Top 14 Apps Similar to 가온한글2

한글 달인 - 맞춤법 공부 2.1
Korean language study series
Hanglue JaRam - Level 3 Book 2 1.0.2
Mirae'N CO.,LTD
‘Hanglue JaRam’ isdesigned to help your child understand the principle of Koreanwithfun ‘activities’ after reading children’s storybooks,consisting oftotal four levels (32 books) that can be chosenaccording to thechild’s level.It helps the child to learn Korean easily and withinterestthrough systematic learning activities usinghome-studyKorean-learning materials.*Storybook (creative children’s book)Children can be exposed to various word-environments throughtopicslike daily life, fantasies, folktales, riddles and so on.*Workbook (play and learn)Children can understand the principles of Korean throughrepetitiveand intensive activities that focus on pronunciation,such asattaching stickers, drawing, reading and so on.The best Korean teachers are ‘mom’ and ‘dad’.You can teach your child with this customizedKorean-learningseries, ‘Han glue Ja Ram’.
한글공부,낱말카드(어린이한글킹)-"어린이tv,동요"단어 1.9
「어린이한글킹」 어린이들이 쉽고 재미있게 배울수있는 한글킹!! 어린이tv, 어린이동요에 자주 나오는 기초적인한글을재미있고신나게 배우는 "어린이한글킹" 이 모든게 100%무료!! 1. ㄱㄴㄷ 받아쓰기 쉽고 재미있게 한글을따라쓰고읽어보자!!2. 숫자 받아쓰기 1,2,3~ 숫자들을 쉽게 배우며, 직접 써보면서 익히자. 3. 다양한낱말카드카테고리별 다양한낱말카드를 통해 수많은 단어들을 재미있게 배우자!! 4. 선긋기 30종이 넘는 선긋기 컨텐츠를통해영유아들이 쉽게 글쓰기를익혀보자~ [삐까키즈]와 함께 다양한 컨텐츠를 즐겨 보세요 By 삐까키쥬 ---- 개발자연락처: +821077714286
뽀로로 한글박사 - 추천 유아 어린이 한글학습 1.2.2
Pororo Korean word play content update! Informative content! Itissafe even if child continues!
한글 달인 (체험판) - 맞춤법 공부 1.9.2
Korean Spelling Series Korean Spelling
한글 따라쓰기 5
한글 단어를 처음 배우는 아이들이사진을 보면서 단어를 배우고,스마트폰에 직접 손으로 써보면서 재미도 느낄 수 있는 교육용 어플입니다.ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,ㄹ 별로 구분이 되어 있으며각각 10개씩의 단어를 배울 수 있습니다.음성 효과를 통해 소리를 들어볼수 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :[email protected] firstlearnHangul wordLooking at pictures of words to learn,Hand-written look at smartphones can feel the fun educational app.The a, b, c, d and has been classified byEach containing 10 can learn the words.Hear the sound effects you can see through.
Hangul game [Learn Korean] 2.1.7
You can learn Hangul through Hangul Play.
다함께놀이학습 한글공부 2.1
다함께 놀이 학습 한글- 한글을 배우고 있는 아이들에게 유용합니다.- 교육용 어플로 한글학습에 도움이 됩니다.- 선물 설정을 통해 학습 능률을 높일 수 있습니다.- 문제 수를 설정하면 설정한 문제 수 만큼의 학습결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.- 단어 및 한글공부에 용이합니다.- 5세, 6세, 7세 미취학 아동용 한글공부 어플----개발자 연락처 :043-274-3348Play TogetherlearningHangul- Useful for children to learn Hangul.- Help in learning Hangul educational applications.    - You can increase your learning efficiency through thegiftset.- If you set the number of problems you can check the resultsofyour study of the problem can be as long as one set.- To facilitate the study of words and Hangul.- 5 years old, 6 years old, 7 years old, preschool childrenlearnHangul App
아띠-책놀이(한글책) 1.1.3
- 이 앱을 실행하려면 아띠로봇이 있어야 합니다.- 아띠 한글책놀이 - 16권- To run the app,therobot must Hatillo.- Hatillo Hangul books play - 16
Gaon Hangul 2 1.0.0
Gaon Korean
¡Proyecto de perfeccionando el coreano en5días con Gaon Hangul!ElGaoncoreanoHangulpaso2esunappparaelfácilaprendizajedelasdificultosasreglasdeconsonantesdelavozfinaypronunciacióndelcoreano.El Hangul paso 2 es un programa de aprendizaje para aprender en5días las reglas de las consonantes de la voz final y las reglasdepronunciación de los 6 articulaciones.* Estructura y Contenido:-Aprendizaje de las consonantes de las voces finalesdelHangul-Aprendizaje de la estructura del Hangul-Aprendizaje de las reglas de pronunciación de las 6articulacionesmás utilizadas del coreano.Project perfectingKoreanGaon in 5 days with Hangul!ElGaoncoreanoHangulpaso2esunappparaelfácilaprendizajedelasdificultosasreglasdeconsonantesdelavozfinaypronunciacióndelcoreano.Step 2 Hangul is a learning program in five days to learntherules of the consonants in the final voice and pronunciationrulesof the 6 joints.* Structure and Content:-Learning Final consonants voices of Hangul-Learning the structure of Hangul-Learning Pronunciation rules of the 6 most used joints Korean.
(한글공부) 토리, 토미와 함께하는 한글놀이 1.1
단어 캐릭터 색칠하기, 단어 따라쓰기, 초성 중성 맞추기, 단어 고르기 등과같은학습을 통해어플에 있는 단어들을 익힐 수 있습니다.아직 학생들이 만든 어플이라 완벽하지 않을 수 있으니 사용하시면서 수정이 필요한 부분이나, 부족한 부분이 있으면메일로보내주세요.최대한 빨리 업데이트 할 수 있도록 하겠습니다~Coloring wordcharacter,according to the word write, consonants neutral match,wordlearning, such as See ThroughYou can learn the words in the App.Applications made yet because students can not completethenecessary modifications so hasimyeonseo use, or send email tous,if you are lacking.I will as soon as possible - so that you can update
Hangul Pencil Puzzle 1.06
Chulmin Yu
When complete a character, The wordincludingthe letter will be shown and can listen the sound.[feature]- 84 Korean letters available- 84 Images, word available
The easy way to the learning ofbasichangul(korean alphabet) is MINERVA HANGUL.Let improve your korean alphabet ability with MINERVA hangul App.MINERVA HANGUL(Korean Alphabet) Features>- If you study this continuously , you can get star pointsthatisable to free listen the MINERVA fairy tale.- three-level mothod of learning that listen, write andspeakthroughthis App.- pronounciation correction and repeated studying throughVR(VoiceRecognition)* 읽기 (listen and select the word)- 낱말연결 (picture-word connection) / 낱말 선택 (picture-wordselection)/낱말퍼즐 (fill in the blanks)* 쓰기 (handwriting)* 문장(making a sentence)* 엄마랑 나랑 (listen to fairy tale and pronounce)- 엄마랑 (listen to the various fairy tales and can recordyourpersonalfairy tale through my book(마이북))- 나랑 (you can practice the pronunicatin from TTS sound)* 놀이 (amusement)* 초기화 (initialization)We are preparing for updating new features and issuesrequestingfromcustomer.Please feed back for us to improve it better.If you have any questions or would like more informationaboutourApp.,please do not hesitate to contact us via below [email protected]
EZ Korean words 1.6
luluOcean ltd
You are the first attempt to learn Korean? Do you want to knowhowtoremember Korean words quickly? It helps to step by stepbytouchingthe screen to remember the words of Korea. Rememberthatyou shouldby all the words several times. After that, youbegin torealize thatyou can master the Korean language. We will,asalways, if you are inthe vicinity of our support forupgradingthis application. Byinstalling the application, pleasejoin ourcommunity. Good luck.