Top 34 Apps Similar to German Alphabet

This app will help you learn the German PossessivePronouns(Possessivpronomen).
Personalpronomen 1.5
This app will help you learn the German PersonalPronouns(Personalpronomen).
Hilfsverben 2.4
Study and practice in German Auxiliary Verbs (Hilfsverben)
German Irregular Verbs 2.4
Study and practice on German Irregular Verbs including Modal verbs
Essen und Trinken 1.0
This app helps you memorize the foodsandthedrinks (beverages) in a very easy way. See the icon andselectthecorrect article and food. Email me if you havequestions.Thankyou.#Essen und Trinken#food and drinks in german
German Present Tense (Präsens) 1.2
Study and Practice German Present Tense (Präsens).
Obst und Gemüse 1.3
Study and practice in german fruits and vegetables fast and easy.
German Alphabet 1.8
Sky Andy Lab
The first thing you must do to learn German is to study theGermanAlphabet. With this app, soon you will be able to pronounceallsounds and all german language characters, and write in Germanwithno effort. German, a West Germanic language spoken inGermany,Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, and many othercountries byabout 200 million people. this app, German Alphabet,contains a setof german alphabets and characters in the GermanLanguage, and thegerman pronunciation and sound of each letter.Start learninggerman language and learning the german alphabetright away. abcgerman free app.
Basic German Learning Beginner 6.0.2
DigBazar GmbH
Basic German Learning App for Beginner to learn German/Deutschveryeasily.
German Alphabet 1.05
Learn the German Alphabet today. Thefirstthingyou have to do before learning the German Language istostudy theGerman Alphabet. With this app you can do it forfree.Know all theGerman letters, all the basics of the Germanlanguage.Information about German, a West Germanic languagespokeninGermany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, andmanyothercountries by about 200 million people. This page containsacoursein the German Alphabet, pronunciation and sound ofeachletter aswell as a list of other lessons in grammar topicsandcommonexpressions in German.You only need to follow our selected video lessons, andsoonyouwill learn all the sounds, letters and characters oftheGermanAlphabet and Language. Do you want to travel toGermany?Startreading and speaking German today. Read and writeGerman in afewdays. Our app is indicated also for kids andchildren, as it hasaselection of German Alphabet Songs andCyrillicscriptexamples.German Alphabet (the app) is part of a learningprojectwhichcontains apps to learn different alphabets andlanguages suchasEnglish, German, Spanish, Arabic, Italian,French,Turkish,Chinese, Japanese, and other European languages.
Buchstaben schreiben - ABC 1.1
Entdecken Sie eine neue Art Kindern das deutsche Alphabet näherzubringen.Die Anwendung bietet eine interaktive Lernmöglichkeit, dieesKindern leichter machen soll, die 26 Buchstaben desdeutschenAlphabetes mit Hilfe von Illustrationen und attraktiverErzählungzu lernen.Durch die Anwendung wird es den Kindern leichter fallendasAlphabet zu lernen.Mit viel Spaß werden sie von einer Ebene zur nächstenbegleitetund bekommen als Belohnung viele kleine Sterne.Um Alles noch attraktiver zu machen wird mit Musik undEffektendie Anwendung in einer perfekten Methode vervollständigt,so dassdie Kinder sich noch besser auf die Anwendung einlassenkönnen.Wichtige Merkmale:· Buchstaben schreiben auf einer Tafel mit Kreide invierverschiedenen Farben. Wenn Sie einen Buchstaben richtiggeschriebenhaben, bekommen die Kinder maximal drei Sterne. Wenn siejedocheinen Fehler machen, können sie ihn mit Hilfe einesSchwammesabwischen und es nochmals versuchen.Discovertobring the German alphabet closer a new type children.The application provides an interactive learning opportunitythatshould make it easier for children to learn the 26 letters ofthealphabet with the help of German illustrations andattractivenarrative.By applying it to the children easier to learn the alphabet.With much fun they are accompanied by a level to the next andgeta reward many small stars.To make everything even more attractive is with music andeffectsapplication in a perfect method completes, so that thechildren arebetter able to engage in the application.Important features:· Write letters on a blackboard with chalk in four differentcolors.If you have written a letter correctly, the childrenreceive amaximum of three stars. However, if they make a mistake,you canwipe it with a sponge and try again.
Write ABC - Learn Alphabets 2.1.39
Teach preschool kids to write ABC in tracing game LearnAlphabetsGames for Kids
German Alphabet 1.1.25
Learn the German Alphabet with ease with this app.
Deutsch Grammatik 1.0
Deutsche Grammatik übungen b1Willst du Deutsche Grammatik lernen oderdeineGrammatikkentnisseverbessern ... du die wichtigsten AufgabenundÜbungen zu denStufenB1bereitet auf die B1 - Prüfung vor.Grammatik-Übungen für Deutsch als Fremdsprache Niveau B1.Zu jedem Thema gibt es Übungen mit automatischenKorrekturenundLösungen.Lernst du Grammatik und Wortschatz der Stufe B1. DieseAPPorientiertsich an dem GemeinsamenEuropäischenReferenzrahmenfür Sprachen und hat zum Ziel, Deutsch alsFremdsprachedurchmodernes E-Learning zu vermitteln.Deutsche Grammatik - einfach, kompakt und übersichtlichDeutsche Grammatik in kleinen Schritten und miteinfachenWortenerklärt. Deutsche Grammatik schneller lernenundbesserverstehen.Der Suchdienst zur Rechtschreibung, Flexion undWortbildungsowieGrammatik für Deutsch ist ein umfassendesNachschlagewerkzurdeutschen Sprache.deutsch lernen alle grammatikdeutsch übungen grammatikdeutsche grammatik pdfdeutsche grammatikgrammatik deutsch übungengrammatik deutsch fällegrammatik deutsch zeitendeutsche grammatik übersichtdeutsche sprache grammatikgrammatik deutsch prüfenWenn euch die App gefällt, bewertet sie bitte. Danke!Bietet die Möglichkeit unter jeder Themen eigeneNotizenzuerstellenOhne InternetverbindungSchnelle + effiziente SuchfunktionDeutsche Grammatik ist beim Sprachenlernennormalerweisederunangenehme Teil –hier muss man Regeln lernen, dieoft sovölliganders sind als in der Muttersprache …Mit unseren Erläuterungen wollen wir der GrammatikihrenSchreckennehmen. Wir haben alles Wichtige kurzundunkompliziertzusammengefasst.
Deutsch Rechtschreibung 1.0
Zusammenfassung der DeutschRechtschreibungmitden wichtigsten Regeln,Deklinationstabellen und grammatischen StrukturenunddeutschenGrammatik .Alles aus einer Hand, kurz und bündig.Bietet die Möglichkeit unter jeder Themen eigeneNotizenzuerstellenOhne InternetverbindungSchnelle + effiziente SuchfunktionDeutsch Rechtschreibung ist beim Sprachenlernennormalerweisederunangenehme Teil?–?hier muss man Regelnlernen,die oft so völlig anders sind als in der Muttersprache …einfach, kompakt und übersichtlichDeutsch Rechtschreibung in kleinen Schritten und miteinfachenWortenerklärt.Der Suchdienst zur Rechtschreibung, Flexion undWortbildungsowieGrammatik für Deutsch ist ein umfassendesNachschlagewerkzurdeutschen Sprache.Deutsch Rechtschreibung:In der folgenden Liste finden Sie diewichtigstenDeutschRechtschreibungA2/B1/B2/C1 – Deutsch RechtschreibungBei jedem Verb steht, mit welchem Fall diezugehörigePräpositionverwendet wird. Außerdem gibt es zu jedem Verb.Lernen Sie mehr alsDeutsch Rechtschreibung auf Deutsch!Häufig benutzen wir Karten um neue Verben und Wotschatzzulernen.Mit dieser App können Sie auf Ihren Handy und mitdieserMethode ihrdeutsch verbessern.Ihr habt schon Grundkenntnisse in Deutsch, seidimSprachniveauA2-B1 und bereitet euch gerade auf dieDeutschprüfungvor?Goethe-Zertifikat DeutschGoethe-Zertifikat B1ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch Österreich B1ÖSD Zertifikat B1verben mit präpositionen deutschverben deutschdeutsche verbenZusammenfassungderDeutschRechtschreibung wichtigsten mit den Regeln,Deklinationstabellen und grammatischen StrukturenunddeutschenGrammatik.Alles aus einer Hand, kurz und bündig. Bietet die Möglichkeit unter jeder Themen eigeneNotizenzuerstellen ohne Internetverbindung + Schnelle effiziente SuchfunktionDeutsch ist beim Rechtschreibung SprachenlernennormalerweiseTeilder unangenehme -? Hier muss man Regelnlernen, so oft die sind völlig anders als in der Muttersprache...einfach, kompakt und übersichtlichDeutsch Rechtschreibung in kleinen und mit SchritteneinfachenWortenerklärt.Der Suchdienst zur Rechtschreibung, Flexion undsowieWortbildungGrammatik für Deutsch ist ein zur deutschenSpracheumfassendesNachschlagewerk.Deutsch Rechtschreibung:In der folgenden List finden Sie diewichtigstenDeutschRechtschreibungA2 / B1 / B2 / C1 - Deutsch RechtschreibungBei jedem Verb steht, mit welchem ​​Fall wirddieZugehörigePräposition verwendet. Außerdem gibt es zujedemVerb.Lernen Sie mehr auf Deutsch alsDeutsch Rechtschreibung!Häufig benutzen wir um neue Karten und Verben Wotschatzzulernen.Mit dieser App können Sie auf Ihren Handy und ihrmitdieser Methodedeutsch verbessern.Habt ihr schon Grundkenntnisse in Deutsch, seidimSprachniveauA2-B1 und bereitet euch gerade auf dievorDeutschprüfung?Goethe-Zertifikat DeutschGoethe-Zertifikat B1ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch B1 ÖsterreichÖSD Zertifikat B1verben mit Präpositionen deutschverben deutschdeutsche verben
German Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach your kids the language in a fun and engaging way.
Learn German for Beginners 20.0
Zeemish Labs
- Learn German for Beginners in 31 Days - 100% Offline.
Learn German Beginners 1.2
Mhd Apps
* FEATURES * - Very easy and simple design. - 17 lessonsstartingwith alphabet. - 3500+ german words & phrases to studyandmaster. - Spoken audio provided by a native german speaker tohelpwith pronunciation. - High quality audio pronunciation.
Learn German. Speak German 7.10.0
ATi Studios
Learn German with 5 minutes of practicedaily.Mondly is the quick fix that will teach you core German wordsandGerman phrases for conversation, just like a phrasebook. Ifyouwant to learn beyond the basics, there are also Germangrammarlessons available. It’s even great for kids!With Mondly you can learn German sentences and expressions FREEwithdaily German language lessons online. This app is theeffective wayfor beginners to study verbs, pronunciation and howto speak like anative with daily practice.The secret path to language learningRemember the German language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofGerman grammar lessons and at the end of a full semester’slanguagecourse you could barely translate a sentence or say“Hello!” to alocal. Does it sound familiar? That’s the traditionalway to learna language. But it’s not the fastest and not the mostefficientway.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn German phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:- Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors.Learnthe right German pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.- State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knowsexactlyhow to listen to your German words and phrases. You willonly get apositive feedback if you speak German clearly andcorrectly. Thiswill improve your pronunciation.- Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofwords is not the way to go when it comes to learning German.Mondlyteaches you German vocabulary by offering you core wordsandphrases. The app breaks the learning process down intobite-sizechunks and puts them into themed packs of lessons.- Learn conversational German. Unless you plan onreadingscience books, conversation is the main reason to take thisfreecourse. It will help you build a core German vocabularywithwidely-used nouns and verbs and speak German clearly.- Verb conjugations. Conversations are fun, butthefoundation of a foreign language is grammar. If you want tolearnmore during this course, just tap the German verbs and get thefullconjugation on the screen, including the translation. It’sfasterand better than a dictionary.- Statistics that make sense. The App usesintelligentreporting, so you can always follow your progress. Buildyourvocabulary step by step and become better daily.- The Leaderboard. We made learning easy and fun, so whynotthrow in some more game elements, such as score? See howyourfriends are doing and compete with people from all over theworldto become the best learner in the Mondly family. Take theWeeklyQuiz to become even better.- Adaptive Learning. We wanted to craft Mondly in such awaythat it will suit every learner’s needs, even completebeginners.Along the way we noticed that learning German isdifferent fromperson to person. So we taught the app to learn fromyour way oflearning. After little time spent together, Mondly willunderstandwhat suits you best and it will become your own guideandcustomized teacher.Before you know it, at the end of these German lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language. Kids will love itaswell.
ABC Kids - trace letters, pres 17.5
Learn to write letters & numbers. Full alphabet tracingandphonics included.
تعلم اللغه الالمانيه 2017 10.9
best teach
ضراً لأهمية اللغة الألمانية حالياً والكتيرمنالناس يعتقدون بأنها صعبة ولكن مع تطبيق قواعد اللغة الالمانية2017ستكتشف أنها سهلة جداًلأن التطبيق يضم جميع قواعد اللغة الالمانية 2017 بدون نتيضم جميع اساسيات قواعد اللغة الالمانية 2017 وكيفية استعمالهابدوننت.قواعد اللغة الالمانية 2017 عن طريق دروس تعليمية للمبتدئينتساعدكعلى التحدث بالالمانية بطلاقة، فمن لم يتعلم من أخطائه لن ينجحفيتعلم أي شيء، بل حاول واستمر في المحاولة التي ستقودك للنجاح فيتعلمقواعد اللغة الالمانية ، فالطريق الأصح لتعليم اللغة الالمانيةهيممارستها مراراً وتكراراً.و تطبيق قواعد اللغة الالمانية 2017 سيعودك على التحدث بها بطلاقةفيجميع مواقف الحياة العامة.إذا كنت ترغب في تعلم قواعد اللغة الالمانية فأنت بحاجة إلىالتعرفعلى المزيد من المعلومات والنصائح التي تساعدك في دراستها، وفيهذاالتطبيق سوف نساعدك في تعلم اللغة الألمانية من خلال عرض مجموعةمنالنصائح التي ستشعرك بالمتعة عند تعلم اللغة الألمانية بسرعةوبكفاءة.وقد تم اختيار الدروس بعناية شديدة بحيث تكون شاملة و وافية،فقدابتدأ التطبيق بالحروف الأبجدية، ثم الضمائر و الأفعال والجملةفيتعلم قواعد اللغة الالمانية .واشتمل ايضا على دروس مفصلة في الأزمنة المختلفة واحرف الجروتركيبالكلمة والجملة والصفة والإشتقاق، وذلك وفق تسلسل منهجيواضح.ويشتمل ايضا على دروس مفصلة في :+ الأزمنة المختلفة+ الأفعال+ احرف الجر+ اداة الإستفهام والإشارة+ تركيب الكلمة والجملة+ افعال الهيئات المساعدة+ الصفة والإشتقاق+ استعمال الأفعال الألمانية المنفصلة+ الأفعال الغير الإنفصالية+ المضارع...لإيجاد التطبيق بسرعة استعمل الكلمات التالية :تعليم اللغه الالمانيهتعلم اللغه الالمانيهتعلم اللغة الالمانية للمبتدئينta3lim logha english, espana, faranciaapprendre l allemand gratuitementapprendre l almandta3alom logha al almaniaتعلم اللغة المانية للمبتدئينكيفية تعلم اللغة الالمانية بسهولةدروس المانيتعلم اللغة الالمانية للاطفالدروس المانيةgerman learnlearn deutschger
ABC StarterKit Deutsch DAF DFA 1.1.2
ABC StarterKit: Beginning German / German Language DFA DAF
Writing Wizard - Learn Letters 3.4.6
A fun app to help kids learn to write the alphabet, phonicsandtrace letters
Learn German For Kids 1.21
Learn German for Kids is an educational application for your kidstolearn german effectively. With this free app to learn germanforkids, kids can recognize german Alphabet, animals, fruits,color,food, numbers.... Teach German for Kidsis important languageforkids development. Learning while playing is the best funandeffectively way for your kids to learn german easy. So,LearnGerman for Kids has 2 fun game. In game, kids can practicephonicsgerman, help kids remember vocabulary better. One word willbeautomatically pronounced, kids have to listen what is it,thenchoose true image by touching screen. Let’s your kids learnandplay now! Learn German for Kids has 21 topics which are aroundkidsreal life, 694 words vocaburaly with sound and images of them .Youcan use all of them without network, it’s free. * GermanAlphabet:26 german letters of alphabet and kids can watch many ABCsongs,Alphabet videos in Videos german. Learning by image bringsbetterresults for learn german for kids. * Numbers: Beside ABCalphabet,this learn german for kids also provide about 1- 20numbers ofsection that helps kids learn german number conveniently.*Animals: includes 90 animals with real pictures of them. Yourkidsvery love animals so it help kids impression and want tolearngerman. * Transports: 24 pictures of vehicle in german forkids,which all of kids are interested! * Color: 18 colors in germanforkids. * Country: 60 countries with engish name for kids.*Vegetables: 40 popular of vegetables arround the world. All ofusis German name for kids. * Fruits: The 51 Healthiest FruitsOnEarth with real picture. Your kids very love it and you canfindthe way to get your kids to eat better. * Flower: includes top22flowers beautiful in the world. Your girls will very like themandhelp kids learn german name of them. * Food: have 40 germanwordsfor many different types of delicious food. * Object: 40commonobjects in real life. Kids will learn german name objectaroundtheir life. * Shape: 26 type of shapes in German, the apphelps tobuild the skills and knowledge of your kids in a playfulmanner. *Job: 50 German name of Professions & Jobs will helpkids knowabout your dream jobs in the feature. * Verb: Learn andstudy themost frequently used 50 German vocabulary verbs used inspeakinggerman daily. * Adjectives: Kids can learn 30 adjectivescommon inGerman to describe physical appearance. * Nature: 18pictures ofnature will help your kids knowledge about nature. *Classroom: 24popular objects in school. * Dates: includes 7 days ofweek, 12months and 4 seasons in a year! * Christmas &Halloween: Duringfestivals like Christmas, Halloween and New Year alot ofvocabulary related to celebrations can easily sink into kids.ABOUTVIDEO * 451 best YouTube videos compilation for Kids tolearnGerman. These videos will get your kids’s attention as theyarefunny and your kids won’t make that much effort to enjoy them.*Videos in this app do not belong to us, we collect all fromYouTubeand just link to them for education purposes. We don't showads onthose videos. If you see any video of yours and don't want ustolink to it, please email us!([email protected]) I willremovethem! -----------------------------------------------FEEDBACK& SUPPORT Please support us by leaving a good rating,or sharethis app with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Google+if youlike it. If you have any issues regarding this app, pleasefeelfree to let us know at: [email protected] VISITUS: LIKEUS:
Kids Learn: German alphabets 1.4
Badawi Tech
This is the perfect app to have a goodtimewith your children. It is designed to help kids learnGermanAlphabetsin Attractive and enjoyable way.German Alphabets develop Child capabilities . it Linkingthealphabet with the names of favorite animals for the kids .Childcanwrite German Alphabets and German Words .Phonics is alsoutilized,as a child can also tap the animal image and hear thesound of theanimal . also test the capacities of the child Byshowing theGerman alphabets or animal name and child choose theright animal.
Learn German | Translator 15.2.0
Easily learn German phrases and words! Speak German withconfidence!
German Alphabet 1.2.7
Learn Alphabet & Numbers - ReadandWrite(Chalk Up)Learn Alphabet & Numbers is an educational appforpreschoolersor toddlers to learn English alphabet from A to Zandnumbers 1-10.Kids learn the alphabet and numbers, how to readitand how towrite.Your kids will enjoy playing with this app and willlearnalphabetand numbersFeatures:* Kids learn alphabet from ABC to Z with pronunciation* Kids learn alphabet with sample words.* Kids learn numbers with pronunciation* Tap the screen or button to repeat the letter and word* Learn how to write alphabet and numbers* Tablets support
ABC Song – Learn Alphabet 1.0
An educational game specially designed for your baby orpreschoolerto have fun singing the ABC song. Very fun and perfectfor ages 1to 5. Join your little one while they sing the ABC songanddiscover the interactive piano together, with the sounds oftheletters and fun characters who will guide them in theirlearning.This simple yet entertaining game is perfect forintroducing yourchild to learn the ABC song. By simply touching thescreen, yourlittle one can interact with amazing videos andactivities thatwill allow them to sing the ABC song in a simple andfun way. ★FEATURES - Sing the ABC song with Lio and Emma. -Discover the 26letters of the alphabet using the interactive piano.- High-qualityvideos with spectacular animations. - Available in 8languages,including English (US) and English (UK). - Older childrencanchange the language and learn the song in another language.-Adorable graphics and characters are part of thelearningexperience. Download it now for free and enjoy watchingyour childlearn and have fun at the same time! If you have an ideato makethis app even more fun and educational, please don’thesitate tocontact us! Website: Email:[email protected] Followus on Facebook:
Learn and play German words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
German Learning From Bangla 6.0.5
DigBazar GmbH
Bangla to German App can help you to learn Deutsch/GermanfromBengali easily!
Learn German - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
A1 German Language Course 1.1
This app covers complete A1 levelofGermanlanguage. German language course has more than 50 slideswithaudiolessons and explanation of all topics. App is suitableforthoseinterested in learning German language in an effectiveandeasierway. This course starts from German language alphabetandgraduallycovers all topics. If user invest 2 – 2.5 hours dailyfor5 days aweek and for 4 weeks, user will be able to completeA1levelcourse.Features:• Topics are arranged in a way that the level ofdifficultyincreasesgradually.• Advanced grammar rules and topics are not used intheexplanationof simple topics• A plan is provided to complete the course in four weeks• Flexibility for user to buy complete packageorweeklypackages• Option to pause and play the slide’s audio any time• User can switch between slides of same day by simplyclickingthedesired topic• A Free trial version provides overview of course content,tipsandtricks.• 20 tips and tricks package gives useful hints tomakeGermanlanguage easier.• Multiple Choice grammar exercises on different topics• Practice Reading exercises as in the exam of A1• Practice Writing exercises as in the exam of A1 alongwiththesample solution• User friendly navigation
Schlaukopf 5.7.4
The knowledge quiz for school: Learning with fun
Schulwissen griffbereit
The main topics of the classes 5 - 10 at a glance.