Top 12 Apps Similar to GET-JEK

TopJek - Delivery made easy 2.0.9
TopJek delivers more than just packages.Wedeliver peace of mind, convenience and reliability from starttofinish. Here are some of the ways we deliver more foryourcustomers, partners and you.SERVICE WITH A PASSIONWe go the extra mile to deliver the highest level ofcustomerservice. Our team is dedicated to solving your business’complexsame-day delivery and last mile logistics needs so that youcanbetter, and more efficiently, serve your own clients. Wewillpickup multiple packages at once reducing your time and moneyspendmanaging your deliveries.SECURITY & RELIABILITYAll of your deliveries are insured to get them there securely&on time - every time. At the end of each delivery, you havetheability to rate your experience. Your feedback matters and helpsuskeep only the best TopJek agents on the road to serve you.TRANSPARENT PRICINGGet accurate, upfront pricing before each delivery. WithTopJek,you’ll never get hit with surge pricing or fuel surcharges.Whatyou see is what you’ll pay. Enter your Pickup and Dropoff pointyoucan review costs and available service types before evenstartingyour order.CASH ON DELIVERY (COD)Customers demand multiple payment channels in the newemergingE-commerce space. TopJek agents will not only delivery yourgoodsthey also will collect payment. We guarantee each paymentcollectedand pay you 3 times a week via bank transfer or in cash atthepickup point .REAL-TIME TRACKING & CONFIRMATIONSWatch exactly where your package is in the delivery process withourlive map, real-time tracking. Push confirmations instantlynotifyyou when your delivery has been picked up and delivered,anddelivery signature and photo verifications provide you withtheultimate peace of mind. installing and using the application, you declare to havereadand understand, and also accept and agree, related to the termsofuse above.
GPS-Trace Client 2.4.35
Steve Braga
Unofficial Android client for GPS-Trace service
Blu-Jek 0.3.3
Here at Blu-Jek, we want to make yourlifeeasier. We know life is hard, we know you are busy, and weknowsometimes you just don’t feel like doing anything. We can giveyoua ride, do your shopping for you, deliver your items, and getyourfood. Simply use your mobile phone or tablet to let us knowwhatyou need. You can then use the time you’ve saved to do thethingsyou really want to do.Our Services:• Blu-Rider: Need a ride? Your rider will pick you up and takeyouwherever you want to go.• Blu-Shop: Your rider will shop for you, so you don’thaveto.• Blu-Pick: Need something delivered? Your rider will getitdone.• Blu-Menu: For when you’re hungry, and when you’re not. Choosewhatyou’d like, and your rider will get it for you.Our riders are ready to help you get things done, theeasyway.
PRO-JEK 1.2.1
PRO-JEK adalah aplikasi Tansportasi Online:Ojek Online, Taksi Online.Layanan Transportasi Online untuk masyarakat Indonesia,denganmenggunakan aplikasi android, seperti halnya Gojek, GrabdanUber.PRO-JEK menyediakan beberapa pilihan layanan sesuai kebutuhananda:Motor / Ojek, Sewa Mobil Pribadi, Taksi, Mobil Mewah/Luxury,danMobil Derek (Towing Car).Pemesanan ojek online melalui aplikasi mobile androidakanmemudahkan anda mencari ojek dengan radius yang telahditentukanoleh system, dihitung dari lokasi anda.Keunggulan PRO-JEK :1. Pilih layanan kendaraan yang diinginkan2. Anda dipersilakan memilih Gender Pengemudi sesuaiGenderanda3. Pilihan peta memudahkan mencari alamat tujuan4. Fitur Tunjuk Lokasi memungkinkan anda mencari lokasi yangtidaktercantum di peta, silakan geser peta untuk mendapatkan lokasiyangakurat5. Menghubungi pengemudi bisa menggunakan WhatsApp atauteleponlangsung6. Pendaftaran mudah, cukup isi Nama, Alamat email dan nomorhapeyang sedang digunakan, saat anda memesan perjalananpertamakali.7. Upload foto anda dalam profil PRO-JEK, langsungmenggunakankamera hape anda8. Fitur Inbox, membuat anda menjadi lebih dekat denganPRO-JEK.Dapatkan Berita terbaru dan juga tentunya Voucher DiskonPerjalananPRO-JEK9. Laporan perjalanan akan kami kirimkan langsung ke alamatemailanda.Untuk anda yang ingin menggunakan jasa transportasi yanglebihmudah, aman dan nyaman, maka gunakanlah Aplikasi PRO-JEK.Driverkami siap melayani perjalanan anda, mengantar anda ketempattujuan.tag: ojek online, projek, pro-jekKebijakan Privasi : Penggunaan : isatransportation application Online: Online Motorcycle taxi,TaxiOnline.Transport Services Online for the people of Indonesia, usingtheandroid application, as well as Gojek, Grab and Uber.PRO-JEK provide multiple service options to suit your needs: Motor/Motorcycle taxi, Hire Private Car, Taxi, Luxury Cars / LuxuryandTowing (Towing Car).Booking online motorcycle through the android mobileapplicationwill allow you to find a motorcycle taxi with a radiusdeterminedby the system, is calculated from your location.PRO-JEK advantages:1. Select the desired vehicle service2. You are welcome to choose the appropriate driver GenderGenderyou3. Map options facilitate the search for thedestinationaddress4. Show Location feature lets you find a location that is notlistedon the map, please drag the map to get an accuratelocation5. Call the driver can use WhatsApp or phone directly6. Registration is easy, just fill in name, email address andphonenumbers are being used, when you book the trip first.7. Upload your photos in a profile PRO-JEK, directly usingyourphone camera8. Features Inbox, makes you closer to PRO-JEK. Get the latestnewsand also of course Discount Travel Voucher PRO-JEK9. The trip report will be sent directly to youremailaddress.For those of you who want to use transportation servicesmoreeasily, safely and comfortably, then use Application PRO-JEK.Ourdrivers are ready to serve your trip, take you toyourdestination.tags: motorcycle online, projects, pro-jackPrivacy Policy: of Use:
Love Indonesia: City Guide 4.0.0
Love Indonesia is the Location-Based Lifestyle CityDirectoryapplication for 26 major cities in Indonesia which can beused tofind a variety of information, ranging from restaurants,bars andclubs, hotels, spas, shopping, movies, sports, news andimportanttelephone numbers/emergency. Nearby • Find the nearestmerchant andpromotion from your location easily. Movie & Cinema• See movietrailer, synopsis and movie schedule from Indonesiacinema. Reviews& Promotions • Get restaurant reviews, eventcoverage and thelatest promotions directly to your phone. BusinessDirectory •Complete information of restaurants, bars & clubs,and spa& beauty, etc. consists of the address, phone number,hours ofoperation, review, promotion, photo gallery, etc. • Find afavoritespot, see the map and call directly for reservations. •Find adirectory of important phone numbers for various categoriessuch asairlines, garages, fire, hospitals, police stations, taxi,towingservices, etc. Indonesian News • Read the Indonesian latestnews,gadget information, celebrity gossip and women thing. Others •Gettraffic information and CCTV. • Find gym location and schedule•Check monthly bills • And many more you can explore with it.Nowwith social media connected to easily share with your friends.Formore detail you can visit our website:http://www.loveindonesia.comJoin our Facebook page: Followour twitter:
Snab 1.4
Kami adalah layanan transportasi pribadi,kamiakan melakukan pemesanan secara instan!!!Butuh Bike atau Car segera dengan tarif yang transparan?Simulasikan orderan anda dan panggil... :)Kami Hadir Di Batam
Layanan antar jemput, belanja,pesanmakanan,dan kurir antar barang.Harga kompetitif, layanan maksimalShuttleservice,shopping,order a meal, and a courier between theobjects.Competitive price, maximum service
JOG-JEKAdalah layanan antar jemput penumpang ber argo aplikasiandroiddi wilayah yogyakarta.Kami melayani penjemputan dan pengantaran diwilayanyogyakarta,selain dengan cara otomatis melalui aplikasi kami jugamelayanimelalui call/sms ke 082137546869.Layanan kami berupa:1. Antar jemput penumpang2. Layanan Antar jemput barang3. Layanan Membelikan barang(available soon)4. Paket Layanan Wisata dijogja dengan motor.TARIF JOG-JEKTarif dasar JOG-JEK adalah 10 ribu rupiah dengan penambahan perkm2ribu dan waktu tunggu 2ribu, seluruh tarif transparandisisipenumpang dan driver kami sehingga tetap terpantau.Kami bisa dipesan melalui call/sms 1 s/d 24 jam lagi untukdijemputdi wilayah coveran driver.PROMO JOG-JEKDapatkan saldo 10 ribu untuk yang download aplikasi jog-jeklalumengajak 2 teman untuk gabung sebagai penumpangsecaraotomatis.Saldo bisa digunakan untuk naik jog-jek. Selain itu kamimembagikankode promo #startup senilai 5ribu per transaksi.Hubungi kami sekarang juga:www.jog-jek.comtwitter = jogjekindonesiafacebook = JogjekindonesiaInstagram = jogjekindonesiaCall/Sms = +6282137546869
Lokasiku 1.7
Raaf Studio
☆☆☆ Lokasiku ☆☆☆displaying my location info base on gpssharing location and weather around you with images☺get address your current location☺get the latest weather in your location☺capture your location and share to your friendthis application need internet connection and gps togetlocationand weather data
My Location on Facebook 1.13
My Location on Facebook.Share your GPS Location on Facebook and DroidMap Portal.Locations are shared on site: app are 'social' version of 'My Location' (YoucanuseMyLocation App if don't use Facebook or use GPSasAnonymous)
ANA Portuguese Airports 3.2.24
Download the app and have the Portuguese Airports on the palmofyour hand.
Tripy 4.6.1101
Tripy adalah sebuah aplikasi smartphoneyangmenakjubkan yang memungkinkan penumpang untuk memesankendaraandalam hitungan menit dengan satu sentuhan tombol. Hanyamenginstal,klik dan berangkat, selebihnya serahkan kepadakami!Cek fitur unik dari Tripy berikut ini:BERKENDARA KETIKA ANDA MEMBUTUHKAN• Tekan untuk memesan kendaraan anda• Berkendara dengan supir yang terlatih dan professionalIKUTI KENDARAAN PESANAN ANDA• Melacak pesanan kendaraan anda secara langsung• Tetap berhubungan dengan supir kendaraan anda melalui teleponataupesan teksMENGELOLA PESANAN ANDA BAIK SEBELUM MAUPUN YANG SELANJUTNYA• Seluruh pesanan perjalanan anda akan dilampirkanrincianbiaya• Dapatkan rincian biaya secara electronik untukmemudahkanpenyimpanan andaUntuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Tripy,silahkankunjungi : http://www.tripy.idJika anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai aplikasi ini daninginmemberikan feedback, silahkan kirim email andake:[email protected] is anamazingsmartphone app that allows passengers to book a vehicle inminuteswith a single touch of a button. Just install, just clickand go,do the rest to us!Check the unique features of Tripy following:Driving WHEN YOU NEED• Press to reserve your vehicle• Driving with a driver trained and professionalFOLLOW THE ORDER YOUR VEHICLE• Keep track of your vehicle orders directly• Keep in touch with your vehicle driver via telephone ortextmessageMANAGING YOUR ORDER EITHER BEFORE OR MORE• All orders will be attached details of your trip cost• Get detailed cost electronic means to simplify your storageTo get more information about Tripy, pleasevisit:http://www.tripy.idIf you have any questions regarding this application and wanttoprovide feedback, please send an email to: [email protected]