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Ebola Live Map
Ebola Live Map´s content isaggregatedfromfreely available information from the followingsources: HEALTHMAPIs a team of researchers, epidemiologists andsoftwaredevelopersat Children's Hospital Boston founded in 2006, isanestablishedglobal leader in utilizing online informal sourcesfordiseaseoutbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance ofemergingpublichealth threats. The freely available Website'' andmobile app 'Outbreaks Near Me'deliverreal-time intelligence on abroad range of emerginginfectiousdiseases for a diverse audienceincluding libraries, localhealthdepartments, governments, andinternational travelers.HealthMapbrings together disparate datasources, including onlinenewsaggregators, eyewitness reports,expert-curated discussionsandvalidated official reports, toachieve a unified andcomprehensiveview of the current global stateof infectious diseasesand theireffect on human and animal health.Through an automatedprocess,updating 24/7/365, the systemmonitors, organizes,integrates,filters, visualizes anddisseminates online informationaboutemerging diseases in ninelanguages, facilitating earlydetectionof global public healththreats.ABOUT WHOWHO is the directing and coordinating authority forhealthwithinthe United Nations system. It is responsibleforprovidingleadership on global health matters, shaping thehealthresearchagenda, setting norms and standards,articulatingevidence-basedpolicy options, providing technicalsupport tocountries andmonitoring and assessing health trends.ABOUT MEDBOXMEDBOX is an innovative online library aimed atimprovingthequality of healthcare in humanitarian action,worldwide.An independent internet platform supportedbyinternationalagencies and scientific institutions activeinhumanitarianassistance and development, MEDBOX collatestheincreasing numberof professional guidelines, textbooksandpractical documents onhealth action available online todayandbrings these into thehands of humanitarian aid workers: whentheyneed it, where theyneed it.ABOUT THE LOGISTIC CLUSTERDue to the ad hoc and unpredictable nature ofmanyinternationalresponses to emergencies, theinternationalhumanitarian community(UN agencies, InternationalOrganisations andI/NGOs) reviewed pastoperations and identifiedconsistent gaps andweaknesses. Toaddress these issues the UNEmergency ResponseCoordinator, throughOCHA, introduced an Agendafor Reform inSeptember 2005. The reformwas targeted to improvepartnershipbetween humanitarian actors andtherefore enhance theoverallresponse to emergencies, and wasrapidly developed alongthree keyaxes, known as the three pillarsof the reform: (1)Development ofclusters at global and countrylevels. (2)Strengthening of the roleof the HumanitarianCoordinator at fieldlevel. (3) Modification tokey aspects of thefunding mechanisms.About EDISThe Hungarian National Association of RadioDistress-SignallingandInfocommunications (RSOE) operates EmergencyandDisasterInformation Service (EDIS) within the frame of itsownwebsitewhich has the objective to monitor and document alltheevents onthe Earth which may cause disaster or emergency.Theservice isusing the speed and the data spectrum of the internettogatherinformation. They are monitoring and processingseveralforeignorganisation's data to get quick andcertifiedinformation.