Top 50 Apps Similar to iGarten

Summit register & hiking tours
SummitLynx - Your digital summit and tour book
Heilpflanzen / Heilkräuter 3.6
The herb book in the APP Format
Pflotsh SuperHD 3.7.4
Garzotto GmbH
The best weather forecast app for Central Europe, one monthforfree.
Pflotsh Storm 3.10.2
Garzotto GmbH
*The* storm/precipitation app for central Europe
iForest - Trees and shrubs 6.1
Garzotto GmbH
Plant book for the most important kinds of trees and bushesinCentral Europe
Erlebnis Nationalpark 3.11.8
Detailed route planning for the summer and winter holidays.
Plantsome 3.7.1
With the Plantsome app you never have to worry about yourplantsagain.
Pflotsh ECMWF 3.6.1
Garzotto GmbH
Wide choice of parameters from the Euro ECMWF model, known foritsaccuracy
Pflotsh Tropical 3.4.1
Garzotto GmbH
The best app for tropical storms, now the first month for free
Orthoptera 2.0.0
Garzotto GmbH
Determine and discover the Switzerland and Germany, thelocustsintuitive.
Jungfrau 1.3.3
Get more out of your holiday in the Jungfrau region withtheofficial app
Changeit: Climate Change 1.4.9
App for busy people that want to fight climate change
GartenFlora 5.1
GartenFlora - advice magazine for gardeners and connoisseurs.
Madeira Offline Map and Travel 1.44
Madeira Offline Map with Tourist Attractions
Sencrop - local weather 5.13.6
The local weather for farmers: weather forecasts, rain radar,liveweather data
WatchFlower 5.3
Emeric Grange
A plant monitoring application for Xiaomi "Flower Care" sensorsandthermometers
Rother Touren Guides 28.07.2022
Hol Dir die beliebten Rother Wanderführer alsinteraktiveGuides.Jeder Guide enthält rund 50 geprüfte TourenvonausgewiesenenGebietskennern. Du hast schon ein Buch von uns?Dannkannst dukostenlos die GPS-Daten in die App importieren, abernichtdenentsprechenden Guide Bereits über180 Guides zudenschönsten Wanderregionen weltweit sind verfügbar –auch fürdenJakobsweg und Fernwanderwege sowie für denWinter(Skitouren,Rodeln, Schneeschuhtouren). GPS-NAVIGATION BeimWandernsiehst Dujederzeit deinen Standort und den Verlauf derTour.WANDERKARTENTopografische Karten in vielen ZoomstufenOFFLINENUTZUNG LadeGuides oder einzelne Touren inkl. Kartenherunter undgeh ohneInternetverbindung wandern. HIGHLIGHTSENTDECKEN Fotosundzusätzliche Informationen zu bedeutendenPunktenWEGBESCHREIBUNGENZuverlässige Tourenbeschreibungen und alleInfoszu Anforderungen,Einkehr etc. In einer Slideshow mit Fotos derToursiehst Du, wasDich erwartet. HÖHENPROFIL UND TACHODetaillierteHöhenprofilezeigen Dir Auf- und Abstiege, derTachoGeschwindigkeit, Entfernungund Zeit. GEBIETS-INFOS JederGuideenthält wichtige Infos undWissenswertes zur Region.EINFACHETOURENWAHL Sortiere Wanderungennach Entfernung,Dauer,Schwierigkeit oder von A-Z und schau Dirdie Lage aufderÜbersichtskarte an. GRATIS TESTEN Bis zu 5 Tourenpro GuidekannstDu kostenlos und unbegrenzt testen. Den gesamtenGuideschaltest Duper In-App-Kauf frei. ÜBER DEN BERGVERLAG ROTHERDerBergverlagRother ist einer der ältesten und mit über 600lieferbarenBüchernder bedeutendste alpine Verlag Europas. Er istweit über dieGrenzender Alpen hinaus für seine unumstritteneKompetenz imBereichWanderführer und Outdoor-Guides bekannt. DieAutorensindausgewiesene Gebietskenner, die für eine überlegteTourenauswahlundhöchste inhaltliche Qualität stehen. DieseQualitätundVerlässlichkeit stehen allen Outdoor-Freunden auch alsTourenAppzur Verfügung.
Plant Care Reminder – Plant Wa 12.7
Forget to water the plants in time? No problem, we will remind you!
Swiss Pro Map 6.1.0
Garzotto GmbH
Offline maps and essential functions for mountain sports,hiking,aviation, etc.
FerrataGuide: Ferrata database 2.1.11
Via Ferrata database containing more than 1100 ferratas allaroundEurope
Trees and shrubs 2.2.0
Easily identify 304 trees and shrubs in Europe
TOP tours: Bolzano & environs 1.9.13
Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter ...a holiday inBolzanoand environs is good for body and soul and offers a broadvarietyof hiking trails and destinations. Hiking and biking loverswillenjoy the comfortable temperatures in this culturallandscape,which is full of history. Top 7 destinations: – GeoparcBletterbachand Monte Corno Nature Parc: The ‘Grand Canyon’ of SouthTyrol wasformed about 15,000 years ago. It is nearly 8 km long and400metres deep and is part of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage.–Lago di Caldaro/Kalterer See and Laghi diMonticolo/MontigglerSeen: During the summer, the popular bathinglakes of the UpperEtsch region are a great destination if you wantto escape theheat. – South Tyrolean Wine Road: On more than 40kilometres, theSouth Tyrolean Wine Road invites you to a tour ofdiscovery throughthis blessed part of the world ... and its wines.– Saltenmountain: The sunny high plateau above Bolzano with itsphenomenalpanoramic views and Europe’s largest larch meadows is anidealstarting point for hiking trips, cycling or horse riding. –ValSarentino Alps: 100 summits and peaks crown the ValSarentino.Hikers, mountain bikers, friends of winter sports and skitours, aswell as snow-shoe hikers can find a fascinating variety ofholidayoffers in this valley. – Renon/Ritten: All year round, theRittenmountain is accessible for hikers and during the winter,awell-marked hiking trail has turned into the firstaward-winningwinter premium hiking path in Italy. – Bolzano,capital ofSüdtirol/Alto Adige: There are three cable railwaysstarting in theMediterranean wine town of Bolzano and reaching upinto the highermountain regions (Colle/Kohlern, Renon/Ritten,SanGenesio/Jenesien). A first step into the Bolzano andenvironsregion is definitely worth taking. In any season!Attention: whenusing the app abroad you may incur in high roamingcoasts. Yourbattery may run short when using the app in thebackground with anactivated GPS!
WarmShowers 1.3.3
Access your Warmshowers account as a cyclist or host, fromyourmobile device.
Beach Explorer - Wadden Sea 40.1.0
Identify and report beach findings - Wadden Sea
Sauerland&Siegen-Wittgenstein 3.13.5
The perfect app for the Sauerland and Siegerland-Wittgenstein.
snowthority ski & weather info 1.72.0
Slope weather, snow report, webcams, avalanche alert, skiresortinfo & more
Meteogram Pro Weather Widget 5.0.9
Weather widget and app showing a graphical weather forecast...plustide charts
Flora des Alpenraums 9.5.1
Over 500 of the most common alpine flowers are shown in detailintext and pictures
Wildpflanzen zum Geniessen 1.0
gather herbs, determining, recognizing and enjoying wild plants.
The free SwitzerlandMobility app is theperfectapp for anybody who is out and about in Switzerland:- maps of Switzerland from swisstopo up to a scale of 1:25,000(thebest)- 32,000 km signposted non-motorized routes (national, regionalandlocal)- complete network of signposted hiking trails (60,000 km)- 25,000 public transportation stops linked to the timetable oftheSwiss Federal Railways (planning a tour with publictransportationwas never easier)- information on 4,500 points of interest on the way, suchasovernight accommodations, bicycle service stations, etc.positioning system and compass function (you always know whereyouare)With SwitzerlandMobility Plus you can additionally- download and store swisstopo maps to be used in areaswithoutnetwork coverage (no more problems with dead zones)- download and store tours you designed, includingelevationprofile, hiking time, distance and altitude (separatelyandeasily)Please note:- The app requires network coverage (useable withoutnetworkcoverage with SwitzerlandMobility Plus).- No tours can be entered with the app.Constant use of the GPS may considerably reduce the lengthofbattery life.Requires a screen resolution of min. 480x320 pixels (HVGA)andmultitouch. Unfortunately, the Samsung GT-S6102 or GT-S5570,amongothers, does not fulfill this requirement.
Gardenize: Garden & Plant care 6.3.7
Gardenize AB
Organize your Plants. Grow your Garden with the Gardening&Plant Care Journal
Kärnten Touren
This app is an ideal interactive vacation planner
Earth Hero: Climate Change 1.2.06
Earth Hero
Act on climate. Protect our Earth. Track eco, emissions, andcarbonfootprint.
Planning tool for mountain tours - summer and winter
Wild flowers 3.1.1
Wild flowers allows you to identify 1771 wild flowers ofWesternEurope.
World of Castles Pro 4.7.5
The #1 travel guide with maps, photos and reviews to thebestcastles of Europe
Peakview - peak identification 6.6
Peakview is an application for peak identification.
Matterhorn 2.1.7
Bonfire AG
Welcome to the Matterhorn app - The official app for yourZermattadventure.
Kärnten Wetter 1.7.2
progressio OG
Diese App ist der ideale Wegbegleiter in Kärnten.LokaleMeteorologenerstellen treffsichere Wetterprognosen füralleKärntner Regionen.Einzigartig ist die VerknüpfungderWetterprognosen mitAusflugszielen, Veranstaltungen undderGastronomie. Somit liefertdie App für jede WettersituationeineReihe von Vorschlägen, damitjeder Tag in Kärnten zumeinzigartigenErlebnis wird.
Real Quality in the Mountains 1.6
The “Real Quality in the Mountains” award highlights thosemountainhut or inn owners that conduct their business in anexemplarymanner and that offer genuine authenticity and quality inthe SouthTyrolean mountains. IDM Alto Adige gives out the award asarecommendation for combining walking and culinary delights inthemountains and valleys near Merano and Venosta Valley.Features:Hikes GPS data, pictures, track directions, tecnicaldata(distance, duration and vertical climd), track on themap,interactive elevation profile. Mountain Inns All the mountaininnsand huts awarded with the “Real Quality in the Mountains” byIDMAlto Adige - Süd-tirol Recipes Typical South Tyrolean foodrecipespresented by the inn owners. Map and downloadable contentFreedownload of all the App content (map of Merano area andVenostaValley, GPS data and pictures, etc.). Offline use of theAppwithout network coverage and without roaming fees possible.RealQuality in the Mountains – Explore the best mountain inns andhutsin the Merano and Venosta Valley.
Peakhunter Global Summit Log 2.9.12
Peakhunter AG
Start your own outdoor Logbook. For peak baggers, mountainrunners,hikers.
Plant Care App / Reminder 1.4.2
Plant Care app with plant care guide, care reminders andbotanistsupport..
Zillertal Arena - Action & Fun 3.5 (0.0.139)
Interactive real-time guide for the holiday region Zillertal Arena
The Lauschtour App 4.6.0
Explore cities, theme parks, bike and hiking paths in anexcitingway.
My Jungle 🌱 Simple Plant Care 3.4.1
🌱 Plant care reminder 🌵 Schedule plant watering🌱 Planttracker🌿House plants
My Little Plastic Footprint
One App Activating Millions! Fun way to learn and reduceyourplastic footprint.
Simple Hof 1.044 'Bhadrasana'
Regular breathing, according to Wim Hof, can improve overallhealth.
MadeiraWeather 1.6
How's the weather? Plan the adventure of your life beforeleaving...
EatMorePlants – Vegan Recipes 2.0.6
100+ delicious, whole-food, plant-based, vegan recipes andweeklymeal plans.
FlowerChecker+, plant identify
This app provides plantidentificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknownplant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified byinternationalteam of experts.The installation includes three prepaididentifications,each other for: 1 USD / 0.7 EUR. We useGoogle's in-apppurchase. The reason is the identification processis notcomputer-based, it requires human involvement. Anyway, if wecan'tidentify your plant, you don't spend anything.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but theidentificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manageto solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.