Top 23 Games Similar to 皇家小瑪莉 (經典版)

皇家小瑪莉 2016 1.0.14
還記得小時候, 讓你在柑仔店流連忘返的麻仔台嗎??還是看到市面上的小瑪莉,都不滿意嗎??皇家系列小瑪莉正式上線,經典玩法配上華麗畫面。趕快下載重溫兒時的經典機台吧,隨時隨地都能押幾把試試手氣。【遊戲特色】● 傳統玩法配上全新華麗的畫面,讓你耳目一新。● 多元出獎設定,有小三元、大三元、小四喜、火車、全燈獎、FeverGame。● 特別轉盤設計,有機會額外送多燈、火車、全燈、FeverGame等獎項。● 金幣點數可以和水果盤共用,想玩那種随時切換。● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 不定時會有贈送金幣活動,讓你不花錢也能爽爽玩!
皇家小瑪莉 1.0.16
還記得小時候, 讓你在柑仔店流連忘返的麻仔台嗎??還是看到市面上的小瑪莉,都不滿意嗎??皇家系列小瑪莉正式上線,經典玩法配上華麗畫面。趕快下載重溫兒時的經典機台吧,隨時隨地都能押幾把試試手氣。【遊戲特色】● 傳統玩法配上全新華麗的畫面,讓你耳目一新。● 多元出獎設定,有小三元、大三元、小四喜、火車、全燈獎、FeverGame。● 特別轉盤設計,有機會額外送多燈、火車、全燈、FeverGame等獎項。● 金幣點數可以和水果盤共用,想玩那種随時切換。● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 不定時會有贈送金幣活動,讓你不花錢也能爽爽玩!
Roulette Slots 1.1.3
xidea creator
Do you wanna play the special slot machine?Trythis one (Roulette Slots) right now. It is very easy and fun,it isa popular and classic slot game in Asia. There are 8 itemkinds inthe game. You can bet your favorite fruit or item , andthen tap thespin button. The LED lights will run around and stopat randomposition. If it stop at your bet item, Congratulations!you win thebonus. You also can join double bet challenge, win thedouble bonusor lost your origin bonus, it is very exciting. Comeon , try yourluck right now.We always do our best to test the program while we releaseit.However, there are various models of mobile phone forAndroidsystem. Please kindly Email to us , tell us what step causebug. Wevery appreciate your understanding and support.
柑丫店小瑪莉(櫻桃版的麻仔台) 1.27
Jhang Jiaming
柑丫店小瑪莉(櫻桃版) (麻丫台) 1.09此版本為有二倍櫻桃,共有九洞可供下注。遊戲說明網頁:*本遊戲純屬娛樂,可模擬自己當老版,開分給朋友玩,但『嚴禁』金錢父易。如有違反法律請自行負責。遊戲說明:想當年,那台躲在雜貨店陰暗角落的遊戲機,只要手中有剩餘零錢,總忍不住賭個一把試試運氣,默默的把手中的零用錢餵進它肚子裡去呀!。不用註冊,不用課金,沒有限制,完全免費。復古經典小瑪莉,重溫中BAR的快感,不定時送燈,JP彩金大放送!三種復古面版,讓您自己當老闆,開分給朋友,同學玩,大人小孩隨時隨地都來小試一下手氣,也可以自己開分自己玩哦。遊戲特色:*三種復古面版。獨特開洗分功能,標準賠率計算,完美模擬麻丫台。*每次登入後即會產生不同的開分員編號,也可以不輸入密碼直接遊玩。*開洗分後請老闆與玩家記住『開分員編號』,如果在洗分時開號不正確,就表示有人更動過系統,請自行處理解決。*不定時送燈,可自定送燈數量,不會送空包彈,不會送櫻桃與蘋果。*JP彩金為全部押注的15倍。*可設定『吃小吐大』比,盡量留住押大的客人,在條件許可情況下,押小會盡量吃錢,押大就會盡量吐,比值越大輸贏比越明顯。*可設定抽水比例,不論押多押少,抽越大咬越多一視同人(慎用)*按功能鍵可自行調整或關閉音樂音效的音量。*最佳螢幕解析為 800 * 1280 ,其他解析度並不影響遊戲進行。自定項目*吃小吐大比。*三種遊戲面版*抽水*押注上限*限紅*送燈數量*開洗分方法:在押注畫面時,畫面左上角會出現『請按此開洗分』,點擊之後即可開洗分,如果有設定開分員密碼的話,開洗分時會要求輸入開分員密碼,並且開分完成後會顯示一組數字,請雙方記注這組數字,如數字有變過表示有人改過密碼或偷開分,此時請自行私下解決。*大清方法:在登入時重新設定密碼即可,第一次登入或重設密碼後,機台儲金桶會歸零,此時拿到的牌會很難看,如果開分給親朋好友玩的話,可能會因機台沒錢而無法出大獎,或是一直咬錢,被朋友大罵奸商還好,若因此破壞友誼與朋友信任可不好了,建議在大清之後,自己開分打一點錢進去,多少隨意,以免出的牌太難看。若沒必要,建議不要進行大清。注意事項:*本軟體手機與平版都可使用。最佳解析度為800*1280。*本遊戲嚴禁金錢賭博。如有違反法律請自行負責。*本遊戲採用牌譜算牌,而非單純出牌機率,依抽中牌譜照順序出牌,沒有暗藏任何中獎密技,請老闆玩家盈虧自負。*本遊戲純娛樂,如有規則或程式的問題,造成老闆或玩家的損失或爭議,請私下解決。
SLOTS水果盤(暗棋.麻將.小瑪莉.骰寶.百家樂) 1.27
SLOTS水果盤是一種簡易上手的拉霸遊戲,共有九個轉輪,擬真機台設計讓您享受真實的水果機台遊戲,體驗以小博大的刺激感。★【登入送】每天登入送您獎勵點數!★【分享送】FB分享訊息天天送!★ 自選幸運機台、掛機台(插牙籤)超方便!★ 最具臨場感的機台音效,轉盤樂翻天!★ 簡化介面,螢幕再小也能輕鬆點選。★ 彩票遊戲博點數!免費送、不定期推出各類型小遊戲!★ 機台種類多變化,不定時推出新檯子!已開放機台:1.水果盤2.小瑪莉3.彈珠賓果4.暗棋5.麻將6.骰寶7.百家樂如有任何疑問?1.可透過遊戲內客服系統回報、留言2.來電客服電話:04-22965817週一至週五 10:00~19:00) 3.來信客服信箱:[email protected]※ 每週三例行維護時間 09:00(am)~11:00(am)
鑽石小瑪莉 1.0.10
超精緻華麗的【鑽石小瑪莉】復古懷舊風,再起街機小瑪莉的經典回憶。遊戲免費下載,免註冊,讓您立馬試玩、大展豪氣!!!【遊戲特色】● 每日上線獎勵大方送,天天玩、天天送,連續上線愈多天獎勵就愈高!● 收集特殊連線,即開啟Fever Game模式,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 在線定時獎勵,讓您邊玩遊戲、邊開心領獎!● 金幣點數可以和水果盤共用,想玩那種?時切換。● 保留離開機台功能,讓您隨時重回自己熟悉的機台!● 萬人同時連線,共同累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 週週排行競賽,只要您能進入排行榜,即可獲得大量金幣報酬!● 畫面精緻華麗,介面簡單易懂,讓您輕鬆上手,不用學!
777 Slot 水果盤Gold 1.5
Lonaisoft Tech.
[777 Slot 水果盤Gold]是一款模擬早年懷念的水果盤遊戲~趕快來試試手氣~您可以先玩[777 Slot 水果盤]免費版, 覺得好玩再購買這個版本~!付費版增加的功能:1.沒有廣告2.增加可以選比率的玩法, 有1:1, 1:10, 1:100 三種選擇其餘跟免費版的玩法及功能都一樣歡迎購買付費Gold版贊助我們, 讓我們開發更好玩的遊戲~![777 Slot 水果盤Gold]一開始會給您10000(1:10比率)~如果您運氣好贏了很多~離開遊戲時分數不會不見喔~[777 Slot 水果盤Gold] 會將您的分數存下來~下次可以繼續玩喔~如果手氣不好~也請放心~離開遊戲再進來一樣會再給您10000(1:10比率)~不需要網路~隨時可以消磨時間~趕快安裝來玩吧~!!
Fruit Slots Classic 1.3.0
A great vegas slot machines FREE gameforyou!!!Great new Vegas Slot Machines, Amazing Rewards! Fruit Slots isafree Vegas Slot Machine.Key Features:• FREE to Play, Every Day!• Big Winning• Number Gambling• Time Progressive BonusFruit Slots is the most popular casino games in 80's of Taiwan,thegame rule is different from other slots games.There are total 8 bet symbol items in the game. Each of themhasdifferent bonus multiple. When you bet, click the bottom “Play”theLED light will start to run and stops at the random position,inthe same time you can get the winner payout by you'd bet.Want to know what Taiwanese crazy about in 80's? Just try“FruitSlots - Big Win Slots” then you will get it!★Game Introduction★Fruit Slots is the most popular casino games in 80's of Taiwan,thegame rule is different from other slots games.★Game Features★Back to the good old days: The player can experience themostpopular casino slots game of 80's in Taiwan.Double bonus: There has the special system turn a smallwinnerpayout to a large one!LUCKY TIME: In the super lucky star mode, you can earn morethandouble winner payout with the coins you'd bet!★Game Guide★- As a new player at Fruit Slots, we will give you free gamecoinsin this big win slots.- Gamble the small/big number to double your winnings in bigwinslots.Fruit Slots Machines Casino - Big Win Slots is a fun fruit machine/slot machine casino gambling game. If you like slot machines,fruitmachines, and one armed bandits, this game is for you!Spin, hold, and nudge your way to riches. Win the jackpot andbecomea Vegas high roller, just try not to lose all your winningsbeforeyou cash out!Fruit Slots Machines Casino - Big Win Slots is just for fun, norealmoney is won or lost - no cost to play just good clean freefun:)
超級小瑪莉 1.0.6
小瑪莉是世界上銷售最多的遊戲機之一,在這個遊戲中,你會有與真實的機器一樣的體驗,可以模擬真實的投幣、退幣與押注,更可以經由遊戲來組裝另一台新的機器。組裝完成新的機器,也可以遊戲、獲得新的遊戲體驗。Little Mary is oneoftheworld's largest selling video game, in this game, youhaveamachine like the real experience, you can simulate therealcoin,coin and bet, but can be assembled by another game anewmachine.Assembled a new machine, the game can get anewgamingexperience.
早餐店小瑪莉(蘋果版的麻仔台) 1.27
Jhang Jiaming
Let's Vegas Slots-Casino Slots 1.2.58
Download now for FREE! Play slots with your friends in thesameroom!
Slot Fruit 3.9
Do not need network to play, and do not needanaccount. Just keep the upgrade, you can get a high score, thelongerplay, winning more easily opened. Get bonuses, but also canbetransferred to buy things on other APP Oh!Favorite secretly ran a grocery store to play after school whenachild, now you can play a Slot fruit on smart phone , and takeachance anywhere.You can bet on any fruit or item you like, and then click theStartbutton.Back lighting going round in circles, and random stops.If it is parked in your designated fruit or item, then you willwina does not matter if you accidentally gambled,You can try other small game to earn gold coins, the coins andthensinks back to continue betting.You can also win scores, withdraw to other small game use.a series of mini-games, allowing you to play endless.
鑽石拉霸水果盤 1.0.32
超精緻華麗的【鑽石拉霸水果盤】復古懷舊風,再起街機水果盤的經典回憶。遊戲免費下載,免註冊,讓您立馬試玩、大展豪氣!!!【遊戲特色】● 每日上線獎勵大方送,天天玩、天天送,連續上線愈多天獎勵就愈高!● 收集特殊連線,即開啟Fever Game模式,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 在線定時獎勵,讓您邊玩遊戲、邊開心領獎!● 保留離開機台功能,讓您隨時重回自己熟悉的機台!● 萬人同時連線,共同累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 週週排行競賽,只要您能進入排行榜,即可獲得大量金幣報酬!● 畫面精緻華麗,介面簡單易懂,讓您輕鬆上手,不用學!
Mari Slots by Higo 1.3.6
It's based on the classic arcade game among Asian communitiessince1980s.
SlotJ-Slot Machine 2.1
Dangdang slot machine evolved!?Now experience the new SlotJwithoutinternet.
Mario Slot Classic 1.5.2
Wanni Games
Mario Slot ClassicIt's fun to play!*Support Ranking.
皇家水果盤 (777連線) 1.0.31
超華麗的皇家水果盤(SLOTS)遊戲正式上線,免費下載,免註冊馬上試玩!!經典玩法加上超炫的聲光效果,趕快上線免得坐位被搶光了!粉絲團網址:【遊戲特色】● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 畫面超華麗、上手超簡單、出獎超爽快!
皇家水果盤 (猴年賀歲版) 1.0.29
超華麗的皇家水果盤(SLOTS)遊戲正式上線,免費下載,免註冊馬上試玩!!經典玩法加上超炫的聲光效果,趕快上線免得坐位被搶光了!粉絲團網址:【遊戲特色】● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 畫面超華麗、上手超簡單、出獎超爽快!
皇家水果盤 2016 1.0.29
超華麗的皇家水果盤(SLOTS)遊戲正式上線,免費下載,免註冊馬上試玩!!經典玩法加上超炫的聲光效果,趕快上線免得坐位被搶光了!粉絲團網址:【遊戲特色】● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 畫面超華麗、上手超簡單、出獎超爽快!
slot machine: Water Margin 2.1
The most popular Slovenian Outlawspachinkoslot machine network version formally launched it! Peopleonline tocompete for big prize moneyprize!Perfect transplant slot machines, slot machines, slot machines,slotmachines and other gaming arcade gameplay OutlawsIt allows you to experienceMacau casino the most realistic feel, is 777 fruit machines,luckyfruit plate, slot machines and one hundredAnd other music loversThe phone will play the slot machines![Arcade] Outlaws of the Marsh OL web version gamefeatures:● unlimited number of machines instantly online, and build a poolofgold color, do come and collect prize money waiting foryou!● [Full Dragon Treasure once opened, will be in 5000 times +27timeslittle Mary, do winnings, huge prizeCoupons!● Cool VIP system, Avatar, shells superior, win winning winstenpoints chips!● Water Margin machine out of the original award, a play experttounderstand, exciting, lovely!● sign packs online chest, the first double punch, themostconscientious various delivery points!facebook official home page:
777 Slot Fruit 1.15
[777 Slot fruit]It's free for play ~~!You can save your chips without connecting the internet.Is a game simulate the early years of nostalgic game.Hurry up to try your luck !At first, you can get 10000 chips when the game began.If you win a lot of score by your good luck, don't worry aboutyourscore will lost when you leave.[777 Slot fruit ] will save your coins and you can continueyourgame next time.And don't worry about the bad luck.We will give you another 10000 chips in two ways.1.When your chips become 0, please press the button!2.When your chip is less than 10000, please leave the game andturnback again!Without connecting internet and spend your time foranytime~!!!Go to download and play now ~ !!!Note: If you remove the game, your score will be cleared ~!
歡樂水果盤 1.0.29
超華麗的歡樂水果盤(SLOTS)遊戲正式上線,免費下載,免註冊馬上試玩!!經典玩法加上超炫的聲光效果,趕快上線免得坐位被搶光了!粉絲團網址:【遊戲特色】● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 畫面超華麗、上手超簡單、出獎超爽快!
皇家水果盤 (聖誕版) 1.0.29
超華麗的皇家水果盤(SLOTS)遊戲正式上線,免費下載,免註冊馬上試玩!!經典玩法加上超炫的聲光效果,趕快上線免得坐位被搶光了!粉絲團網址:【遊戲特色】● 收集特殊連線,即可進入Fever Game,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 每日上線領取獎勵,連續上線愈多天獎勵愈高!● 定時領取獎勵,玩愈久領愈多!● 萬人同時連線,累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 每週排行競賽,只要進入排行榜,即可獲得金幣報酬!● 離開機台可免費保留機台,讓你肥水不落外人田!● 畫面超華麗、上手超簡單、出獎超爽快!