Top 20 Apps Similar to BIA Báscula - Control de peso

Monitor Your Weight 5.2.09
Award Winning Weight Tracker App with option to trackmultipleprofiles
Weight Loss Tracker & BMI 2.60
aktiWir GmbH
Track your weight, check your BMI and evaluate the success ofyourdiet.
BMI-Weight Tracker 3.0.4
Monitor your weight, BMI, body fat percent, ideal weight andbodymeasurements !
30 Day Fitness Challenge 2.0.21
Take 30 day challenge at Home to improve health withscientificworkouts.
Weight Control 1.88
Control your weight easily and without complications!
Simple Weight Tracker - Free 2.3wf
A simple app to record your weight and view your progress.
Weight Manager - Scaless 1.3
Scaless is a weight management app that allows you to keep trackofyour weight, to create a weight loss or gain plan and tovisualizeyour progress in a chart form. This app also calculatesyour BMIand suggests your ideal weight as your goal to reach. Inadditionto this you can also track your : • body measurements •bloodpressure • sporting activities • cholesterol levels MainFeatures:- Simple data entry - Weight tracker - Visualization ofyour dietplan in a simple chart format. - Calculation of your idealweightbased on age, height, gender - BMI (Body Mass Index) -Ultimateweight goal/target - Statistics - Imperial and metricsunits.Expanded settings panel will additionally enable: • Exportingofall data to Excel or .txt file • Forwarding exported data toanye-mail address • Creating data backups The application supportsthefollowing languages: Deutsch, English, Español, Français,Italiano,Русский, Polski, Português, 中文 The "Scaless" applicationisintended only to record weight fluctuations andrelatedinformation. The “Scaless” is not a substitute for adoctor'sadvice or visit; therefore, do not make radical changes toanytreatment you may be already following without priorconsultationswith a doctor or specialist. The Supplier of theapplication,"Freshware", accepts no responsibility for incurreddamagesresulting from use of the application.
WeightWar - Weight Tracker 2.10.14
Cleveni Inc.
Track your weight and diet systematically
Weight Loss Tracker - RecStyle 3.8.0
Your Free Diet, Fitness Beauty for Better Health(Body Fat,BMIPeriod Tracking)
Ideal weight - MasterDiet 1.5
MasterDiet is an application that will help you lose weight.
IMC: Índice de Massa Corporal 2.0
Fener Apps
Não deixe sua saúde em segundoplano,atualmentehá diversos mecanismos simples e confiáveis quenosajudam a conferircomo está nossa saúde, sem termos que recorreraespecialistas paracertos tipos de aferições.O Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) é um método indiretoquepermiteavaliar a composição da massa corporal de umapessoaadulta. Esteaplicativo pode utilizar a fórmula clássica ounovafórmula lançadapor pesquisadores da universidade de Oxfordem2013.Cálculo do IMCPara fazer o cálculo do IMC basta informar seu peso emquilogramasea altura (em metros).O número que será gerado deve ser comparado aos valores databelaIMCpara se saber se você está abaixo, em seu peso ideal ouacimadopeso.O novo IMC 2.0 agora abrange também o novo cálculo deIMCpropostoem 2013 por pesquisadores da Universidade de Oxford,estepassa a sero cálculo padrão (Peso x 1,3 / Altura ^ 2,5).Nasconfigurações doaplicativo ainda é possível utilizar ocálculoclássico do IMC (Peso/ Altura ^ 2) que foi criado porAdolpheQuetelet em 1830.O IMC não determina categoricamente se uma pessoa estáabaixoouacima do seu peso normal, representa apenas umamedidaaproximadabaseada em critérios estatísticos.Assim, se o resultado sinalizar para uma faixa depesoanormalpode-se investigar o fato através de métodosmaisacurados.Existem métodos mais precisos para a avaliação do pesocorporal,emgeral mais complexos, tais como:- ressonância magnética,- diluição de isótopos,- bioimpedância,- hidrodensitometria.O excesso de gordura corporal em seus diversosníveisrepresentadiferentes graus de fatores de risco para asaúde.Quanto maior o IMC , maior o fator de risco.Segundo a OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde), o IMCnormalsitua-seentre 18.5 e 24.9 .Lembramos que sempre é necessário o acompanhamento deummédicopara monitoramento regular da saúde bem como para apráticadeexercícios físicos.Não esqueça também de usar nosso aplicativo para cálculodeICQ:Indice de Cintura e Quadril, além deoutrosaplicativosinteressantes. Procure por Fener Informática naloja deaplicativosdo Google.Do not letyourhealthbackground, currently there are several simpleandreliablemechanisms that help us to check how our health is,withouthavingto resort to specialists for certain types ofmeasurements.The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indirect method forassessingthecomposition of the body mass of an adult. Thisapplication mayusethe classic formula or new formula launched byresearchersfromOxford University in 2013.Calculation of BMITo calculate BMI simply enter your weight in kilograms andheight(inmeters).The number that will be generated should be compared tothevalues​​of BMI table to see whether you are underweight, attheiridealweight, or overweight.The new IMC 2.0 now also includes the new calculationofBMIproposed in 2013 by researchers at the University ofOxford,thisbecomes the standard calculation (1.3 x weight / height^ 2.5).Inapplication settings you can still use the classiccalculationofBMI (weight / height ^ 2) which was created by AdolpheQueteletin1830.The BMI does not determine categorically whether a personisbelowor above your normal weight, represents only anapproximatemeasurebased on statistical criteria.Thus, if the result signal for an abnormal weight rangecanbeinvestigated by the fact most accurate methods.There are more accurate methods for evaluating theweight,usuallymore complex, such as:- MRI- Isotope dilution,- Bioimpedance,- Hydrodensitometry.Excess body fat at various levels are different levelsofriskfactors for health.The higher the BMI, the greater the risk factor.According to WHO (World Health Organization), the normalBMIisbetween 18.5 and 24.9.Remember that it is always necessary to follow adoctorforregular health monitoring as well as for physicalexercise.Do not forget to also use our application forcalculatingICQ:Index Waist and Hips, and other interestingapplications. LookforFener Hardware in Google app store.
Weight Track Assistant 3.12.2
Kevin Tung
BMI, weight loss tracker, weight gain, body fat, body measurements
Simple Weight Manager 3.8.5
Simple Weight Manager is anapplicationthatallows managing the weight by creating short-termsgoals inwhichthe users can track down the calories intake and burn.The idea to create this app came up afterusingmultipleapplications and not being satisfied with the results;mostof theweight manager applications I used focus on a targetweight,whichdirect the users to create unrealistic goals.When a weight management application focus on thetargetweight,the goal become long and hard to accomplish, the usersgetboredand stop using the application; other applications aretoocomplexand difficult to understand, the simplicity is lost.Simple Weight Manager comes to overcome thecurrentapplicationslimitations by providing the followingfeatures:1. The application focus in short-term realistic goals;theusersmanage their weight by setting their calorie intake goalforcertainamount of days at a time (7, 15, and 30 days). The goalisfocusedon losing, gaining or maintaining certain amount ofpoundsratherthan a target weight, this prevent the user fromgettingbored.2. The application can track the user’s weightmoreefficientlythan other applications due to the fact the userisprompted toinput the weight at each goal the user creates.3. The application provides statistics for each goalcreated.4. The application keeps the users motivatedbyshowingnotification when the user needs to exercise, creategoalsor theusers are in a negative calorie balance.5. The application provides a statistic screen where theusercansee a graph and a chart that show information abouttheweightprogress and calories distribution.Search Tags: calorie, weight, lose, exercise,fitness,food,diet.
Weight Loss Tracker 4.6.4
Track your weight loss, bmi, and body measurements.
Weight Loss Tracker
WeightFit - Weight Loss Tracker: Trackyourweight and BMI, set goals and reach your ideal weight!OVERVIEW:- Body weight tracker incl. targeting of your desired weight- Body data tracker- Professional BMI calculator and chartsWeightFit is ideal for losing weight and perfect for dieting!Continuously VERIFY THE SUCCESS OF YOUR DIET+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +You want to successfully lose weight and evaluate the successofyour diet? The body weight diary is the right choice for youtocomplement typical diets. Day by day you can observe whetheryouare on track to reach your desired weight. WeightFit calculatorandweight diary continuously encourages you to further improve.WithWeightFit losing weight will turn out to be fun!The APP provides you with a detailed body weight diaryincludinggraphical statistics on your body weight improvements.Whenupdating your body weight, the App will track and comment onyourachievements and continuously encourage you to improve. WiththeBMI calculator you can easily calculate your BMI (Body MassIndex)and find out from graphical interpretations whether youareoverweight, underweight or have normal weight.WeightFit is Ideal for the health consciousKEEP YOUR BODY AT A GLANCE+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +For keeping your body at a glance, WeightFit is the right choiceforyou! Our App provides you with detailed analysis’ of yourphysicalconstitution and the changes in your weight.WeightFit is ideal for ATHLETESKEEP TRACK OF YOUR BODY DATA+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +As an athlete you want to increase muscle mass and optimizeyourbody weight? WeightFit is ideally suited as a protocol formusclebuilding and weight gain. Reach your goals by tracking yourweightwhile setting new goals and keep improving.
Ideal Weight, BMI Calculator
Are you in your right weight? Check iteasilywith this app. It will calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)andwill let you know if you are underweight, in good weightoroverweight.Just swipe your finger over the measure tapes to enter yourweightand height and get the BMI value and also your idealweightrange.This BMI calculator supports imperial and metric units,and youcanalternate in just one click between kg or lbs and feet/inchesormeters.Very usable BMI calculator and the only one in the marketthatdoesn't require you to press the the button every time you wanttocalculate a new value.Key features of this app:- Very user friendly UI.- Imperial and metrics units.- Easy way to input height and weight values.- Real time BMI value.- Graphic coloured results.- Ideal weight estimation.- Exact calculation also with people under 19 years old.NOTE:Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height thatiscommonly used to classify underweight, overweight andobesity.If you want more information regarding BMI you can checkwikipediapage in this link:
Weight Loss Tracker 1.10.1
Control your weight progress and achieve your dream figure.Let'sgo!
Calories in food 2.0
The app shows the energy content of more than 8700 food items.
Lifesum: Healthy Eating & Diet
More than a calorie counter: meal plans, intermittent fasting,habittracker