss,开宝箱赢奖励守卫剑阁:4V4魏蜀争霸,新武将+新机械,看谁称雄 【全新体验】全新交互界面、游戏引擎,更轻快、更流畅多重触发酷炫特效,牌局表现升级 视频直播频道,支持旁观学习录像功能,经典战局存储、管理、分享,炫技无限武将方案,随意设置武将方案,一键开关 将力系统,让收集更加有趣,集武将皮肤得奖励三国杀问题反馈QQ群:681372961
真雄霸三國online-全球同服三國志英雄經典策略戰爭遊戲 2.6.0
This is a Three Kingdoms game that can be played for tenyears.Let's make friends with the Three Kingdoms brothers! The lordledthe brothers of the Three Kingdoms, furious at Dangyangqiao,andthe brave army was invincible. The World Channel Taoyuanisrighteous, millions of soldiers are ready to go, the fate oftheThree Kingdoms is up to you!
三國戰神記 1.37.57
KunYue Game
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a card adventure mobile game oftheThree Kingdoms. The classic Three Kingdoms background is achaoticworld and a large number of heroes and generals appeargorgeously.Download the game now and play!
超級群俠傳 4.1.6
【遊戲簡介】這是一款全自由的沙盒劇情單機武俠手游,傳承了經典單機遊戲的開放劇情模式。遊戲中您將扮演一個穿越到遊戲武俠世界的遊戲玩家。從默默無聞,到在武林各大門派中周旋,拜師學藝,經歷各種奇遇,揭露武林中各大門派背後的陰謀,勾搭各種風情萬種的武林美人,最後在武林大會中一舉奪得武林盟主之位。在最終的一場惡戰中,根據你所選擇的正邪道路,將迎戰武林中武功最頂尖的惡人或者俠士!【遊戲特色】* 獨創的自創武功系統。 *惟妙惟肖的江湖場景。 * 獨一無二性格迥異的江湖俠客。*獨具特色而平衡的拳、刀、劍、奇門、暗器以及毒法武功。 *雙線劇情,超多支線劇情、隱藏劇情供您探索。*隨機裝備系統,萬種組合任您搭配。 * 強力武魂技能,讓戰鬥玩出新花樣。 *經脈修鍊玩法,打通任督二脈,習得絕世武學。*探索傳說中的各大寶藏,獲得古今俠客遺留的奇珍異寶。 *俠客情緣,各路英雄任您組隊,以您馬首是瞻。*少林聚賢黑木崖等經典戰役等您體驗。 * 完善的難度系統,讓您不斷挑戰玩法極限。 *安全的雲存檔備份系統,絕對不怕數據丟失!*真正的單機遊戲,無需聯網,隨時隨地玩。 *持續更新,後續門派系統讓您過足江湖大俠癮!【我們的聯繫方式】客服QQ:3147726137 玩家交流群:863951589
2020 latest Q version of Three Kingdoms action card mobile game!Getfree VIP 9, S+ generals, ingots, ten consecutivedraws...massivebenefits will not stop! Fingertip operation,unparalleled mowing,and super-powerful generals' combined skillsare waiting for you toexperience!
鬥地主-随时斗地主 1.8.13
Fight the landlord at any time, such as Golden Flower, Bull,Fruit,Dragon, Tiger Fight, all in one. Win more at any time, earnmore,more exciting and more exciting!
雀姬(日本麻雀) 3.70.43
Alpha Sparrow
《雀姬》三周年特别献礼!比赛系统正式开放,邀请玩家参与《雀姬》三周年团体赛及个人赛事!全新BGM上线,还能更换不同牌面!成就系统大改版,快来看看有哪些新成就吧!更有三周年各类活动好礼送不停!老玩家立刻登录,还有回归奖励等您!【特征】周年活动 -周年签到奖励,上线立刻领奖 -圣诞活动更新,来和雀友一起过节-首充双倍重置,性价比最高选择-玩家周年报告,了解你的牌力情况 -周年限时卡池,全年最佳角色饰品任你抽-雀士商城轮换,选择你最喜欢的雀士 ·图像-和风画面,美少女雀士集合 -精美的美术风格,典雅大方 -竖版屏幕,便于单手操作-华美人物,任你一选再选 ·玩法-人机对战,随时随地都可玩 -休闲匹配,全台湾线上对战 -经典段位,成为华语地区国士 ·系统-完全随机配牌,保证公平公正-正统日本麻将规则,原汁原味 -短小精悍一局战,随来随玩 -经典规则东风局,酣畅淋漓-角色契约系统上线,与角色建立羁绊-好友和牌谱系统,更多功能开发中 -建立比赛,争夺雀王 ·教学 -新手也不用担心,清晰易懂教程等著你【联系方式】联系我们:[email protected]客服邮箱:[email protected]粉丝主页:官方活动Line群组:
正統三國-經典即時策略類手遊 1.12.7
The classic SLG strategy country war mobile game, the real chaosofthe Three Kingdoms, invites you to fight! Break throughmanylevels, pull the ring to escape, go to the secret place of theseato hunt for treasure, rescue the lord, and win thetreasure!Develop generals, manage cities, high-level free citywarfare, andhigh-level national warfare!
正牌龍虎門 - 薪火傳承 5.2.0
Game of Heroes: Three Kingdoms 2.6.8
Is the official genuine authorized three-country mobile game,