Top 22 Apps Similar to Fishing Knots

Fishing knots. 0.1
Welcome to the app Fishing knotsdedicatedunitsintended for fishing. We do not set ourselves thetask topresent allthe known fishing knots. To do this, had neitherplacenor time. Ourgoal was to provide fishermen with thenecessarytools to solve thetasks of fastening and connectionlines,leashes, hooks and differentbaits.There are a huge number of nodes, which are used indifferentspheresof human activity, but only a fraction chosefishermen forhispractice. And the main selection criterionreliability, onceagainthe reliability, and then - easy.The nodes represented in this application, are primarilyusedforfishing and fishing, but many of the fishing knots areusefulinother situations.Fishing knots are present even in the most simple of tacklewithafloat rod. There are many types of fishing sites, each ofwhichisappropriate to use in any particular case. Andtoday,theirdiversity continues to increase every angler modifyexistingwaysof knitting to suit your needs.How to be a fishing knot?The concept of the perfect fishing knot formed longago.Long-termexperience of our ancestors, modern technologiesandmaterialsgiven the opportunity to make and test fishing knotsinpractice. Atrue fishing knot (knot fishing) needs to be durableandreliable.In addition, it is easily and quickly tied.Features of fishing sites.Fishing knots should be possible to perform its functions,whatcouldyou qualitatively to tie fishing line to the hook, tieafishing linewith fishing line or braided cord, securelytiedWobbler, minnow orother bait. If You tie the torn line, thenthenode needs withoutinterference to pass through the rings oftherod. For these purposesthe main knots used for fishing.Not all fishing knots are suitable for knittingbraidedandmonofilament lines at the same time. Some types of nodesisusefulfor manolescu and others for braids. First, considerthetypes offishing knots that are used for knitting themonofilament.They areneeded for mounting of hooks, lures, connectthe twolines.To learn how to quickly and accurately tie knots forfishing,youneed to train at home. The house before to weave a knotoffishingline, read the pattern of fishing knots. Never skimpthefishingline when tying knots, your task is to form a correctnode,and notto reduce the consumption of fishing line!Happy trails, dear fishermen!
Popular Fishing Knots 1.0
*Tutorial*Every Angler must be know how to tie the popular fishingknotslike a :Rapala Loop KnotEugene Slip KnotAlberto KnotTwo-Uni Join KnotYucatan KnotJ-KnotDouble-Line Uni KnotDouble Line San Diego Jam KnotArbor Knotetc.
Fishing Knots Pro
MP Fish
Encyclopedia of knots for anglers and fisherman's,step-by-stepguide
Fishing tackle 80.91.30
Directory of the fishing gear
Animated Knots by Grog
Grog LLC
Named best knot-tying app by OutsideMagazine!Learn to tie knots the fun and easy way from the creatorsof theweb's #1 knot site. Animated Knots by Grog is simply thebest, mostcomprehensive teaching and reference tool for boaters,climbers,fishermen, scouts and hobbyists. Watch knots tiethemselves insimple step-by-step photo animations, or goframe-by-frame as youlearn each knot. Tap the info button to getdetailed descriptionsabout each knot's correct use, advantages anddisadvantages, andother information.["Insanely Great!" - Cult of Mac]INCLUDED KNOTS: (Knots go by a variety of names with the mostcommonshown here. App includes a complete, searchable list.):AlbrightKnot, Alpine Butterfly Bend, Alpine Butterfly Loop, DoubleAlpineButterfly, Anchor Hitch, Arbor Knot, Ashley Bend, AshleyStopperKnot, Australian Braid, Back Splice, Barrel Hitch, BiminiTwist,Blake's Hitch, Blood Knot, Bowline, Bowline on a Bight,One-HandedBowline, Running Bowline, Water Bowline, Braid SingleRope, LockedBrummel Splice, Brummel Demo, McDonald Brummel EyeSplice, BuntlineHitch, Butcher's, Carrick Bend, Carrick Bend Mat,Celtic Knot Mat,Chain Sinnet, Chain Splice, Care & Cleaning,Cleat Hitch (Deck),Cleat Hitch (Halyard), Clove Hitch (Loops),Clove Hitch (End), CloveHitch (Half Hitches), Cobra Lanyard Knot,Coil Attached Rope, CoilUnattached Rope, Common Whipping,Constrictor, Constrictor-Surgical,Cow Hitch (End), Cow Hitch(Loops), Crown, Crown Sinnet, Davy,Double Davy, Diamond Lanyard,Distel Hitch, Double Fisherman's,Double Overhand, Drapery TieBack, Dropper Loop, Duncan (Uni) Knot,Figure 8, Egg Loop Knot,Directional Figure 8 loop, Figure 8 Flake,Figure 8 Follow Through,Figure 8 Bend, Double Figure 8 Loop, Figure9 Loop, Flat OverhandBend, Flemish Flake (Spiral), Girth (Strap)Hitch, Gnat Hitch, HalfHitch, Half Knot, Halyard Hitch, HandcuffKnot, Hasty WebbingHarness, Heaving Line, Highwayman's Hitch,Hunter's Bend, IcicleHitch, Icicle Hitch (End), Improved Clinch,Klemheist,Lashing-Diagonal, Lashing-Round, Lashing-Shear,Lashing-Square,Lashing-Tripod, Ligature (Instrument), One HandedLigature, TwoHanded Ligature, Lighterman's Hitch, Long Bury Splice,MastheadKnot Mat, Double Matthew Walker, Midshipman's, Monkey'sFist,Mooring Hitch, Munter Hitch, Super Munter Hitch, NailKnot,Non-Slip Mono, Noose, Ocean Plait Mat, Orvis Knot, OverhandKnot,Packer's Knot, Palomar Knot, Tying a Package, Perfection Loop,PileHitch, Poacher's Knot, Prusik Knot, Purcell Prusik System,RadiumRelease Hitch, Rapala Knot, Rat-Tail Stopper, Square(Reef),Rolling Hitch, Rope Ladder, Round Turn & Hitches,Sailmaker'sWhipping, San Diego Jam Knot, Sheepshank, Sheet Bend,Shoelace Bow,ShoeLace Fieggen, Siberian, Grog's Sliding Splice,Slim Beauty,Slip Knot, Snell Knot, Spanish Bowline, Eye Splice,Short Splice,Stevedore, Strangle Knot, Surgeon's Knot, Surgeon'sLoop, SurgicalTie, Two Handed Surgical Tie, Surgical Slip Tie,Child's Swing,Tensionless Hitch, Necktie (Bow Tie), Necktie(Four-in-Hand),Necktie (Half Windsor), Necktie (Pratt/Shelby),Necktie (Windsor),Theodore Knot, Thief Knot, Timber Hitch, TrileneKnot, Trucker'sHitch, Tumble Hitch, Turk's Head, Underwriter'sKnot, Wall Knot,Wall & Crown, Water Knot, West CountryWhipping, ZeppelinBend
Knots Video Guide 2 6.8
Knot Guide with Video! learn it properly! Get it here.
Рыбацкие узлы (основные) 1.9
In this app you will find sites for hooks, components for leashes.
Справочник рыбака 2.21
The methods of catching fish the most popular in Russia and abroad.
Useful Fishing Knots Pro
Neptuns Apps
Learn how to tie useful fishing knots!
Узлы 2.0.30
Приложение «Справочник узлов » - это справочник, вкоторомописаныузлы, применяемые в альпинизме, туризме, морском делеилинарыбалке, а также в быту. Справочник узлов имеетудобнуюнавигацию,узлы разбиты на "узлы по типу": простые узлы,соединяющиеузлы,крепежные узлы, стопорные узлы, связывающие узлы,пели, маты,косы,кольца, лямки; "узлы по области применения": рыбнаяловля,лодочныйспорт(мореплавание), спелеология(альпинизм), туризм,узлыобщегоназначения. Справочник дополнен интереснойипознавательнойинформацией об узлах. В приложении реализованпоискузлов понаименованию.
Best Fishing Knots 0.5.1
"Fishing Knots" is a quick reference for a number of mostpopularfishing knots. There are different ways of tying fishinglines.Having variety of different knots in your arsenal and knowingwhento use them will help you to be a more successful angler."Fishingknots" are categorized by type and each knot has adescription andstep by step instructions with pictures and guideYou can zoom ablepicture also save pictures if you are needed Thisapplication worksoffline, you don't need to download any contentagain if you findsome missing step or bug, I would like to receiveany feedback orcomments from you. thanks,
Рыбацкие узлы беспл.
AP Develop
Collection fishing sites with photos and description.
U.S. Army Ranger Handbook 2
Wanting to learn skills taught to the U.S. Army Rangers, this appisfor you.
Fishing Knots 1.0.5
Fishing Knots Instruction step by step how to make the mostFishingKnots Do you want to learn how to make the most FishingKnots ?Step by step, easy to learn!!! If you are going on a fishingtrip,you need to refresh the knowledge of how to knit fishingknots.Install this application and you will learn how to knitfishingknots. Get detailed instructions for knitting fishing knotsin aphoto-animation, the instructions step by step, very easy torepeatand easy to learn!
Knots — How to Tie Lite 1.0.2
Well illustrated step-by-step how to tie Knots instructions.
Knot Video Guide FULL 19.7
knots guide with video! learn it correctly! download here.anoptimal guide.
Ultimate Fishing Books 2.2.6
Books for successful saltwater fishing,inEnglish and German language written by the expert Jürgen Oeder.-Everything about the biology, distribution, identificationandcatching of numerous fish species from swordfish togroupers.Proven fishing techniques from the past and new ones frombig gameto fishing with jigs or poppers, a lot of information aboutthebest fishing destinations around the world. Also specialissuessuch as "Fishing in the Mediterranean" or "Fishingundersail."Sections of the seven volume "Ultimate Bluewater Game Fishing"bookhave been published or are in planning.Vol. 1 BillfishEverything anglers want to know about the ten billfish frommarlinto spearfish: hunting behavior and bait selection are topicsaswell as tips on the best fishing grounds and the rightequipment.With videos!Vol. 2 TunaWether bluefin, big eye or dogtooth tuna, the 11 mostimportantspecies of tuna are presented here, along with theirdistribution,biology and the special techniques to catchthem.Vol. 3 SharksFrom white sharks to sixgill sharks: 12 species of sharks - andanappeal to spare them.Vol. 4 Tarpon & CoFrom African pompano and giant trevally to tarpon and wahoo.20strong fighters on light tackle are presented.Vol. 5 Grouper, snapper and exotic speciesWhoever is underway with jigs or poppers can't get aroundthischapter. It presents 71 species and the keys foridentifyingthem.Vol. 6 Tackle & technologyThe best of the best. Everything about the right device forsuccess.Rigging for marlin and other lures, trolling patterns,rigging ofnatural bait fish, bait and switch, how to move in thefightingchair, stand-up fishing, speed jigging, fishing withpoppers, knots,and much more!Vol. 7 DestinationsAn angler's dream come true. The 60 bestdestinationsworldwide.Excerpts from the books already published can be foundhere:
Free Knots Pro Dummies Guide 1.0
No Ads......ever!Knots Pro Dummies Guide Free is a simple and quickreferencetosome of the most commonly needed and used knots. Thereareknotsfor Climbing, Fishing, Boating and Scouting (just tonameafew).More knots will be added in the future. So get thisappFreetoday!
Рыбацкие узлы 1.105
AP Develop
Сборник рыболовных узлов с фотографиями иописанием.Справочникработает в режиме ОФФЛАЙН и нетребуетинтернет-соединения дляработы. База данных будет загруженаприпервом запуске. Используйтеwi-fi соединение. Основныеособенности:1. История – каждая статья,которую вы когда-либопросматривали,сохраняется в истории. 2.Избранное – вы можетедобавить статью всписок избранного, нажавиконку “звездочка”. 3.Управление спискамиИстории и Избранного –вы можете редактироватьэти списки илиочистить их. 4. Различныенастройки – вы можете менятьшрифт и тему(выбрать одну из цветовыхтем). 5. Виджет “Случайнаястатья дня”.Чтобы увидеть виджет всписке, приложение должно бытьустановлено впамять телефона (базаданных может быть установленакуда угодно).
Рыбалка. Советы 1.0
В рыбалке знание – это огромная сила, ираздел«Советы бывалых» являет собой своеобразную копилкуразнообразныхмелочей-советов, которые очень полезно иметь.Идет ли речь о безопасности на льду или воде, или овыборе«правильной» катушки, или о зависимости фаз Луны и клеварыбы, илио разведении червей в домашних условиях, или о том, каксамомусделать барометр из подручных материалов, или о том, какзавязатьразличные узлы на леске, или о предсказании клева на завтра– всеэти советы могут однажды очень вам пригодиться...In fishing knowledge -itis a great power, and the section "Tips experienced" is a kindofpiggy bank details, various tips that are very usefultohave.Whether it's safety on the ice or water, or of choosing the"right"of the coil, or the dependence of the phases of the moon andthefish bite, or the breeding of worms in the home, or how to makeabarometer of the materials at hand, or that how to tiedifferentknots on the line, or the prediction of fish for tomorrow- all ofthese tips can be very useful to you one day ...
Nodes 80.91.30
Directory of the nodes
Animated Knots 3D Pro – How to 1.0.2
Animated 3D step-by-step instructions. Over 60 animated 3D knotsinone app.