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Vie du Prophète,Nectar Cacheté 2.0
Biographie du Messager d'Allah Muhammad (quelapaix et la bénédiction d'Allah soient sur lui)Le Nectar Cacheté (Ar-Rahîq Al-Makhtoum), est un ouvragederéférence sur la biographie du Prophète (que la paix etlabénédiction d'Allah soient sur lui), écrit par le CheikhSafiyAr-Rahmân Al-Mubârakfûrî. Il reçut le premier prix lors duconcoursorganisé à La Mecque par la Ligue IslamiqueMondiale...Biography of theMessengerMuhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)Sealed Nectar (Ar-Rahîq Al-Makhtoum), is a reference book onthebiography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beuponhim), written by Sheikh Safiy Rahman Al-Mubârakfûrî. Hereceivedfirst prize in the competition held in Mecca by the MuslimWorldLeague ...
Yahya Hawa MP3 Quran 24.0
The Quran (English pronunciation:/kɔrˈɑːn/kor-ahn; Arabic: القرآن‎ al-qur'ān, IPA: [qurˈʔaːn],literallymeaning "the recitation"; also romanised Qurʾan or Koran)is thecentral religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to bearevelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah). Its scripturalstatusamong a world-spanning religious community, and its majorplacewithin world literature generally, has led to a great dealofsecondary literature on the Quran. Quranic chapters arecalledsuras and verses are called ayahs.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God toMuhammadthrough the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a periodofapproximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,whenMuhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of hisdeath.Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracle ofMuhammad,a proof of his prophethood, and the culmination of aseries ofdivine messages that started with the messages revealed toAdam andended with Muhammad. They consider the Quran to be theonlyrevealed book that has been protected by God from distortionorcorruption.According to the traditional narrative, several companionsofMuhammad served as scribes and were responsible for writingdownthe revelations. Shortly after Muhammad's death, the Quranwascompiled by his companions who wrote down and memorized partsofit. These codices had differences that motivated the CaliphUthmanto establish a standard version now known as Uthman's codex,whichis generally considered the archetype of the Quran we havetoday.However, the existence of variant readings, with mostly minorandsome significant variations, and the early unvocalizedArabicscript mean the relationship between Uthman's codex to boththetext of today's Quran and to the revelations of Muhammad's timeisstill unclear.The Quran assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted intheJewish and Christian scriptures. It summarizes some, dwellsatlength on others and, in some cases, presents alternativeaccountsand interpretations of events. The Quran describes itselfas a bookof guidance. It sometimes offers detailed accounts ofspecifichistorical events, and it often emphasizes the moralsignificanceof an event over its narrative sequence. The Quran isused alongwith the hadith to interpret sharia law. During prayers,the Quranis recited only in Arabic.Someone who has memorized the entire Quran is called a hafiz.SomeMuslims read Quranic ayahs (verses) with elocution, which isoftencalled tajwid. During the month of Ramadan, Muslimstypicallycomplete the recitation of the whole Quran during tarawihprayers.In order to extrapolate the meaning of a particular Quranicverse,most Muslims rely on the tafsir.