Top 10 Apps Similar to SME Assembly 2014

MSP Manager 2.6
MSP ManagerIT service doesn’t just happen from your desk. The MSPManagermobile app provides an easy way to manage support ticketsandaccess customer information on the go.This app allows you to support your customers and organizeyourbusiness wherever you are:- Create helpdesk tickets in seconds, not minutes- Review your schedule and access customer information- Track time and expenses on the go
ServiceDesk Plus MSP 4.6.1
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus MSP integrates your helpdeskrequestsand assets to help you manage your clients'ITinfrastructureeffectively. It has been designed to handlemultipleclients in asingle Help Desk, so the Managed ServiceProviders(MSPs) don’t haveto juggle with multiple software. Thisapp letsyour technicianscreate, access and resolve requests fromanyplace, anytime. Itreduces the response and resolution time ofatechniciandramatically, increasing the efficiency of your helpdeskteam. Italso gives you better user experience. App features:*Filterrequests based on criteria such as unassigned, pending,openetc. *View, create, edit and delete requests. * Performactions(pick up,assign, close, reply) for requests. * Work log,notesandresolutions can be added/modified for each request.
RMM Mobile Agent 1.1.0
Mobile Device Manager is a powerful,fastandeasy to use solution that enables your MSP(ManagedServiceProvider) to remotely manage and secure mobiledeviceswithin anend-to-end service lifecycle.Your Service Provider can streamline the tracking,managementandreporting of any Apple iOS or Google Androidmobiledevices.• Setup WiFi access automatically• Configure Email settings• Remotely reset passcodes• Lock or Wipe devices that are stolen or lost• And much more
GFI MAX RemoteManagement 1.0
At GFI MAX, we eat, drink and sleepMSPsoftware and we LOVE it.Everything we do is focused on helping busy IT supportcompaniesand MSPs grow and the GFI MAX RemoteManagement™ Androidapp is justone example. Our customers tell us that our softwareisn’t a costto their business - they see it as a revenuemultiplier.The Android app is a frontend to GFI MAX RemoteManagement’scloudbased software tool that’s designed for companies of any size,fromthe large ambitious MSP to small hungry start-ups.Manage and monitor servers, workstations and networks.Deliverremote support either attended or un-attended.Offerasset/inventory tracking and reporting, Managed Antivirus,ManagedOnline Backup and proactive maintenance with automatedtasks,scripting, patch management (for Microsoft andnon-Microsoftapplications) and client reports, all of which can bebranded asyour own. Integrates with PSA systems, helpdesk,ticketing andother CRM systems.Our way of thinking is simple. We give you something that fitsyourbusiness and that is flexible to change as you grow. We’ve madeitpay-as-you-go and only for what you use. No contracts, nomoneydown, and no quotas. And because our systems are hosted,there’s nohardware or software to maintain and the systems areaccessibleanywhere you happen to be.Intelligent, flexible MSP software used by over 7,000 ITsupportcompanies just like you:• Comprehensive - but not complex• Get up and running fast• Pay as you go• No contracts• Never outgrow the system• Local support• Put us to the test, download the App today!GFI MAX RemoteManagement Android app - manage customers’systemsfrom your Android tablet or phone:• React quickly to problems - status of serversandworkstations• Work remotely – clear checks and add notes• Troubleshoot quicker - view device/asset informationThe GFI MAX RemoteManagement Android app allows busy ITSupportCompanies to carry on their business wherever they are.
LOGICcards 1.0.20151230
LOGICcards, the latest addition to Max RM’s tool set, bringsthepower of data driven intelligence to your fingertips. Fueledbymachine learning, near real-time analytics, and Big Datamining,LOGICcards leverages billions of events from across millionsofdevices to deliver useful, personalized, and timelyinsights.Features include: -Notifications of at-risk devicesposingliability to your networks based on correlations found amongvastquantities of machine data -Notifications of additionalSNMPcapable devices in your networks driven by ActiveDiscovery-Insight into relevant market trends spanning across ourglobal MSPcommunity -Timely instructional bites that make it easyto benefitfrom the full functionality of the services you alreadyuse -Howyou compare in best practice across our MSP community-Crossproduct integration that enables you to see RM and ServiceDesknotifications all in one place -Ability to assign notificationstoyourself or others in your organization for future reviewviaService Desk or via email
The Netwurx Group
Use the Netwurx mobile app to placeservicecalls, watch helpful videos, and interact with the Netwurxteam viaFacebook, Twitter and LinkedIn - all from one place!
Геолайф Эшелон 1.2.1
«Геолайф Эшелон» - мобильное приложениедлямониторинга безопасности Вашего автомобиля, если оноснащенохранным оборудованием группы компаний «Геолайф».С помощью приложения вы можете управлять следующимифункциямиохранной системы «Эшелон»:Постановка/снятие с охраныДистанционный запуск двигателяВключение сиреныПриложение позволяет следить за параметрами Вашегоавтомобиля,вы можете узнать точное местоположение вашего автомобиля накарте.Эти данные обновляются в реальном времени, поэтому вы всегдабудетев курсе, где оставили свой автомобиль. Дополнительно вприложенииреализована мгновенная связь с диспетчерским центромкомпании.ВАЖНО: Указанные функции доступны в мобильном приложениивсоответствие с установленным у вас оборудованием иподключенныхуслугах. При некорректной работе приложения просьбасообщить обэтом на электронную почту: [email protected]"Geolife Echelon" -amobile application for monitoring the safety of your car if itisequipped with security equipment Group ofCompanies"Geolife."Using this application you can control the following functionsofthe security system "Echelon":Arming / DisarmingRemote engine startTo activate the sirenThe application allows you to monitor the parameters ofyourcar,you can see the exact location of your vehicle on the map.Thesedata are updated in real time, so you will always know whereyouleft your car. Additionally, the application includes aninstantconnection to the control center of the company.NOTE: These features are available in the mobile applicationintocompliance with the equipment you have connected and services.Whenthe application is incorrect, please inform us by e-mail:[email protected]
SME 1.2
Mobile app for the Society forMining,Metallurgy & Exploration's 2012 Annual Meeting
SME Solutions 4.0.2
SME Solutions is a sales methodology.Ratherthan just promoting an existing product, the salespersonfocuses onthe customer's pain(s) and addresses the issue with hisor herofferings (product and services). The resolution of the painiswhat constitutes a "solution".
SME Digitalmigration 1.0
The Telkom SME events app will allowyoutoexperience The SME Roadshow through a completelydifferentchannel.Stay engaged, informed and interact with otherdelegatesthroughthe Telkom SME events app. Access interestinginformationrelatingto the event and interact your way to variousprizes. Youreventjourney starts here.