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GATT-IP - Bluetooth LE Proxy 1.7.3
Vensi, Inc.
GATT-IP is the reference application usingtheOpen Source Bluetooth Proxy Protocol. GATT-IP protocolhelpstransfer data from Bluetooth Smart devices to the cloud orremotesystems. Bluetooth LE devices are designed to work withlocalconnection. With the new release of the GATT-IP protocol,thisenables connecting Bluetooth LE devices to remote devices viatheIP network.The core essence of Bluetooth LE is Generic AttributeProfile(GATT), which is built on top of the Attribute Protocol(ATT) andestablishes common operations and a framework for thedatatransported and stored by the Attribute Protocol. GATT definestworoles: Server and Client. With the release of GATT-IP, thetworoles are now extended from local near range access toremoteaccess from anywhere. The protocol is simple with the abilitytocontrol any Bluetooth LE /Smart device remotely from anyInternetconnected browser. GATT-IP is based on JSON-RPC to allowaccessingremote Bluetooth devices via a series of procedure callsto controlthe devices just like you would when connectedlocally.GATT-IP bridges the gap between smaller embedded devices tonetworkconnected systems, including data collection systems tocollect andmonitor. This helps Internet Of Things platforms to stayconnectedto Bluetooth LE devices with simple extensions.For more information on GATT-IP go to