Top 9 Apps Similar to Modern Muslim Fashion Style

Muslim Fashion Styles 1.0
muslim fashion stylesFor you, this is the special muslim fashion styles!Are you looking for muslim fashion styles which is trendyyetmodest?With fashion do you know where to draw the line? Whatarethe do'sand don'ts for muslim fashion styles clothing?Thisarticle willdiscuss some ways on how to dress modestly.First of all, always remind yourself of the muslimfashionstylesdress code. Your clothes should be long, loose fittedandnottransparent. muslim fashion styles women should alsocovertheirheads with a head scarf (hijab).If you prefer to wear traditional muslim clothing then youcanchoseto wear long abayas (long kaftan like dresses),whichoriginate fromthe arab countries. There are so many designstochoose from. Fromthe classic black and trendy urban styles tomorewestern styles.You can even get designer ones; or you mightliketo wear thetraditional shalwar kameez (loose tunic andtrouser),whichoriginates from India/Pakistan. You are spoilt forchoice. Somuchto choose from!One thing to remember is to keep the glitter and glitz toaminimumfor everyday wear. Go for a casual and simple lookforeverydaywear, and leave the glitter and glitz for specialoccasionsorevening wear.If you live in the west and want to wear modestwesternmuslimfashion styles clothes, there is still a lot to choosefrom.Youcould go for long full length dresses or long fulllengthskirtswith lose and full sleeved tops or long sleevedblouses. Youcouldalso wear shorter length dresses with loosetrouser or jeans -Thisis a trend that has been very popularrecently amongst thewesternfashion world. You could also wear longsleeved, kneelength, tunicstyle tops with loose trouser or jeans.Again you arespoilt withchoice. The key is to be creative and mixand matchclothing itemsto give you a modest look.Traditional and western designs can be brought from manyshops;ornowadays there is so much available online. Just spendsometimeplanning your outfits and soon you will be making yourowntrendsin muslim fashion styles .Sham S has been writing articles for nearly two years.Herlatestwebsite is about longsleevedresses[] where you can findthebestdeals on long sleevedresses[]that you are lookingfor.ArticleSource: Source:
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Fashion Mall 7.64
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Ankara Fashion Styles 3.0
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New Hijab Style For Fashion 1.0
Simple and easy hijab style forfashionforcasual and formal occasionsHijab is a piece of cloth worn in Muslim woman’s head.Womenusehijab as a symbol of modesty and beauty. In Islamicculturehijabis used to hide the chastity, beauty and accessoriesfromstrangemales. In modern Muslim countries, hijab is not onlyaculture butit becomes a fashion trend. Women who think thathijabiscompulsory will like to try new trend and style of hijabtomakethem look beautiful. In many sources, you can finddifferenteasyhijab style for fashion that you can try to wear.Hijab fashion style tutorial will show you how to wearhijabfromone step to another step, so it will be much easier foryou towearthe hijab from any different models. There are differenttypesofscarf styles, materials and prints that you can adjustwiththemodel and color of your clothes. You will lookfashionableandtrendy even though your body is covered with clothesfrom headtotoe. Women will like to use attractive hijab prints andstylesforattending parties or more formal events. However formorecasuallook, simple style which is more preferable forhijabpashmina.How to wear hijab for Everyday LookHow to wear hijab step by step is actually simple andeasy.Thefirst thing that you need to prepare is scarf with motifsthatyoulike and needles or pin. The first easy hijab step by stepcanbecreated by placing the scarf on the head with one sideislongerthan another side. After that, you can lock the sidesbackwith pinor needles. Next, you should bring all the fabric totheside, openup the side to take the inner corner. For the nextstep,you canwrap the fabric all over your head loosely to make itlookmoreaccentuate. Then you can fix it as hood or cap and pin itwhenyouare already satisfied with the shape.Hijab step by step styles vary and are limitless inchoices.Youcan choose the style of easy hijab style tutorial thatyou liketowear. You can try new hijab style that you never usedbefore.scarfis not only a piece of cloth that you wear on your headbut itisalso important fashion items that could changeyourappearancedrastically.For women who prefer having tutorial hijab paris,theaboveexample is one of the styles that you can try amongmanyotherssimple hijab style. You can use the scarf in anycasualuntilformal occasions. For formal occasions you can addmoreaccessorieson the head such as pin or combination color ormotif ofabaya.Easy hijab step by step is tutorial that can inspiremanyMuslimwomen to change their style. Simple hijab style ismorepreferablebecause it is easy and quick to make forhijabpashmina.
Abaya Fashions Muslim 1.0
there are many abayas fashion muslim here!
Muslim Clothing Design 1.1
Muslim clothing is clothing that isinaccordance with the teachings of Islam, and the clothes reflectadevout muslim over religion teaching in the way ofdressing.Clothing musilm and Muslim is not just a symbol, but bywearing it,it means that a woman has been proclaimed to be thebelief of God'screatures, his view of the world, and a way of lifethat hetraveled, where it is based on a deep belief in GodAlmighty.Adherents of Islam are very concerned about the clothing intwocontexts, namely everyday clothes for activities within oroutsidethe home and specialty clothing worship. In Indonesia,Muslimfashion is of great concern. The population of adherents ofIslamin Indonesia is vast. This makes the fashion industry for alargeMuslim clothing becomes visible interest with the adventofshopping websites Muslim fashion needs. Muslim fashion clothingisa model adapted to the rules of life of Muslims. In theQur'anwritten prescriptions and obligatory for Muslims indress.Model-covered clothes and paced the length become histrademark.For women, Muslim clothing covering the body such ashair, neck,hands and feet.While Definition Clothing / Apparel Clothing itself by languageiseverything that attaches to the body from head to toe. Accordingtothe terms, clothing is clothing that we wear every day from headtotoe along with paraphernalia, such as handbags, shoes, andallkinds of jewelry / accessories attached to it. Al-Quran leastusethree terms to clothing namely, libas, tsiyab, and sarabil.Saidlibas found as many as ten times, tsiyab found as many aseighttimes, while sarabil found as many as three times intwoparagraphs. Libas words used by the Quran to show the innerorouter clothing, while the word used to indicate clothingtsiyabborn. The word is derived from a word meaning tsaub back,namelythe return of something in its original state, or incircumstanceswhich should correspond with the idea first. FunctionClothing /Apparel clothing or clothing worn as a protective bodyfrom the sunand cold. In the end not only both of these functionsis the maingoal of dress, but the dress becomes an important partof humanlife because it contains elements of ethics and aestheticsin thecommunity. By correlating in harmony and harmonious clothingthatwill augment both our personal appearance. Sometimes a personcanbe judged by how they dress. Muslim dress for us not only tocoverthe body, but it is an identity for ourselves as a Muslim.Asmentioned in the word of God: "O Prophet, tell yourwives,daughters, and wives of the believers: 'Let them garmentsovertheir bodies. That is so they are easier to be recognizedandtherefore they were not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving,MostMerciful. "(Al-Ahzab: 59).
Abaya Fashions Muslim 1.0
Every religion has its dress code.TheIslamictradition requires the women of its community to bemodestin theirdress. As such, the abaya and the hijab define aMuslimwoman'sattire. Although the abaya is an example ofconservativeclothing,it need not lack luster. Modern designs andstyles havemade itpossible for women to showcase their personalstyleswithoutshowing any disregard for their beliefs andreligion.For those of you unaware of what an abaya is, it isalong-sleeve,loose-fitting robe designed to be worn overregularclothing. Itresembles a caftan in its design. It is pairedwith ahead scarfcalled a hijab. This cloak-like garment hasdifferentnamesdepending on the country such as 'Burqa' in SouthAsia anda'Chador' in Iran.Color optionsTraditionally, all abayas were made in black coloredfabrics.Blackis still the preferred color in most Muslimcountries;however,they are also available in an array of othercolors as longas theydo not attract unnecessary attention. Womenprefer earthytonesover bold colors. Along with solid colors, womenhave alsostartedexperimenting with printed fabrics.Fit and StyleThe abaya must cover the entire length of the arm.Thus,althoughdesigners cannot do much with the length, theyaretailoringsleeves in different shapes. They are also available inarange ofbasic and luxurious designs. While most are made inastraight fitfrom top to bottom, a few are more fitted at thehigherand lowerwaist. They either come stitched in that style orfeatureaseparate sash or belt that fits tight around the waist.Therearedesigns with high collars and a flare fit too.Fabric ChoicesThey are made in a variety of light fabrics such ascotton,crepe,georgette silk, chiffon and rayon. Silk and chiffongive thebestlooks owing to the rich and luxuriant fabrics. You canchooseonethat offers the highest level of comfort.Embellishments and EmbroideryModern style abayas also set themselves apartfromtraditionaldesigns by means of the accents theyfeature.Embroidered cloaksare becoming increasing popular inIslamic andnon-Islamiccountries. Simple embroidery is done alongthe sleevesand aroundthe neck. A few also features embroidereddesigns alongthe seamsand the edges. Jeweled embellishments andsequins lookelegant andimpressive against the backdrop of solidcolors. Othersalsofeature lace embellishments and sashes.Experimenting with the HijabAnother way to spice up your abaya outfit withoutcompromisingonmodesty is to play with the style and design of thehijab. Youcanbuy a range of hijabs in solid colors and printedfabrics andpairthem stylishly with your abaya. You can add somebling withajeweled pin or a broche. You can also tie the hijabindifferentstyles.
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