Top 21 Games Similar to 征戦エクスカリバー[新感覚アバター&共闘ギルドバトル]

「ゆっくり」を、ゆっくり育成する、ゆっくり育成ゲームです。ゆっくりはおまんじゅうが大好きです。まんじゅうを与えて、愛らしいゆっくりを育てることができます。成長したゆっくりは、世界のどこかにあるという、「伝説のまんじゅう」を探しに行きます。彼らは冒険の中で、ゆっくりできない激しい戦いを繰り広げるでしょう。出会いと別れを繰り返し、彼らが最後に何を得るのか、ぜひ見届けてください。~補足説明~・ゆっくりは、まんじゅうを食べて成長します。まんじゅうは約1分で10個まで回復します。アプリを閉じていても大丈夫!・空いた時間にアプリを起動して、まんじゅうを与えてください!・味方になるゆっくりは、全19種類!アップデートで追加するかも!?・ゆっくりの武器は40種類弱!これもアップデートで増えるかも!・ダンジョンでは敵ゆっくりと戦うことができるけど、ダンジョンは消費電力が高めなので、バッテリーの残量には注意!The "slow",slowdevelopment, is slowly training game.Slowly I love your buns. Giving a bun, you can grow alovelyslowly.Growth was slow, that somewhere in the world, you go to look fora"legend of the bun."They are in the adventure, will wage a fierce battle that can notbeslowly.Repeat the meeting and parting, what they get to do at theend,please by all means Mitodoke.- Supplementary Description ~- slowly, it will grow to eat the bun. Manju will recover in about1minute up to 10. Okay to not close the app!Eye was to launch the app in time, please give the buns!· Become slowly to ally, all 19 kinds! It may be added inupdates!?Slowly the weapons 40 different little less! This alsomightincrease in the updates!- I dungeon can fight slowly enemy, because dungeonpowerconsumption is increased, attention to the remaining amount ofthebattery!
Sausage Legend - Online multip 2.3.2
Milk Co. Ltd.
It's a online fighting game in which you'll wield a sausage.
Pokémon GO 0.299.1
Niantic, Inc.
Discover Pokémon worldwide
Wayward Souls
Wayward Souls is an action-adventure gamebuiltfor quick playthroughs and massive amounts of replay value.It wasinspired by Spelunky, Secret of Mana, and our previous game,MageGauntlet.Procedurally generated random levels mean that every time youplaythe game, it's a different experience. Control one ofsixcharacters, all with their own unique playstyles, abilities,andequipment. Explore and fight for survival, in combat whereyourtactics, positioning, and timing matter.More Features:- Fancy control scheme with no virtual buttons or sticks tofumbleover.- Unlock new areas, for increasingly punishing difficulty.- 13 area types, all with different monsters, potential traps,andrare encounters.- Each character can find equipment combinations that changetheirgameplay.- Victory is based on your increasing skill as a player, notsolelyon grinding.- Hats.- No IAP ever, even for the hats. All content updates will befreefor our fans.- Unprecedented scope and variety for an action-adventure gameonAndroid, maybe anywhere.Second Update Plans: MFI controller support, some sort of savesync,boss health bars, more character tweaks, Rogue buffs, andmore! Youcan reach us on twitter or facebook to give requests orfeedback onthe game:@NoodlecakeGames / /
四ツ目神 【謎解き×脱出ノベルゲーム】 1.2.5
"" I need not child "is, would have been taken to Yotsubashi eyesofGod (Yotsumegami)" [Guessing × escape novel game] - [YotsubashieyesGod] -
あなたの事が嫌いです -青春・美少女・恋愛アドベンチャー 1.3.1
SEEC inc.
あなたがのばした手は空しくも全て 振り払われる…甘い恋では満足できないあなたへ贈る辛口美少女ゲーム登場!。.:*゚:*【あなたの事が嫌いです】*:゚:.。 ◆遊び方◆キャラクターに『おさわり』すると罵倒や拒絶の言葉が 投げかけられます。ゲーム中選んだ選択肢によってエンディングや会話が変わってきますので色々試してみましょう。なんと罵倒はボイス付き!一度聞いたら何度でもギャラリーから確認できます。めざせトゥルーエンド♪ ※注意※このゲームは、女の子に好かれる事は一切ない上級者向けとなっております。触れば触るほど嫌われていくので頑張って下さい!-----------------------------------【利用規約】
アリスの精神裁判 1.1.8
"The truth about cruel crime does not exist" So Alice and I hadtoknow. Wrong. We had to know ...
Dungeon&Girls: Card Battle RPG 1.4.7
Easy but addictive, Battle Monsters & Explore dungeonwithpretty manga girls
Clumsy Ninja 1.33.2
Meet Clumsy Ninja, the most hapless ninjaeverto grace a touchscreen!Train him, throw him, tickle him, and even tie balloons tohim.Everything you do will make Clumsy Ninja more skillful, andhelphim find his missing friend Kira.Clumsy Ninja is the next generation of interactive characters!Hecan sense, feel, move, and react uniquely every time. Prepare tobeamazed…oh, and please take good care of him!BELT UPTrain your ninja to learn new tricks and super-special NinjaMoves!Impress his Sensei and earn new Ninja Belts on your way tofindKira, or just have fun with over 70 unique interactiveitems,including trampolines, punch bags, ball guns, a chicken and…asquirrel!ADVENTURE TIMEYou and your ninja will travel to new locations, play newgames,meet new characters, complete quests and unlock fun new itemstoplay with. How many will you discover?CUSTOMIZE & SHARECustomize Clumsy Ninja’s suits, belts and headbands to matchyourstyle. Take photos of your ninja’s craziest stunts, and sharethefun with friends instantly. Keep your eyes peeled: there aremanysurprises waiting for you!UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTSClumsy Ninja is a living virtual friend who thinks and actswithreal intelligence - and a lot of clumsiness! You’llexperienceunique moments with your ninja and his companions everytime youplay!FIRST ON TOUCH DEVICES!Clumsy Ninja is the first game on touch devices to ever usetheEUPHORIA simulation technology – producing the mostbelievablecharacter you’ll have ever seen.----Make sure you play online to gain access to the latest contentandfeatures, and to ensure that your profile is backeduponline.Requires Android OS 2.3 or later.PLEASE NOTE! Clumsy Ninja is free to play, but it containsitemsthat can be purchased for real money.To prevent unauthorised purchases, select “Set or Change PIN”fromthe Google Play settings menu, create a PIN, then enable the“UsePIN for Purchases” option. You will then be required to enteryourPIN before every transaction.Requires Android OS 2.3 and aboveClumsy Ninja is published by NaturalMotion Games--------------------------------------Like us on Facebook: us on Twitter: to our YouTubechannel: of Service: Policy:
Gugenka Inc.
You ended up wandering off into an apartment where fun, girlslive,“KORAIKAN”!!
Mind Snares: Alice's Journey
Overcome your biggest fears inthisheart-pounding adventure!Alice Dahl is bogged down in her day-to-day routine, stuck inadead-end office job but unable to leave due to personal fears.Oneday, while rushing to a client meeting in the rain, her carcareensout of control and crashes. When Alice awakens, she findsherselfin a hospital … or so she thinks. Help Alice defeat herinnerdemons, escape the mysterious place that lies between lifeanddeath and find her way back home in this incredible hiddenobjectpuzzle adventure! Conquer a mysterious Shadow and helpAlicecapture the opportunity, perhaps her last, to achieve ahappylife.TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHINTHEGAME!● 80 spine-tingling levels to master● 21 exciting mini-games to play● 17 encouraging achievements to earn● Eight fabulous characters to meet● Five magnificent dream worlds to explore● Three play modes – casual, advanced, expert● Amazing graphics and dramatic storyline● Google Play game services support____________________________Game available in: English, Chinese, Traditional Chinese,French,German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, BrazilianPortuguese,Portuguese, Russian, Spanish___________________________COMPATIBILITY NOTES:***Note*** This game performs best on high-end smartphonesandtablets.____________________________***Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5Games!***____________________________G5 Games - World of Adventures™!Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Google Play!Adventure:▶ Mahjong Journey®▶ Survivors: The Quest®▶ Twin Moons Society™▶ Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes▶ Hidden City: Mystery of ShadowsStrategy:▶ Supermarket Mania® Journey▶ Farm Clan: Farm Life Adventure▶ Virtual City Playground®▶ Stand O’Food® City▶ Doomsday Preppers™____________________________VISIT US: www.g5e.comWATCH US: US: US: End User License SupplementalTerms:
脱出ゲーム スライドプリンセス 1.3
It is looking down perspective type of escape game.
僕と私のキズナモンスター 1.3.0
「僕と私のキズナモンスター」は、自分の足で世界を旅する本格派冒険育成RPG!まっすぐ目的地に向かうのも、隠された宝を探しに寄り道するのも全て君の自由!冒険の合間には畑を耕し、育てたエサを与えて仲間モンスター達との絆を深めよう!広大なマップには闘技場のチャンピオンや伝説の八獣王が待ち受ける…!草原・雪山・砂漠・火山・水中…様々な島をめぐり、最強のバディナイトを目指せ!■8つの島を旅しよう! ・読み応えたっぷりのシナリオクエスト!8つの島を巡った先に待つ、時を超えたキズナの物語とは…? ・しゃべるネコ型ナビと一緒に自由な散策!目指すのはお宝?それとも未知の強敵!?■モンスターを育てて最強のバディナイトを目指せ! ・ドラゴンやピクシー、ゴーレムなど200体以上のモンスターから君だけの相棒(バディ)を選びだそう! ・全てのモンスターがスーパーレジェンドまで進化可能!君の工夫と愛情で、モンスター達は文字通り”化ける”! ・色々な餌をあげることで、どんな育成も思いのまま!”君の考える最強”を追求しよう!■闘技場で腕試し! ・闘技場では、他のプレイヤーとの非同期対戦ができる! ・ライバルとの対決を制して、豪華報酬をゲットしよう!■畑をたがやせ! ・畑でモンスターの餌を育てよう!栽培の為の肥料は…クエストに連れて行ったモンスターが出すぞ! ・作物は餌としてモンスターに食べさせる他、売却も可能!稼いだお金でレアアイテムを買おう!■フレンド機能やGPSシステムを使ってプレゼントゲット! ・近くにいるフレンドのモンスターをクエストに連れていくことで報酬UP! ・友達、家族、同僚などなど…身近な人達と一緒に冒険しよう!■豪華スタッフが贈る、新しいゲームの形! ・エグゼクティブプロデューサー「中裕司」、プロデューサー「見吉隆夫」!日本初のネットワークコンシューマーRPGを創出した  ゴールデンコンビが贈る新たな『RPGとコミュニケーションの融合!』を体感しよう!■推奨機種 ・Android5.0以上■「僕と私のキズナモンスター」公式サイト■公式ツイッターで最新情報配信中!※推奨バージョン以外での動作につきましては、サポートの対象外となります。※通信状況、端末の状況により推奨機種内でも動作が不安定になる場合がございます。 (C)PROPE,Ltd.
60초 용사 : 방치형RPG 1.110.0
Best Idle RPG with God! Get 100% jumping rewards and startyourexhilarating adventure!
Ao Oni2 1.6.10
A big hit horror game "Ao Oni2" came back. That "blue"scourgebegins again ...
Mind Snares: Journey (Full)
Overcome your biggest fears inthisheart-pounding adventure!Alice Dahl is bogged down in her day-to-day routine, stuck inadead-end office job but unable to leave due to personal fears.Oneday, while rushing to a client meeting in the rain, her carcareensout of control and crashes. When Alice awakens, she findsherselfin a hospital … or so she thinks. Help Alice defeat herinnerdemons, escape the mysterious place that lies between lifeanddeath and find her way back home in this incredible hiddenobjectpuzzle adventure! Conquer a mysterious Shadow and helpAlicecapture the opportunity, perhaps her last, to achieve ahappylife.● 80 spine-tingling levels to master● 21 exciting mini-games to play● 17 encouraging achievements to earn● Eight fabulous characters to meet● Five magnificent dream worlds to explore● Three play modes – casual, advanced, expert● Amazing graphics and dramatic storyline● Google Play game services support____________________________Game available in: English, Chinese, Traditional Chinese,French,German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, BrazilianPortuguese,Portuguese, Russian, Spanish___________________________COMPATIBILITY NOTES:***Note*** This game performs best on high-end smartphonesandtablets.____________________________***Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5Games!***____________________________G5 Games - World of Adventures™!Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Google Play!Adventure:▶ Mahjong Journey®▶ Survivors: The Quest®▶ Twin Moons Society™▶ Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes▶ Hidden City: Mystery of ShadowsStrategy:▶ Supermarket Mania® Journey▶ Farm Clan: Farm Life Adventure▶ Virtual City Playground®▶ Stand O’Food® City▶ Doomsday Preppers™____________________________VISIT US: www.g5e.comWATCH US: US: US: End User License SupplementalTerms:
Mage Gauntlet
Mage Gauntlet is a classic-styleaction-RPG,designed from the ground up for mobile. It's inspiredprimarily by90's action RPGs for the Super Nintendo, such as Legendof Zelda:LTTP and Secret of Mana. We wanted to make a fast-pacedRPG thatdoesn't waste your time with fetch quests.Fight and explore your way through a humorous storylineabouteccentric wizards, powerful artifacts, and dangerous monsters.Finditems to customize your character's strengths and weaknesses.Enjoysmooth, responsive controls and fast, satisfying combat. Whenyoubeat the game, unlock a remixed Master Mode with overwhelmingenemynumbers and new secrets to uncover.MAGE FACTS- 84 levels (half normal, half in Master Mode)- 86 achievements- 110 hats (important)- Variety of loot that adapt your character todifferenttactics- 19 pets that follow you around and give different bonuses- Quick leveling and stat system lets you customizecharacterfurther- Dash and Charge moves let you slip through enemyspellattacks*********More updates planned! Follow us on Twitter @rocketcatgames tosendus suggestions!
ミステリーアドベンチャー「VOCADOL」が装いを新たにVer2.0となりました!・シナリオ方式の大幅な変更・バトルシステム要素追加・UI仕様の大幅な変更見た目も操作も大きく変更したVer2.0を是非プレイしてください!!新宿某所にそびえ立つカーキ色の雑居ビル。いつも大勢のお客さんでにぎわうほかのフロアとは違い、ひっそりと静まり返ったここ3階に、私たちの所属する「鵜鳥芸能プロダクション」はあります。ちょっと覗いていきますか?駆け出し新米アイドルたちが、様々な事件に巻き込まれて謎を解決していくミステリーアドベンチャーと、それを妨害する「敵」との戦い。■STAFF・設定・シナリオ黒田研二(小説・映画版『青鬼』原作者、「逆転裁判」「逆転検事」ノベライズ・コミカライズ)・メインイラスト牛木義隆(まんがタイムきららフォワードにて「夢喰いメリー」連載)・主題歌ココロ・チャージ・ミュージック歌:VOCADOL(CUL、kokone、Lily、MIZKI、杏音、鳥音、メルリ、蒼姫ラピス)作詞・作曲:黒田亜津編曲:加藤良太ギター:福田正人・音楽だいすけP■参加キャラクター:CUL、kokone、Lily、MIZKI杏音、鳥音、蒼姫ラピス、メルリ■必要環境Android4.1以上メモリ1GB以上空き容量:1GB以上※上記環境を満たしていない端末は、ゲーム途中で動作不能になったり、今後のバージョンアップ等で動作しなくなる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。※初回起動時はダウンロード量が多いため、Wi-Fi環境での起動をお勧めいたします。© AMG/© KEI © AnoKano Project © INTERNET Co., Ltd. Allrightsreserved.© i-style project © VOCALO Revolution executive committee.AllRights Reserved.Mystery Adventure"VOCADOL" became the new Ver2.0 attire!Significant changes scenario methodBattle system elements added- Significant changes in UI specificationLook and I was also changed significantly operationPlease come and play Ver2.0! !Khaki multi-tenant building of towering inShinjukusomewhere.The difference always is with other floor that crowded with alargenumber of the audience, to quietly and silent individualthirdfloor, our affiliation to "Utori talent agency" thereis.Do you continue to peek a little?Battle of fledgling novice Idol us, and mystery adventurethatwill solve the mystery by being involved in various incidents,the"enemy" to interfere with it.■ STAFF, Setting and scenarioKenji Kuroda (novel, the movie version of "Blue Demon"authorship,"Ace Attorney" "Ace Attorney"novelizations-Komikaraizu)Main IllustrationUshiki Yoshitaka ("Yumekui Merry" serialized in Manga TimeKiraraForward)- Theme SongHeart Charge MusicSong: VOCADOL (CUL, kokone, Lily, MIZKI, Anzu-on, Trion,Merli,Aoihime lapis)Music and Lyrics: Kuroda AtsuArrangement: Kato RyotaGuitar: Masato Fukuda·musicDaisuke P■ participation Character:CUL, kokone, Lily, MIZKIAnzu-on, Trion, Aoihime lapis, Merli■ RequirementsAndroid4.1 or moreMemory 1GB or moreFree space: 1GB or more※ terminals that do not meet the above environment, maybecomeinoperable on the way the game,There is a possibility that no longer work in a future version uporthe like.Please note.※ for initial startup there are many download amount, werecommendyou to start on the Wi-Fi environment.© AMG / © KEI © AnoKano Project © INTERNET Co., Ltd. Allrightsreserved.© i-style project © VOCALO Revolution executive committee.AllRights Reserved.
Alice in Dreamland 1.2
Mysterious world wandered's girl(you)isneither Sube to return to the original world,Been invited to a mysterious rabbit, it would elaborate lost.Alice go are attracted to one after another appearcountryofresidents ...Safely Alice does it go home【how to play】1: Let Susumeyo a story by tapping the screen!2: Power up the power of memory and get a new item!3: further power up to be level up items that were available!4: advancing the story can get the "Lost".5: I can proceed at once care in the "rabbit watch"![Recommended for Travellers]- Alice in Wonderland likeLove, fantasyLove-mystery- Foster the character likes to- Made to kill time like free training games· Numbers like to see how the going up a moment· Facebook the cute characters, people who want toshareonTwitter※ during game play, and if the app unintentionally wasforcedtofall, if you suddenly have to kill the app, because thereisapossibility that the save data is not storedproperly,pleasenote.Moreover, there Fortunately, if you can contact us at thattime.
トシカン~都市伝説観測委員会~:ホラーノベル 1.04
2017/2/26一部修正いたしました。2017/2/17本業多忙のため、頂いた貴重なご意見・ご要望の反映が遅れております。大変申し訳ありません。今しばらくお待ち頂きたく、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。2017/1/14更新・システムを全体に仮適用・Chapterの総合評価追加(評価が高いと、最後の選択肢増加)・タイトルからのChapter選択を追加■ジャンル:ポップホラーノベル■プレイ時間:1~2時間■システム実験ノベルの選択肢を補助する目的でシステム実験を行っています。■ストーリー「A君が口裂け女に殺された」「口裂け女はA君をすごいスピードで追っていった」「口裂け女は大きな鎌でA君を殺した」「そう言えば……そのA君と口裂け女って誰が見たの?」都市伝説観測委員会。通称トシカン。この組織は都市伝説に決して干渉せず、ただそれを観測し収集・拡散する。これは、そんなトシカンに所属した3人の男女の奇妙な物語。■注意事項・グロテスクな表現を含みます。・一部、試験的なシステムを搭載しています。・Windows版とは内容が異なります。・画面切り替え時の動作がスムーズにならない場合があります(修正中)・「chapter」から戻ってから「観測を始める」を選択すると、「chapter」に戻ってしまいます。(Android特有の現象。現在調査中)■謝意・企画・制作 Kuroneko Studio・画像素材作成・提供ichimatsu様ぴたちー素材館様写真素材足成様写真AC様様・音楽・効果音素材提供煉獄庭園様ザ・マッチメイカァズ様・ツール提供ティラノスクリプト様 corrected some.2017/2/17For the core business busy, reflect the valuable opinionsandrequests received will have been delayed. I am sorry. Whilenowwant We wait, I would appreciate your favor.2017/1/14 update· Provisional apply to the entire systemComprehensive evaluation additional Chapter (the evaluation ishigh,increase the last option)· Add the Chapter selection from the title■ Genre: Pop horror novel■ Play Time: 1-2 hours■ system experimentFor the purpose of assisting the Novell choicesWe are a system experiment.■ Story"Mr. A was killed in the mouth torn woman.""Mouth torn woman went chasing with amazing speed the A-kun.""Mouth torn woman killed Mr. A in a large sickle""Who saw me so speaking ...... that Mr. A and mouthtornwoman?"Urban legend observation committee. Aka Toshikan.This organization does not in any way interfere with theurbanlegend,Just to collect and diffuse measure it.This was belong to such Toshikan3 men and women of the strange story.■ Notes- Contains a grotesque representation.One part, is equipped with a pilot system.· Windows version and have different content.-Screen operation at the time of switching may not be smooth(inmodified)When you select the "start the observation" from the backfrom,"chapter", it will return to "chapter".(Android-specific phenomenon. Currently under investigation)■ gratitudePlanning and productionKuroneko Studio- Image material created and providedichimatsu likePitachi material museum-like Photos Ashinaru like AC like like, Music and sound effects material providedPurgatory garden-like Matchimeikaazu like providedTyrannosaurus script like
コエヲタヨリニ。 脱出ゲーム/声×脱出 1.1.0
Suddenly, an unannounced phone call came from a imprisonedgirl.--The Escape Game for Life or Death begins--