Top 11 Apps Similar to Pass it on -Gossips around you

Признавашки - Знакомства 1.1
Awedoo Studio
Сеть анонимных чатов знакомств. Здесь выможетеанонимно пообщаться с людьми из своего города, университетаилишколы. Выберите пол, возраст и начинайте общение. Системасамаподберет случайного собеседника. Никаких регистраций,всесовершенно анонимно! Никаких обрывов и потерь собеседников -любойдиалог можно продолжить в будущем! Надоел навязчивый хам?Простозаблокируй его и продолжай общение с более интереснымилюдьми.Преимущества:❤ никаких регистраций, все совершенно анонимно❤ возможность выбора страны, города, университета или школы❤ разделение по полу и возрасту собеседника❤ создание профиля с никнеймом и аватаркой❤ добавление собеседника в черный список или избранное❤ возможность открыть несколько чатов одновременно❤ возможность найти предыдущего собеседника❤ возможность сохранить переписку❤ создание собственного чата знакомствВыберите свой чат из списка существующих и начинайте общениеужесейчас!anonymous chatdatingnetwork. Here you can anonymously communicate with people ofyourcity, university or school. Choose the sex, age and begin tochat.The system itself will choose a random conversation.Noregistrations, everything is completely anonymous! No breakagesandlosses interlocutors - any dialogue can continue in thefuture!Tired compulsive boor? Just lock it and keep contact withmoreinteresting people.Benefits:❤ no registrations, all completely anonymous❤ the opportunity to select the country, city, universityorschool❤ division by sex and age of the interlocutor❤ create a profile with a nickname and avatar❤ addition companion to the black list or favorites❤ able to open multiple chats at the same time❤ able to find the previous interlocutor❤ able to keep correspondence❤ create their own chat datingChoose your IM from the list of existing and start tochatnow!
Вместе - знакомства ВКонтакте 2.0.2
Vmeste Inc.
Без внутренних покупок и каких-либо платежей.Как работает приложение Вместе:▷ вся информация о тебе загружается из действующего профиляВК,ненужно ничего заполнять дополнительно;▷ фотографии загружаются из Вконтакте, ты видишьтолькоактуальныефото!▷ определяется твоё местоположение ипоказываютсялюдей,заинтересованные в общении, которые находятсярядом(расстояниепоиска можно настроить);▷ сравниваются ваши интересы, чем больше общего(друзья,паблики,музыка, любимые фильмы и книги, интересы), темскорее выувидитедруг друга;▷ вы ставите анонимные лайки, только привозникновениивзаимнойсимпатии (лайка) можно начать общение.Пользователей пока немного, но мы быстро растём!Знакомься и общайся без ограничений только с теми,ктонравится!Попробуй Вместе!Withoutdomesticpurchasesand any payments.How does it work together:▷ All information about you is loaded from the currentprofileofthe VC, do not need anything extra to fill in;▷ photos downloaded from Vkontakte, you see onlythebestphotos!▷ determined by your location and shows the peoplewhoareinterested in dialogue, who are near (search distancecanbecustomized);▷ compare your interests, the more general(friends,public,music, favorite movies and books, interests), thesooner youwillsee each other;▷ you put anonymous huskies, only when there ismutualsympathy(Laika) can start communicating.Customers are scarce, but we are growing fast!Meet and talk without limits only with those who loveit!TryTogether!
Echo - voice dating 1.3.4
Thousands of guys and girls already meet, communicate and findlovein Echo! Echo - the world's only platform for Dating, whichusesonly voice messages! Say NO to boring monotonouscorrespondencewith the emoticons! Feel every note of intonation! InEcho you willbe sure that you are communicating with a real person- it isimpossible to use other people's photos! Just click themicrophonebutton and record your message! Where ever you are in theUSA orJapan, China or Russia, Brazil or Korea - you will get ananswer!Start a chat together! ECHO is an unique service for randomandanonymous Dating! Why unique? 1. Echo - the world's only Datingappwhere, instead of text, use only voice messages! 2. Echo-anonymous chat Dating! (There are no names, no avatars, nophonenumbers) 3. Echo - Dating for serious relationship! 4. Echo -adultDating and not only! 5. Echo - Dating without registration!(onlyneed to specify gender, age and language)! 6. Echo - aboutlove!Join us and start on-line meetings with the opposite gender!Echo –learn the language of love! ---------------------- We arelookingforward hearing from you! If you have questions,suggestions,praise or trouble just contact or visit email: [email protected] Followustwitter: ----------------------
Buzz - Anonymous Nearby Chat 1.3
Buzz Chat
Do you want to see what people aretalkingabout nearby you?Do you want to meet new people and start chatting withthemanonymously?If you curious about what is going on around you, then joinBuzznow!1) Get your nick.2) Choose your distance to see people that are chatting.3) Join them and start chatting anonymously!* Totally anonymous chatting. No names, phonenumbers,e-mails, or anything for you!* Just take your nick and start chatting. No other informationisrequired for being social!* Very simple usage: Just one screen for chatting,* Low memory usage, Nothing will be saved into your phone.* Smart and nice design. Easy to use.HOW IT WORKS?* Buzz gets your current location information and uses it inorderto make a chat group. Everyone is free to use any nick theywant.All messages will be kept for 24 hours. Nothing will be storedinyour phone. You will need to get a new nick each time you wanttostart chatting. Simple as that!Official Web Site: [email protected] application uses free icons: fun!
iva - Dating App 1.0.50
With iva dating app you will find newandinteresting people near you. If you like somebody just swiperight.If the person you like likes you as well you may chat! Andpossiblyarrange a date!Registering at iva is very easy. Y only need to loginusingVKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki account and you are readytofind the person you will enjoy spending time together.Good luck!
Snapbag -Chat meet by photo 4.1
Snapbag, LLC
Snapbag is a community talk app,which connects to the photos and videos.Features:・Unlimited uploads photos and videos by using yourmagicphrase.・Favorite photos and videos Download.・Anonymous Group Chat, Meet by Photo and Video Share.With Snapbag you can:*Photo sharing of events and dating.*Publish your photos, want from everyone got a comment.*Create your anonymous community by using your magic phrase.*Create an anonymous group chat of friends,by magic phrase share Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.*Favorite topic in chat by downloading videos and photos.
Вписка: встречи,знакомства,чат 1.0.5
Часто бывает, что нам становится одиноко,либохочется продолжения "банкета" когда друзья уже расходятся.Авозможно Вы просто двое друзей которые хотят собрать тусовкуилипоход на шашлыки и познакомиться с новыми людьми. В такомслучаеэто приложение для Вас.Каждая встреча имеет свой тип, описание, координатыеслинеобходимо, и свою чат комнату для обсуждения. Каждыйпользовательимеет свой анонимный идентификатор в системе.Приложение также может определить Ваши координаты помобильнымсетям и предложить список таких же одиноких людейкоторыерасполагаются ближе всего к Вам и создали встречу. Такиевстречиможно сразу посмотреть на карте и обсудить в чате.На данный момент приложение позволяет создать следующиетипывстреч:1. Встреча2. Знакомства3. Вписка4. Выпить пива5. Тренировка6. Посиделки7. Ищу пару (девушку)8. Ищу пару (мужчину)It often happens thatweget lonely or want to continue "banquet" when friends arealreadydivided. And maybe you're just two friends who want tocollect thecrowd or going to barbecues and meet new people. In thiscase, thisapp is for you.Each meeting has its own type, description, locationifnecessary, and a chat room for discussion. Each user has hisownanonymous identifier in the system.The app can also determine your location and mobilenetworksoffer a list of the same single people which are locatedclosest toyou and set up an appointment. Such meetings canimmediately see onthe map and discuss in chat.At the moment, the application allows you to create thefollowingtypes of meetings:1. Meeting2. Dating3. night and day4. Drink a beer5. Train6. Sitting7. I am looking for a pair (girl)8. I am looking for a couple (man)
Appning 1.0.6
Lucky Spirit
FIND OUT WHO’S AROUND YOU – Dating AppAPPNING is the app which helps shy people to takethefirststep!* 100% Made in Italy* 100% InnovativeHow does APPNING work?1. Tag yourself with GPS accuracy and see theprofileslocateddirectly on the MAP of your CITY!2. There’s a person you like? Send her a message, itwillananonymous notify and she won’t know who sent it...unless shedidittoo!3. If you like eachother, there will be love at firstsight!Thiswill allow you to meet eachother!4. You can also choose to reach all users within 2 Km usingtheBombfunction, very useful for shops, clubs and PRs...√ APPNING has an extremely high accuracy, you willseetheprofiles in a range from 3 meters to 15km from you!√ Downloading APPNING is free! The "Bomb" function,alongwithother interesting features are in-app purchases.√ APPNING does not necessarily require a Facebook accounttologin√ APPNING avoids bad impressions, your message willbenotifiedanonymously until the recipient will notice you on themapanddecide to write you, in that case it will be loveatfirstsight!For infos, write a mail at [email protected]
I like you, Citas, aventuras 1.2.2
i like you
Esta app es la forma anónima con lacualpodrásconseguir citas, una aventura o un encuentro conloscontactos deFacebook que siempre te gustaron.Consigue el amor de tu vida, una relación casual, un encuentroounaamistad.Invita a tus amigos de Facebook a tener distintas relaciones!Tu amigo no sabrá nada hasta que quiera lo mismo de vos!!La app esta en venta para empresas y/o desarrolladores.This app istheanonymousform with which you can get appointments, an adventureora meetingwith the Facebook contacts always liked you.Get the love of your life, a casual relationship,datingorfriendship.Invite your Facebook friends to have different relationships!Your friend will not know anything until you want the same thing !!The app is on sale for businesses and / or developers.
Smeet-r 0.0.7
Cym IT
Smeet-r is the first anonymous meeting application. Createyouraccount and take a selfie to reach connected users. Simpleandefficient! Find the people around you who use theapplication,based on your search criteria (Male / Female / Both).Chat withpeople with whom you matched, learn more about him / her.Hurry up,you only have a few hours to find the right person. If youlikehim/her, meet for real, this may be the beginning of abeautifulstory ... or not ... When the time runs out, your accountisdeleted, no data is stored or sold. Smeet-r therefore Works asanonline Speed ​​Dating. They are many advantages: - Photos ofuserscorrespond to reality thanks to selfie system - If nobodysuitsyou, there's no chance you could be harassed - Your datasareprotected
Black - anonymous calls, chat 1.432
Black is a free Voice Over IP (VoIP) appthatconnects you anonymously to people you have never met and youdon’tknow, so you can share your thoughts, feelings, secretsandconfessions.It is about having the opportunity to call, chat, flirt freelywithsomeone you don’t know without being judged.How it works:1. It is pretty simple; all you need to do is press thesearchbutton and find your perfect match.2. Start the conversation by calling the person that you havefoundand start talking freely.Important:Before you start, record your voice message that will introduceyouto other people who want to talk to you. Be creative and uniqueifyou want to be popular and receive more calls!Note:If you are a male and interested to talk to a male or both, youwillreceive calls only from other people that are also looking formaleor both to talk to.Black is for Medium maturity!Is it secure to communicate with Black App?100% Yes! The calls are established with p2p(peer-to-peer)connection which unables someone to monitor yourcalls. Also yourvoice is encrypted with AES-128bit encryption.Black App is free without any ads or integrated marketings.Black App is perfect for you to:* Have free voice calls* Speak freely* Expand your network* Meet new friends* Share happiness* Chat, Flirt, Talk & DateConnect with us: fun!