Top 19 Apps Similar to 8591遊戲寶- 免費貼圖、遊戲點卡

MyCard Bonus 15.12.47
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Get missions done-> Collect points / credits -> RedeemFreeGift!
卡卡賺 - 免費貼圖、遊戲點卡 1.2.1
Gofree CC
動動手指頭,卡卡在你手加入卡卡賺,是你們的新選擇,豐富的獎品,能滿足你們的需求,深受玩家們的喜愛!兌換點卡4步曲:下載安裝-註冊體驗-領取點數-兌換獎品【愛遊戲】各種點數的點卡任你選,Mycard,辣椒卡,游E卡,貝殼幣等等哦o(≧v≦)o【愛生活】Line指定卡,現金兌換,全家現金券,7-11現金券等獎品在不斷增加中╭(╯ε╰)╮除了遊戲任務,我們還會不定期的舉行各種的活動哦,活動好玩,獎品豐富!Facebook的粉絲交流團:,或者直接搜索“卡卡賺”卡卡賺客服郵箱:[email protected]下載鏈接: fingers, Kaka isinyour handsKaka earned join, is your new choice, prizes, can meetyourneeds, by their favorite players!Exchange cards 4 Steps: Download and install -RegisterExperience - collect points - redeem prizes[Love] various points of card games Take your pick, Mycard,chilicards, swim E cards, coins, etc. Oh shell o (≧ v ≦) o[Love Life] Line designated cards, cash exchange, the familycashvouchers, coupons and other prizes 7-11 growing in ╭ (╯ε╰)╮In addition to the game task, we will hold a variety ofeventsfrom time to time, oh, fun activities, prizes!Facebook fans delegation: https: //, orsimplysearch for "Kaka earn"Kaka earned Customer Service Email: [email protected] Link: http: //
MyCard 2.98
MyCard App has a brand new revision, download it now to getthelatest good news! ! ! You can store a variety of games,diversifiedcard sales services, rich games, digital contentproducts,everything.
TapCash - 搖錢樹+ 1.3.3
《Tapcash-搖錢樹》最大方的賺點APP☀免費累積點數、就能「抽中」許多好康獎品。還有各式好玩〈遊戲虛寶〉及免費〈試用商品〉輕鬆拿...每天打開《TapCash-搖錢樹》隨身賺取免費點數、就能立即抽獎品,最公平公正、中獎機率高。輕輕鬆鬆~無需再花錢,點數集越多好康「抽」越多!★《TapCash - 搖錢樹》超萌爆表直逼Line!! ★《TapCash - 搖錢樹》賺點卡簡單四步驟:❶成爲會員:加入並綁定成爲VIP會員,雙倍免費點數獎勵專享福利輕鬆獲取。❷賺取點數:超夯熱門推薦遊戲,完成任務賺免費點數,好玩又好賺。❸好康抽獎:累積點數立即參加抽獎,中獎機率高又公平,快來試試你的好運氣。❹新手禮包:各大熱門手遊禮包不定時更新,更有多元免費實用商品好試用。❤小訣竅:隨時關注推播,好康任務不漏接,累積點數更快速!★下載安裝APP → 打開《TapCash - 搖錢樹》 → 立即獲得免費點數,免費兌換超輕鬆!●全面支援安卓6.0系統使用★最新資訊★《TapCash - 搖錢樹》粉絲團:《TapCash - 搖錢樹》專頁:《TapCash - 搖錢樹》客服回報:
換多啦-免費點數換好康 3.14
★★★ 換多啦 免費點數、超商現金券、美味零食、LINE週邊小物...豐富獎品等您免費換!! ★★★換多啦介紹:【賺】任務天天有,點數輕鬆集!【換】累積點數換好康~換再多也不手軟!【閃】不定期限量閃兌,百點超值換,檔檔搶兌,手腳要快!好禮等你換:【免費現金券/點數卡】: 7-11、全家、萊爾富、MYCARD...換這些很划算!【美味零食】:義美小泡芙、卡迪那洋芋片、 健達繽紛樂...唰嘴零食不斷新增!【便利餐券】:肯德基、摩斯、必勝客、21世紀..肚子餓了來這換!【更多好康】:熱門3C、LINE FRIENDS週邊小物、生活小物...商品持續增加中!★★★拿好康很簡單★★★下載換多啦→領取新手好禮100點(登入即贈)→天天集點→好康等你換★★★加入粉絲團 好康不漏接★★★換多牆粉絲團:★★★changeDora free points, supermarket coupons, delicious snacks,LINEaround the small things ... fabulous prizes such asfree-for-you !!★★★Doraemon change introduced:[Make] the task every day, points to easily set![Change] accumulate points for goodies - change morenormercy![Flash] flash against occasional limited, value-for-hundredpoints,grab against the stall, hands and feet to be fast!Gifts waiting for you to change:[Free cash coupon / Points Card]: 7-11, family, Lyle rich,MYCARD... change these good deal![Delicious snacks]: Yoshimi small puffs, Cady that potatochips,Kinder Bueno ... shabu mouth snacks constantly add![Convenient meal vouchers]: KFC, Holmes, Pizza Hut, in the21stcentury .. hungry to this change![More] Goodies: Top 3C, LINE FRIENDS surrounding small things,smallthings ... life continues to increase in commodity!★★★ ★★★ Take a very simple goodiesDownload change Dora → receive novice Gifts 100 points (ielogingift) → day → goodies waiting for you to set point change★★★ join the fans do not miss ★★★ goodiesIn other multi-wall fan group:
手機上賺錢 - 手機賺錢 1.0.4
動動手指,每天輕松賺錢“手機上賺錢 - 手機賺錢 ”精心挑選了全世界付費最高、應用任務選擇最多的積分牆,與用戶分享廣告的收入。只要通過“手機上賺錢-手機賺錢”下載遊戲或應用程式就可以賺錢。你只要像往常一樣unlock手機,就可以輕鬆賺取【手幣】,並兌換GASH、Mycard、Paypal簡單任務每日簽到、下載程式、分享文章…等輕鬆集點換商品只需要3分钟,就能体验赚手幣,兑换,并且兑换到账的整个过程。關注“手機上賺錢 - 手機賺錢”Facebook粉絲頁,時刻瞭解最新資訊。Facebook粉絲頁:如有其它疑問請聯繫我們。聯繫方式:[email protected]
Ggifts好康 - 遊戲玩家福利社 1.3.0
最夯遊戲好康,手指輕鬆一點,即可獲得虛寶!邊玩邊賺,通過解任務獲取豐厚的紅利積點!紅利可直接在獎品商城免費兌換遊戲點數卡!遊戲點數卡包括:GASH+、MyCard、Line指定卡、貝殼幣、FB幣、JCard、遊e卡、辣椒卡、Game淘卡、元氣卡、黃金卡、WGS卡、怪獸卡等等等等!通過Facebook即可直接登入,更有好友動態一手掌握。隨時隨地,一部智慧型手機就可以輕鬆讓您和朋友一起做任務,賺紅利,比比誰賺的多!免費遊戲點數卡統統送給你~~~★近期活動★1.下載、激活并登入App就送50紅利!(500紅利就可兌換點數卡哦~~~)2.邀請好友加入,每邀請一人可獲得20紅利!3.刮刮樂:紅利、遊戲點數卡等刮中什麼就是什麼~4.每日簽到:每日簽到就有紅利拿,這麼好康還不快來?還有,請對我們的Facebook粉絲頁點讚,我們會不定期的舉辦各類好康活動!粉絲頁地址:❤聯繫我們❤平台:★★★★★此版本暫不支援平板電腦 ★★★★★
椒點福利社 10.0
★★★《椒點福利社》非載不可的理由★★★1. 最豐富虛擬獎勵:多款最夯遊戲,虛寶拿不完。2. 最優渥點數贈送:提供最多任務,最高點數賺到爽。3. 最多免費禮物:直接兌換辣椒點數,多款遊戲玩到底。4. 最多好康活動:多款遊戲禮包,任你換。《椒點福利社》
蜂好康 1.1.6
馬上下載《蜂好康》,輕鬆拿走遊戲點數及各種免費好康!只要簡單完成觀看影片,下載遊戲等任務, 不同種類遊戲點數及禮品優惠券,免費讓你隨意兌換!玩樂蜂粉絲頁:玩樂蜂網站︰《蜂好康》三個簡單步驟,就能讓你盡享無窮無盡的好康優惠︰1)下載《蜂好康》註冊成為會員2)輕鬆完成任務賺取J幣,J幣越多好康越夯!3)數不完的好康優惠,讓你自由選擇換領★優惠種類★各種點數卡︰Google Play卡, GASH+, Mycard, 貝殼幣, Game淘卡各種人氣品牌優惠券︰星巴克, 麥當勞, 肯德基, 7-11, 酷聖石冰淇淋, 統一多拿滋...等多家商店!!★★★★★此版本暫不支援平板電腦 ★★★★★
免費貼圖、免費禮物都在 - 瘋貼圖 1.11.2
最簡易獲得貼圖或禮物的軟體。輕鬆玩小遊戲、多多參與、或者執行任務就可以獲得貼圖或禮物。提供多人一起競標,一起玩戳戳樂讓貼圖更輕易到您手上。貼圖與禮物許願池讓您隨心所欲的新增自己想要的貼圖或禮物。瘋貼圖提供下面幾個方式可以免費得到貼圖跟禮物:1. 玩小遊戲獲勝者裡面有各式各樣的小遊戲,包含比大小、戳戳樂、終極密碼、尋找幸運星,只要獲勝者就可以得到此貼圖。2. 集點數:每張貼圖都有需要換取的點數(1500點或2500點),您只要執行任務就可以得到點數。若不想執行任務,每天瘋貼圖也都有驚喜點數送您。另外,瘋貼圖也新推出了貼圖的競標區,讓您用較少的點數,可以更快可以標到您想要的貼圖。3. 集參加次數每張貼圖都有需要換取的參加次數(60次或100點),您只要多多參與,就能得到此貼圖。附註:1. 8/10號為止,已送出5000+張貼圖。2. 因為換貼圖的人數眾多,等回報的資料驗證確定之後,需5的工作天(假日小幫手也一起休假!),麻煩耐心等候。3. 版主帳號:ahappychat4.粉絲頁為 easiest softwaretoget maps or gifts. Easy to play games, a lot of participation,orperform a task you can get maps or a gift. Multiplayerbidtogether, play together and poked fun to make maps more easilyintoyour hand. Maps and gift Trevi Fountain so you want the newmaps orgifts they want.Mad maps provide the following several ways to get a free map withagift:1. Play Games winnerThere are a variety of small game, including more than size,pokefun, the ultimate password, look for Lucky, the winner as longasyou can get this map.2. Set Points:Each map has a need to exchange points (1500 or 2500), youcansimply perform a task you can get points. If you do not wanttoperform a task, the map also has a surprise every day crazy tosendyour points. In addition, the crazy texture maps also launchedanew bidding area, allowing you to use fewer points faster canbemarked to your desired texture.3. Set participate frequencyEach map has a need to participate in exchange visits (60 timesor100 points), as long as the more involved you are, you can getthismap.Remarks:Until 1 8/10 numbers, has been sent 5000+ Zhang map.2. After changing because the large number of maps, andotherinformation to verify the return determination takes 5 days(thelittle helpers but also with holiday vacations!),Troublesomepatient.3. withheld Account: ahappychatThe fan page is
Efun手機遊戲平台 2.2.4
集合efun遊戲平台所有精品遊戲,超快速度下載安裝、一鍵啟動遊戲虛寶、最新禮包、儲值點卡免費領取,儲值優惠活動搶先知道遊戲任務通關攻略、新手視頻教學、高手精彩視頻每天更新,隨時隨地掌握最新資訊更多精彩功能請下載體驗……2.2.4版本更新內容如下:不好意思,這一次逼著您們更新。只是因為這次弄大了:——好康君這次把積分任務、商城中心、禮包中心都攬入懷中~好康福利要集中一起嗨——客服頁面變了~就是變漂亮了一點點辣還有甚麼隱藏的驚喜,等您來發現哦。2.2.3版本更新內容如下:——優化部份功能2.1.9版本更新內容如下:如果你問我為什麼非逼著你們更新原因就這些:——可以撥打電話驗證手機辣;萌妹子的聲音很好聽~——增加更改手機號碼的通知,手機號碼以後不幸被怪大叔改了,我們會悄悄告訴你。——優化個人資料頁UI,雖沒有煥然一新,但更加體貼呢。——這次,找積分請暴擊簽到按鈕2.1.8版本優化如下:-優化部分用戶體驗2.1.7版本更新以下內容:-優化完善資料頁面-新增新年活動入口-新增儲值紀錄入口-新增儲值刮刮樂系統-優化儲值功能Efun FB粉絲頁:歡迎訪問Efun遊戲平台
ycon - make your emoticon 4.4.1
ycon is a hot new app that lets you createyourown original stickers and emoticons!!Using the same stickers as everyone else is boring. Whywasteyour time with traditional stickers when you can transformyourselfinto an alluring bunny girl or an ironic hipster with ycon!Thelist of available characters is practically endless, sodownloadthe app and start sharing your selfie stickers with yourfriendstoday!Why use ycon?+ Making your own stickers is easy! Pick a template, take aselfie,and tap the OK button to create your own selfie stickers injust 3taps.+ Over 1,000 free stickers to choose from! You'll find over1,000characters and designs created by artists from around theworldinside. It's a miracle stickers this good can be FREE.+ Searching for stickers is simple! Stickers are separated into7categories like romance, happy, sad, and angry so you don't havetospend valuable time finding the right sticker for yourcurrentmood.+ Add original captions! With over 10 different speech balloonstochoose from, adding messages to your stickers has neverbeeneasier. Add the perfect caption to your stickers and getyourmessage across immediately!+ Sharing stickers is a breeze! Your sticker masterpiecesarebegging for attention. Share your creations on LINE,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks withycon!ycon stickers are currently displaying as images in LINE chatsonAndroid devices. We are currently working to fix this issue sothatthey display as stickers. Please be patient while we makethisupdate.
Blocks Breaker: pop all blocks 3.7.3
Kasur Games
Remove all blocks from the board and discover all the Worlds.
Stickered for Messenger 1.1
Pick as many stickers as you want.Stick them on before or after you snap a photo.Decorate photos from your gallery, too.Drag, pinch, stretch and rotate stickers.Add captions to complete the scene.Send your creations to friends with Messenger.Don't have Messenger yet? Get ittoday!
GO SMS Little Green STICKER 1.1
Hi, I am Little Green Monster . Christmas ismyfavorite!Free Strickers to download,Free to use:1. Download and install the stickers;2. Find it in conversation panel("+" - expression -stickers);3. Enjoy your stickers and give a suprise to your friends!Copyright 2004-2012 All Rights Reserved
V – Live Broadcasting App
"V" is an app that lets you watch thepersonalbroadcasting videos of celebs on your phone. You can followyourfavorite celebs, watch their videos, and use comments and‘hearts’to share your thoughts and feelings with others. Youractivity suchas watching videos will affect your "Chemi-beat" forthe celeb; weplan to provide benefits to active users whoenthusiasticallyparticipate in the activity. Scheduled shows willbe listed on Vbefore they start; however, shows that a celebpersonallybroadcasts can be on air without any advance notice.Enjoy watchinglive broadcasts of your favorite celebs on V!* Follow CelebsPick your favorite celebs and follow them. You can receivethenotifications of upcoming broadcasts of celebs you follow on V.Themore you watch the videos of a celeb, the higher youget"Chemi-beat" for the celeb.* Popular ChannelsBIGBANG,SMTOWN,BTS,YGFamily,iKON,Apink,WINNER,GOT7,INFINITE,BTOB,BEAST,AOA,SISTAR,CNBLUE,missA,Girl'sDay,2PM,JYPnation,4minute,VIXX* UpcomingYou can see the schedule for all upcoming broadcasts on V.Don'tmiss the broadcast with your favorite celebs!* PopularIn the Popular tab, you can see the most popular videos on V.Videoscontaining a lot of hearts are automatically displayed inthePopular screen; tab the heart as many as possible if you likewhatyou are seeing.* What does "Chemi-beat" mean?As a short form of "chemistry beat," the V team coined theword"Chemi-beat" to express the relationship index between a celebandme as beat count. Following celebs and watching videos (liveorrecorded) are ways to increase your "Chemi-beat." We plantoprovide additional benefits based on "Chemi-beat" in thenearfuture.When APP could not be installed, device setting ->Selecting Google play from APP menu and retry afterdeletingdata.• Camera (required): This lets you take photos or record videostoshare on the profile or boards.• Microphone (required): This lets you record sound of yourvideosto share on the boards.• Phone (required): This lets V LIVE recognize your device usingthedevice ID when enabling automatic login, sending pushnotifications,or watching paid content.• Storage (required): This lets you publish photos on your devicetothe profile or save them to your device.
FootPoint 2.2.6
一、為獎勵逛街而生的App!二、您只要走進FootPoint的合作商店,不需消費,就可以賺點數換禮物!■FootPoint App五大特點:‧ 自動Check in-找到指定商店,完成簽到任務,立馬獲得點數。‧ 點數變禮物-FootPoint的獎勵點數都可以變成實質的獎金兌換禮物,還可以捐給公益團體。‧ 結合門市兌換系統-除了特定好禮,您所賺得的點數可以直接在合作商店櫃台換成您要的禮券等贈品。‧ 邀請好友大放送-好友輸入您的邀請碼,您將可獲得好友自註冊後二週內所得點數的30%,在家躺著賺。‧ 最強獨家好禮-搭配議題或節慶,每月定期更新獨家好禮,您想要的商品不用買,來這裡免費拿。■注意事項:可能因店鋪環境、商品存貨、電信網路品質、手機硬體條件的不同,或各類意外因素,造成任務執行的失敗,敬請見諒。若有問題或建議,請使用客服信箱([email protected])與本公司聯繫。First, for therewardshopping born App!Second, you just walk into the Gezuoshangdian FootPointwithoutconsumption, you can earn points for a gift!■ FootPoint App five characteristics:‧ Auto Check in- find the specified store to complete thecheck-intask immediately earn points.‧ points Variable gift -FootPoint bonus points can be turnedintoreal bonus gift exchange, you can also go to publicgroups.‧ binding RACK exchange system - in addition to specificmanners,you earn points that you want can be replaced with vouchersandother gifts directly Gezuoshangdian counter.‧ Invite friends big run - invite a friend to enter your code,youwill receive 30% of the registered two weeks after a friendfromthe resulting points, lying earn at home.‧ strongest exclusive manners - with a question orfestivals,updated monthly exclusive gifts, you do not want to buygoods, toget free here. ■ Notes:May vary, all kinds of unexpected factors or storeenvironment,merchandise inventory, telecommunications networkquality, handsethardware conditions, resulting in the failure toperform the task,please forgive me.For questions or suggestions, please use the CustomerService([email protected]) with the company.
Stampy Long Head Videos 1.2
Some of the videos you may find in this app:- Minecraft Xbox - Quest For Lava Lunch (115)- Side Quest - Cake Race- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Mushroom Look Alikes (78)- Minecraft Xbox - Shoe Shelf [313]- Minecraft Xbox - Don't Stop Challenge - Part 3- Skylanders: Trap Team - Cross Crow - Part 31- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Nose Slide (77)- Lego Worlds - Snow Farm (3)- Minecraft Xbox - Shoe Shop [312]- Minecraft Xbox - Don't Stop Challenge - Part 2- The Sims 4 - Angry Stampy [36]- Minecraft Xbox - Quest For Chef (114)- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Tumbles And Explosions (76)- Terraria Xbox - The Twins [111]- Minecraft Xbox - Maze Master [311]- Minecraft Xbox - Don't Stop Challenge - Part 1- Splatoon - Turf War - Part 2 stampylonghead- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Hotel Inspector (75)- Broken Age: Act 2 - Detective Vella - Part 7 stampylonghead- Minecraft Xbox - Dog, Bear And Cat [310]- Minecraft Xbox - The Smurfs - Gargamel {6}- Skylanders: Trap Team - Time Town - Part 30- Minecraft Xbox - Quest To Build A Beacon (113)- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - So Much Stew (74) stampylonghead- Lego Worlds - Bazooka (2)- Minecraft Xbox - Invisible Walls [309]- Minecraft Xbox - The Smurfs - Castle Break-in {5}- Mario Kart 8 - Grand Prix - Bell Cup + 200cc- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Mushroom Hair (73)- The Sims 4 - My New Office [35] stampylonghead- Minecraft Xbox - Fizz Bang [308]- Lego Worlds - Cake Castle (1)- Minecraft Xbox - The Smurfs - The Missing Doll {4}- Minecraft Xbox - Quest To Kill The Wither - The Battle!(21)- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Happy Mountain (72)- Broken Age: Act 2 - En Garde - Part 6- Minecraft Xbox - Firework-Shop [307]- Minecraft Xbox - The Smurfs - Many Minions {3}- Splatoon - Turf War - Part 1- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Egg Eyes (71)- Skylanders: Trap Team - Dr Krankcase - Part29stampylonghead- Minecraft Xbox - Higher Spire [306]- Minecraft Xbox - The Smurfs - Willow Cavern {2}- Mario Kart 8 - Grand Prix - Crossing Cup- Minecraft Xbox - Quest To Kill The Wither (20)- Side Quest - Tree Race- Minecraft Xbox - Sky Den - Scary Eyes (70) stampylonghead- Minecraft Xbox - Colour Explosion [305]- Minecraft Xbox - The Smurfs - Smurfville {1}- Broken Age: Act 2 - Old Friends - Part 5