Top 22 Apps Similar to Croatian Tales of Long Ago

The most exciting ebook application - one of the first eLibrariesinthe world!
eReader Prestigio: Book Reader
Multi format Book reader & PDF viewer. Text-To-Speech&Audio book player
Lektire 1.2.4
Application required reading - reading all in one place!
Vip eKnjizara 1.3.4
Lamaro d.o.o.
Vip eKnjizara is a virtual bookstoreinwhichVip customers can buy e-books on Croatian andEnglishlanguage.Customers don't need credit cards to pay fore-books, theycancharge the books on their prepaid or postpaidaccounts and haveitdelivered immediately on their virtualbookshelf.
Katolički molitvenik V1.10.4
VZ Familia
Najsadržajniji katolički molitvenik jednostavnog sučelja inaprednihmogućnosti.
Lapitch the Little Shoemaker
Prava stvar
Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Croatian literature: Ivana Brlić Mažuranić - Lapitch theLittleShoemaker.Lapitch the Little Shoemaker is the famous children's novel byIvanaBrlić Mažuranić.Electronic books "Croatian Literature" are free books in theformof Android applications which one can read on smartphonesandtablets without the need for special programs for reading.Lapitch The Little Shoemaker is a story of a noble andcourageousboy who runs away from a cruel master, travels the worldin searchfor a better experience. With him travels a girl Gitaseeking forparents and they will need a lot of wisdom andkindness, to overcomeobstacles. The final objective of the trip isto examine our ownabilities, and growing calm in rediscoveredhome.
Daily Readings
Teodoro Lopez
Have in your device the daily readingsMissalof the Catholic Church and a Prayer Book.Read the readings of new and old Testament, psalms and gospelofdaily liturgy.Mass readings available in English, Spanish, PortugueseandFrench.Prayer Book available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, FrenchandLatin.
Ljubav u Persiji 1.0
Prva knjiga napisana I izdata nasrpskomjezikuna Android Marketu. Roman Ljubav u Persiji stvaran jesacudesnommesavinom ljubavi, morala I postenja, sa kojoj jeMileErak veomavesto baratao. Sa manirom iskusnog pripovedaca onuvodicitaoca udrevnu civilizaciju Persije, sa posebnim opisomTeherana.Ljubavnaprica prelepe Maksid i diplomate Mise pocela jenadiplomatskomprijemu u Teheranu i za posledicu imala rodjenjecerkeAzize. Ovuzabranjenu ljubav ne dozvoljava Kuran,osudjujuroditelji. Ona ceozivot posvecuje cerki, punihdvadesetgodina...Aziza dolazi uBeograd. Pronalazi oca. Dolazi iMaksid, jos uvekverujuci u njihovuljubav. Aziza se zaljubljuje uMarijinog rodjakai postaje centarduhovnog zemljotresa. Ovokomplikuje i onako teskusituaciju. Krajprice obiluje burnimdogadjajima. Dve knjige ujednoj, Ljubav uPersiji I i ljubav uPersiji II, za citanje knjigenije potrebnainternet veza, prijatandizajn prilagodjen uzivanju uknjizi i lakomkretanju kroz tekst,izdvojen sadrzaj knjige iopcija obelezavanjavise strana. Uskoro naengleskom i persijskomjeziku!
Media365 - eBooks 5.7.2842
Media365 Inc
With Media365, original content and fascinating stories are justatap away.
EBook Reader 1.5.4
TopDev Studio
Reading is our essential part of everydaylife. This application can fully satisfy your needs , come todownloadit, will not let you down.*** Features ***- Support for most popular e-book formatFor example : EPUB, RTF, FB2, HTML, plain text- Support for direct reading from zip file- Convenient to manage the local libraryAccording to the book's title, author, series, etc. and toorganizethe user's local library- Includes a browser/downloader for networkebookcatalogs/storesDirect access to the major online e-book library, a numberofpopular English, French, Russian, Chinese and Polish librariesareincluded, and free download e-books.- Convenient electronic bookmarksYou can quickly add a variety of different colorsbookmarks,beautiful and convenient- Day / Night different reading modesBy setting background and font colors to protect your glasses- The powerful book search function- Flip action can be setYou can click on the screen, or slide the screen to turn thepage,you can also use the volume keys to turn pages- You can choose a variety of flip effectSupport curl animation (analog Book flip effect), slideanimation,shift animation, and you can set the speed of thepage- Support for text translation featureIntegration with popular dictionaries, such ColorDict,SlovoEd,Fora, etc. If you installed the dictionary can translateselectedtext- You can set the screen orientationFacilitate the reading habits of different screen orientation- You can use an external TrueType / OpenType fonts- Quick navigation to read the pageYou can flip to any page you want to see- Sharing booksYou can share books to your friends via Gmail, FaceBook, QQ,microletters, Bluetooth- Support for up to 29 kinds of languagesThere are many features require you discover in the course .Disclaimer:This app is base on FBReader code, and licensed under theGNUGeneral Public License.FBReader code: General Public License:
HR Biblija free 1.0
Besplatna verzija aplikacije HR Biblija naVašmobilni uređaj donosi najvjerodostojniji hrvatski prijevodBiblijeu izdanju Kršćanske sadašnjosti. Izrađena je tako dabudeintuitivna, jednostavna za korištenje i da zadovolji svepotrebekorisnika.Aplikacija tekstove dohvaća preko Interneta!Aplikacija omogućuje:- pregled biblijskog teksta po biblijskim knjigamaiglavama- pregled teksta preko cijelog ekrana (fullscreen)- portrait i landspace pregled teksta- pristup brzim opcijama kojima je omogućena promjenaveličineteksta i fonta- brzi pregled novosti od Kršćanske sadašnjostiPrilikom izrade aplikacije, posebna pažnja je danaprilagodbibiblijskog teksta, zbog čega je on ostao formatiranjednako kao utiskanim izdanjima Biblije (uključujući naglaske isl.).****Za sva pitanja, prijedloge, kritike i pohvale vezane uzaplikacijuHR Biblija free, kontaktirajte nas putem e-maila:[email protected]
Kunalipa, numizmatika hrvatska
Prava stvar
Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Aplikacija Kunalipa je zamišljena kao pomoć numizmatičarimaikolekcionarima, a pruža korisne informacije za sve kojezanimajusuvremeni hrvatski novci.Katalog suvremenog hrvatskog novca s osnovnim podacimaonovčanicama i kovanicama od 1991. do danas. Katalog daje slikovniitekstualni prikaz novčanica hrvatskog dinara, dinara"SrpskeKrajine" i kune, te optjecajnih kovanica kune i lipe.Aplikacija omogućuje da jednostavno i uvijek pri ruciimatetablicu s označenim primjercima koji Vam nedostaju ukolekciji.Tečajna lista HNB prikazuje kupovne, srednje i prodajnetečajeveHrvatske narodne banke, a ima i konvertor valuta.Također, tu je aktualna tečajna lista Europske središnjebanke,tečajevi za sve svjetske valute, podaci o nazivimanovčanihjedinica, ISO oznakama, te nazivima i broju dijelova valuteza svesvjetske valute.Priloženi su i tečajevi stranih valuta prema hrvatskom dinaru(do1993.), odnosno kuni (od 1994.) na kraju godine, premasrednjemtečaju Hrvatske narodne banke, od 1991. do danas.Kalkulatori za izračun unci čistog plemenitog metala, ASW(ActualSilver Weight), odnosno AGW (Actual Gold Weight), te, akoVamzatreba, za preračunavanje inča i unci u milimetre i grame(iobratno).Tu je još i mogućnost pretraživanja sadržaja, kao i prikaz novosti sa tog sajta.A tu je čak i igrica "Klizna slagalica" (Sliding puzzle).Detaljnije informacije o aplikaciji potražite na aplikacije se izlazi pritiskom na "Home" tipku vašeguređaja.Nakon toga, aplikacija ne ostaje u memoriji i ne troširesurse.Svi memorirani podaci (npr. pod "Moja zbirka") će bitiočuvajupri instalaciji novije verzije aplikacije.Uneseni podaci, npr. pri kalkulacijama, se očuvaju kada seuređajzarotira i kada se rad s aplikacijom prekinezaključavanjemuređaja.Trudio sam se da aplikacija bude što optimiziranija i datrošičim manje resursa.Po defaultu se instalira na SD karticu (ako postoji) i zauzimamanjeod 100 KB interne memorije.Aplikacija ne prikuplja i ne šalje nikakve podatke onjenomkorištenju.Dozvole koje aplikacija traži su:"Izmjena/brisanje sadržaja SD kartice" za bilježenje podatakaiz"Moja zbirka"."Potpun internetski pristup" za povlačenje sadržaja sinterneta,npr. tečajne liste.Language: ENGLISH ONLY.Kunalipa application is designed to help coin collectorsandcollectors, and provides useful information for anyoneinterestedin contemporary Croatian money.Catalogue of contemporary Croatian money with basicinformationabout the notes and coins of the 1991st today. Catalogprovides apictorial and textual display of banknotes Croatiandinars, dinars"Serbian Krajina" and martens, and optjecajnih kunacoins andlime.The application allows you to simply and always at hand haveatable with marked specimens that you are missing inyourcollection.Exchange rate list shows the purchasing, selling andmiddleclasses of the Croatian National Bank, and has acurrencyconverter.Also, there is the current exchange rate of the EuropeanCentralBank, the exchange rates for all the world'scurrencies,information on the names of monetary units, the ISOcodes, andnames and numbers for all parts of the currencies of theworldcurrency.Attached are the exchange rates of foreign currencies againsttheCroatian dinar (1993.), Or curse (since 1994.) At the end oftheyear, according to the middle exchange rate of the CroatianNationalBank, the 1991st today.Calculators to calculate ounces of pure precious metal,ASW(Actual Silver Weight), or AGW (Actual Gold Weight), and ifyouneed, for the conversion of inches and ounces to millilitersandgrams (and vice versa).There is also the ability to search the contents of a and display news from this site.And there's even a game, "Sliding Puzzle" (Sliding Puzzle).Detailed information about the application, visit the the application, you can exit by pressing the "Home"buttonof your device. After that, the application does not remaininmemory and not wasting resources.All stored data (eg under "My Collection") will maintainwheninstalling newer versions of applications.Entered data, for example, when the calculations, preservewhenthe device is rotated and when the application work isinterruptedby locking device.I tried to be as streamlined application that consumes aslessresources.By default it installs to the SD card (if applicable), andoccupiesless than 100 MB of internal memory.The app does not collect or send any information aboutitsuse.Permit applications that have been requested:"Modify / delete SD card contents" for logging data from"MyCollection"."Full internet access" to withdraw from the Internet, suchasforeign exchange rates.
Izreke i citati 3.1
Izreke i citati sada sadrži 5000+ citata, od preko200autora,razvrstanih u 20 kategorija i preko 120 poučnih pričazaVašudnevnu dozu mudrosti, inspiracije i motivacijeNova,unapređenaverzija aplikacije "Izreke i citati Lite" nastalajezahvaljujućiVašim brojnim predlozima i sugestijama!ZahvaljujemoVam se napodršci i sa nestrpljenjem očekujemo Vaše novepredlogeikomentare! *** Ponosni smo na: *** -Novi,pojednostavljeniinterfejs - Widget koji sadrži misao dana -Dodatkeza aplikaciju -(Kviz znanja:"Ko je rekao?" - i još novihdodatakauskoro) Sa PROverzijom imate još i mogućnost - Da sevratite nacitat koji steposlednji čitali - Pogledate kratak info oautoru +link dowikipedije za detaljnije informacije - Izboraprikaza imenaautora(Originalno/Prevedeno) - Automatskog preuzimanjanoviteta -Pomoćiza korišćenje aplikacije **Napomena: Baza citatasakupljanaje udužem vremenskom periodu sa brojnih izvora u i, dok jejedandeosadržaja slobodno preveden sa drugih jezika. Molimo Vasimajteuvidu da je moguće da postoje bolji i originalniji prevodiidanegde u sadržaju postoji neka greška pa nam nemojtezameritinatome, već ukoliko uočite neku grešku, slobodno nampošaljiteVašesugestije kako bi svaka sledeća verzija aplikacijesadržalaštokvalitetnije sadržaje. Za sve Vaše komentare,sugestije,predlogenovih autora, prijavu greške u citatu kao ipredloge autorailiteme koju želite da se nađe u aplikaciji, molimoVaskoristiteopciju "Sugestija" koja se nalazi u meniju nasvakomekranuaplikacije. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u novoj, PROaplikaciji:) & www.izreke-citati.comZanajoptimalnijekorišćenje preporučujemo: Verzije Android OS:2.2,2.3.3+Rezolucije: 320x480, 480x800, 480x854
LoboWiki Reader for Wikipedia 0.86
LoboWiki is an unofficial reader for Wikipedia™, designedforAndroid4+ phones. The main idea behind LoboWiki is to allowusersto readWikipedia articles in a distraction-free manner. Itmeansthat allthe links you click are added to the readingqueue,instead of beingimmediately opened. Use the swipe gesture tomovebetween articles inyour reading queue! LoboWiki is designed tobeto simple, clean anduser friendly (it's Holo!). It's not goingtobe a full-blownresearch tool - I'll focus on making it pleasuretouse duringlonger, casual reading sessions. WIKIPEDIA isatrademark of theWikimedia Foundation™. We are not endorsed byoraffiliated with theWikimedia Foundation. Content isavailableunder CC BY-SA 3.0 unlessotherwise noted. The UI iscurrentlyavailable in English, Polish andItalian. It's notoptimized fortabet-sized devices! SupportedWikipedia languages:English,Alemannisch, Azərbaycanca, Български,Česky, Dansk,Deutsch, eesti,euskara, español, français, hrvatski,Italiano, 日本語,Lietuvių,Latviešu, magyar, Nederlands, ‪norsk(nynorsk), ‪norsk(bokmål),polski, Português, română, Русский,Slovenčina,Slovenščina, Suomi,Svenska, Türkçe, Українська LoboWikidoes notcollect any user dataand personal information. It does notuse anyproxy servers - itretrieves all the data and articlesdirectly fromWikipedia andWikimedia servers.
Laudate 2.77
Aycka Soft
The most comprehensive Catholic App:DailyReadings,prayers,podcasts,rosaries.
古灵小说全集 1.1
系统支持背景、字体大小、字体颜色设置,支持自动打开上一次阅读画面。本书收录了古灵作品集,共计108部的简繁体:《「丑」人多作怪》《一家都是宝PART IV》《一家都是宝part Ⅲ》《一家都是宝PART2》《一家都是宝》《七年之痒》《上天下海守着你》《不是搞鬼》《不败黑鹰》《与君共舞》《丝丝扣情》《乞丐天才男朋友》《亲爱的千黛可屯》《亲爱的陌生人》《人前躲你人后盼你》《人生自是有情狂》《你是我爸爸!》《偷人》《偷吃蜜糖》《出嫁不从夫》《出嫁从夫》《出嫁必从夫》《出嫁愿从夫》《出嫁誓从夫》《出嫁该从夫》《出嫁难从夫》《千万买主》《另类灰姑娘》《只怕相思苦》《只想爱一个人》《哥哥爸爸真伟大》《喜气洋洋》《嘴里骂你心里想你》《四月一日》《地下情夫》《大侠,请多指教》《大野狼绅士》《天使与恶魔(上)》《天使与恶魔(下)》《天使之翼》《妻奴》《姐姐宝贝》《娘子,请多指教》《宝贝姐姐》《害臊大侠刁姑娘》《小鬼跑错边》《岛主》《岛主之子》《左手爱你右手娶你》《异星》《引郎上勾》《征服者的飨宴》《心疼姊姊》《忧郁回旋曲》《怨天怨地舍不得怨你》《恩人,请多指教》《恶羊扑郎》《我依恋的只有你》《我家有个小可怜》《把美眉》《拉丁混小子》《拼命三郎》《捉妖》《搞什么鬼》《放胆拥抱蓝眼珠》《无巧不成爱》《无怨无悔爱着你》《早春小老婆》《明里赶你暗里救你》《暴风雨奏鸣曲》《替身》《柔情似水》《梦世界(上)》《梦世界(下)》《楚楚夫君》《沙漠苍鹰的欲望》《泡哥哥》《浪漫首部曲》《淘气小紫狐》《激情魔咒》《火爆甜心》《狂郎傻婢》《生死相许无尽处》《男大十九变》《白色天使》《相公,请多指教》《眼里怨你梦里念你》《缚神(上)》《缚神(下)》《肉脚老么万岁》《脱线娘娘》《脱线小女佣》《良兄宝妹》《见鬼》《贴心妹妹》《超能力接触》《都是温柔惹的祸》《铁汉追密码(上)》《铁汉追密码(下)》《霸爱邪君》《顽女戏蔷薇》《鬼面夫君》《黑市情妇》《黑魔王传说Ending》《黑魔王传说Part1》《黑魔王传说Part2》《黑魔王传说Part3》《黑魔王传说Part4》古灵,是台湾的流行小说作家,以写言情小说为主。作品风格轻松诙谐。她小时候学古典钢琴,高中改习爵士钢琴,后考上食品营养科。职业从梦想的钢琴老师、饭店琴师、营养师突变成小说家。迄今创作小说100余本,是一位高产作家,于1999年开始写作,第一本作品为《引郎上钩》,至今作品数量已达一百多本,第一百本为《早安,亲爱的》。其中最著名的作品有《一家都是宝》系列、《出嫁从夫番外篇》系列、《黑魔王传说&巫马王》系列、《皇京四大禁卫》系列、《心电感应》系列等,2007续写《七阎罗&七修罗》系列。The systemsupportsbackground, font size, font color settings, support forautomaticscreen opens on first reading.  This book contains gouring portfolio, totaling 108insimplified and traditional:"" Ugly "people more trouble.""One is a treasure PART IV""One is a treasure part Ⅲ""One is a treasure PART2""One is a treasure.""Seven Year Itch""The world sea guarding you.""Not up to no good.""Undefeated Black Hawk""Dancing with the king.""Cecil buckle Love""Beggar genius boyfriend""Dear thousand Dai may Tun""Dear Stranger""You hide in front of people who hope after you""Life is naturally affectionate mad""You are my father! ""People steal""Steal honey.""Married without their husbands'"Married husbands.""From the husband must be married.""Married willing husbands'"Married oath from husband""The marriage from husband""Difficult marriage from husband""Do buyers""Alternative Cinderella""I'm afraid Acacia bitter""Just wanted to love a person.""My brother really great dad.""Beaming""Mouth curse you thought you""April""Underground lover""Heroes, please advise.""Great Wolf gentleman""Angels and Demons (on).""Angels and Demons (below)""Angel Wings""Wife slave""Baby Sister""Lady, please advise.""Baby Sister""Diao heroes shy girl""Home run the wrong side.""Main island"'Main island of the child ""Love your left hand to marry you.""Alien""Cited Lang uppercut""Conqueror of the feast.""Distressed sister.""Melancholy Rondo""Blaming Heaven complain to bear blame you.""Benefactor, please advise.""Evil Sheep flutter Lang""I am attached to only you.""My family has a little pathetic.""To crush""Latin mixed kid.""Workaholic""Vampire Killers""What the hell""Boldly embrace blue eyes.""No coincidence Love""No regrets love you""Early Spring concubine""Overtly or covertly rush you to save you.""Tempest Sonata""Avatars""Rouqingsishui""Dream World (on).""Dream World (down)""Chuchu Fu Jun""Desert eagle's desire""Bubble brother""Romance of the Rings""Naughty little purple fox""Passion curse""Hot sweetheart""Mad Lang stupid servant.""Endless Shengsixiangxu office""Men and nineteen change""White Angel""Dear husband, please advise.""Eyes blame you read your dream.""Tied to God (on).""Tied to God (the)""Long live the youngest Roujiao""Off-line Goddess""Off-line small maid""Good brother Sambo""The Eye""Intimate sister""Super ability to reach""Blame is gentle.""Hud chase password (on).""Hud chase password (below)""Pa love evil king.""Stubborn actresses Rose""Ghost husband.""Black mistress""Legend of the Dark Lord Ending""Legend of the Dark Lord Part1""Legend of the Dark Lord Part2""Legend of the Dark Lord Part3""Legend of the Dark Lord Part4"  DIE, popular fiction writer in Taiwan, mainly towriteromance novels. Relaxed style of humorous works. She was achild tolearn classical piano, jazz piano learning high schoolreform,admitted after food nutrition. From the dream ofprofessional pianoteacher, restaurants musician, nutritionistsmutated novelist. Sofar, more than 100 fiction book, is a prolificwriter, beganwriting in 1999, the first of this work is "Lang citedbait", hasreached more than one hundred of the number of works,this is thefirst one hundred, "Good morning, dear of. " The mostfamous worksare "one is a treasure" series, "married husbands sidestory"series, "Legend of the Dark Lord & witch champion"series,"Huang Jing four Guard" series, "telepathy" series et al,2007writing "Seven & seven Shura hell" series.
Home Library - Free Books
Home Library is a very convenientsoftwareapplication for reading books which contains over 2,400classicworks of English literature and covers almost all genres:fiction,philosophical treatises, opinion journalism, memoirs,children'sbooks and others.Now you do not have to search a book through many databases ontheweb – just download our app and you will always have amassivee-book collection of the best English-language writerswithinreach! In the list of 370 authors you will be agreeablysurprisedto find not only the famous names like Charles Dickens,ArthurConan Doyle, O. Henry, Jack London, Edgar Allan Poe, RobertLouisStevenson, Mark Twain, but many, many others.The program has a simple interface with user-friendly featuresandoptions to make your reading comfortable and pleasurable.Main features:• Over 2,400 classic works of English literature• Flexible text display (choose fonts, ‘paper’ background colorandtexture yourself!)• Book search by title and author’s name• Passage search in text• Adding any number of bookmarks• Support of portrait and landscape reading modes• Contents directory for multi-page books• Auto-reopening of the last closed book• Night/Day Mode• Portraits of writers with links to biographical materialsonWikipedia
Portuguese Grammar Practice 1.0
We create this app to meet people’sneedtostudy or revise Portuguese grammar from basic to advancedlevelinall four skills: listening Portuguese, speakingPortuguese,writingPortuguese and reading Portuguese. Especially, weensurethat thisapp is also useful for who study another languagebesidemothertongue.Usefulness of the app:This app is edited to summarize Portuguese grammar intheshortestway in order that users can understand andpracticePortugueseeasily. Instead of having to bring a thickheavyPortuguese grammarbook with a lot of difficult knowledge, youonlyneed 24 hours tolearn and practise Portuguese simply.Target users:- Pupils, Students.- Oversea students- Teachers, lecturer.- Staff working for Portuguese’s companies.- Foreigners.- Interpreters.Content:- Sentence structures- Tenses- Kinds of verbs, nouns, adjectives,articles,prepositions,conjunctions, etc.- Conditional sentences- Comparison- Reported speech.How to share the app:You can share the app easily to your friendsthrough:Facebook,Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Zalo, etc.References:In order to create this app, we collected information from alotofsources such as:- Basic Portuguese grammar practice- Listening Portuguese books- Pronunciation books- Writing Portuguese books- Reading Portuguese books.We ensure that this app is very useful for you totakePortugueseexams. Hope you to master Portuguese as soonaspossible!I would like to hear your feedback about the app. Please rateourappfor support. Thank you very much!
Crossword Solver 5.3
Most feature rich Crossword Solver available, with synonyms,crypticand more 8.1.0
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Bible Reina Valera
Bible Reina Valera OfflineLanguages:SpanishVersion:Reina Valera (1909)Bible OfflineFeatures:- Bible Dictionary in English- Works without an Internet Conection- Can be installed in SD card- Search terms in the bible- Old, New Testament, All the Bible and Individual books- Custom Reading Plan (You choose in how many days you want toreadthe Bible)- Widget with Verse of The Day- Bookmark Verses- Notes on verses- Highlight verses with colors- Share verses (E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, SMS)- Speak verses- Nocturnal Mode (Black background with white font)- Tablet Layout- Audio Bible- Now supports Android Wear with a Watchface (see a versechangeevery minute), and a devotional on your watch.- Audio Sync with text verseVerse Sync Technology- Watch as the text moves in sync at verse level withtheaudio- Verses highlight in sync with audio- Easily follow the audio as you read- Great for studying scriptureVersions available:Spanish: Reina Valera (1909)Spanish: Reina Valera NT (1858)Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras (1569)English: King James VersionEnglish: NIV New International Version (2011) - NIV LiveBibleAudioEnglish: American Standard VersionEnglish: Basic English BibleEnglish: Darby VersionEnglish: Douay-RheimsEnglish: Webster\'s BibleEnglish: Weymouth NTEnglish: World English BibleEnglish: Young\'s Literal TranslationPortuguese:AlmeidaPortuguese: King James VersionAlbanianArabic: Smith and Van DykeAramaic NT: PeshittaArmenian (Eastern): (Genesis, Exodus, Gospels)Armenian (Western): NTBasque (Navarro-Labourdin): NTBreton GospelsChamorro (Psalms, Gospels, Acts)Chinese: NCV (Traditional)Chinese: Union (Simplified)Chinese: NCV (Simplified)Chinese: Union (Traditional)Coptic: Bohairic NTCoptic: New TestamentCroatianCzech BKRDanishDutch Staten VertalingEsperantoEstonianFinnish: Bible (1776)Finnish: Pyha Raamattu (1933/1938)French: Louis Segond (1910)French: Martin (1744)French: Ostervald (1996 revision)Georgian (Gospels, Acts, James)German: Elberfelder (1871)German: Elberfelder (1905)German: Luther (1545)German: Luther (1912)Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)Greek NT: Textus Receptus (1550/1894)Greek NT: Tischendorf 8th Ed.Greek NT: Westcott/Hort, UBS4 variantsGreek: ModernHebrew OT: Aleppo CodexHebrew: ModernHungarian: KaroliItalian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)Kabyle: NTKoreanLatin: Nova VulgataLatin: Vulgata ClementinaLatvian New TestamentManx Gaelic (Esther, Jonah, Four Gospels)MaoriMyanmar/Burmse: Judson (1835)Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)Potawatomi: (Matthew, Acts) (Lykins, 1844)Romanian: CornilescuRussian: Synodal Translation (1876)Russian: Makarij Translation (Pentateuch) (1825)Scots Gaelic (Gospel of Mark)Swahili NTSwedish (1917)Tagalog: Ang Biblia (1905)Tamajaq PortionsTurkishUkrainian: NT (P.Kulish, 1871)Vietnamese (1934)XhosaNIV Live Audio:Featuring an ensemble cast of Oscar, Emmy and Grammy Awardwinnersand today's most renowned pastors, NIV Live gives a VOICE toall368 Bible characters. Over 6 hours of free audio for booksofGenesis and Matthew included. This scripted masterpiece letsyoulisten to and experience the Bible whenever and whereveryoudesire.LISTEN! THE BIBLE HAS A VOICEPresenting dramatic performances from a stellar cast thatincludesAcademy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Judas), two-timeEmmy Awardwinning actress and producer Patricia Heaton (MaryMagdalene), TonyAward nominated actor Norm Lewis (Solomon),Christopher Gorham(Jesus), Carlos Santos (Luke), Grammy Awardnominated singer andsongwriter Martha Munizzi (Abigail), PastorCraig Groeschel (Amos),Christine Lakin (Jezebel), Phil Crowley(Moses), Emmy Award winningproducer Pastor Miles McPherson(Ahlijah) and nine-time GrammyAward-winning singer and producerKirk Franklin (Peter), along withmany others.